122 research outputs found

    Revisiting the effect of mobile advertising content on buying intention / Nor Hazlina Hashim, Normalini Md Kassim and Roshni Ann George

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    The digital era is known for technological breakthroughs in knowledge exchange through portable computing devices that include android and iOS smart phones. These gadgets, which have become a necessity for many, offer numerous advertising opportunities for companies to reach a wide pool of potential customers. Mobile advertising holds the best promise for one-to-one communication and provides avenues for direct and personalised marketing. Previous studies on consumer attitudes towards mobile advertising have generated conflicting results. This paper conceptualizes the effect of mobile advertising content on buying intention in a framework derived from past models and theories of technology acceptance. In light of the high purchase intentions of the younger generation in Malaysia, antecedents previously used in predicting the behavioural response of consumers towards mobile advertising and purchase intention were reexamined and combined with the personalization factor. Additionally, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are proposed to have considerable impact on the purchase intentions of consumers in Malaysia. It is hoped that the proposed framework will lead to further clarity about the importance of mobile advertising content on behavioural response and therefore benefit the marketing efforts of companies by providing valuable insights on factors that influence the buying intentions of Malaysian consumers

    The Influence of Social Media Advertising Values on Consumers Purchasing Intention in Somalia

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    Background of the problem: Due to the absence of internet facilities and strangeness on the part of regional customers, particularly the countryside and some states residences are not aware of social media advertising existence, social media advertising is still at the beginning of advancement Somalia. Main objective: This study's main objective is to understand the impact of social media advertising on the purchase intention of consumers in Mogadishu-Somalia by employing Ducoffe’s advertising value model. Research methods: a quantitative study was used, and the participants totalled 182. The data was collected using a convenience sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was utilized to gather the data through the social media platform, especially Facebook and WhatsApp and analysed employing exploratory factor analysis and multi regression analysis. Findings: Results signify that there is a significant relationship between informativeness, entertainment, credibility, the overall perceived value of social media advertising and the purchase intention of consumers who are living in Mogadishu-Somalia. Contribution: Social media marketers in Mogadishu-Somalia should develop an innovative, cutting-edge, information-rich, full entertained of social media advertising, maintain the trustworthiness of their ad’s campaigns, and enhance the perceived value of social media ads to lure and urge the purchase intention of the consumers. Conclusion: All the independent factors (informativeness, entertainment, credibility, and perceived value of social media advertising) have a positive impact on consumers' purchase intention. Therefore, it is recommended for marketing professionals to carefully plan and design their advertising campaigns to lure their target audiences' attention

    Embedded Advertising and the Venture Consumer

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    Embedded advertising—marketing that promotes brands from within entertainment content—is a thriving, rapidly changing practice. Analysts estimate that embedded advertising expenditures will exceed $10 billion in 2010. The market continues to grow even as traditional advertising revenues contract. The relatively few legal scholars who have studied embedded advertising believe that it is under-regulated. Ineffective regulation, they claim, is deeply troubling because corporations may, with legal impunity, deceptively pitch products to trusting viewers. Critics charge that embedded advertising creates hyper-commercialism, distorts consumers\u27 tastes, taints the artistic process, and erodes faith in public discourse. This Article argues that the critics are wrong. Sponsorship disclosure law under the Communications Act of 1934 and related regulations is indeed largely ineffective, in part because the media industry has consolidated considerably and in part because the drafters could not imagine the diverse ways we create and consume media content in the twenty-first century. Congress conceived the law not only for yesterday\u27s marketplace, but also for yesterday\u27s consumer. The media consumer today is a venture consumer. Often, she knows what she wants, knows where to get it, and is aware of the risks and costs involved. The mismatch between regulators\u27 imagined consumer and the contemporary consumer means that expanded regulation of embedded advertising according to current reform proposals could end up harming consumers more than helping them. Moreover, embedded advertising is not especially amenable to effective regulation, given the incentives for artists and advertisers to collaborate in the production of entertainment content. In light of both the difficulty of correcting the regime\u27s flaws and the consumer interests threatened by expanded regulation, this Article concludes that maintaining the law as-is—rather than expanding it through the proposed reforms—better serves the consumer

    Embedded Advertising and the Venture Consumer

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    Mobile Advertising Using Bluetooth Pull-based Technology

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    Advertising on mobile devices has large potential due to the very personal and intimate nature of the device and high targeting possibilities. This project is called B.L.U.E system, an advertising system for delivering location-aware mobile advertisement that allow personalization to mobile phones using Bluetooth pull-based technology. This report covers the background study, literature review and theory based on research, and also methodology used in researchand design phase. In research, questionnaire is used to gather information pertaining to user preferences. Meanwhile, in design phase, the methodologies used are Incremental Development and Release; and Assembling Reusable Components. The last two part of this report covers result and discussion from the research and testing phase, and also recommendationfor future work

