19 research outputs found

    End user’s resistance to change from project team’s perspective

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    Nowadays organizations compete in dynamic and global business environment where competition is fierce and to survive the organizations need to change their operations and functions constantly (Agboola & Salawu 2011, 235, 241). Furthermore, the usage of information systems has become a necessity for the organizations (Chen, Liu & Chen) and thus, organizations use a lot of money and resources to develop their systems (Stoica & Brouse 2013, 728). However, the information system development projects often fail (Stoica & Brouse 2013, 728) and one of the reasons for the failure is the resistance to change (RTC). The RTC is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon (Hirschheim & Newman 1988, 400) and there is no simple solution how to mitigate its impact on the project outcome. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the project team and the end users and further the end users resistance to change from project team’s perspective. The objective was to find out how project team can influence on end users resistant behavior and enhance readiness for change and further, what kind of tools and methods the project team can use. The systematic literature review was made on two concepts, namely the IS project failures and the resistance to change. The empirical data was gathered through interviews and the collected data was encoded and analyzed based on the Grounded Theory methodology. The project team’s influence on end users’ RTC is limited due to the complex and multifaceted nature of the RTC formation. However, some conclusions can still be made from the gathered data. The project team can mainly influence on the end users’ RTC through the interaction between the project team and end users for instance the quality and timing of the information, the listening of end users’ concerns, and finding a mutual language. Furthermore, the collaboration within the team, the visibility of the team and planning carefully the resources for the project are important factors in the formation of end users’ RTC

    How employees experience digital transformation: a dynamic and multi-layered sensemaking perspective.

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    The capacity to deal with digital transformation is a valuable asset for established organizations, and employees play a crucial role in this process. This study contributes to the understanding of employees’ sensemaking of digital transformation in the tour operating industry. Using prior digital transformation research, construal-level theory (CLT), and dynamic change perspectives, our scholarly work focuses on the complexities of organizational change in a digital transformation context. Although employees generally support digital transformation, our findings show that their perceptions change over time across a range of specific challenges experienced during the employee change journey. Our findings stress the importance of adopting a social exchange lens in digital transformation knowledge as this represents deep structure change that might cause well-designed transformation processes to fail. Implications for hospitality and tourism management are discussed

    Enablers and Inhibitors of AI-Powered Voice Assistants: A Dual-Factor Approach by Integrating the Status Quo Bias and Technology Acceptance Model

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    This study investigates the factors that build resistance and attitude towards AI voice assistants (AIVA). A theoretical model is proposed using the dual-factor framework by integrating status quo bias factors (sunk cost, regret avoidance, inertia, perceived value, switching costs, and perceived threat) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) variables. The study model investigates the relationship between the status quo factors and resistance towards adoption of AIVA, and the relationship between TAM factors and attitudes towards AIVA. A sample of four hundred and twenty was analysed using structural equation modeling to investigate the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate an insignificant relationship between inertia and resistance to AIVA. Perceived value was found to have a negative but significant relationship with resistance to AIVA. Further, the study also found that inertia significantly differs across gender (male/female) and age groupings. The study's framework and results are posited as adding value to the extant literature and practice, directly related to status quo bias theory, dual-factor model and TAM

    Examining individual intention to share knowledge with people from other tribes

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    While extensive studies have been conducted to understand the factors that influence individual intentions to share knowledge, a review of the literature shows that these studies did not consider the effect of the individual sentiment of the knowledge sharer in the act of sharing knowledge. Individuals coming from different tribes might have sentiments against each other, which could influence their communication and social interaction and thus affect knowledge sharing. This study collected data from lecturers in ten polytechnic institutions in Ghana using a questionnaire and analyzed the data using the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. The findings show that attitude, subjective norm, equal status, cooperativeness, identification, top management, and immediate superior have a significant influence on individuals' intention to share knowledge with people from other tribes. Contrastingly, common goal, institutional support, and friendliness do not influence individuals' attitude to share knowledge with people from other tribes

