17 research outputs found

    Improved Image Registration using the Up-Sampled Domain

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    Evaluation of pixel- and motion vector-based global motion estimation for camera motion characterization

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    Pixel-based and motion vector-based global motion estimation (GME) techniques are evaluated in this paper with an automatic system for camera motion characterization. First, the GME techniques are com-pared with a frame-by-frame PNSR measurement using five video sequences. The best motion vector-based GME method is then eval-uated together with a common and a simplified pixel-based GME technique for camera motion characterization. For this, selected unedited videos from the TRECVid 2005 BBC rushes corpus are used. We evaluate how the estimation accuracy of global motion parameters affects the results for camera motion characterization in terms of retrieval measures. The results for this characterization show that the simplified pixel-based GME technique obtains results that are comparable with the common pixel-based GME method, and outperforms significantly the results of an earlier proposed motion vector-based GME approach

    Joint Rectification and Stitching of Images Formulated as Camera Pose Estimation Problems

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2015. 8. 조남익.This dissertation presents a study of image rectification and stitching problems formulated as camera pose estimation problems. There have been many approaches to the rectification and/or stitching of images for their importance in image processing and computer vision areas. This dissertation adds a new approach to these problems, which finds appropriate optimization problems whose solutions give camera pose parameters for the given problems. Specifically, the contribution of this dissertation is to develop (i) a new optimization problem that can handle image rectification and stitching in a unified framework through the pose estimation formulation, and (ii) a new approach to planar object rectification problem which is also formulated as an optimal homography estimation problem. First, a unified framework for the image rectification and stitching problem is studied, which can handle both assumptions or conditions that (i) the optical center of camera is fixed or (ii) the camera captures a plane target. For this, the camera pose is modeled with six parameters (three for the rotation and three for the translation) and a cost function is developed that reflects the registration errors on a reference plane (image stitching results). The designed cost function is effectively minimized via the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. From the estimated camera poses, the relative camera motion is computed: when the optical center is moved (i.e., the camera motion is large), metric rectification is possible and thus provides rectified composites as well as camera poses are obtained. Second, this dissertation presents a rectification method for planar objects using line segments which can be augmented to the previous problem for further rectification or performed independently to single images when there are planar objects in the image such as building facades or name cards. Based on the 2D Manhattan world assumption (i.e., the majority of line segments are aligned with principal axes), a cost function is formulated as an optimal homography estimation problem that makes the line segments horizontally or vertically straight. Since there are outliers in the line segment detection, an iterative optimization scheme for the robust estimation is also developed. The application of the proposed methods is the stitching of many images of the same scene into a high resolution image along with its rectification. Also it can be applied to the rectification of building facades, documents, name cards, etc, which helps the optical character recognition (OCR) rates of texts in the scene and also to improve the recognition of buildings and visual qualities of scenery images. In addition, this dissertation finally presents an application of the proposed method for finding boundaries of document in videos for mobile device based application. This is a challenging problem due to perspective distortion, focus and motion blur, partial occlusion, and so on. For this, a cost function is formulated which comprises a data term (color distributions of the document and background), boundary term (alignment and contrast errors after the contour of the documents is rectified), and temporal term (temporal coherence in consecutive frames).1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Contributions 2 1.3 Homography between the i-th image and pi_E 4 1.4 Structure of the dissertation 5 2 A unified framework for automatic image stitching and rectification 7 2.1 Related works 7 2.2 Proposed cost function and its optimization 8 2.2.1 Proposed cost function 12 2.2.2 Optimization 13 2.2.3 Relation to the model in [1] 14 2.3 Post-processing 15 2.3.1 Classification of the conditions 15 2.3.2 Skew removal 16 2.4 Experimental results 18 2.4.1 Quantitative evaluation on metric reconstruction performance 19 2.4.2 Determining the capturing environment 21 2.4.3 Experiments on real images 25 2.4.4 Applications to document image stitching and more results 28 2.5 Summary 28 3 Rectification of planar targets based on line segments 31 3.1 Related works 31 3.1.1 Rectification of planar objects 32 3.1.2 Rectification based on self calibration 33 3.2 Proposed rectification model 33 3.2.1 Optimization-based framework 36 3.2.2 Cost function based on line segment alignments 37 3.2.3 Optimization 38 3.3 Experimental results 40 3.3.1 Evaluation metrics 40 3.3.2 Quantitative evaluation 41 3.3.3 Computation complexity 45 3.3.4 Qualitative comparisons and limitations 45 3.4 Summary 52 4 Application: Document capture system for mobile devices 53 4.1 Related works 53 4.2 The proposed method 54 4.2.1 Notation 54 4.2.2 Optimization-based framework 55 4.3 Experimental results 62 4.3.1 Initialization 65 4.3.2 Quantitative evaluation 65 4.3.3 Qualitative evaluation and limitations 66 4.4 Summary 67 5 Conclusions and future works 75 Bibliography 77 Abstract (Korean) 83Docto

