585 research outputs found

    An SVM-based solution for fault detection in wind turbines

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    Research into fault diagnosis in machines with a wide range of variable loads and speeds, such as wind turbines, is of great industrial interest. Analysis of the power signals emitted by wind turbines for the diagnosis of mechanical faults in their mechanical transmission chain is insufficient. A successful diagnosis requires the inclusion of accelerometers to evaluate vibrations. This work presents a multi-sensory system for fault diagnosis in wind turbines, combined with a data-mining solution for the classification of the operational state of the turbine. The selected sensors are accelerometers, in which vibration signals are processed using angular resampling techniques and electrical, torque and speed measurements. Support vector machines (SVMs) are selected for the classification task, including two traditional and two promising new kernels. This multi-sensory system has been validated on a test-bed that simulates the real conditions of wind turbines with two fault typologies: misalignment and imbalance. Comparison of SVM performance with the results of artificial neural networks (ANNs) shows that linear kernel SVM outperforms other kernels and ANNs in terms of accuracy, training and tuning times. The suitability and superior performance of linear SVM is also experimentally analyzed, to conclude that this data acquisition technique generates linearly separable datasets.Projects, CENIT-2008-1028, TIN2011-24046, IPT-2011-1265-020000 and DPI2009-06124-E/DPI of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Multi-Fault Rapid Diagnosis for Wind Turbine Gearbox Using Sparse Bayesian Extreme Learning Machine

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    © 2013 IEEE. In order to reduce operation and maintenance costs, reliability, and quick response capability of multi-fault intelligent diagnosis for the wind turbine system are becoming more important. This paper proposes a rapid data-driven fault diagnostic method, which integrates data pre-processing and machine learning techniques. In terms of data pre-processing, fault features are extracted by using the proposed modified Hilbert-Huang transforms (HHT) and correlation techniques. Then, time domain analysis is conducted to make the feature more concise. A dimension vector will then be constructed by including the intrinsic mode function energy, time domain statistical features, and the maximum value of the HHT marginal spectrum. On the other hand, as the architecture and the learning algorithm of pairwise-coupled sparse Bayesian extreme learning machine (PC-SBELM) are more concise and effective, it could identify the single- and simultaneous-fault more quickly and precisely when compared with traditional identification techniques such as pairwise-coupled probabilistic neural networks (PC-PNN) and pairwise-coupled relevance vector machine (PC-RVM). In this case study, PC-SBELM is applied to build a real-time multi-fault diagnostic system. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnostic framework, it is carried out on a real wind turbine gearbox system. The evaluation results show that the proposed framework can detect multi-fault in wind turbine gearbox much faster and more accurately than traditional identification techniques

    Diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults from SCADA data using support vector machines

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    Unscheduled or reactive maintenance on wind turbines due to component failure incurs significant downtime and, in turn, loss of revenue. To this end, it is important to be able to perform maintenance before it's needed. To date, a strong effort has been applied to developing Condition Monitoring Systems (CMSs) which rely on retrofitting expensive vibration or oil analysis sensors to the turbine. Instead, by performing complex analysis of existing data from the turbine's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, valuable insights into turbine performance can be obtained at a much lower cost. In this paper, fault and alarm data from a turbine on the Southern coast of Ireland is analysed to identify periods of nominal and faulty operation. Classification techniques are then applied to detect and diagnose faults by taking into account other SCADA data such as temperature, pitch and rotor data. This is then extended to allow prediction and diagnosis in advance of specific faults. Results are provided which show recall scores generally above 80\% for fault detection and diagnosis, and prediction up to 24 hours in advance of specific faults, representing significant improvement over previous techniques

    Texture analysis for wind turbine fault detection

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    The future of wind energy industry passes through the use of larger and more flexible wind turbines in remote locations, which are increasingly offshore to benefit stronger and more uniform wind conditions. Cost of operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines is among 15-35% of the total cost. From this, 80% comes from unplanned maintenance due to different faults in the wind turbine components. Thus, an auspicious way to contribute to the increasing demands and challenges is by applying low-cost advanced fault detection schemes. This work proposes a new method for fault detection of wind turbine actuators and sensors faults in variable-speed wind turbines. For this purpose, time domain signals acquired from the operating wind turbine are converted into two-dimensional matrices to obtain gray-scale digital images. Then, the image pattern recognition is processed getting texture features under a multichannel representation. In this work, four types of texture features are used: statistical, wavelet, granulometric and Gabor features. Then, the most significant features are selected with the conditional mutual criterion. Finally, the fault detection is performed using an automatic classification tool. In particular, a 10-fold cross validation is used to obtain a more generalized model and evaluate the classification performance. In this way, the healthy and faulty conditions of the wind turbine can be detected. Coupled non-linear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of a 5MW offshore type wind turbine are carried out for several fault scenarios. The results show a promising methodology able to detect the most common wind turbine faults.Postprint (published version

    Wind turbine fault detection and classification by means of image texture analysis

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    The future of the wind energy industry passes through the use of larger and more flexible wind turbines in remote locations, which are increasingly offshore to benefit stronger and more uniform wind conditions. The cost of operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines is approximately 15-35% of the total cost. Of this, 80% goes towards unplanned maintenance issues due to different faults in the wind turbine components. Thus, an auspicious way to contribute to the increasing demands and challenges is by applying low-cost advanced fault detection schemes. This work proposes a new method for detection and classification of wind turbine actuators and sensors faults in variable- speed wind turbines. For this purpose, time domain signals acquired from the operating wind turbine are represented as two-dimensional matrices to obtain grayscale digital images. Then, the image pattern recognition is processed getting texture features under a multichannel representation. In this work, four types of texture characteristics are used: statistical, wavelet, granulometric and Gabor features. Next, the most significant ones are selected using the conditional mutual criterion. Finally, the faults are detected and distinguished between them (classified) using an automatic classification tool. In particular, a 10-fold cross-validation is used to obtain a more generalized model and evaluates the classification performance. Coupled non-linear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of a 5MW offshore type wind turbine are carried out in several fault scenarios. The results show a promising methodology able to detect and classify the most common wind turbine faults.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Efficient residuals pre-processing for diagnosing multi-class faults in a doubly fed induction generator, under missing data scenarios

