14 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands

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    Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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    Remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring: a review of methods for biodiversity indicator extraction and assessment of progress towards international targets

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    Recognizing the imperative need for biodiversity protection, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has recently established new targets towards 2020, the so-called Aichi targets, and updated proposed sets of indicators to quantitatively monitor the progress towards these targets. Remote sensing has been increasingly contributing to timely, accurate, and cost-effective assessment of biodiversity-related characteristics and functions during the last years. However, most relevant studies constitute individual research efforts, rarely related with the extraction of widely adopted CBD biodiversity indicators. Furthermore, systematic operational use of remote sensing data by managing authorities has still been limited. In this study, the Aichi targets and the related CBD indicators whose monitoring can be facilitated by remote sensing are identified. For each headline indicator a number of recent remote sensing approaches able for the extraction of related properties are reviewed. Methods cover a wide range of fields, including: habitat extent and condition monitoring; species distribution; pressures from unsustainable management, pollution and climate change; ecosystem service monitoring; and conservation status assessment of protected areas. The advantages and limitations of different remote sensing data and algorithms are discussed. Sorting of the methods based on their reported accuracies is attempted, when possible. The extensive literature survey aims at reviewing highly performing methods that can be used for large-area, effective, and timely biodiversity assessment, to encourage the more systematic use of remote sensing solutions in monitoring progress towards the Aichi targets, and to decrease the gaps between the remote sensing and management communities

    Analysis of vegetation-activity trends in a global land degradation framework

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    Land degradation is a global issue on a par with climate change and loss of biodiversity, but its extent and severity are only roughly known and there is little detail on the immediate processes – let alone the drivers. Earth-observation methods enable monitoring of land resources in a consistent, physical way and on global scale by making use of vegetation activity and/or cover as proxies. A well-known spectral proxy is the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which is available in high temporal resolution time series since the early 1980s. In this work, harmonic analyses and non-parametric trend tests were applied to the GIMMS NDVI dataset (1981–2008) in order to quantify positive changes (or greening) and negative changes (browning). Phenological shifts and variations in length of growing season were accounted for using analysis by vegetation development stage rather than by calendar day. This approach does not rely on temporal aggregation for elimination of seasonal variation. The latter might introduce artificial trends as demonstrated in the chapter on the modifiable temporal unit problem. Still, a major assumption underlying the analysis is that trends were invariant, i.e. linear or monotonic, over time. However, these monotonic trends in vegetation activity may consist of an alternating sequence of greening and/or browning periods. This effect and the contribution of short-term trends to longer-term change was analysed using a procedure for detection of trend breaks. Both abrupt and gradual changes were found in large parts of the world, especially in (semi-arid) shrubland and grassland. Many abrupt changes were found around large-scale natural influences like the Mt Pinatubo eruption in 1991 and the strong 1997/98 El Niño event. This marks the importance of accounting for trend changes in the analysis of long-term NDVI time series. These new change-detection techniques advance our understanding of vegetation variability at a multi-decadal scale, but do not provide links to driving processes. It is very complex to disentangle all natural and human drivers and their interactions. As a first step, the spatial relation between changes in climate parameters and changes in vegetation activity was addressed in this work. It appeared that a substantial proportion (54%) of the spatial variation in NDVI changes could be associated to climatic changes in temperature, precipitation and incident radiation, especially in forest biomes. In other regions, the lack of such associations might be interpreted as human-induced land degradation. With these steps we demonstrated the value of global satellite records for monitoring land resources, although many steps are still to be taken.</p

    Inundações em múltiplas escalas na América do Sul : de áreas úmidas a áreas de risco