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Multiple layer image analysis for video microscopy

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    Motion analysis is a fundamental problem that serves as the basis for many other image analysis tasks, such as structure estimation and object segmentation. Many motion analysis techniques assume that objects are opaque and non-reflective, asserting that a single pixel is an observation of a single scene object. This assumption breaks down when observing semitransparent objects--a single pixel is an observation of the object and whatever lies behind it. This dissertation is concerned with methods for analyzing multiple layer motion in microscopy, a domain where most objects are semitransparent. I present a novel approach to estimating the transmission of light through stationary, semitransparent objects by estimating the gradient of the constant transmission observed over all frames in a video. This enables removing the non-moving elements from the video, providing an enhanced view of the moving elements. I present a novel structured illumination technique that introduces a semitransparent pattern layer to microscopy, enabling microscope stage tracking even in the presence of stationary, sparse, or moving specimens. Magnitude comparisons at the frequencies present in the pattern layer provide estimates of pattern orientation and focal depth. Two pattern tracking techniques are examined, one based on phase correlation at pattern frequencies, and one based on spatial correlation using a model of pattern layer appearance based on microscopy image formation. Finally, I present a method for designing optimal structured illumination patterns tuned for constraints imposed by specific microscopy experiments. This approach is based on analysis of the microscope's optical transfer function at different focal depths

    Self consistent bathymetric mapping from robotic vehicles in the deep ocean

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    Submitted In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2005Obtaining accurate and repeatable navigation for robotic vehicles in the deep ocean is difficult and consequently a limiting factor when constructing vehicle-based bathymetric maps. This thesis presents a methodology to produce self-consistent maps and simultaneously improve vehicle position estimation by exploiting accurate local navigation and utilizing terrain relative measurements. It is common for errors in the vehicle position estimate to far exceed the errors associated with the acoustic range sensor. This disparity creates inconsistency when an area is imaged multiple times and causes artifacts that distort map integrity. Our technique utilizes small terrain "submaps" that can be pairwise registered and used to additionally constrain the vehicle position estimates in accordance with actual bottom topography. A delayed state Kalman filter is used to incorporate these sub-map registrations as relative position measurements between previously visited vehicle locations. The archiving of previous positions in a filter state vector allows for continual adjustment of the sub-map locations. The terrain registration is accomplished using a two dimensional correlation and a six degree of freedom point cloud alignment method tailored for bathymetric data. The complete bathymetric map is then created from the union of all sub-maps that have been aligned in a consistent manner. Experimental results from the fully automated processing of a multibeam survey over the TAG hydrothermal structure at the Mid-Atlantic ridge are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was funded by the CenSSIS ERC of the Nation Science Foundation under grant EEC-9986821 and in part by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a grant from the Penzance Foundation

    Técnicas de coste reducido para el posicionamiento del paciente en radioterapia percutánea utilizando un sistema de imágenes ópticas

