10 research outputs found

    "Without libraries what have we?" Public libraries as nodes for technological empowerment in the era of smart cities, AI and big data

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    Since 2014, a growing body of critical research has pointed out flaws in smart city development. It has been described as too technology-led and business-oriented, diminishing citizens' agency and causing digital divides. As the agenda keeps spreading, there is an urgent need to develop more participatory, inclusive and bottom-up approaches to balance interests of those currently in strong power positions, such as large corporations. Participatory design (PD) and participatory approaches in general have been suggested as a remedy, but they often tend to be local, small-scale and short-term. Therefore, their impacts are often modest as well. We suggest that we need to start thinking about ways to create scalable approaches that would grow the temporal and spatial impact of actions and practices that intend to increase citizens' understanding and control over new technologies, i.e. their technological agency. Without making sure that more people have adequate knowledge and sufficient control and mastery of technologies, societal discussion and ultimately, political decisions, are left to few experts. We explore the potential of public libraries to act as an ally and cooperation partner in participatory design and technology education in general, with a significant potential to broaden micro-level actions' impact. The paper consists of a broad literature review mapping the central challenges of current smart city development; this is followed with an introduction to the Finnish library system as a democratic project; finally, we present three examples of how libraries are carrying out technological education connected to emerging technologies, particularly to 3D printing, robotics and virtual reality. Our central argument is that there is a need to bridge micro-level actions, such as those connected to participatory design projects, with the macro-level technopolitical development by collaborating with meso-level actors and networks.Peer reviewe

    Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Libraries and Its Impact on Library Operations Review

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    This article presents a literature review on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in libraries and its impact on library operations. This study aims to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of AI in the library context. The research methodology involved utilising the Scopus database and identifying 66 relevant articles related to AI. After removing duplicates and applying filters, all 65 articles were reviewed, and their key findings and summaries are presented in this article. The information presented herein will serve as a valuable resource for researchers interested in exploring the use of AI in libraries

    The Role of Libraries, Archives and Museums for Metaliteracy in Smart Cities: Implications, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The concept of smart cities is gradually gaining popularity within both academic and policy circles. Smart cities are intended to be self-sufficient via cutting-edge technologies, purposive innovations and inventions. However, while the technology is growing at an unexpectedly fast pace, one of the essential components of smart cities – humans –is lagging behind. The need for and scope of literacies to survive in smart cities pose challenges for their citizens. The evolution of human learning is not matching the pace of technology. There is a growing emphasis on developing learning capabilities through various ongoing literacies. This study aims to identify the range of literacies required in smart cities and the roles of libraries, archives and museums (LAM) in supporting citizen literacies for social and digital inclusion. The LAM sector is one of the major stakeholders in the digital transformation sphere and needs to work in collaboration with other stakeholders. Therefore, the LAM sector must identify the nature of required literacies, the roles and strengths of other stakeholders, and the opportunities to increase its presence in the process. This study systematically identifies and addresses these issues through a conceptual framework process and proposes future research directions for the LAM sector

    Volunteer-based IT Helpdesks as Ambiguous Quasi-Public Services:A Case Study from Two Nordic Countries

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    In this case study we take a Nordic perspective on the tension between increased digitalisation of public services and the insufficient support for citizens with limited digital literacy. Volunteer-based IT helpdesk services in public libraries have emerged as an attempt to address this tension. Drawing on examples of volunteering in public library-based IT helpdesk services in two Nordic countries, this paper considers the IT helpdesks as quasi-public services. Based on interviews, observations and workshops, we explore: the work of IT helpdesk volunteers, the characteristics of helpdesk services offered, and the implications of these services being offered by volunteers. The services offered are of acceptable quality to the users while the ambiguity and lack of institutional support is making the service fragile. In spite of the challenges of the quasi-public IT helpdesk service we also note how it offers a potential platform for the co-design and support of new public services. Camilla Christensen and Nils Ehrenberg are shared first authors.Peer reviewe

    Wie Smart sind Bibliotheken?

