9 research outputs found

    YACCLAB - Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark

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    The problem of labeling the connected components (CCL) of a binary image is well-defined and several proposals have been presented in the past. Since an exact solution to the problem exists and should be mandatory provided as output, algorithms mainly differ on their execution speed. In this paper, we propose and describe YACCLAB, Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark. Together with a rich and varied dataset, YACCLAB contains an open source platform to test new proposals and to compare them with publicly available competitors. Textual and graphical outputs are automatically generated for three kinds of test, which analyze the methods from different perspectives. The fairness of the comparisons is guaranteed by running on the same system and over the same datasets. Examples of usage and the corresponding comparisons among state-of-the-art techniques are reported to confirm the potentiality of the benchmark

    Connected Components Labeling on DRAGs: Implementation and Reproducibility Notes

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    In this paper we describe the algorithmic implementation details of "Connected Components Labeling on DRAGs'' (Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs), studying the influence of parameters on the results. Moreover, a detailed description of how to install, setup and use YACCLAB (Yet Another Connected Components LAbeling Benchmark) to test DRAG is provided

    Towards Reliable Experiments on the Performance of Connected Components Labeling Algorithms

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    The problem of labeling the connected components of a binary image is well-defined and several proposals have been presented in the past. Since an exact solution to the problem exists, algorithms mainly differ on their execution speed. In this paper, we propose and describe YACCLAB, Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark. Together with a rich and varied dataset, YACCLAB contains an open source platform to test new proposals and to compare them with publicly available competitors. Textual and graphical outputs are automatically generated for many kinds of tests, which analyze the methods from different perspectives. An extensive set of experiments among state-of-the-art techniques is reported and discussed

    Parallel Image Processing Using a Pure Topological Framework

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    Image processing is a fundamental operation in many real time applications, where lots of parallelism can be extracted. Segmenting the image into different connected components is the most known operations, but there are many others like extracting the region adjacency graph (RAG) of these regions, or searching for features points, being invariant to rotations, scales, brilliant changes, etc. Most of these algorithms part from the basis of Tracing-type approaches or scan/raster methods. This fact necessarily implies a data dependence between the processing of one pixel and the previous one, which prevents using a pure parallel approach. In terms of time complexity, this means that linear order O(N) (N being the number of pixels) cannot be cut down. In this paper, we describe a novel approach based on the building of a pure Topological framework, which allows to implement fully parallel algorithms. Concerning topological analysis, a first stage is computed in parallel for every pixel, thus conveying the local neighboring conditions. Then, they are extended in a second parallel stage to the necessary global relations (e.g. to join all the pixels of a connected component). This combinatorial optimization process can be seen as the compression of the whole image to just one pixel. Using this final representation, every region can be related with the rest, which yields to pure topological construction of other image operations. Besides, complex data structures can be avoided: all the processing can be done using matrixes (with the same indexation as the original image) and element-wise operations. The time complexity order of our topological approach for a m×n pixel image is near O(log(m+n)), under the assumption that a processing element exists for each pixel. Results for a multicore processor show very good scalability until the memory bandwidth bottleneck is reached, both for bigger images and for much optimized implementations. The inherent parallelism of our approach points to the direction that even better results will be obtained in other less classical computing architectures.1Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) TEC2012-37868-C04-02AEI/FEDER (UE) MTM2016-81030-PVPPI of the University of Sevill

    Computing the Component-Labeling and the Adjacency Tree of a Binary Digital Image in Near Logarithmic-Time

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    Connected component labeling (CCL) of binary images is one of the fundamental operations in real time applications. The adjacency tree (AdjT) of the connected components offers a region-based representation where each node represents a region which is surrounded by another region of the opposite color. In this paper, a fully parallel algorithm for computing the CCL and AdjT of a binary digital image is described and implemented, without the need of using any geometric information. The time complexity order for an image of m Ă— n pixels under the assumption that a processing element exists for each pixel is near O(log(m+ n)). Results for a multicore processor show a very good scalability until the so-called memory bandwidth bottleneck is reached. The inherent parallelism of our approach points to the direction that even better results will be obtained in other less classical computing architectures.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-PMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Efficient Source Finding for Radio Interferometric Images

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    Object detection in astronomical images, generically referred to as source finding, is often performed before the object characterisation stage in astrophysical processing work flows. In radio astronomy, source finding has historically been performed by bespoke off-line systems; however, modern data acquisition systems as well as those proposed for upcoming observatories such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), will make this approach unfeasible. One area where a change of approach is particularly necessary is in the design of fast imaging systems for transient studies. This paper presents a number of advances in accelerating and automating the source finding in such systems.Comment: submitted to Astronomy & Computin

    Kidney and tumor segmentation using an ensemble of deep neural networks

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    For the segmentation of kidney and tumor task, we propose a two stages model that consists of several classification networks and segmentation models. The first stage is the foreground and background classification subnetwork, this stage is to recognize whether there are kidneys or tumors on images, so we propose a classification model called RD-Net which can effectively reduce the errors caused by a large of background images and improve the efficiency of the whole segmentation results. The second stage is the segmentation model used to predict the contour of the target (kidney or tumor). Therefore, we propose Att-ResUnet model and multi-scale ensemble of postprocessing methods used to integrate the predicted results of multiple models, so as to improve the accuracy of prediction results

    Optical Music Recognition

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    Diplomová práce specifikuje digitální metody optického rozpoznávání notového záznamu s podrobnou analýzou metod založených na odstranění notových linek a vytvoření testovacího programu, který automaticky převede obrázky zapsané v notovém zápisu na digitální formát. Tato práce shrnuje poznatky jak z rešeršní, tak z praktické části. V rešeršní části jsou popsány stěžejní kapitoly jako architektura OMR zahrnující processing, klasifikace symbolů, postprocessing a další. Praktická část diplomové práce prezentuje výsledky vývoje a testování navržené aplikace.The diploma thesis specifies digital methods of optical recognition of a notation, by detailed analysis of methods based on removal of notation lines and creation of a test program which automatically converts the images written in the notation into digital format. This work summarizes the knowledge from the research and practical part. In the research section, key chapters are described as OMR architecture, including processing, symbol classification, postprocessing, and more. The practical part of the thesis presents the results of the development and testing of the proposed application.