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    Patient positioning is an important part of radiation therapy which is one of the main solutions for the treatment of malignant tissue in the human body. Currently, the most common patient positioning methods expose healthy tissue of the patient's body to extra dangerous radiations. Other non-invasive positioning methods are either not very accurate or are very costly for an average hospital. In this thesis, we explore the possibility of developing a system comprised of affordable hardware and advanced computer vision algorithms that facilitates patient positioning. Our algorithms are based on the usage of affordable RGB-D sensors, image features, ArUco planar markers, and other geometry registration methods. Furthermore, we take advantage of consumer-level computing hardware to make our systems widely accessible. More specifically, we avoid the usage of approaches that need to take advantage of dedicated GPU hardware for general-purpose computing since they are more costly. In different publications, we explore the usage of the mentioned tools to increase the accuracy of reconstruction/localization of the patient in its pose. We also take into account the visualization of the patient's target position with respect to their current position in order to assist the person who performs patient positioning. Furthermore, we make usage of augmented reality in conjunction with a real-time 3D tracking algorithm for better interaction between the program and the operator. We also solve more fundamental problems about ArUco markers that could be used in the future to improve our systems. These include highquality multi-camera calibration and mapping using ArUco markers plus detection of these markers in event cameras which are very useful in the presence of fast camera movement. In the end, we conclude that it is possible to increase the accuracy of 3D reconstruction and localization by combining current computer vision algorithms with fiducial planar markers with RGB-D sensors. This is reflected in the low amount of error we have achieved in our experiments for patient positioning, pushing forward the state of the art for this application.En el tratamiento de tumores malignos en el cuerpo, el posicionamiento del paciente en las sesiones de radioterapia es una cuestión crucial. Actualmente, los métodos más comunes de posicionamiento del paciente exponen tejido sano del mismo a radiaciones peligrosas debido a que no es posible asegurar que la posición del paciente siempre sea la misma que la que tuvo cuando se planificó la zona a radiar. Los métodos que se usan actualmente, o no son precisos o tienen costes que los hacen inasequibles para ser usados en hospitales con financiación limitada. En esta Tesis hemos analizado la posibilidad de desarrollar un sistema compuesto por hardware de bajo coste y métodos avanzados de visión por ordenador que ayuden a que el posicionamiento del paciente sea el mismo en las diferentes sesiones de radioterapia, con respecto a su pose cuando fue se planificó la zona a radiar. La solución propuesta como resultado de la Tesis se basa en el uso de sensores RGB-D, características extraídas de la imagen, marcadores cuadrados denominados ArUco y métodos de registro de la geometría en la imagen. Además, en la solución propuesta, se aprovecha la existencia de hardware convencional de bajo coste para hacer nuestro sistema ampliamente accesible. Más específicamente, evitamos el uso de enfoques que necesitan aprovechar GPU, de mayores costes, para computación de propósito general. Se han obtenido diferentes publicaciones para conseguir el objetivo final. Las mismas describen métodos para aumentar la precisión de la reconstrucción y la localización del paciente en su pose, teniendo en cuenta la visualización de la posición ideal del paciente con respecto a su posición actual, para ayudar al profesional que realiza la colocación del paciente. También se han propuesto métodos de realidad aumentada junto con algoritmos para seguimiento 3D en tiempo real para conseguir una mejor interacción entre el sistema ideado y el profesional que debe realizar esa labor. De forma añadida, también se han propuesto soluciones para problemas fundamentales relacionados con el uso de marcadores cuadrados que han sido utilizados para conseguir el objetivo de la Tesis. Las soluciones propuestas pueden ser empleadas en el futuro para mejorar otros sistemas. Los problemas citados incluyen la calibración y el mapeo multicámara de alta calidad utilizando los marcadores y la detección de estos marcadores en cámaras de eventos, que son muy útiles en presencia de movimientos rápidos de la cámara. Al final, concluimos que es posible aumentar la precisión de la reconstrucción y localización en 3D combinando los actuales algoritmos de visión por ordenador, que usan marcadores cuadrados de referencia, con sensores RGB-D. Los resultados obtenidos con respecto al error que el sistema obtiene al reproducir el posicionamiento del paciente suponen un importante avance en el estado del arte de este tópico

    Interdisciplinarity in the Age of the Triple Helix: a Film Practitioner's Perspective

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    This integrative chapter contextualises my research including articles I have published as well as one of the creative artefacts developed from it, the feature film The Knife That Killed Me. I review my work considering the ways in which technology, industry methods and academic practice have evolved as well as how attitudes to interdisciplinarity have changed, linking these to Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff’s ‘Triple Helix’ model (1995). I explore my own experiences and observations of opportunities and challenges that have been posed by the intersection of different stakeholder needs and expectations, both from industry and academic perspectives, and argue that my work provides novel examples of the applicability of the ‘Triple Helix’ to the creative industries. The chapter concludes with a reflection on the evolution and direction of my work, the relevance of the ‘Triple Helix’ to creative practice, and ways in which this relationship could be investigated further

