8 research outputs found

    Investigating how business process ambidexterity facilitates business-IT alignment in public sector organizations

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    In today’s world of digital transformation and global hyper-competition the need for organizations to manage and innovate their Business Processes in both incremental and disruptive ways is greater than ever, both for private and public organizations. The nascent concept of Business Process Ambidexterity (balancing process exploitation and exploration) has been receiving a growing interest in the academia, and my research aims to address three research gaps: (1) the conceptualization of Business Process Ambidexterity and guidance on its implementation; (2) its impact on business-IT alignment, and (3) the specific contingency factors of Business Process Ambidexterity in the public sector. I will address these gaps through a research plan, covering a large-scale survey, extreme case research, Delphi study and design science research. At this stage I have completed a Systematic Literature Review of Business Process Ambidexterity, and I am preparing the next steps of my research

    Factores para la implementación de una Arquitectura Cloud Computing desde la Gestión Empresarial (ERP) y Modelos de Procesos de Negocio (BPM)

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    The research is developed in response to the need to study the relationships of enterprise resource management and its planning by the requirements and execution for implementation in a business management system (ERP) with Cloud Computing architecture for the business model of a company in the field of industrial processes. It was carried out by a documentary analysis, measurements and evaluations on the basis of the contractual services for availability, compliance with the corporate parameters defined by the initial, explored and implemented business process designs, as population and units of analysis, documents and analytical references of the projects, and functionality in the work areas.  The highest values were specified, of investment in consultancy for the implementation of investment in consultancy for the implementation with 55.10% of the initial budget, but in the execution the representation decreases in -2%, in the same way the behaviour of the licence service by subscription is analysed, which determines a 22. 35% for additional payroll as a percentage of the total budget, but which suffers a percentage variation decreased by -5.25%, the participation by reasonableness of these items, indicates decreases, however increases are observed in services for consulting and management of requirements of the IT area with increases of 3.40% and 1.09% respectively.Se desarrolla la investigación ante la necesidad de estudiar las relaciones de la gestión por recursos empresariales y su planificación por los requerimientos y ejecución para implementación en un sistema de gestión empresarial (ERP) con arquitectura Cloud Computing para el modelo de negocio de una empresa del rubro de procesos industriales. Se realizó por un análisis documental, las mediciones y evaluaciones que tiene como base los servicios contractuales para la disponibilidad, los cumplimientos de los parámetros corporativos definidos por los diseños de procesos de negocio iniciales, explorados e implementados, como población y unidades de análisis, los documentos y referencias analíticas de los proyectos, y funcionalidad en las áreas de trabajo.  Se especificó los mayores valores, de inversión en consultoría para la implementación inversión en consultoría para la implementación con un 55.10% del presupuesto inicial, pero en la ejecución la representación disminuye en -2%, de igual forma se analiza el comportamiento el servicio de licencia por suscripción, que determina un 22.35% por planilla adicional como porcentaje del presupuesto total, pero que sufre una variación porcentual decrementada en un -5.25%, la participación por razonabilidad de estos ítems, indica decrementos, sin embargo se observa incrementos en servicios para la consultoría y la gestión de requerimientos del área de TI con incrementos del 3.40% y 1.09% respectivamente

    Identification of Critical Business Processes: A Proposed Novel Approach

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    Critical Business Processes (CBPs) are processes that are crucial to the financial stability and operations of an organisation. This paper focuses on surveying the literature, while presenting a critical synthesis of the findings of previous studies on CBPs. The paper seeks to extensively and critically review the current literature to understand state-of-the-art methods and key research gap for CBP identification. While this paper targets the process of identifying the gap in literature, it helps in finding out what is needed for mitigating it, motivating the future researches in this area, and pushing the boundary between human and machine interaction in key strategic decisions for organisations along with security implications

    Business process management: Conceptual framework and application

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    Recent literature published by some practitioners, consultants, and researchers in the area of Business Process Management (BPM) identified that BPM is a new and emerging field of research and practice. The objective of this paper is to identify the conceptual framework of BPM, identify if connections exist with prior process improvement concepts such as Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Business Process Improvement (BPI), and apply BPM in a case study to determine the effectiveness of the current methodology. An extensive literature review was conducted, identifying multiple similarities between BPM and prior process improvement concepts, suggesting an evolving nature of the concept. The BPM methodology was then applied in a controlled case study, identifying a major inefficiency in the methodology. The findings of this paper are useful to researchers, educators, students, and managers to understand the evolution of BPM, and determine how it can be applied