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    This paper focuses on the development of a pre-processing module to generate the latent residuals for sensor fault diagnosis in a doubly fed induction generator of a wind turbine. The pre-processing module bridges a gap between the residual generation and decision modules. The inputs of the pre-processing module are batches of residuals generated by a combined set of observers that are robust to operating point changes. The outputs of the pre-processing module are the latent residuals which are progressively fed into the decision module, a dynamic weighting ensemble of fault classifiers that incrementally learns the residuals-faults relationships and dynamically classifies the faults including multiple new classes. The pre-processing module consists of the Wold cross-validation algorithm along with the non-linear iterative partial least squares (NIPALS) that projects the residual to the new feature space, extracts the latent information among the residuals and estimates the optimal number of principal components to form the latent residuals. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of this approach, even in the incomplete scenarios, i.e.; the missing data in the batches of generated residuals due to sensor failures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Use of advanced analytics for health estimation and failure prediction in wind turbines

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    Tesi en modalitat de tesi per compendiThe energy sector has undergone drastic changes and critical revolutions in the last few decades. Renewable energy sources have grown significantly, now representing a sizeable share of the energy production mix. Wind energy has seen increasing rate of adoptions, being one of the more convenient and sustainable mean of producing energy. Research and innovation have helped greatly in driving down production and operation costs of wind energy, yet important challenges still remain open. This thesis addresses predictive maintenance and monitoring of wind turbines, aiming to present predictive frameworks designed with the necessities of the industry in mind. More concretely: interpretability, scalability, modularity and reliability of the predictions are the objectives —together with limited data requirements— of this project. Of all the available data at the disposal of wind turbine operators, SCADA is the principal source of information utilized in this research, due to its wide availability and low cost. Ensemble models played an important role in the development of the presented predictive frameworks thanks to their modular nature which allows to combine very diverse algorithms and data types. Important insights gained from these experiments are the beneficial effect of combining multiple and diverse sources of data —for example SCADA and alarms logs—, the easiness of combining different algorithms and indicators, and the noticeable gain in predicting performance that it can provide. Finally, given the central role that SCADA data plays in this thesis, but also in the wind energy industry, a detailed analysis of the limitations and shortcomings of SCADA data is presented. In particular, the ef- fect of data aggregation —a common practice in the wind industry— is determined developing a methodological framework that has been used to study high–frequency SCADA data. This lead to the conclusion that typical aggregation periods, i.e. 5–10 minutes that are the standard in wind energy industry are not able to capture and maintain the information content of fast–changing signals, such as wind and electrical measurements.El sector energètic ha experimentat importants canvis i revolucions en les últimes dècades. Les fonts d’energia renovables han crescut significativament, i ara representen una part important en el conjunt de generació. L’energia eòlica ha augmentat significativament, convertint-se en una de les millors alternatives per produir energia verda. La recerca i la innovació ha ajudat a reduir considerablement els costos de producció i operació de l’energia eòlica, però encara hi ha oberts reptes importants. Aquesta tesi aborda el manteniment predictiu i el seguiment d’aerogeneradors, amb l’objectiu de presentar solucions d’algoritmes de predicció dissenyats tenint en compte les necessitats de la indústria. Més concretament conceptes com, la interpretabilitat, escalabilitat, modularitat i fiabilitat de les prediccions ho són els objectius, juntament amb els requisits limitats per les de dades disponibles d’aquest projecte. De totes les dades disponibles a disposició dels operadors d’aerogeneradors, les dades del sistema SCADA són la principal font d’informació utilitzada en aquest projecte, per la seva àmplia disponibilitat i baix cost. En el present treball, els models de conjunt tenen un paper important en el desenvolupament dels marcs predictius presentats gràcies al seu caràcter modular que permet l’ús d’algoritmes i tipus de dades molt diversos. Resultats importants obtinguts d’aquests experiments són l’efecte beneficiós de combinar múltiples i diverses fonts de dades, per exemple, SCADA i dades d’alarmes, la facilitat de combinar diferents algorismes i indicadors i el notable guany en predir el rendiment que es pot oferir. Finalment, donat el paper central que SCADA l’anàlisi de dades juga en aquesta tesi, però també en la indústria de l’energia eòlica, una anàlisi detallada de la es presenten les limitacions i les mancances de les dades SCADA. En particular es va estudiar l’efecte de l’agregació de dades -una pràctica habitual en la indústria eòlica-. Dins d’aquest treball es proposa un marc metodològic que s’ha utilitzat per estudiar dades SCADA d’alta freqüència. Això va portar a la conclusió que els períodes d’agregació típics, de 5 a 10 minuts que són l’estàndard a la indústria de l’energia eòlica, no són capaços de capturar i mantenir el contingut d’informació de senyals que canvien ràpidament, com ara mesures eòliques i elèctriquesPostprint (published version

    Moving towards preventive maintenance in wind turbine structural control and health monitoring

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    This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)—Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the research projects PID2021-122132OB-C21 and TED2021- 129512B-I00; and by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the research projects 2021-SGR-01044.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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