143 research outputs found

    Chameleon: A Secure Cloud-Enabled and Queryable System with Elastic Properties

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    There are two dominant themes that have become increasingly more important in our technological society. First, the recurrent use of cloud-based solutions which provide infrastructures, computation platforms and storage as services. Secondly, the use of applicational large logs for analytics and operational monitoring in critical systems. Moreover, auditing activities, debugging of applications and inspection of events generated by errors or potential unexpected operations - including those generated as alerts by intrusion detection systems - are common situations where extensive logs must be analyzed, and easy access is required. More often than not, a part of the generated logs can be deemed as sensitive, requiring a privacy-enhancing and queryable solution. In this dissertation, our main goal is to propose a novel approach of storing encrypted critical data in an elastic and scalable cloud-based storage, focusing on handling JSONbased ciphered documents. To this end, we make use of Searchable and Homomorphic Encryption methods to allow operations on the ciphered documents. Additionally, our solution allows for the user to be near oblivious to our system’s internals, providing transparency while in use. The achieved end goal is a unified middleware system capable of providing improved system usability, privacy, and rich querying over the data. This previously mentioned objective is addressed while maintaining server-side auditable logs, allowing for searchable capabilities by the log owner or authorized users, with integrity and authenticity proofs. Our proposed solution, named Chameleon, provides rich querying facilities on ciphered data - including conjunctive keyword, ordering correlation and boolean queries - while supporting field searching and nested aggregations. The aforementioned operations allow our solution to provide data analytics upon ciphered JSON documents, using Elasticsearch as our storage and search engine.O uso recorrente de soluções baseadas em nuvem tornaram-se cada vez mais importantes na nossa sociedade. Tais soluções fornecem infraestruturas, computação e armazenamento como serviços, para alem do uso de logs volumosos de sistemas e aplicações para análise e monitoramento operacional em sistemas críticos. Atividades de auditoria, debugging de aplicações ou inspeção de eventos gerados por erros ou possíveis operações inesperadas - incluindo alertas por sistemas de detecção de intrusão - são situações comuns onde logs extensos devem ser analisados com facilidade. Frequentemente, parte dos logs gerados podem ser considerados confidenciais, exigindo uma solução que permite manter a confidencialidades dos dados durante procuras. Nesta dissertação, o principal objetivo é propor uma nova abordagem de armazenar logs críticos num armazenamento elástico e escalável baseado na cloud. A solução proposta suporta documentos JSON encriptados, fazendo uso de Searchable Encryption e métodos de criptografia homomórfica com provas de integridade e autenticação. O objetivo alcançado é um sistema de middleware unificado capaz de fornecer privacidade, integridade e autenticidade, mantendo registos auditáveis do lado do servidor e permitindo pesquisas pelo proprietário dos logs ou usuários autorizados. A solução proposta, Chameleon, visa fornecer recursos de consulta atuando em cima de dados cifrados - incluindo queries conjuntivas, de ordenação e booleanas - suportando pesquisas de campo e agregações aninhadas. As operações suportadas permitem à nossa solução suportar data analytics sobre documentos JSON cifrados, utilizando o Elasticsearch como armazenamento e motor de busca

    A Survey on Design and Implementation of Protected Searchable Data in the Cloud

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    While cloud computing has exploded in popularity in recent years thanks to the potential efficiency and cost savings of outsourcing the storage and management of data and applications, a number of vulnerabilities that led to multiple attacks have deterred many potential users. As a result, experts in the field argued that new mechanisms are needed in order to create trusted and secure cloud services. Such mechanisms would eradicate the suspicion of users towards cloud computing by providing the necessary security guarantees. Searchable Encryption is among the most promising solutions - one that has the potential to help offer truly secure and privacy-preserving cloud services. We start this paper by surveying the most important searchable encryption schemes and their relevance to cloud computing. In light of this analysis we demonstrate the inefficiencies of the existing schemes and expand our analysis by discussing certain confidentiality and privacy issues. Further, we examine how to integrate such a scheme with a popular cloud platform. Finally, we have chosen - based on the findings of our analysis - an existing scheme and implemented it to review its practical maturity for deployment in real systems. The survey of the field, together with the analysis and with the extensive experimental results provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical and practical aspects of searchable encryption