    Towards an agile methodology for industrial problem solving

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    In order to survive to the unstable and highly changing market-place, modern organisations need to adapt their business processes to be more agile. Such is, particularly, the case of problem solving processes. Problem solving is a key activity that companies perform on a daily basis to improve quality and to obtain sustainable and continuous improvement. Such processes are built following standard rigid frameworks as Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA), Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC), or 8 Disciplines (8D)/ 9 Steps (9S). In these methods, the generalization and reuse of knowledge is facilitated by standardization. However, it is sometimes difficult to react to unexpected events due to over-constrained standards. Then, a need arises to define a problem solving process sufficiently structured but not over constrained by standards, which can be reconfigured and adapted to unexpected situations, and that is based on experience feedback principles. This thesis work describes a proposition of an agile problem solving process driven by the reuse of experiences and knowledge. For this purpose, based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) principles, the complete lifecycle of an agile problem solving process is proposed. Following the five steps that compose the agile lifecycle, the agile process can be defined, executed and stored in a dedicated knowledge and experience base. An application of the model to a specific problem solving process of a surface treatment company is presented. The process is analysed, deploying the complete agile lifecycle. It is shown how the standard problem solving method used within the company could become more agile through the application of our method

    Strategies to Manage Enterprise Information Technology Projects

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    Since 2005, most midsize company information technology (IT) projects had a 62.4% failure rate because of wrong project team communication skills or cost overruns. IT leaders expect negative IT project outcomes will cost over $2 billion by 2020. Using the actor-network theory, the purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies used by IT leaders from a midsize IT company in Washington, D.C. to plan and execute projects under budget and on time. Using purposeful sampling, 5 IT leaders were selected for this study because of their experience in implementing successful strategies for projects. Data were collected using face-to-face semistructured interviews, company documentation, and internal organizational risk reports. Yin\u27s 5-step process was used for data analysis to compile, disassemble, reassemble, interpret, and conclude the data. The interpretation of data, subjected to methodological triangulation and member checking to strengthen the dependability and credibility of the findings, yielded 3 themes of IT leader communication skills: IT leader strategy, IT leader knowledge, and implementation of cost savings. The findings indicated that IT leaders serve as the key actors in the IT project network, and leader communication skills are essential for implementing strategies for IT project completion and cost savings. With this knowledge, IT leaders can implement strategies to plan and execute projects under budget and on time. The implications for a positive social change includes the potential for IT leaders to reduce project production waste and contribute to economic expansion

    Modelação de Processos Aplicável à Verticalização de uma Solução de Software de Gestão Documental

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    Na presente dissertação em Ciência da Informação é exposto o projeto desenvolvido em ambiente empresarial sob o título "Modelação de Processos Aplicável à Verticalização de uma Solução de Software de Gestão Documental", tendo como entidade acolhedora a IPBRICK, S.A.Esta é uma empresa que tem procurado desenvolver junto dos seus clientes iniciativas que visam responder à diversidade dos setores de atividade que representam e à necessidade de apostar em abordagens integradas da gestão da informação organizacional, nomeadamente através da otimização e melhoria contínua de soluções já implantadas no mercado e da simplificação dos respetivos processos de instalação e implementação, incorporando nova tecnologia, bem como conhecimento e experiência desenvolvidos.O problema em foco insere-se no âmbito da Gestão da Informação organizacional no contexto da implementação de sistemas de Gestão Documental e de ferramentas de Gestão de Workflow que, no presente contexto, integram o produto iPortaldoc. O principal objetivo a atingir consiste na operacionalização de um Sistema de Gestão Documental (SGD) verticalizável, intuitivo e direcionado a organizações do sector privado.Para criar um equilíbrio entre a teoria e a prática procedeu-se a uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática, seguida do desenvolvimento de atividades que se centraram no acompanhamento e análise de projetos de implementação em diferentes clientes (novos e já existentes), na análise dos comportamentos de uso dos módulos e funcionalidades do iPortalDoc, na modelação de processos de negócio em cenários de verticalização e no ciclo de desenvolvimento de software e testes, tendo ainda em conta os requisitos de desmaterialização da informação.Na perspetiva do fluxo infocomunicacional atendeu-se às fases de captura/produção, fluxo, organização, armazenamento e uso da informação, bem como à análise e modelação dos processos organizacionais subjacentes, perspetivando-se a utilização da tecnologia (hardware e software) como infraestrutura de suporte às mesmas. Este é um projeto que reflete a evolução a que se tem vindo a assistir na GI e que a empresa tem acompanhado entrecruzando-se domínios como: o Enterprise Content Management (ECM); o Electronic Document Management (EDM) e a ISO 12651; o Electronic Records Management (ERM) e a ISO 16175; os Records and Information Management Systems (RIMS) e a ISO 15489; e os Management System for Records (MSR) e a ISO 30300. Propiciou, ainda, a aplicação e consolidação dos conhecimentos e competências adquiridas e desenvolvidas durante o Mestrado em Ciência da Informação proporcionando uma nova experiência laboral, em contexto empresarial

    Working with the Business Process Management (BPM) Life Cycle

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