    Structureless Camera Motion Estimation of Unordered Omnidirectional Images

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    This work aims at providing a novel camera motion estimation pipeline from large collections of unordered omnidirectional images. In oder to keep the pipeline as general and flexible as possible, cameras are modelled as unit spheres, allowing to incorporate any central camera type. For each camera an unprojection lookup is generated from intrinsics, which is called P2S-map (Pixel-to-Sphere-map), mapping pixels to their corresponding positions on the unit sphere. Consequently the camera geometry becomes independent of the underlying projection model. The pipeline also generates P2S-maps from world map projections with less distortion effects as they are known from cartography. Using P2S-maps from camera calibration and world map projection allows to convert omnidirectional camera images to an appropriate world map projection in oder to apply standard feature extraction and matching algorithms for data association. The proposed estimation pipeline combines the flexibility of SfM (Structure from Motion) - which handles unordered image collections - with the efficiency of PGO (Pose Graph Optimization), which is used as back-end in graph-based Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) approaches to optimize camera poses from large image sequences. SfM uses BA (Bundle Adjustment) to jointly optimize camera poses (motion) and 3d feature locations (structure), which becomes computationally expensive for large-scale scenarios. On the contrary PGO solves for camera poses (motion) from measured transformations between cameras, maintaining optimization managable. The proposed estimation algorithm combines both worlds. It obtains up-to-scale transformations between image pairs using two-view constraints, which are jointly scaled using trifocal constraints. A pose graph is generated from scaled two-view transformations and solved by PGO to obtain camera motion efficiently even for large image collections. Obtained results can be used as input data to provide initial pose estimates for further 3d reconstruction purposes e.g. to build a sparse structure from feature correspondences in an SfM or SLAM framework with further refinement via BA. The pipeline also incorporates fixed extrinsic constraints from multi-camera setups as well as depth information provided by RGBD sensors. The entire camera motion estimation pipeline does not need to generate a sparse 3d structure of the captured environment and thus is called SCME (Structureless Camera Motion Estimation).:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.1.1 Increasing Interest of Image-Based 3D Reconstruction 1.1.2 Underground Environments as Challenging Scenario 1.1.3 Improved Mobile Camera Systems for Full Omnidirectional Imaging 1.2 Issues 1.2.1 Directional versus Omnidirectional Image Acquisition 1.2.2 Structure from Motion versus Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 1.3 Contribution 1.4 Structure of this Work 2 Related Work 2.1 Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 2.1.1 Visual Odometry 2.1.2 Pose Graph Optimization 2.2 Structure from Motion 2.2.1 Bundle Adjustment 2.2.2 Structureless Bundle Adjustment 2.3 Corresponding Issues 2.4 Proposed Reconstruction Pipeline 3 Cameras and Pixel-to-Sphere Mappings with P2S-Maps 3.1 Types 3.2 Models 3.2.1 Unified Camera Model 3.2.2 Polynomal Camera Model 3.2.3 Spherical Camera Model 3.3 P2S-Maps - Mapping onto Unit Sphere via Lookup Table 3.3.1 Lookup Table as Color Image 3.3.2 Lookup Interpolation 3.3.3 Depth Data Conversion 4 Calibration 4.1 Overview of Proposed Calibration Pipeline 4.2 Target Detection 4.3 Intrinsic Calibration 4.3.1 Selected Examples 4.4 Extrinsic Calibration 4.4.1 3D-2D Pose Estimation 4.4.2 2D-2D Pose Estimation 4.4.3 Pose Optimization 4.4.4 Uncertainty Estimation 4.4.5 PoseGraph Representation 4.4.6 Bundle Adjustment 4.4.7 Selected Examples 5 Full Omnidirectional Image Projections 5.1 Panoramic Image Stitching 5.2 World Map Projections 5.3 World Map Projection Generator for P2S-Maps 5.4 Conversion between Projections based on P2S-Maps 5.4.1 Proposed Workflow 5.4.2 Data Storage Format 5.4.3 Real World Example 6 Relations between Two Camera Spheres 6.1 Forward and Backward Projection 6.2 Triangulation 6.2.1 Linear Least Squares Method 6.2.2 Alternative Midpoint Method 6.3 Epipolar Geometry 6.4 Transformation Recovery from Essential Matrix 6.4.1 Cheirality 6.4.2 Standard Procedure 6.4.3 Simplified Procedure 6.4.4 Improved Procedure 6.5 Two-View Estimation 6.5.1 Evaluation Strategy 6.5.2 Error Metric 6.5.3 Evaluation of Estimation Algorithms 6.5.4 Concluding Remarks 6.6 Two-View Optimization 6.6.1 Epipolar-Based Error Distances 6.6.2 Projection-Based Error Distances 6.6.3 Comparison between Error Distances 6.7 Two-View Translation Scaling 6.7.1 Linear Least Squares Estimation 6.7.2 Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization 6.7.3 Comparison between Initial and Optimized Scaling Factor 6.8 Homography to Identify Degeneracies 6.8.1 Homography for Spherical Cameras 6.8.2 Homography Estimation 6.8.3 Homography Optimization 6.8.4 Homography and Pure Rotation 6.8.5 Homography in Epipolar Geometry 7 Relations between Three Camera Spheres 7.1 Three View Geometry 7.2 Crossing Epipolar Planes Geometry 7.3 Trifocal Geometry 7.4 Relation between Trifocal, Three-View and Crossing Epipolar Planes 7.5 Translation Ratio between Up-To-Scale Two-View Transformations 7.5.1 Structureless Determination Approaches 7.5.2 Structure-Based Determination Approaches 7.5.3 Comparison between Proposed Approaches 8 Pose Graphs 8.1 Optimization Principle 8.2 Solvers 8.2.1 Additional Graph Solvers 8.2.2 False Loop Closure Detection 8.3 Pose Graph Generation 8.3.1 Generation of Synthetic Pose Graph Data 8.3.2 Optimization of Synthetic Pose Graph Data 9 Structureless Camera Motion Estimation 9.1 SCME Pipeline 9.2 Determination of Two-View Translation Scale Factors 9.3 Integration of Depth Data 9.4 Integration of Extrinsic Camera Constraints 10 Camera Motion Estimation Results 10.1 Directional Camera Images 10.2 Omnidirectional Camera Images 11 Conclusion 11.1 Summary 11.2 Outlook and Future Work Appendices A.1 Additional Extrinsic Calibration Results A.2 Linear Least Squares Scaling A.3 Proof Rank Deficiency A.4 Alternative Derivation Midpoint Method A.5 Simplification of Depth Calculation A.6 Relation between Epipolar and Circumferential Constraint A.7 Covariance Estimation A.8 Uncertainty Estimation from Epipolar Geometry A.9 Two-View Scaling Factor Estimation: Uncertainty Estimation A.10 Two-View Scaling Factor Optimization: Uncertainty Estimation A.11 Depth from Adjoining Two-View Geometries A.12 Alternative Three-View Derivation A.12.1 Second Derivation Approach A.12.2 Third Derivation Approach A.13 Relation between Trifocal Geometry and Alternative Midpoint Method A.14 Additional Pose Graph Generation Examples A.15 Pose Graph Solver Settings A.16 Additional Pose Graph Optimization Examples Bibliograph

