10 research outputs found

    CSM-361 - A Logic for Schema-based Program Development

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    We show how a theory of specification refinement and program development can be constructed as a conservative extension of our existing logic for Z. The resulting system can be set up as a development method for Z, or as a generalisation of a refinement calculus (with a novel semantics). In addition to the technical development we illustrate how the theory can be used in practice

    Fault-based refinement-testing for CSP

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    Laws of mission-based programming

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    Invariant discovery and refinement plans for formal modelling in Event-B

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    The continuous growth of complex systems makes the development of correct software increasingly challenging. In order to address this challenge, formal methods o er rigorous mathematical techniques to model and verify the correctness of systems. Refinement is one of these techniques. By allowing a developer to incrementally introduce design details, refinement provides a powerful mechanism for mastering the complexities that arise when formally modelling systems. Here the focus is on a posit-and-prove style of refinement, where a design is developed as a series of abstract models introduced via refinement steps. Each refinement step generates proof obligations which must be discharged in order to verify its correctness – typically requiring a user to understand the relationship between modelling and reasoning. This thesis focuses on techniques to aid refinement-based formal modelling, specifically, when a user requires guidance in order to overcome a failed refinement step. An integrated approach has been followed: combining the complementary strengths of bottomup theory formation, in which theories about domains are built based on basic background information; and top-down planning, in which meta-level reasoning is used to guide the search for correct models. On the theory formation perspective, we developed a technique for the automatic discovery of invariants. Refinement requires the definition of properties, called invariants, which relate to the design. Formulating correct and meaningful invariants can be tedious and a challenging task. A heuristic approach to the automatic discovery of invariants has been developed building upon simulation, proof-failure analysis and automated theory formation. This approach exploits the close interplay between modelling and reasoning in order to provide systematic guidance in tailoring the search for invariants for a given model. On the planning perspective, we propose a new technique called refinement plans. Refinement plans provide a basis for automatically generating modelling guidance when a step fails but is close to a known pattern of refinement. This technique combines both modelling and reasoning knowledge, and, contrary to traditional pattern techniques, allow the analysis of failure and partial matching. Moreover, when the guidance is only partially instantiated, and it is suitable, refinement plans provide specialised knowledge to further tailor the theory formation process in an attempt to fully instantiate the guidance. We also report on a series of experiments undertaken in order to evaluate the approaches and on the implementation of both techniques into prototype tools. We believe the techniques presented here allow the developer to focus on design decisions rather than on analysing low-level proof failures

    A rigorous approach to combining use case modelling and accident scenarios

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    Nearly all serious accidents, in the past twenty years, in which software has been involved can be traced to requirements flaws. Accidents related to or involving safety-critical systems often lead to significant damage to life, property, and environment in which the systems operate. This thesis explores an extension to use case modelling that allows safety concerns to be modelled early in the systems development process. This motivation comes from interaction with systems and safety engineers who routinely rely upon use case modelling during the early stages of defining and analysing system behaviour. The approach of embedded formal methods is adopted. That is, we use one discipline of use case modelling to guide the development of a formal model. This enables a greater precision and formal assurance when reasoning about concerns identified by system and safety engineers as well as the subsequent changes made at the level of use case modelling. The chosen formal method is Event-B, which is re nement based and has consequently enabled the approach to exploit a natural abstractions found within use case modelling. This abstraction of the problem found within use cases help introduce their behaviour into the Event-B model via step-wise re nement. The central ideas underlying this thesis are implemented in, UC-B, a tool support for modelling use cases on the Rodin platform (an eclipse-based development environment for Event-B). UC-B allows the specification of the use cases to be detailed with both informal and formal notation, and supports the automatic generation of an Event-B model given a formally specified use case. Several case studies of use cases with accident cases are provided, with their formalisation in Event-B supported by UC-B tool. An examination of the translation from use cases to Event-B model is discussed, along with the subsequent verification provided by Event-B to the use case model

    Reasoning about correctness properties of a coordination programming language

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    Safety critical systems place additional requirements to the programming language used to implement them with respect to traditional environments. Examples of features that in uence the suitability of a programming language in such environments include complexity of de nitions, expressive power, bounded space and time and veri ability. Hume is a novel programming language with a design which targets the rst three of these, in some ways, contradictory features: fully expressive languages cannot guarantee bounds on time and space, and low-level languages which can guarantee space and time bounds are often complex and thus error-phrone. In Hume, this contradiction is solved by a two layered architecture: a high-level fully expressive language, is built on top of a low-level coordination language which can guarantee space and time bounds. This thesis explores the veri cation of Hume programs. It targets safety properties, which are the most important type of correctness properties, of the low-level coordination language, which is believed to be the most error-prone. Deductive veri cation in Lamport's temporal logic of actions (TLA) is utilised, in turn validated through algorithmic experiments. This deductive veri cation is mechanised by rst embedding TLA in the Isabelle theorem prover, and then embedding Hume on top of this. Veri cation of temporal invariants is explored in this setting. In Hume, program transformation is a key feature, often required to guarantee space and time bounds of high-level constructs. Veri cation of transformations is thus an integral part of this thesis. The work with both invariant veri cation, and in particular, transformation veri cation, has pinpointed several weaknesses of the Hume language. Motivated and in uenced by this, an extension to Hume, called Hierarchical Hume, is developed and embedded in TLA. Several case studies of transformation and invariant veri cation of Hierarchical Hume in Isabelle are conducted, and an approach towards a calculus for transformations is examined.James Watt ScholarshipEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Platform grant GR/SO177

    Model Checking of State-Rich Formalisms (By Linking to Combination of State-based Formalism and Process Algebra)

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    Computer-based systems are becoming more and more complex. It is really a grand challenge to assure the dependability of these systems with the growing complexity, especially for high integrity and safety critical systems that require extremely high dependability. Circus, as a formal language, is designed to tackle this problem by providing precision preservation and correctness assurance. It is a combination of Z, CSP, refinement calculus and Dijkstra's guarded commands. A main objective of Circus is to provide calculational style refinement that differentiates itself from other integrated formal methods. Looseness, which is introduced from constants and uninitialised state space in Circus, and nondeterminism, which is introduced from disjunctive operations and CSP operators, make model checking of Circus more difficult than that of sole CSP or Z. Current approaches have a number of disadvantages like nondeterminism and divergence information loss, abstraction deterioration, and no appropriate tools to support automation. In this thesis, we present a new approach to model-check state-rich formalisms by linking them to a combination of a state-based formalism and a process algebra. Specifically, the approach illustrated in this thesis is to model-check Circus by linking to CSP || B. Eventually, we can use ProB, a model checker for B, Event-B, and CSP || B etc., to check the resultant CSP || B model. A formal link from Circus to CSP || B is defined in our work. Our link solution is to rewrite Circus models first to make all interactions between the state part and the behavioural part of Circus only through schema expressions, then translate the state part and the behavioural part to B and CSP respectively. In addition, since the semantics of Circus is based on Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP), in order to prove the soundness of our link, we also give UTP semantics to CSP || B. Finally, because both ends of the link have their semantics defined in UTP, they are comparable. Furthermore, in order to support an automatic translation process, a translator is developed. It has supported almost all constructs defined in the link though with some limitations. Finally, three case studies are illustrated to show the usability of our model checking solution as well as limitations. The bounded reactive buffer is a typical Circus example. By our model checking approach, basic properties like deadlock freedom and divergence freedom for both the specification and the implementation with a small buffer size have been verified. In addition, the implementation has been verified to be a refinement of the specification in terms of traces and failures. Afterwards, in the Electronic Shelf Edge Label (ESEL) case study, we demonstrate how to use Circus to model different development stages of systems from the specification to two more specific systems. We have verified basic properties and sequential refinements of three models as well as three application related properties. Similarly, only the systems with a limited number of ESELs are verified. Finally, we present the steam boiler case study. It is a real and industrial control system problem. Though our solution cannot model check the steam boiler model completely due to its large state space, our solution still proves its benefits. Through our model checking approach, we have found a substantial number of errors from the original Circus solution. Then with counterexamples during animation and model checking, we have corrected all these found errors

    Ahead-of-Time Algebraic Compilation for Safety-Critical Java

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    In recent years Java has been increasingly considered as a language for safety-critical embedded systems. However, some features of Java are unsuitable for such systems. This has resulted in the creation of Safety-Critical Java (SCJ), which facilitates the development of certifiable real-time and embedded Java programs. SCJ uses different scheduling and memory management models to standard Java, so it requires a specialised virtual machine (SCJVM). A common approach is to compile Java bytecode program to a native language, usually C, ahead-of-time for greater performance on low-resource embedded systems. Given the safety-critical nature of the applications, it must be ensured that the virtual machine is correct. However, so far, formal verification has not been applied to any SCJVM. This thesis contributes to the formal verification of SCJVMs that utilise ahead-of-time compilation by presenting a verification of compilation from Java bytecode to C. The approach we adopt is an adaptation of the algebraic approach developed by Sampaio and Hoare. We start with a formal specification of an SCJVM executing the bytecodes of a program, and transform it, through the application of proven compilation rules, to a representation of the target C code. Thus, our contributions are a formal specification of an SCJVM, a set of compilation rules with proofs, and a strategy for applying those compilation rules. Our compilation strategy can be used as the basis for an implementation of an ahead-of-time compiling SCJVM, or verification of an existing implementation. Additionally, our formal model of an SCJVM may be used as a specification for creating an interpreting SCJVM. To ensure the applicability of our results, we base our work on icecap, the only currently available SCJVM that is open source and up-to-date with the SCJ standard

    ZRC - A Refinement Calculus for Z

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