    Secure Remote Storage of Logs with Search Capabilities

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaAlong side with the use of cloud-based services, infrastructure and storage, the use of application logs in business critical applications is a standard practice nowadays. Such application logs must be stored in an accessible manner in order to used whenever needed. The debugging of these applications is a common situation where such access is required. Frequently, part of the information contained in logs records is sensitive. This work proposes a new approach of storing critical logs in a cloud-based storage recurring to searchable encryption, inverted indexing and hash chaining techniques to achieve, in a unified way, the needed privacy, integrity and authenticity while maintaining server side searching capabilities by the logs owner. The designed search algorithm enables conjunctive keywords queries plus a fine-grained search supported by field searching and nested queries, which are essential in the referred use case. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed solution is also the first to introduce a query language that enables complex conjunctive keywords and a fine-grained search backed by field searching and sub queries.A gerac¸ ˜ao de logs em aplicac¸ ˜oes e a sua posterior consulta s˜ao fulcrais para o funcionamento de qualquer neg´ocio ou empresa. Estes logs podem ser usados para eventuais ac¸ ˜oes de auditoria, uma vez que estabelecem uma baseline das operac¸ ˜oes realizadas. Servem igualmente o prop´ osito de identificar erros, facilitar ac¸ ˜oes de debugging e diagnosticar bottlennecks de performance. Tipicamente, a maioria da informac¸ ˜ao contida nesses logs ´e considerada sens´ıvel. Quando estes logs s˜ao armazenados in-house, as considerac¸ ˜oes relacionadas com anonimizac¸ ˜ao, confidencialidade e integridade s˜ao geralmente descartadas. Contudo, com o advento das plataformas cloud e a transic¸ ˜ao quer das aplicac¸ ˜oes quer dos seus logs para estes ecossistemas, processos de logging remotos, seguros e confidenciais surgem como um novo desafio. Adicionalmente, regulac¸ ˜ao como a RGPD, imp˜oe que as instituic¸ ˜oes e empresas garantam o armazenamento seguro dos dados. A forma mais comum de garantir a confidencialidade consiste na utilizac¸ ˜ao de t ´ecnicas criptogr ´aficas para cifrar a totalidade dos dados anteriormente `a sua transfer ˆencia para o servidor remoto. Caso sejam necess´ arias capacidades de pesquisa, a abordagem mais simples ´e a transfer ˆencia de todos os dados cifrados para o lado do cliente, que proceder´a `a sua decifra e pesquisa sobre os dados decifrados. Embora esta abordagem garanta a confidencialidade e privacidade dos dados, rapidamente se torna impratic ´avel com o crescimento normal dos registos de log. Adicionalmente, esta abordagem n˜ao faz uso do potencial total que a cloud tem para oferecer. Com base nesta tem´ atica, esta tese prop˜oe o desenvolvimento de uma soluc¸ ˜ao de armazenamento de logs operacionais de forma confidencial, integra e autˆ entica, fazendo uso das capacidades de armazenamento e computac¸ ˜ao das plataformas cloud. Adicionalmente, a possibilidade de pesquisa sobre os dados ´e mantida. Essa pesquisa ´e realizada server-side diretamente sobre os dados cifrados e sem acesso em momento algum a dados n˜ao cifrados por parte do servidor..

    Data Service Outsourcing and Privacy Protection in Mobile Internet

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    Mobile Internet data have the characteristics of large scale, variety of patterns, and complex association. On the one hand, it needs efficient data processing model to provide support for data services, and on the other hand, it needs certain computing resources to provide data security services. Due to the limited resources of mobile terminals, it is impossible to complete large-scale data computation and storage. However, outsourcing to third parties may cause some risks in user privacy protection. This monography focuses on key technologies of data service outsourcing and privacy protection, including the existing methods of data analysis and processing, the fine-grained data access control through effective user privacy protection mechanism, and the data sharing in the mobile Internet

