38 research outputs found

    MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Powered Wireless Sensor Module Driven by Noisy Base Excitation

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    Despite recent advances in MEMS vibration energy harvesting and ultra-low power wireless sensors, designing a wireless sensor system entirely powered by a single MEMS device under noisy base excitation has remained a challenge. This paper presents a wireless sensor system co-integrated with a single MEMS piezoelectric vibration energy harvester chip excited by band-limited large amplitude noisy vibration characteristic of an automotive application. The use of soft stoppers in the MEMS package enables the harvesters to operate at an excitation level of 10 g(rms). A custom thick AlN (Aluminum Nitride) piezoelectric process is employed to fabricate the MEMS harvesters with a single MEMS chip generating 179 ÎĽW rectified power under these excitation conditions. A low-power wireless sensor module and a receiver module were also designed and demonstrated in this work. Experiments show that the wireless sensor module can be powered solely by the MEMS energy harvester commencing from the cold state. Successful wireless data transmission and receival of sensor data packets are recorded under representative conditions


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    The world of internet of things (IoT) and automation has been catching a robust pace to impact wide range of commercial and domestic applications for some time now. The IoT holds ad-hoc or wireless sensor networks (WSNs) at its very primary implementation level, the hardware level. The increasing requirement of these networks demands a renewed and better design of the network that improves the already existing setbacks of WSNs, which is mainly the power consumption and optimization. Routing highly affects the power consumed in the nodes in WSNs, hence having a modified routing algorithm which is specific to the application and meets its needs, particularly it is a good approach instead of having a generalized existent routing approach. Currently, for WSN having adequate number of nodes, routing involves maximum number of nodes and hops so as to reduce power consumption. However, for restricted areas and limited nodes, this scenario concludes with using up more number of nodes simultaneously resulting in reducing several batteries simultaneously. A routing algorithm is proposed in this paper for such applications that have a bounded region with limited resources. The work proposed in this paper is motivated from the routing algorithm positional attribute based next-hop determination approach (PANDA-TP) which proposes the increase in number of hops to reduce the requirement of transmission power. The aim of the proposed work is to compute the distance between the sending and receiving node and to measure the transmission power that would be required for a direct(path with minimum possible hops) and a multi-hop path. If the node is within the thresh-hold distance of the source, the packet is undoubtedly transferred directly; if the node is out of the thresh-hold distance, then the extra distance is calculated. Based on this, the power boosting factor for the source node, and if necessary, then the extra number of nodes that would be required to transmit is determined. An extra decision-making step is added to this approach which makes it convenient to utilize in varied situations. This routing approach suits the current level of robustness that the WSNs demand.Ă‚

    uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems

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    [EN] A Real-Time Wireless Distributed Embedded System (RTWDES) is formed by a large quantity of small devices with certain computing power, wireless communication and sensing/actuators capabilities. These types of networks have become popular as they have been developed for applications which can carry out a vast quantity of tasks, including home and building monitoring, object tracking, precision agriculture, military applications, disaster recovery, industry applications, among others. For this type of applications a middleware is used in software systems to bridge the gap between the application and the underlying operating system and networks. As a result, a middleware system can facilitate the development of applications and is designed to provide common services to the applications. The development of a middleware for sensor networks presents several challenges due to the limited computational resources and energy of the different nodes. This work is related with the design, implementation and test of a micro middleware for RTWDES; the proposal incorporates characteristics of a message oriented middleware thus allowing the applications to communicate by employing the publish/subscribe model. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed middleware provides a stable and timely service to support different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work was developed as a part of the D2ARS Project supported by CYTED. UNESCO code 120325;330417;120314;120305.González, A.; Mata, W.; Villaseñor, L.; Aquino, R.; Simó Ten, JE.; Chávez, M.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2011). uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 64(3-4):489-503. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-011-9550-zS489503643-4Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Cayirci, E.: A survey on sensor networks. IEEE Commun. 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Syst. 14(11), issn 1045–9219, 1155–1167 (2003)Culler, D.E., Hong, W.: Wireless sensor networks introduction. Commun. ACM 47(6), 30–33 (2004)Estrin, D., Govindan, R., Heidemann, J.S., Kumar, S.: Next century challenges: scalable coordination in sensor networks. In: Mobile Computing and Networking, pp. 263–270 (1999)Heinzelman, W.B., Murphy, A.L., Carvalho, H.S.: Middleware to support sensor network applications. IEEE Netw. 18, 6–14 (2004)Hill, J., Szewczyk, R., Woo, A., Hollar, S., Culler, D., Pister, K.: System architecture directions for networked sensors. ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 34(5), 93–104 (2000)Levis, P., Culler, D.: Mate: a tiny virtual machine for sensor networks. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Achitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. San Jose, CA (2002)Liu, T., Martonosi, M.: Impala: a middleware system for managing autonomic, parallel sensor systems. In: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. San Diego, CA (2003)Mata, W., González, A., Aquino, R., Crespo, A., Ripoll, I., Capel, M.: A wireless networked embedded sistem with a new real-time Kernel PaRTiKle. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2007. ISBN 0-7695-2974-7. Cuernavaca, México (2007)Mata, W., González, A., Crespo, A.: A proposal for real-time middleware for wireless sensor networks. Workshop on Sensor Networks and Applications (WseNA’08). Gramado, Brasil (2008)Mata, W., González, A., Fuentes, G., Fuentes, R., Crespo, A., Carr, D.: Porting jRate(RT-Java) to a POSIX real-time Linux Kernel. Tenth Real-Time Linux Workshop. Colotlán, Jalisco México (2008)MiLAN Project: Available: http://www.futurehealth.rochester.edu/milan (2008)OMG, Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems Version 1.2. 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    Biological inspired autonomously secure mechanism for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless communication plays an important role in these days in the sector of telecommunication and has huge importance for future research. There has been an exponential growth in wireless communication due to the development of different devices and applications. In addition, there is an explosive increase in integration and convergence of different heterogonous wireless networks to ensure effective and efficient communication. These technologies primarily includes Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs), Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), Wireless Personal Area Net-works (WPANs), and the Internet. The cellular networks can be classified under the WWAN, Blue-tooth, and Ultrawide Bands classified as WPANs, and finally the WLANs and High-Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HiperLANs) belongs to the WLAN class

