2,184 research outputs found

    Irregular and multi--channel sampling of operators

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    The classical sampling theorem for bandlimited functions has recently been generalized to apply to so-called bandlimited operators, that is, to operators with band-limited Kohn-Nirenberg symbols. Here, we discuss operator sampling versions of two of the most central extensions to the classical sampling theorem. In irregular operator sampling, the sampling set is not periodic with uniform distance. In multi-channel operator sampling, we obtain complete information on an operator by multiple operator sampling outputs

    Sparse Volterra and Polynomial Regression Models: Recoverability and Estimation

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    Volterra and polynomial regression models play a major role in nonlinear system identification and inference tasks. Exciting applications ranging from neuroscience to genome-wide association analysis build on these models with the additional requirement of parsimony. This requirement has high interpretative value, but unfortunately cannot be met by least-squares based or kernel regression methods. To this end, compressed sampling (CS) approaches, already successful in linear regression settings, can offer a viable alternative. The viability of CS for sparse Volterra and polynomial models is the core theme of this work. A common sparse regression task is initially posed for the two models. Building on (weighted) Lasso-based schemes, an adaptive RLS-type algorithm is developed for sparse polynomial regressions. The identifiability of polynomial models is critically challenged by dimensionality. However, following the CS principle, when these models are sparse, they could be recovered by far fewer measurements. To quantify the sufficient number of measurements for a given level of sparsity, restricted isometry properties (RIP) are investigated in commonly met polynomial regression settings, generalizing known results for their linear counterparts. The merits of the novel (weighted) adaptive CS algorithms to sparse polynomial modeling are verified through synthetic as well as real data tests for genotype-phenotype analysis.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processin

    Exponentially Localized Wannier Functions in Periodic Zero Flux Magnetic Fields

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    In this work, we investigate conditions which ensure the existence of an exponentially localized Wannier basis for a given periodic hamiltonian. We extend previous results in [Pan07] to include periodic zero flux magnetic fields which is the setting also investigated in [Kuc09]. The new notion of magnetic symmetry plays a crucial role; to a large class of symmetries for a non-magnetic system, one can associate "magnetic" symmetries of the related magnetic system. Observing that the existence of an exponentially localized Wannier basis is equivalent to the triviality of the so-called Bloch bundle, a rank m hermitian vector bundle over the Brillouin zone, we prove that magnetic time-reversal symmetry is sufficient to ensure the triviality of the Bloch bundle in spatial dimension d=1,2,3. For d=4, an exponentially localized Wannier basis exists provided that the trace per unit volume of a suitable function of the Fermi projection vanishes. For d>4 and d \leq 2m (stable rank regime) only the exponential localization of a subset of Wannier functions is shown; this improves part of the analysis of [Kuc09]. Finally, for d>4 and d>2m (unstable rank regime) we show that the mere analysis of Chern classes does not suffice in order to prove trivility and thus exponential localization.Comment: 48 pages, updated introduction and bibliograph

    Adaptive cancelation of self-generated sensory signals in a whisking robot

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    Sensory signals are often caused by one's own active movements. This raises a problem of discriminating between self-generated sensory signals and signals generated by the external world. Such discrimination is of general importance for robotic systems, where operational robustness is dependent on the correct interpretation of sensory signals. Here, we investigate this problem in the context of a whiskered robot. The whisker sensory signal comprises two components: one due to contact with an object (externally generated) and another due to active movement of the whisker (self-generated). We propose a solution to this discrimination problem based on adaptive noise cancelation, where the robot learns to predict the sensory consequences of its own movements using an adaptive filter. The filter inputs (copy of motor commands) are transformed by Laguerre functions instead of the often-used tapped-delay line, which reduces model order and, therefore, computational complexity. Results from a contact-detection task demonstrate that false positives are significantly reduced using the proposed scheme
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