    Robot Assisted Object Manipulation for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Robotic systems have an increasingly important role in facilitating minimally invasive surgical treatments. In robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery, surgeons remotely control instruments from a console to perform operations inside the patient. However, despite the advanced technological status of surgical robots, fully autonomous systems, with decision-making capabilities, are not yet available. In 2017, a structure to classify the research efforts toward autonomy achievable with surgical robots was proposed by Yang et al. Six different levels were identified: no autonomy, robot assistance, task autonomy, conditional autonomy, high autonomy, and full autonomy. All the commercially available platforms in robot-assisted surgery is still in level 0 (no autonomy). Despite increasing the level of autonomy remains an open challenge, its adoption could potentially introduce multiple benefits, such as decreasing surgeons’ workload and fatigue and pursuing a consistent quality of procedures. Ultimately, allowing the surgeons to interpret the ample and intelligent information from the system will enhance the surgical outcome and positively reflect both on patients and society. Three main aspects are required to introduce automation into surgery: the surgical robot must move with high precision, have motion planning capabilities and understand the surgical scene. Besides these main factors, depending on the type of surgery, there could be other aspects that might play a fundamental role, to name some compliance, stiffness, etc. This thesis addresses three technological challenges encountered when trying to achieve the aforementioned goals, in the specific case of robot-object interaction. First, how to overcome the inaccuracy of cable-driven systems when executing fine and precise movements. Second, planning different tasks in dynamically changing environments. Lastly, how the understanding of a surgical scene can be used to solve more than one manipulation task. To address the first challenge, a control scheme relying on accurate calibration is implemented to execute the pick-up of a surgical needle. Regarding the planning of surgical tasks, two approaches are explored: one is learning from demonstration to pick and place a surgical object, and the second is using a gradient-based approach to trigger a smoother object repositioning phase during intraoperative procedures. Finally, to improve scene understanding, this thesis focuses on developing a simulation environment where multiple tasks can be learned based on the surgical scene and then transferred to the real robot. Experiments proved that automation of the pick and place task of different surgical objects is possible. The robot was successfully able to autonomously pick up a suturing needle, position a surgical device for intraoperative ultrasound scanning and manipulate soft tissue for intraoperative organ retraction. Despite automation of surgical subtasks has been demonstrated in this work, several challenges remain open, such as the capabilities of the generated algorithm to generalise over different environment conditions and different patients