    Resistência à mudança e stress percebido em relação à Covid-19

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia ClínicaExame público realizado em 18 de julho de 2023, às 15HEm Portugal, os primeiros casos de infeção por coronavírus surgiram a dois de março de 2020, na cidade do Porto. A partir desse momento, várias medidas foram implementadas para tentar conter a disseminação do vírus. Muitas dessas medidas impuseram mudanças drásticas no quotidiano das pessoas. Vários estudos têm documentado que esta pandemia global esteve associada a um aumento da prevalência de problemas de saúde mental na população. Com o objetivo geral de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre os fatores psicológicos que podem ter representado um risco para os problemas de saúde mental neste período, o presente estudo transversal procurou avaliar a relação entre o traço Resistência à Mudança e o Stress Percebido em Relação à Covid-19. O estudo contou com uma amostra de 477 participantes adultos. Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados foram a Escala de Resistência à Mudança (RTC), o Questionário de Perceção de Doença Covid-19 (IPQ-B-C) e um Questionário Sociodemográfico. Uma análise multivariada revelou que uma elevada Resistência à Mudança está geralmente associada a um aumento de Stress Percebido em Relação à Covid-19. No entanto, quando analisadas as dimensões individuais do IPQ-B-C, verificou-se que a Resistência à Mudança estava significativamente associada aos domínios emocionais (Preocupação e Resposta Emocional), mas não aos domínios cognitivos. Para além disso, efetuaram-se comparações poste-hoc de médias marginais com as variáveis sociodemográficas, revelando que os homens e as mulheres diferiam significativamente nas componentes emocionais do stress. Especificamente, as mulheres apresentaram níveis mais elevados de Stress Percebido em Relação à Covid-19 do que os homens, mesmo depois do controlo da Resistência à Mudança.The first cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection emerged in Portugal on March 2, 2020, in the city of Porto, and this was followed by the implementation of various measures to contain the spread of the virus. Many of these measures imposed drastic changes to people´s daily lives. Various studies have documented that this global pandemic was linked to increase in the prevalence of mental health problems among the population. Whit the broad aim of building knowledge of the psychological factos that may have posed a risk for mental health problems in this period, this cross-sectional study sought to evaluate the relationship between trait Resistance to Change and Covid-19 related Stress. The study comprised a sample of 477 adult participants. The evaluation instruments used were the Resistance to Change Scale (RTC), the Covid-19 Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-B-C) and a sociodemographic questionnaire. A multivariate analysis indicated that high Resistance to Change was generally associated with increased Covid-19 related Stress. However, when analyzing the individual dimensions of the IPQ-B-C it was found that Resistance to Change was significantly associated with the emotional (Worry and Emotional Response) but not cognitive domains. Furthermore, post-hoc comparisons of estimated marginal means were conducted with sociodemographic variables, revealing men and women differed significantly in the emotional components of stress. Specifically, women exhibited higher levels of Covid-19 related Stress than men, even after controlling for Resistance to Change

    Inércia do conhecimento e seu efeito no comportamento workaround : um estudo na capacidade de improvisação organizacional no contexto do trabalho remoto

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    Muitas organizações são rígidas e resistentes às mudanças, tornando seus procedimentos de trabalho ultrapassados e impossibilitando a adoção de novas alternativas que possam auxiliar na execução das tarefas com eficiência. É nesse aspecto que surge o conceito da inércia do conhecimento que reflete na falta de atualização de conhecimentos necessários para melhorias na estrutura organizacional. Tal falta pode impactar diretamente em como os funcionários irão executar seu trabalho, recorrendo ao comportamento workaround que consiste na decisão de adaptar uma tarefa e numa reação de insatisfação com os processos de trabalho, para que seja possível concluir suas tarefas de maneira completa e efetiva. Assim, o comportamento workaround pode influenciar a capacidade de improvisação organizacional por meio da criação de novos conhecimentos e soluções criativas que podem refletir em melhorias para a organização como um todo. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o efeito da inércia do conhecimento no comportamento workaround e seu impacto na capacidade de improvisação organizacional no contexto do trabalho remoto, o qual possibilita exercer seu trabalho fora de um escritório convencional, sendo este contexto escolhido devido ao seu crescimento significativo. O método utilizado é definido por uma pesquisa quantitativa e a coleta de dados foi realizada através de uma survey online. O estudo contém uma amostra de 138 respondentes. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio dos softwares estatísticos SPSS e SmartPLS. Analisando os dados, foi verificado que a inércia da experiência e a inércia da aprendizagem possuem um efeito significativo com o comportamento workaround e que este também impacta a capacidade de improvisação organizacional.Many organizations are rigid and resistant to change, making their work procedures outdated and making it impossible to adopt new alternatives that can assist in performing tasks efficiently. It is in this aspect that the concept of knowledge inertia emerges, which reflects the lack of updating of knowledge necessary for improvements in the organizational structure. Such a lack can directly impact on how employees will perform their work, resorting to workaround behavior that consists of the decision to adapt a task and a reaction of dissatisfaction with the work processes, so that it is possible to complete their tasks in a complete and effective way. Thus, workaround behavior can influence the capacity for organizational improvisation through the creation of new knowledge and creative solutions that can reflect in improvements for the organization as a whole. Therefore, the objective of this work is to investigate the effect of inertia of knowledge with workaround behavior and its impact on the ability of organizational improvisation in the context of remote work, which makes it possible to exercise your work outside a conventional office, this context being chosen due to significant growth. The method used is defined by a quantitative survey and the data collection was carried out through an online survey. The study contains a sample of 138 respondents. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and SmartPLS statistical software. Analyzing the data, it was found that the inertia of the experience and the inertia of the learning have a significant effect with the workaround behavior and that this also impacts the capacity for organizational improvisation. In this way, three hypotheses were developed and supported