    Machine-Checked Formalisation and Verification of Cryptographic Protocols

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    PhD ThesisAiming for strong security assurance, researchers in academia and industry focus their interest on formal verification of cryptographic constructions. Automatising formal verification has proved itself to be a very difficult task, where the main challenge is to support generic constructions and theorems, and to carry out the mathematical proofs. This work focuses on machine-checked formalisation and automatic verification of cryptographic protocols. One aspect we covered is the novel support for generic schemes and real-world constructions among old and novel protocols: key exchange schemes (Simple Password Exponential Key Exchange, SPEKE), commitment schemes (with the popular Pedersen scheme), sigma protocols (with the Schnorr’s zero-knowledge proof of knowledge protocol), and searchable encryption protocols (Sophos). We also investigated aspects related to the reasoning of simulation based proofs, where indistinguishability of two different algorithms by any adversary is the crucial point to prove privacy-related properties. We embedded information-flow techniques into the EasyCrypt core language, then we show that our effort not only makes some proofs easier and (sometimes) fewer, but is also more powerful than other existing techniques in particular situations

    Mobile phone technology as an aid to contemporary transport questions in walkability, in the context of developing countries

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    The emerging global middle class, which is expected to double by 2050 desires more walkable, liveable neighbourhoods, and as distances between work and other amenities increases, cities are becoming less monocentric and becoming more polycentric. African cities could be described as walking cities, based on the number of people that walk to their destinations as opposed to other means of mobility but are often not walkable. Walking is by far the most popular form of transportation in Africa’s rapidly urbanising cities, although it is not often by choice rather a necessity. Facilitating this primary mode, while curbing the growth of less sustainable mobility uses requires special attention for the safety and convenience of walking in view of a Global South context. In this regard, to further promote walking as a sustainable mobility option, there is a need to assess the current state of its supporting infrastructure and begin giving it higher priority, focus and emphasis. Mobile phones have emerged as a useful alternative tool to collect this data and audit the state of walkability in cities. They eliminate the inaccuracies and inefficiencies of human memories because smartphone sensors such as GPS provides information with accuracies within 5m, providing superior accuracy and precision compared to other traditional methods. The data is also spatial in nature, allowing for a range of possible applications and use cases. Traditional inventory approaches in walkability often only revealed the perceived walkability and accessibility for only a subset of journeys. Crowdsourcing the perceived walkability and accessibility of points of interest in African cities could address this, albeit aspects such as ease-of-use and road safety should also be considered. A tool that crowdsources individual pedestrian experiences; availability and state of pedestrian infrastructure and amenities, using state-of-the-art smartphone technology, would over time also result in complete surveys of the walking environment provided such a tool is popular and safe. This research will illustrate how mobile phone applications currently in the market can be improved to offer more functionality that factors in multiple sensory modalities for enhanced visual appeal, ease of use, and aesthetics. The overarching aim of this research is, therefore, to develop the framework for and test a pilot-version mobile phone-based data collection tool that incorporates emerging technologies in collecting data on walkability. This research project will assess the effectiveness of the mobile application and test the technical capabilities of the system to experience how it operates within an existing infrastructure. It will continue to investigate the use of mobile phone technology in the collection of user perceptions of walkability, and the limitations of current transportation-based mobile applications, with the aim of developing an application that is an improvement to current offerings in the market. The prototype application will be tested and later piloted in different locations around the globe. Past studies are primarily focused on the development of transport-based mobile phone applications with basic features and limited functionality. Although limited progress has been made in integrating emerging advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data analytics, amongst others into mobile phone applications; what is missing from these past examples is a comprehensive and structured application in the transportation sphere. In turn, the full research will offer a broader understanding of the iii information gathered from these smart devices, and how that large volume of varied data can be better and more quickly interpreted to discover trends, patterns, and aid in decision making and planning. This research project attempts to fill this gap and also bring new insights, thus promote the research field of transportation data collection audits, with particular emphasis on walkability audits. In this regard, this research seeks to provide insights into how such a tool could be applied in assessing and promoting walkability as a sustainable and equitable mobility option. In order to get policy-makers, analysts, and practitioners in urban transport planning and provision in cities to pay closer attention to making better, more walkable places, appealing to them from an efficiency and business perspective is vital. This crowdsourced data is of great interest to industry practitioners, local governments and research communities as Big Data, and to urban communities and civil society as an input in their advocacy activities. The general findings from the results of this research show clear evidence that transport-based mobile phone applications currently available in the market are increasingly getting outdated and are not keeping up with new and emerging technologies and innovations. It is also evident from the results that mobile smartphones have revolutionised the collection of transport-related information hence the need for new initiatives to help take advantage of this emerging opportunity. The implications of these findings are that more attention needs to be paid to this niche going forward. This research project recommends that more studies, particularly on what technologies and functionalities can realistically be incorporated into mobile phone applications in the near future be done as well as on improving the hardware specifications of mobile phone devices to facilitate and support these emerging technologies whilst keeping the cost of mobile devices as low as possible