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    South America hosts some of the major river systems on Earth, often associated with large floodplains that are inundated every year, such as the Pantanal and many Amazon wetlands. Interfluvial wetland complexes are also found across the continent, with particular geomorphic settings and unique savanna or grassland vegetation. South American wetlands can provide distinctive ecosystem services such as biodiversity supporting, food provision and flood attenuation. On the other hand, humans have settled around wetlands for millennia, benefiting from all resources they provide, and have adapted to its flood regime as well adapted its landscape, defining what has been called human-water systems. Yet, an increasing number of South American people have been negatively affected by extreme floods. Moving from continental to local scales, this thesis invites the readers to a journey across major South American wetland systems and their unique hydrological dynamics, under the light of the satellite era and the breakthrough advances on hydrologic-hydrodynamic modeling in the last decades. This work is founded on the proposition of a continental wetland research agenda, and based on a comparative hydrology approach. Floods are studied through both natural wetland processes and hazard dimensions. The first part presents a set of studies on the Amazon basin wetlands, from the development of 1D and 2D models to simulate hydrological processes in contrasting wetland types in the Negro river basin to the basin-wide intercomparison of 29 inundation products and assessment of long-term inundation trends. While most wetland studies have been conducted over the central Amazon floodplains, major knowledge gaps remain for understanding the hydrological dynamics of interfluvial areas such as the Llanos de Moxos and Negro savannas, where the inundation is less predictable and shallower. The second part of the thesis leverages satellite-based datasets of multiple hydrological variables (water levels, total water storage, inundation extent, precipitation and evapotranspiration) to address the hydrology of 12 large wetland systems in the continent. It shows the major differences among river floodplains and interfluvial wetlands on the water level annual amplitude, time lag between precipitation and inundation, and evapotranspiration dynamics. Finally, the third part addresses the flood hazard component of human-wetland interactions through large-scale assessments of flood hazard dynamics and effects of built infrastructure (dams) on flood attenuation. The dynamics of the great 1983 floods, one of the most extreme years ever recorded in the continent, is assessed with a continental hydrological model. Then, the capabilities of continental models to simulate the river-floodplain-reservoir continuum that exists across large river basins are assessed with case studies for major river basins affected by human intervention (Itajaí-Açu and upper Paraná river basins in Brazil). While this thesis enlightens some relevant hydrological processes regarding South American floods and their positive and negative effects to human societies and ecosystems in general, major knowledge gaps persist and provide great research opportunities for the near future. The launching of many hydrology-oriented satellite missions, and an ever-growing computational capacity, make the continental hydrology agenda related to wetlands and floods a great research topic for the upcoming years.A América do Sul abriga alguns dos maiores sistemas hídricos do planeta, frequentemente associados a grandes