133 research outputs found

    PHALANX: Expendable Projectile Sensor Networks for Planetary Exploration

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    Technologies enabling long-term, wide-ranging measurement in hard-to-reach areas are a critical need for planetary science inquiry. Phenomena of interest include flows or variations in volatiles, gas composition or concentration, particulate density, or even simply temperature. Improved measurement of these processes enables understanding of exotic geologies and distributions or correlating indicators of trapped water or biological activity. However, such data is often needed in unsafe areas such as caves, lava tubes, or steep ravines not easily reached by current spacecraft and planetary robots. To address this capability gap, we have developed miniaturized, expendable sensors which can be ballistically lobbed from a robotic rover or static lander - or even dropped during a flyover. These projectiles can perform sensing during flight and after anchoring to terrain features. By augmenting exploration systems with these sensors, we can extend situational awareness, perform long-duration monitoring, and reduce utilization of primary mobility resources, all of which are crucial in surface missions. We call the integrated payload that includes a cold gas launcher, smart projectiles, planning software, network discovery, and science sensing: PHALANX. In this paper, we introduce the mission architecture for PHALANX and describe an exploration concept that pairs projectile sensors with a rover mothership. Science use cases explored include reconnaissance using ballistic cameras, volatiles detection, and building timelapse maps of temperature and illumination conditions. Strategies to autonomously coordinate constellations of deployed sensors to self-discover and localize with peer ranging (i.e. a local GPS) are summarized, thus providing communications infrastructure beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) of the rover. Capabilities were demonstrated through both simulation and physical testing with a terrestrial prototype. The approach to developing a terrestrial prototype is discussed, including design of the launching mechanism, projectile optimization, micro-electronics fabrication, and sensor selection. Results from early testing and characterization of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components are reported. Nodes were subjected to successful burn-in tests over 48 hours at full logging duty cycle. Integrated field tests were conducted in the Roverscape, a half-acre planetary analog environment at NASA Ames, where we tested up to 10 sensor nodes simultaneously coordinating with an exploration rover. Ranging accuracy has been demonstrated to be within +/-10cm over 20m using commodity radios when compared to high-resolution laser scanner ground truthing. Evolution of the design, including progressive miniaturization of the electronics and iterated modifications of the enclosure housing for streamlining and optimized radio performance are described. Finally, lessons learned to date, gaps toward eventual flight mission implementation, and continuing future development plans are discussed

    Zigbee Based Home Automation and Agricultural Monitoring System A mesh networking approach for autonomous and manual system control

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    Today’s generation of electronic devices are more enhanced and capable than the previous ones with exciting changes in technology has seen to control a variety of home devices with the help of a home automation system. These devices can include lights, fans, doors, surveillance systems and consumer electronics. However along with the smartness and intuitiveness we want a system which is economic as well as low power consuming. ZigBee technology collects and monitors different types of measurements that reflect energy consumption and environment parameters. This paper details the designing of a protocol to monitor various environmental conditions in a home. We are using advanced technology of Micaz motes (which have their own routing capabilities), NESC language programming and Moteworks (used as a data acquisition platform)


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    The Internet of Things (IoT) touches almost every aspect of modern society and has changed the way people live, work, travel and, do business. Because of its importance, it is essential to ensure that an IoT system is performing well, as desired and expected, and that this can be assessed and managed with an adequate set of IoT performance metrics. The aim of this study was to systematically inventory and classifies recent studies that have investigated IoT metrics. We conducted a literature review based on studies published between January 2010 and December 2021 using a set of five research questions (RQs) on the current knowledge bases for IoT metrics. A total of 158 IoT metrics were identified and classified into 12 categories according to the different parts and aspects of an IoT system. To cover the overall performance of an IoT system, the 12 categories were organized into an ontology.  The findings results show that the category of network metrics was the most discussed in 43% of the studies and, with the highest number of metrics at 37%. This study can provide guidelines for researchers and practitioners in selecting metrics for IoT systems and valuable insights into areas for improvement and optimization. &nbsp