    An Open Platform for Context-aware Short Message Service

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    Mobile Library

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    Wireless application system and application has large potential due to the very personal and intimate nature of the device and high targeting possibilities. Due to rapid advancement of advertising and informing technologies recent years, the concepts and such applications have been significantly extended. This research will look deeply into the acceptance level of implementing the wireless system at the defined area. In this project the application and the function of advertising on mobile device has been modified to another alternatives that can enhance the environment surrounding us. This project is basically will be functioning as a reminder system. This system will establish the connection between the server and the Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). The system will deliver location-aware of information that allows the transition info from the server to the PDAs using WiFi pull-based technology. The objective of this system being developed is to enhance the idea and the technologies of wireless nowadays which definitely can be implemented in various ways later on. In this project, several techniques have been used starting with ideas and information research and gathering that have been done through journals, existing paper work, and previous systems that create by previous students. This report covers the background study, literature review and theory based on research, and also methodology used in research and design phase. In research, questionnaire is used to gather information pertaining to user preferences. Meanwhile, in design phase, the methodologies will be explained more in chapter three (3). The lasttwo part of this report covers result and discussion from the research and testing phase, and also recommendation for future work. I

    The use of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies: Automation, personalization and forecasting

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    The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing strategies is pivotal in the era of digital transformation, especially in automation, personalization, and forecasting. This research investigates the evolutionary role of AI in transitioning from traditional marketing frameworks to data-driven methodologies, thereby enhancing marketing efficiency and customer engagement. The increasing reliance on AI for strategic decision-making in marketing underscores the significance of this study. Employing a systematic literature review and thematic analysis, this research synthesizes data from an array of studies to thoroughly understand the impact of AI on marketing. The findings reveal that AI significantly streamlines marketing operations, fosters highly personalized marketing strategies, and enhances the accuracy of forecasting market trends and consumer behavior. However, this study also sheds light on the ethical and privacy concerns associated with the use of AI in marketing. Results point towards a significant transformation in marketing practices propelled by AI, marked by improvements in operational efficiency and customer interaction. Nevertheless, the study advocates the importance of addressing ethical considerations and privacy issues, emphasizing responsible AI deployment. The study offers a comprehensive perspective on the integration of AI in marketing and suggests insights into prospective trends. It recommends a balanced approach to leveraging AI’s capabilities while upholding ethical standards. The research’s practical implications aim to guide marketers and researchers towards responsible and effective AI adoption in marketing strategies, paving the way for a future where technology enhances marketing endevaours without compromising ethical integrity

    Factors Influencing Consumers' Acceptance of Mobile Marketing Services

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    The research of mobile marketing services is still at the early stage and the reason to explain the acceptance as well as the understanding of the actual usage level of mobile marketing services still remains unclear. To investigate this issue, this study has examined the acceptance of mobile marketing services by measuring the consumer's intention and actual usage of mobile marketing services. Grounded by the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB), this study proposes a framework by decomposing attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and perceived risk. A total of 334 full-time university students from four public universities in the Northern Region, Malaysia have participated in this study. Data for all the study variables have been collected through self-administered survey questionnaires. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is the main statistical technique used in this study. The study has shown that the level of the actual usage is at the lower level. The study also reveals that all the main beliefs (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and perceived risk) are found to have significant effect on consumer‟s intention to use mobile marketing services. With regard to antecedents‟ effect on the main beliefs, there are only four factors which are found insignificant namely perceived ease of use, personal innovativeness, media and technology facilitating condition. Whereas, another ten antecedent factors significantly influence the main beliefs. Overall, the results indicate that the model provides a good understanding of the factors that influence intention to use and the actual usage of mobile marketing services. As predicted, decomposition of the main beliefs provides more specific factors that influence the behaviour. Based on the findings, the theoretical and practical implications of the study as well as limitations and suggestions for future studies are also discussed

    Discount Coupons Dematerialization: a Comprehensive Literature Review

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    This article presents a comprehensive literature review regarding digital coupon processing in its various aspects: suppliers, retailers and customers. Current standards, solutions and platforms available in the market and proposed by the scientific community (research, patents, etc.) are presented. A brief summary of the major trends in digital coupon processing is also presented. By resuming the state of the art in digital coupon processing, the article may be useful both for researchers and practitioners interested in the topic
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