planícies de inundação, como o Pantanal e várias áreas da Amazônia. Áreas úmidas (AU’s) interfluviais são também encontrados no continente, com características geomorfológicas particulares, e vegetações de savana e gramíneas únicas. As AU’s da América do Sul provêm diversos serviços ecossistêmicos, como suporte à biodiversidade, provisão de alimento e atenuação de cheias. Humanos têm se estabelecido ao redor de AU’s por milênios, se beneficiando dos recursos providos por elas. Eles se adaptaram ao seu regime de inundação, e adaptaram sua paisagem, definindo o que tem sido chamado de sistemas sociedade-água. Por outro lado, um número crescente de pessoas têm sido negativamente afetado por cheias extremas. Da escala continental à local, esta tese convida o leitor a uma jornada através de importantes AU’s da América do Sul e suas particulares dinâmicas de inundação, sob a luz da era dos satélites e dos grandes avanços em modelagem hidrológica-hidrodinâmica das últimas décadas. Este trabalho é baseado na proposta de uma escala continental de pesquisa sobre AU’s, e é baseado em uma abordagem de hidrologia comparativa. Inundações são estudadas em múltiplas dimensões, de processos de AU’s naturais à questão do perigo para humanos. A primeira parte apresenta uma série de estudos sobre as AU’s da bacia amazônica, desde o desenvolvimento de modelos 1D e 2D para simular processos hidrológicos em tipos contrastantes de AU’s na bacia do Rio Negro, até a intercomparação de 29 produtos de inundação e avaliação de tendências de inundações de longo prazo para a escala da bacia amazônica. Enquanto a maioria dos estudos de AU’s foi conduzida nas várzeas do rio Amazonas, importantes lacunas do conhecimento permanecem para a compreensão da dinâmica hidrológica de áreas interfluviais como Llanos de Moxos e as savanas do rio Negro, onde a inundação é menos previsível e mais rasa. A segunda parte da tese utiliza dados oriundos de satélites relacionados a múltiplas variáveis hidrológicas (níveis d’água, armazenamento total de água, extensão de áreas inundadas, precipitação e evapotranspiração) para estudar a hidrologia de 12 grandes sistemas de AU’s do continente. São destacadas as grandes diferenças entre planícies de inundação e AU’s interfluviais em termos de amplitude anual de níveis d’água, defasagem entre precipitação e inundação, e dinâmica de evapotranspiração. Por fim, a última parte da tese aborda o componente de perigo de inundação das interações sociedade-água através de avaliações em grande escala da dinâmica de inundação e dos efeitos de infraestruturas construídas (como barragens) na atenuação de cheias. A dinâmica das grandes cheias de 1983, um dos anos mais extremos já registrados no continente, é avaliada com um modelo hidrológico continental. Depois, a capacidade de modelos continentais para simular o continuum entre rios, planícies de inundação e reservatórios que existe em grandes bacias hidrográficas é avaliada com estudos de casos para importantes bacias afetadas pela intervenção humana (bacia dos rios Paraná e Itajaí-Açu). Enquanto esta tese avança a compreensão de relevantes processos hidrológicos relacionados a inundações na América do Sul em múltiplas escalas, bem como seus efeitos positivos e negativos nas sociedades humanas e ecossistemas em geral, importantes lacunas do conhecimento persistem e fomentam importantes oportunidades de pesquisa futuras. O lançamento de várias missões satelitais orientadas a hidrologia, e uma cada vez mais crescente capacidade computacional, faz da agenda continental de hidrologia relacionada a AU’s e inundações um grande tópico de pesquisa para os próximos anos

    Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

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    This Open Access volume aims to methodologically improve our understanding of biodiversity by linking disciplines that incorporate remote sensing, and uniting data and perspectives in the fields of biology, landscape ecology, and geography. The book provides a framework for how biodiversity can be detected and evaluated—focusing particularly on plants—using proximal and remotely sensed hyperspectral data and other tools such as LiDAR. The volume, whose chapters bring together a large cross-section of the biodiversity community engaged in these methods, attempts to establish a common language across disciplines for understanding and implementing remote sensing of biodiversity across scales. The first part of the book offers a potential basis for remote detection of biodiversity. An overview of the nature of biodiversity is described, along with ways for determining traits of plant biodiversity through spectral analyses across spatial scales and linking spectral data to the tree of life. The second part details what can be detected spectrally and remotely. Specific instrumentation and technologies are described, as well as the technical challenges of detection and data synthesis, collection and processing. The third part discusses spatial resolution and integration across scales and ends with a vision for developing a global biodiversity monitoring system. Topics include spectral and functional variation across habitats and biomes, biodiversity variables for global scale assessment, and the prospects and pitfalls in remote sensing of biodiversity at the global scale

    Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity

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    At last, here it is. For some time now, the world has needed a text providing both a new theoretical foundation and practical guidance on how to approach the challenge of biodiversity decline in the Anthropocene. This is a global challenge demanding global approaches to understand its scope and implications. Until recently, we have simply lacked the tools to do so. We are now entering an era in which we can realistically begin to understand and monitor the multidimensional phenomenon of biodiversity at a planetary scale. This era builds upon three centuries of scientific research on biodiversity at site to landscape levels, augmented over the past two decades by airborne research platforms carrying spectrometers, lidars, and radars for larger-scale observations. Emerging international networks of fine-grain in-situ biodiversity observations complemented by space-based sensors offering coarser-grain imagery—but global coverage—of ecosystem composition, function, and structure together provide the information necessary to monitor and track change in biodiversity globally. This book is a road map on how to observe and interpret terrestrial biodiversity across scales through plants—primary producers and the foundation of the trophic pyramid. It honors the fact that biodiversity exists across different dimensions, including both phylogenetic and functional. Then, it relates these aspects of biodiversity to another dimension, the spectral diversity captured by remote sensing instruments operating at scales from leaf to canopy to biome. The biodiversity community has needed a Rosetta Stone to translate between the language of satellite remote sensing and its resulting spectral diversity and the languages of those exploring the phylogenetic diversity and functional trait diversity of life on Earth. By assembling the vital translation, this volume has globalized our ability to track biodiversity state and change. Thus, a global problem meets a key component of the global solution. The editors have cleverly built the book in three parts. Part 1 addresses the theory behind the remote sensing of terrestrial plant biodiversity: why spectral diversity relates to plant functional traits and phylogenetic diversity. Starting with first principles, it connects plant biochemistry, physiology, and macroecology to remotely sensed spectra and explores the processes behind the patterns we observe. Examples from the field demonstrate the rising synthesis of multiple disciplines to create a new cross-spatial and spectral science of biodiversity. Part 2 discusses how to implement this evolving science. It focuses on the plethora of novel in-situ, airborne, and spaceborne Earth observation tools currently and soon to be available while also incorporating the ways of actually making biodiversity measurements with these tools. It includes instructions for organizing and conducting a field campaign. Throughout, there is a focus on the burgeoning field of imaging spectroscopy, which is revolutionizing our ability to characterize life remotely. Part 3 takes on an overarching issue for any effort to globalize biodiversity observations, the issue of scale. It addresses scale from two perspectives. The first is that of combining observations across varying spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions for better understanding—that is, what scales and how. This is an area of ongoing research driven by a confluence of innovations in observation systems and rising computational capacity. The second is the organizational side of the scaling challenge. It explores existing frameworks for integrating multi-scale observations within global networks. The focus here is on what practical steps can be taken to organize multi-scale data and what is already happening in this regard. These frameworks include essential biodiversity variables and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). This book constitutes an end-to-end guide uniting the latest in research and techniques to cover the theory and practice of the remote sensing of plant biodiversity. In putting it together, the editors and their coauthors, all preeminent in their fields, have done a great service for those seeking to understand and conserve life on Earth—just when we need it most. For if the world is ever to construct a coordinated response to the planetwide crisis of biodiversity loss, it must first assemble adequate—and global—measures of what we are losing

    Remote sensing technology applications in forestry and REDD+

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    Advances in close-range and remote sensing technologies are driving innovations in forest resource assessments and monitoring on varying scales. Data acquired with airborne and spaceborne platforms provide high(er) spatial resolution, more frequent coverage, and more spectral information. Recent developments in ground-based sensors have advanced 3D measurements, low-cost permanent systems, and community-based monitoring of forests. The UNFCCC REDD+ mechanism has advanced the remote sensing community and the development of forest geospatial products that can be used by countries for the international reporting and national forest monitoring. However, an urgent need remains to better understand the options and limitations of remote and close-range sensing techniques in the field of forest degradation and forest change. Therefore, we invite scientists working on remote sensing technologies, close-range sensing, and field data to contribute to this Special Issue. Topics of interest include: (1) novel remote sensing applications that can meet the needs of forest resource information and REDD+ MRV, (2) case studies of applying remote sensing data for REDD+ MRV, (3) timeseries algorithms and methodologies for forest resource assessment on different spatial scales varying from the tree to the national level, and (4) novel close-range sensing applications that can support sustainable forestry and REDD+ MRV. We particularly welcome submissions on data fusion

    Woody cover assessments in a Southern African savanna, using hyper-temporal C-band ASAR-WS data

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