    Performance assessment for mountain bike based on WSN and Cloud Technologies

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    The mountain bike is one of the most used equipment’s in outdoor sports activities. The thesis describes the design and all development and implementation of Performance Assessment for Mountain Bike based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Cloud Technologies. The work presents a distributed sensing system for cycling assessment-providing data for objective evaluation of the athlete performance during training. Thus a wireless sensor network attached to the sport equipment provides to the athlete and the coach with performance values during practice. The sensors placed in biker equipment’s behave as nodes of a WSN. This is possible with the developing of IoT-based systems in sports, the tracking and monitoring of athletes in their activities has an important role on his formation as bikers and helps to increase performance, through the analyze of each session. The implemented system performs acquisition, processing and transmission, of data using a ZigBee wireless networks that provide also machine-to-machine communication and data storage in a server located in the cloud. As in many cycling applications use the phone as a module to get the values, this work will be a little different making use of phone/tablet to consult information. The information stored on the cloud server is accessed through a mobile application that analyses and correlates all metrics calculated using the training data obtained during practice. Additional information regarding the health status may be also considered. Therefore, the system permits that athletes perform an unlimited number of trainings that can be accessed at any time through the mobile application by the bikers and coach. Based on capability of the system to save a history of the evolution of each athlete during training the system permits to perform appropriate comparisons between different training sessions and different athlete’s performances.A bicicleta de montanha é um dos equipamentos para desportos no exterior mais usada. A tese descreve todo o desenho, desenvolvimento e implementação de Performance Assessment for Mountain Bike based on WSN and Cloud Technologies. Este apresenta um sistema de deteção distribuída para o aumento do desempenho, melhorar a metodologia da prática do ciclismo e para formação de atletas. Para tal foi desenvolvida e anexada uma rede de sensores que está embutida no equipamento do ciclista, através desta rede de sensores sem fios são obtidos os valores respetivos à interação do utilizador e a sua bicicleta, sendo estes apresentados ao treinador e ao próprio ciclista. Os sensores colocados comportam-se como nós de uma rede de sensores sem fios. Isso é possível com o desenvolvimento de sistemas baseados na Internet das coisas no desporto, a observação da movimentação e monitoramento de atletas nas suas atividades tem um papel importante na sua formação como ciclistas e ajuda a aumentar o desempenho. O sistema é baseado numa rede ZigBee sem fios, que permite a comunicação máquina-para-máquina e o armazenamento de dados num servidor localizado na nuvem. Toda a informação na nuvem pode ser acedida através de uma aplicação mobile que analisa e correlaciona todos os valores calculados usando os dados recolhidos durante o treino efetuado por cada ciclista. Como em muitas aplicações de ciclismo estas usam o telefone como um módulo para obter os valores, neste trabalho o caso é diferente fazendo o uso do telefone/tablet para apenas consultar as informações. Alguma informação sobre o ciclista é fornecida para poder efetuar alguns cálculos, relativos à saúde do ciclista, neste caso toda a energia gasta na prática de um determinado treino. Toda esta informação pode ser acedida através de uma aplicação Android e por consequência num dispositivo Android. Com a aplicação desenvolvida é possível observar e processar toda a informação recolhida através dos sensores implementados, a observação dos dados recolhidos pode ser efetuada pelo treinador responsável, como pelo próprio atleta. Portanto, o sistema permite a realização de um ilimitado número de sessões de treino, estes podem ser consultados a qualquer momento através da aplicação móvel. Fazendo com que seja possível manter um histórico da evolução de cada atleta, podendo assim observar e comparar cada sessão de treino, realizada por cada atleta

    Securing a UAV Using Features from an EEG Signal

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    This thesis focuses on an approach which entails the extraction of Beta component of the EEG (Electroencephalogram) signal of a user and uses his/her EEG beta data to generate a random AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption key. This Key is used to encrypt the communication between the UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicles) and the ground control station. UAVs have attracted both commercial and military organizations in recent years. The progress in this field has reached significant popularity, and the research has incorporated different areas from the scientific domain. UAV communication became a significant concern when an attack on a Predator UAV occurred in 2009, which allowed the hijackers to get the live video stream. Since a UAVs major function depend on its onboard auto pilot, it is important to harden the system against vulnerabilities. In this thesis, we propose a biometric system to encrypt the UAV communication by generating a key which is derived from Beta component of the EEG signal of a user. We have developed a safety mechanism that gets activated in case the communication of the UAV from the ground control station gets attacked. This system was validated on a commercial UAV under malicious attack conditions during which we implement a procedure where the UAV return safely to an initially deployed "home" position

    LoRaWAN Network for Fire Monitoring in Rural Environments

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    The number of forest fires that occurred in recent years in different parts of the world is causing increased concern in the population, as the consequences of these fires expand beyond the destruction of the ecosystem. However, with the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry, solutions for early fire detection should be developed. The assessment of the fire risk of an area and the communication of this fact to the population could reduce the number of fires originated by accident or due to the carelessness of the users. This paper presents a low-cost network based on Long Range (LoRa) technology to autonomously evaluate the level of fire risk and the presence of a forest fire in rural areas. The system is comprised of several LoRa nodes with sensors to measure the temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and CO2 of the environment. The data from the nodes is stored and processed in a The Things Network (TTN) server that sends the data to a website for the graphic visualization of the collected data. The system is tested in a real environment and, the results show that it is possible to cover a circular area of a radius of 4 km with a single gateway.This work was partially supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” through the “Ayudas para la adquisición de equipamiento científico-técnico, Subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigación y equipamiento científico-técnico (plan Estatal I+D+i 2017-2020)” (project EQC2018-004988-P), by Universidad de Granada through the “Programa de Proyectos de Investigación Precompetitivos para Jóvenes Investigadores. Modalidad A jóvenes Doctores” of “Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia 2019” (PPJIA2019.10), by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Global del Mar (CEI·Mar) through the “Ayudas Proyectos Jóvenes Investigadores CEI·Mar 2019”, (Project CEIJ-020), by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) (Project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR)