25 research outputs found

    Efficient Set Sharing Using ZBDDs

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    Set sharing is an abstract domain in which each concrete object is represented by the set of local variables from which it might be reachable. It is a useful abstraction to detect parallelism opportunities, since it contains definite information about which variables do not share in memory, i.e., about when the memory regions reachable from those variables are disjoint. Set sharing is a more precise alternative to pair sharing, in which each domain element is a set of all pairs of local variables from which a common object may be reachable. However, the exponential complexity of some set sharing operations has limited its wider application. This work introduces an efficient implementation of the set sharing domain using Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZBDDs). Because ZBDDs were designed to represent sets of combinations (i.e., sets of sets), they naturally represent elements of the set sharing domain. We show how to synthesize the operations needed in the set sharing transfer functions from basic ZBDD operations. For some of the operations, we devise custom ZBDD algorithms that perform better in practice. We also compare our implementation of the abstract domain with an efficient, compact, bit set-based alternative, and show that the ZBDD version scales better in terms of both memory usage and running time

    A Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram Approach for Constrained Path Enumeration

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    Combinatorial optimization over graphs has been the subject of research. Recently, the solution of such problems by enumeration using a compact data structure called the zero-suppressed binary decision diagram was proposed and studied. The paper augments the existing frontier-based search method of construction and puts forth a technique for accommodating additional constraints during computation. The shortest and longest path problems for the Osaka Metro transit network are simultaneously solved as demonstration. Furthermore, a comparison of the approach with a conventional integer programming method is presented towards justifying the effectiveness of the algorithm

    Decision Diagrams for Solving a Job Scheduling Problem Under Precedence Constraints

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    We consider a job scheduling problem under precedence constraints, a classical problem for a single processor and multiple jobs to be done. The goal is, given processing time of n fixed jobs and precedence constraints over jobs, to find a permutation of n jobs that minimizes the total flow time, i.e., the sum of total wait time and processing times of all jobs, while satisfying the precedence constraints. The problem is an integer program and is NP-hard in general. We propose a decision diagram pi-MDD, for solving the scheduling problem exactly. Our diagram is suitable for solving linear optimization over permutations with precedence constraints. We show the effectiveness of our approach on the experiments on large scale artificial scheduling problems

    Concerning a Decision-Diagram-Based Solution to the Generalized Directed Rural Postman Problem

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    Decision-diagram-based solutions for discrete optimization have been persistently studied. Among these is the use of the zero-suppressed binary decision diagram, a compact graph-based representation for a specified family of sets. Such a diagram may work out combinatorial problems by efficient enumeration. In brief, an extension to the frontierbased search approach for zero-suppressed binary decision diagram construction is proposed. The modification allows for the inclusion of a class-determined constraint in formulation. Variations of the generalized directed rural postman problem, proven to be nondeterministic polynomial-time hard, are solved on some rapid transit systems as illustration. Lastly, results are juxtaposed against standard integer programming in establishing the relative superiority of the new technique

    Exploiting Asymmetry in Logic Puzzles: Using ZDDs for Symbolic Model Checking Dynamic Epistemic Logic

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    Binary decision diagrams (BDDs) are widely used to mitigate the state-explosion problem in model checking. A variation of BDDs are Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams (ZDDs) which omit variables that must be false, instead of omitting variables that do not matter. We use ZDDs to symbolically encode Kripke models used in Dynamic Epistemic Logic, a framework to reason about knowledge and information dynamics in multi-agent systems. We compare the memory usage of different ZDD variants for three well-known examples from the literature: the Muddy Children, the Sum and Product puzzle and the Dining Cryptographers. Our implementation is based on the existing model checker SMCDEL and the CUDD library. Our results show that replacing BDDs with the right variant of ZDDs can significantly reduce memory usage. This suggests that ZDDs are a useful tool for model checking multi-agent systems.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2023, arXiv:2307.0400

    The Relative Isolation Probability of a Vertex in a Multiple-Source Edge-Weighted Graph

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    Various measures that characterize graphs exist in literature. Insights into the properties of a graph as a whole and its components are revealed largely through graph measures, also called graph metrics. In seeking to interpret a consequential edge metric from a vertex-centric perspective, the paper advances an original measure – the relative isolation probability of a vertex. Concisely, the probability of relative isolation pertains to the likelihood of a vertex to be disconnected from all designated source vertices in a graph with probability-weighted edges. A two-step algorithm for efficient calculation is presented and evaluated. Contained within the procedure is a Monte Carlo simulation and the use of a compact data structure called the zero-suppressed binary decision diagram, efficiently constructed through the frontier-based search. The novel measure is then computed for a diverse set of graphs, serving as benchmark for the proposed method. In closing, case studies on real-world networks are performed to ensure the consistency of the experimental with the actual

    Partially-shared zero-suppressed multi-terminal BDDs: concept, algorithms and applications

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    Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams (MTBDDs) are a well accepted technique for the state graph (SG) based quantitative analysis of large and complex systems specified by means of high-level model description techniques. However, this type of Decision Diagram (DD) is not always the best choice, since finite functions with small satisfaction sets, and where the fulfilling assignments possess many 0-assigned positions, may yield relatively large MTBDD based representations. Therefore, this article introduces zero-suppressed MTBDDs and proves that they are canonical representations of multi-valued functions on finite input sets. For manipulating DDs of this new type, possibly defined over different sets of function variables, the concept of partially-shared zero-suppressed MTBDDs and respective algorithms are developed. The efficiency of this new approach is demonstrated by comparing it to the well-known standard type of MTBDDs, where both types of DDs have been implemented by us within the C++-based DD-package JINC. The benchmarking takes place in the context of Markovian analysis and probabilistic model checking of systems. In total, the presented work extends existing approaches, since it not only allows one to directly employ (multi-terminal) zero-suppressed DDs in the field of quantitative verification, but also clearly demonstrates their efficienc