    Variable Format: Media Poetics and the Little Database

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    This dissertation explores the situation of twentieth-century art and literature becoming digital. Focusing on relatively small online collections, I argue for materially invested readings of works of print, sound, and cinema from within a new media context. With bibliographic attention to the avant-garde legacy of media specificity and the little magazine, I argue that the “films,” “readings,” “magazines,” and “books” indexed on a series of influential websites are marked by meaningful transformations that continue to shape the present through a dramatic reconfiguration of the past. I maintain that the significance of an online version of a work is not only transformed in each instance of use, but that these versions fundamentally change our understanding of each historical work in turn. Here, I offer the analogical coding of these platforms as “little databases” after the little magazines that served as the vehicle of modernism and the historical avant-garde. Like the study of the full run of a magazine, these databases require a bridge between close and distant reading. Rather than contradict each other as is often argued, in this instance a combined macro- and microscopic mode of analysis yields valuable information not readily available by either method in isolation. In both directions, the social networks and technical protocols of database culture inscribe the limits of potential readings. Bridging the material orientation of bibliographic study with the format theory of recent media scholarship, this work constructs a media poetics for reading analog works situated within the windows, consoles, and networks of the twenty-first century

    P2P and SOA architecture for digital libraries

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaIn an information-driven society where the volume and value of produced and consumed data assumes a growing importance, the role of digital libraries gains particular importance. This work analyzes the limitations in current digital library management systems and the opportunities brought by recent distributed computing models. The result of this work is the implementation of the University of Aveiro integrated system for digital libraries and archives. It concludes by analyzing the system in production and proposing a new service oriented digital library architecture supported in a peer-to-peer infrastructureNuma sociedade em que o volume e o valor da informação produzida e disseminada tem um peso cada vez maior, o papel das bibliotecas digitais assume especial relevo. O presente trabalho analisa as limitações dos actuais sistemas de gestão de bibliotecas digitais e as oportunidades criadas pelos mais recentes modelos de computação distribuída. Deste trabalho resultou a implementação do sistema integrado para bibliotecas e arquivos digitais da Universidade de Aveiro. Este trabalho finaliza debruçando-se sobre o sistema em produção e propondo uma nova arquitectura de biblioteca digital sustentada numa infrastrutura peer-to-peer e orientada a serviços

    Performing the digital: performativity and performance studies in digital cultures

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    How is performativity shaped by digital technologies - and how do performative practices reflect and alter techno-social formations? "Performing the Digital" explores, maps and theorizes the conditions and effects of performativity in digital cultures. Bringing together scholars from performance studies, media theory, sociology and organization studies as well as practitioners of performance, the contributions engage with the implications of digital media and its networked infrastructures for modulations of affect and the body, for performing cities, protest, organization and markets, and for the performativity of critique. With contributions by Marie-Luise Angerer, Timon Beyes, Scott deLahunta and Florian Jenett, Margarete Jahrmann, Susan Kozel, Ann-Christina Lange, Oliver Leistert, Martina Leeker, Jon McKenzie, Sigrid Merx, Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt, Imanuel Schipper and Jens Schröter