5 research outputs found

    TR-2002006: States of Knowledge

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    On automating the extraction of programs from termination proofs

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    Investigamos un sistema de s铆ntesis de programas automatizado que se basa en el paradigma de la programaci贸n por pruebas. Para extraer autom谩ticamente un t茅rmino que calcule una funci贸n recursiva dada por un conjunto de ecuaciones, el sistema debe encontrar una prueba formal de la totalidad de la funci贸n dada. Debido al marco l贸gico particular, por lo general estos enfoques dificultan el uso de t茅cnicas de terminaci贸n como las de la teor铆a de reescritura. Superamos esta dificultad para el sistema automatizado que consideramos explotando tipos de productos. Como consecuencia, esto permitir铆a la incorporaci贸n de t茅cnicas de terminaci贸n utilizadas en otras 谩reas sin dejar de extraer programas.We investigate an automated program synthesis system that is based on the paradigm of programming by proofs. To automatically extract a term that computes a recursive function given by a set of equations the system must nd a formal proof of the totality of the given function. Because of the particular logical framework, usually such approaches make it dicult to use termination techniques such as those in rewriting theory. We overcome this diculty for the automated system that we consider by exploiting product types. As a consequence, this would enable the incorporation of termination techniques used in other areas while still extracting programs

    Getting the point : obtaining and understanding fixpoints in model checking

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