1,182 research outputs found

    Indoor wireless communications and applications

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    Chapter 3 addresses challenges in radio link and system design in indoor scenarios. Given the fact that most human activities take place in indoor environments, the need for supporting ubiquitous indoor data connectivity and location/tracking service becomes even more important than in the previous decades. Specific technical challenges addressed in this section are(i), modelling complex indoor radio channels for effective antenna deployment, (ii), potential of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) radios for supporting higher data rates, and (iii), feasible indoor localisation and tracking techniques, which are summarised in three dedicated sections of this chapter

    Directional propagation channel estimation and analysis in urban environment with panoramic photography

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    International audienceThis article aims to provide readers with a physical understanding of the propagation channel that is complementary to mathematical channel modeling. It presents an analysis of the directional propagation channel based on radiophotos. Radiophotos are graphical objects where directions of arrival are superimposed on three-dimensional (3D) panoramic photographs.The interaction between electro magnetic waves and the environment is immediately identified with these representations. This paper focuses on the direction of arrival at mobile in an urban macrocell environment. The first radiophoto collection illustrates the major propagation phenomena such as reflection, diffraction, or street canyoning. The second collection illustrates typical propagation channel profiles that are classified according to delay, azimuth, and elevation spread values. The paper also describes an original panorama-based method for estimating noise level in the azimuth–elevation domain

    Experimental analysis of multidimensional radio channels

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    In this thesis new systems for radio channel measurements including space and polarization dimensions are developed for studying the radio propagation in wideband mobile communication systems. Multidimensional channel characterization is required for building channel models for new systems capable of exploiting the spatial nature of the channel. It also gives insight into the dominant propagation mechanisms in complex radio environments, where their prediction is difficult, such as urban and indoor environments. The measurement systems are based on the HUT/IDC wideband radio channel sounder, which was extended to enable real-time multiple output channel measurements at practical mobile speeds at frequencies up to 18 GHz. Two dual-polarized antenna arrays were constructed for 2 GHz, having suitable properties for characterizing the 3-D spatial radio channel at both ends of a mobile communication link. These implementations and their performance analysis are presented. The usefulness of the developed measurement systems is demonstrated by performing channel measurements at 2 GHz and analyzing the experimental data. Spatial channels of both the mobile and base stations are analyzed, as well as the double-directional channel that fully characterizes the propagation between two antennas. It is shown through sample results that spatial domain channel measurements can be used to gain knowledge on the dominant propagation mechanisms or verify the current assumptions. Also new statistical information about scatterer distribution at the mobile station in urban environment is presented based on extensive real-time measurements. The developed techniques and collected experimental data form a good basis for further comparison with existing deterministic propagation models and development of new spatial channel models.reviewe

    Measurement-Based Modeling of Wireless Propagation Channels - MIMO and UWB

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    Future wireless systems envision higher speeds and more reliable services but at the same time face challenges in terms of bandwidth being a limited resource. Two promising techniques that can provide an increased throughput without requiring additional bandwidth allocation are multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. However, the performance of such systems is highly dependent on the properties of the wireless propagation channel, and an understanding of the channel is therefore crucial in the design of future wireless systems. Examples of such systems covered by this thesis are wireless personal area networks (papers I and II), vehicle-to-vehicle communications (paper III), board-to-board communications inside computers (paper IV) and sensor networks for industrial applications (paper V). Typically, channel models are used to evaluate the performance of different transmission and reception schemes. Channel modeling is the focus of this thesis, which contains a collection of papers that analyze and model the behavior of MIMO and UWB propagation channels. Paper I investigates the fading characteristics of wireless personal area networks (PANs), networks that typically involve human influence close to the antenna terminals. Based on extensive channel measurements using irregular antenna arrays, typical properties of PAN propagation channels are discussed and a model for the complete fading of a single link is presented. Paper II extends the model from paper I to a complete MIMO channel model. The paper combines the classical LOS model for MIMO with results from paper I by prescribing different fading statistics and mean power at the different antenna elements. The model is verified against measurement data and the paper also provides a parameterization for an example of a PAN scenario. Paper III presents a geometry-based stochastic MIMO model for vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The most important propagation effects are discussed based on the results from extensive channel measurements, and the modeling approach is motivated by the non-stationary behavior of such channels. The model distinguishes between diffuse contributions and those stemming from interaction with significant objects in the propagation channel, and the observed fading characteristics of the latter are stochastically accounted for in the model. Paper IV gives a characterization of UWB propagation channels inside desktop computer chassis. By studying measurement results from two different computers, it is concluded that the propagation channel only shows minor differences for different computers and positions within the chassis. It is also found out that the interference power produced by the computer is limited to certain subbands, suggesting that multiband UWB systems are more suitable for this type of applications. Paper V describes a UWB channel model based on the first UWB measurements in an industrial environment. Analyzing results from two different factory halls, it is concluded that energy arrives at the receiver in clusters, which motivates the use of a classical multi-cluster model to describe the channel impulse response. Parts of the results from this paper were also used as input to the channel model in the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB standardization work. In summary, the work within this thesis leads to an increased understanding of the behavior of wireless propagation channels for MIMO and UWB systems. By providing three detailed simulation models, two for MIMO and one for UWB, it can thus contribute to a more efficient design of the wireless communications systems of tomorrow