    Overlapped hierarchical clusters routing protocol for improving quality of service

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    The rapid development in communications and sensors technologies make wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as essential key in several advanced applications such as internet of things (IoT). The increasing demands on using WSNs required high quality of services (QoS) because most WSNs applications have critical requirements. This work aims to offer a routing protocol to improve the QoS in WSNs, taking in consideration its ability to prolong the lifetime of the network, optimize the utilization of the limited bandwidth available, and decrease the latency that accompanies the packets transmitted to the gateway. The proposed protocol is called overlapped hierarchical cluster routing protocol (OHCRP). OHCRP is compared with the traditional routing protocols such as SPEED, and THVR. The results show that OHCRP reduces latency effectively and achieve high energy conservation, which lead to increase the network lifetime and insure network availability

    IoT Enabled Intra-Vehicular Communication for Designing A Smart Car

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    Nowadays, the number of sensor nodes in the vehicle has expanded altogether because of the expanding of various vehicular applications. Moreover, the wired connection is not adaptable and flexible due to the internal structure of the vehicle, thus, there is an expanding level of appeal to design a system in which the wired connections with the sensor node are supplanted with wireless connections. Design a wireless sensor system inside the vehicle is quite challenging than other systems, e.g., wireless, sensor and computer network, due to the unpredictable environment inside the vehicle. In this project, we discuss about Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Intra-Vehicular Communication for Designing a Smart Car. IoT enabled Intra-Vehicular Communication (IoT-IVC) refers to the system where huge number of sensors are associated with each other for sharing the car components’ information to build up a smart vehicular system. The marvel of congestion represents an issue in the IoT-IVC while the traffic load and number of sensors are expanded. A new scheduling algorithm is proposed for minimizing the congestion. A Test-Bed is designed in order to validate the proposed algorithm. The experimental results justify the effectiveness of the proposal

    Applications and design issues for mobile agents in wireless sensor networks

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    An overview on wireless sensor networks and finding optimal location of nodes

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    In this review, our aim is to make a brief description about technology of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and its capability to pave the way in order to make connection between physical and virtual world based on Internet worldwide network. Hence, in this technology, sensor nodes play an important role to transmit data from a node to other defined nodes in its broaden range. Due to gain most optimal state from WSNs, subject of localization for radio frequency networks has a great importance in many technical applications such as military devices to detect specified local points to attack or defend, civil engineering and in general sensor networks. The main technology to obtain direct locations is GPS (Global Positioning System). After expressing a brief history on introduction part, we will go through in order to interrogate on main structure of WSNs regarding mathematical formulations and algorithms to find best and optimal access points based on Localization action. Then, we summarize algorithms and approaches to develop in order to introduce the best strategy in order to access nodes in the best possible state in WSNs. As a result, we conclude about the mentioned issues in order of comparison and reaching a final result. Therefore, final aim of this review is to explain efficiency and reliability of localization based on different opinions. Results show this overwhelming technology can be completely modified in order to find new solutions to find nodes in most optimal nodes based on spontaneous structure of WSNs

    Barrier Coverage Construction without Barrier Breach in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In wireless sensor networks, the barrier coverage detects objects crossing a protected area or monitors an area of interest. It is an important application in the wireless sensor networks. In such a wireless sensor network application, sensor nodes are randomly deployed along the boundary of the monitoring area due to cost issues and construct multiple barrier coverage in order to maximize the network life time. These multiple barriers are operated according to the sleep wakeup schedule. In this application, a new security problem which is the barrier breach problem occurs in the sleep wakeup schedule In this work, we propose a new barrier coverage construction algorithm without a barrier breach

    A Review on Security Challenges and Features in Wireless Sensor Networks: IoT Perspective

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    The Internet of Things is becoming a very promising paradigm with the extensive market adoption of the development of associated technologies, such as; cloud computing, near-field communications, wireless mobile networks, etc. This will expose the future direction of communication around the world. Wireless Sensor Networks together with the existing communication technologies are enabling the continuous integration of controlling and processing the functionality of the Internet of Things applications. Since Wireless Sensor Networks are typically deployed for gathering sensitive information from unattended or hostile environments, they are exposed for security attacks, which are strongly affecting the user privacy and the network performance. There are various security mechanisms and solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks that have been proposed in the previous works. Therefore, it is mandatory to give attention for its applicability and feasibility features in terms of related security challenges based on the Internet of Things perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to explore and show the influence of Wireless Sensor Networks security challenges within the perspective of the Internet of Things and its applications. Consequently, an exploration of the major and minor security requirements in the Wireless Sensor Networks has been made in this paper, accompanied by a classification of the available attacks and threats against these requirements. Finally, a discussion on the Internet of Things security issues and challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks is provided