    The Role and Potential of Social Intranet in an Organisational Context : A Case Study of Yleisradio - The National Broadcasting Company of Finland

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    This thesis explores the relationship of social software and organisations. It discusses how social intranet can create value for the adopting company, what impact and role it has inside an organisation and how organisation can generate return on investment for social intranet. The literature presented in this paper establishes an understanding that social knowledge management software does not create value for organisation by itself, but that its value is strongly dependent on the context it is implemented. Although we refer to technology and IT while discussing about social intranets, the adoption of these type of systems should be regarded for being much more than pure technical projects. The literature presented takes a comprehensive approach in the purpose of understanding the complexity of the topic, where a variety of factors influence the outcome of software implementation and value of utilisation. In the context of organisational information and knowledge management-, internal communications- and collaboration development, organisational culture and managerial behaviour are key determinants for software’s value creation. The case study of this thesis will provide a cross-section throughout the adoption project of social intranet Yle+. This thesis suggests that already starting from establishing project scope and system design, it is important that the organisation and its’ people are involved in the process. The level of individual awareness, desire and knowledge - terms that are often encountered in the field of change management – are in key position in determining the success of IT implementation. Before the implementation can take place, it is crucial that the organisation is ready and positive for the adoption. Naturally, a succesfull adoption will create favourable basis for future development of work whilst providing a healthy basis for organisation-technology fit. The case study also suggests that organisation should prepare for change in how work is conducted inside the organisation. For extending the potential and significance of social intranet in an organisational context, new tools are suggested for requiring new approach in how work, collaboration and communications takes place. If the organisation is not capable, willing or brave enough to change the existing processes and communication methods, the value of social intranet is unlikely to reach its highest level. Therefore, this thesis suggests that compared to traditional static intranets and organisational databanks, the utilisation of social software requires change in how organisation works and communicates internally. As the case study will show, the true potential of social intranet may be revealed after some time has passed from the adoption and this is something that may not have been comprehended in the original vision and motivation for adoption

    The effects of cost cutting measures to staff performance in the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Treasury Department.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Cost management is a strong pillar of an organisation’s success. In an endeavour to manage costs, the South African government implemented cost cutting measures. This study examines the impact of cost cutting measures implemented by the Treasury Department, KwaZulu-Natal province to staff performance (achievement of targets and quality) and staff morale (job satisfaction). This study examined whether cost cutting measures implemented have a negative or positive effect on staff members’ job satisfaction or commitment to work; whether this affects employee morale and service delivery. The study further intended to trace whether these cost cutting measures are implemented accordingly and consistently by all senior managers throughout the department. A quantitative research study was conducted through staff questionnaires to get insight into the current problem facing some staff members. The study used self-administered questionnaires wherein close ended questions were asked. The study found that cost cutting measures reduce service quality in the department. The implementation of cost cutting measures influences staff morale negatively in the department which in turn affects staff performance. The study further concluded that cost cutting measures are not implemented consistently throughout the department. The study recommends the implementation of a model which will incorporate cost cutting incentives for both senior management and junior staff for significant cost reduction outcomes. Training of staff to understand the bigger picture of cost containment in the department is recommended. Ongoing monitoring of cost cutting outcomes was also recommended

    Employee Lack of Acceptance of Technological Change

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    Approximately 70% of technology projects fail, which negatively impacts resources, productivity, and organizational profitability because of employees\u27 lack of acceptance of technological change. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies some midlevel managers used to improve employees\u27 lack of acceptance of technological change. The conceptual framework for this study was the technology acceptance model. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with 5 participants from a local government organization in the southwestern region of the United States and review of organizational documentation. Data analysis included Yin\u27s 5 phases, methodological triangulation, and theme identification. Four themes emerged from data analysis: training, communication, involvement, and management support. Findings showed the importance of providing training when implementing technological change, communicating the change, and explaining how the change impacts employees throughout the organization. Findings also indicated that allowing employees to be involved in the technological change process and communicating management support of the technological change results in increased employee acceptance of the change. Implications of this study for positive social change include improving work products and conditions for employees and human and social conditions for residents of the local community. Findings may provide leaders with insights needed to integrate technological changes, and organizational and resource allocation efficiencies to improve services to employees, residents, and local businesses