    Characterisation of MIMO radio propagation channels

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    Due to the incessant requirement for higher performance radio systems, wireless designers have been constantly seeking ways to improve spectrum efficiency, link reliability, service quality, and radio network coverage. During the past few years, space-time technology which employs multiple antennas along with suitable signalling schemes and receiver architectures has been seen as a powerful tool for the implementation of the aforementioned requirements. In particular, the concept of communications via Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) links has emerged as one of the major contending ideas for next generation ad-hoc and cellular systems. This is inherently due to the capacities expected when multiple antennas are employed at both ends of the radio link. Such a mobile radio propagation channel constitutes a MIMO system. Multiple antenna technologies and in particular MIMO signalling are envisaged for a number of standards such as the next generation of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology known as 802.1 ln and the development of the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) project, such as the 802.16e. For the efficient design, performance evaluation and deployment of such multiple antenna (space-time) systems, it becomes increasingly important to understand the characteristics of the spatial radio channel. This criterion has led to the development of new sounding systems, which can measure both spatial and temporal channel information. In this thesis, a novel semi-sequential wideband MIMO sounder is presented, which is suitable for high-resolution radio channel measurements. The sounder produces a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or chirp signal with variable bandwidth, centre frequency and waveform repetition rate. It has programmable bandwidth up to 300 MHz and waveform repetition rates up to 300 Hz, and could be used to measure conventional high- resolution delay/Doppler information as well as spatial channel information such as Direction of Arrival (DOA) and Direction of Departure (DOD). Notably the knowledge of the angular information at the link ends could be used to properly design and develop systems such as smart antennas. This thesis examines the theory of multiple antenna propagation channels, the sounding architecture required for the measurement of such spatial channel information and the signal processing which is used to quantify and analyse such measurement data. Over 700 measurement files were collected corresponding to over 175,000 impulse responses with different sounder and antenna array configurations. These included measurements in the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems Frequency Division Duplex (UMTS-FDD) uplink band, the 2.25 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands allocated for studio broadcast MIMO video links, and the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands allocated for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) activity as well as for a wide range of future systems defined in the WiMAX project. The measurements were collected predominantly for indoor and some outdoor multiple antenna channels using sounding signals with 60 MHz, 96 MHz and 240 MHz bandwidth. A wide range of different MIMO antenna array configurations are examined in this thesis with varying space, time and frequency resolutions. Measurements can be generally subdivided into three main categories, namely measurements at different locations in the environment (static), measurements while moving at regular intervals step by step (spatial), and measurements while the receiver (or transmitter) is on the move (dynamic). High-scattering as well as time-varying MIMO channels are examined for different antenna array structures

    Experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas

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    [SPA] Cada día son necesarias comunicaciones mejores y más eficientes, con mayores anchos de banda y mayores tasas de transferencias de datos. Por un lado los sistemas de múltiples antenas, MIMO, surgieron como una técnica para optimizar el uso de la potencia y el espectro. Por otro lado, los sistemas Ultra-Wideband, UWB, han ganado recientemente el interés de la comunidad científica por su gran ancho de banda combinado con su baja potencia de transmisión. A la hora de diseñar y testear nuevos dispositivos de comunicaciones inalámbricas, es esencial poseer un conocimiento preciso del canal de propagación por el que se propagan dichas señales. Esta tesis, se basa en el modelado del canal de propagación para sistemas de gran ancho de banda y múltiples antenas desde un punto de vista experimental. Primeramente se presentan las mejoras y desarrollos realizados en el ámbito de los sistemas de medida del canal, dado que es necesario disponer de equipos adecuados y precisos para realizar adecuadas medidas del canal. Seguidamente, se analiza el canal MIMO-UWB en interiores. Se realiza un análisis en profundidad de varios parámetros, especialmente parámetros de una antena como las pérdidas de propagación, el factor de polarización cruzada o la dispersión del retardo. Finalmente, la tesis particulariza el análisis del canal en un entorno especial como es el caso de túneles. Se realiza un análisis experimental de parámetros de una antena como multi antena para luego evaluar las prestaciones que pueden brindar varias técnicas de diversidad como es en el dominio de la frecuencia, la polarización, el espacio o el tiempo.[ENG] Wireless communications have become essential in our society [Rappaport, 1996], [Parsons, 2000]. Nowadays, people need to be connected everywhere and at any time, and demand faster and enhanced communications every day. New applications requires higher data rates and, therefore, higher bandwidths. On the one hand, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems were proposed as one solution to achieve higher data rates and optimize the use of the spectrum. On the other hand, more recently, systems with an ultra large bandwidth, and particularly Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems, have gained the interest of the scientific community. Such interest is owing to the extremely high data rates offered and its possible coexistence with existing systems due to the its low transmitted power. However, this improvement in mobile communications involves the development and testing of new wireless communications systems. Precise knowledge of the radio channel is an essential issue to design this new devices and, thus, reach such improvement in wireless communications. In general, the modeling of the radio channel can be undertaken in two main ways: Theoretically, where the channel is characterized by means of simulations and theoretical approaches. - Experimentally, where the radio channel is characterized by means of the analysis of measurements carried out in real scenarios. This thesis is mainly focused on the experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas (MIMO). However, characterizing experimentally the MIMO wideband channel implies the availability of adequate and accurate channel sounders.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversité des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL)Programa de doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations

    Channel Sounding and Measurements for Pico Cells for LTE and Future Wireless Networks

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    Wireless networks are the preferred future access networks for both defense and civilian deployments as part of telecommunication networks. The successful implementation of long term evolution (LTE) networks and applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT) in the telecommunication infrastructure has guaranteed rates of up to 100 Mbps while supporting ultra-dense wireless access network. With the incorporation of LTE-Advanced and fifth-generation wireless protocols, the data rates are expected to reach upto 1 Gbps. Hence, there is a pertinent requirement to carry out channel measurements at sub 1 GHz, 2 GHz, and 3 GHz bands to enable the design and implementation of optimum transceivers for pico-cells of LTE and future wireless networks. For the first time measurements and comparison with standard models of channel impulse response models have also been carried out in five different terrains namely Urban, Semi-Urban, Forest, Rural, and Desert terrains in the Indian sub-continent to effectively cover a variety of deployments of future wireless access networks for defense wireless network

    MIMO channel modelling and simulation for cellular and mobile-to-mobile

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    Recently, mobile-to-mobile (M2M) communications have received much attention due to several emerging applications, such as wireless mobile ad hoc networks, relay-based cellular networks, and dedicated short range communications (DSRC) for intelligent transportation systems (e.g., IEEE 802.11p standard). Different from conventional fixed-to-mobile (F2M) cellular systems, in M2M systems both the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) are in motion and often equipped with low elevation antennas. Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technologies, employing multiple antennas at both the Tx and Rx, have widely been adopted for the third generation (3G) and beyond-3G (B3G) F2M cellular systems due to their potential benefits of improving coverage, link reliability, and overall system capacity. More recently, MIMO has been receiving more and more attention for M2M systems as well. Reliable knowledge of the propagation channel obtained from channel measurements and corresponding channel models serve as the enabling foundation for the design and analysis of MIMO F2M and M2M systems. Furthermore, the development of accurate MIMO F2M and M2M channel simulation models plays a major role in the practical simulation and performance evaluation of these systems. These form the primary motivation behind our research on MIMO channel modelling and simulation for F2M cellular and M2M communication systems. In this thesis, we first propose a new wideband theoretical multiple-ring based MIMO regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model (RS-GBSM) for non-isotropic scattering F2M macro-cell scenarios and then derive a generic space-time-frequency (STF) correlation function (CF). The proposed theoretical reference wideband model can be reduced to a narrowband one-ring model, a new closed-form STF CF of which is derived as well. Narrowband and wideband sum-of-sinusoids (SoS) simulation models are then developed, demonstrating a good agreement with the corresponding reference models in terms of correlation functions. Secondly, based on a well-known narrowband two-ring single-input single-output (SISO) M2M channel reference model, we propose new deterministic and stochastic SoS simulation models for non-isotropic scattering environments. The proposed deterministic simulator is the first SISO M2M deterministic simulator with good performance, while the proposed stochastic simulator outperforms the existing one in terms of fitting the desired statistical properties of the corresponding reference model. Thirdly, a new adaptive narrowband MIMO M2M RS-GBSM is proposed for nonisotropic scattering environments. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed M2M model is the first RS-GBSM that has the ability to study the impact of the vehicular traffic density on channel statistics. From the proposed theoretical reference model, we comprehensively investigate some important M2M channel statistics including the STF CF, space-Doppler-frequency power spectral density, envelope level crossing rate, and average fade duration. A close agreement between some channel statistics obtained from the proposed reference model and measurement data is observed, confirming the utility of our model. Finally, we extend the above narrowband model to a new wideband MIMO M2M RSGBSM with respect to the frequency-selectivity. The proposed wideband reference model is validated by observing a good match between some statistical properties of the theoretical model and available measurement data. From the wideband reference model, we further design new wideband deterministic and stochastic SoS simulation models. The proposed wideband simulators can be easily reduced to narrowband ones. The utilities of the newly derived narrowband and wideband simulation models are validated by comparing their statistical properties with those of the corresponding reference models. The proposed channel reference models and simulators are expected to be useful for the design, testing, and performance evaluation of future MIMO cellular and M2M communication systems.Scottish Funding Counci
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