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit gibt einen Überblick über den Themenkomplex der Implementierung von Bibliotheken in Smart City Projekte. Primär wird untersucht, ob Bibliotheken als öffentliche Einrichtungen Bestandteil von Smart City Konzepten sein können. Hierfür werden gelungene internationale Beispiele sowie geplante Projekte in Deutschland vorgestellt. Dabei sind insbesondere die persönlichen Erfahrungen verantwortlicher Mitarbeiterinnen aus Bibliotheken und intelligenten Städten von Bedeutung. Hierfür werden insgesamt sieben Experteninterviews geführt, welche den methodischen Mittelpunkt dieser Masterarbeit bilden. Als abschließende Erkenntnis wird eine Handlungsempfehlung für Bibliotheken und deren Mitarbeiterinnen, welche mit ihrer Einrichtung Teil einer intelligenten Stadt werden möchten, erarbeitet. In der Untersuchung konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass Bibliotheken als öffentliche Einrichtungen Bestandteil von Smart City Projekten sein können. Allerdings ist nicht jede Einrichtung für eine Zusammenarbeit mit ihrer Stadtverwaltung geeignet, da individuelle Ressourcen und Gegebenheiten beachtet werden müssen. Die Masterarbeit richtet sich an interessierte Mitarbeiterinnen aus Bibliotheken, welche mit ihrer Einrichtung in einem Smart City Projekt mitarbeiten möchten. Außerdem sind die Erkenntnisse für verantwortliche Personen aus den Smart City Projekten interessant, um zu erfahren, welchen Mehrwert Bibliotheken in ihre Konzepte einbringen können

    Avaliação da digitalização urbana com recurso a mapas cognitivos e ao Best-Worst Method

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    O elevado crescimento populacional e a rápida urbanização têm sido alvo de grande atenção, particularmente devido às consequências que acarretam, refletidas no bem-estar dos residentes de áreas urbanas. Com efeito, o desenvolvimento tecnológico, caracterizado como principal impulsionador da digitalização, tem revelado um enorme potencial para ultrapassar inúmeros problemas que as cidades enfrentam atualmente. Para garantir que as cidades estão a usar corretamente as tecnologias disponíveis, é necessário avaliar o seu grau de digitalização e, para isso, é fundamental compreender quais as áreas de intervenção, para que as cidades sejam geridas da melhor forma possível, de modo a proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida aos seus residentes. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação propõe a utilização de técnicas assentes nos princípios da abordagem Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), com o intuito de desenvolver um modelo de apoio à tomada de decisão multicritério que facilite o processo de avaliação da digitalização urbana. Com recurso a um painel de especialistas na temática em estudo, faz-se uso integrado de mapas cognitivos com o Best-Worst Method (BWM), algo que permitiu identificar os critérios de avaliação a considerar no âmbito da digitalização urbana, bem como realizar análises das suas relações de causa-efeito. Os resultados obtidos foram validados tanto pelos membros do painel como por representantes da Associação Nacional dos Municípios Portugueses e da Agência Nacional de Inovação, que reconheceram que o sistema de avaliação elaborado viabiliza a distinção das cidades em termos da sua digitalização. As principais vantagens e limitações do presente estudo são também objeto de análise e de discussão.Due to their impact on people’s well-being, high population growth and rapid urbanization are currently important topics in city management. Technological development, characterized as an important driver of digitalization, has revealed great potential to mitigate a wide range of different issues that cities currently face. To ensure cities are correctly using the available technologies, it is necessary to measure their degree of digitalization. This, in turn, is important to improve understanding of areas of intervention, so that cities can be managed better and provide their residents with greater quality of life. This study adopts the baseline principles of the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach, and proposes the development of multicriteria decision analysis system that facilitates the evaluation process of urban digitalization. Based on the insights provided by a panel of field experts, cognitive mapping is combined with the Best-Worst Method (BWM), allowing for both the identification of relevant evaluation criteria within the scope of urban digitalization and the analysis of their cause-effect relationships. The results obtained were validated by the panel members and, additionally, by representatives of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities and the National Innovation Agency, who recognized that the evaluation system developed in this study allows for city differentiation in terms of urban digitalization. The advantages and limitations of the present study are also analyzed

    Rural and Urban Mobility: Studying Digital Technology Use and Interaction

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