22 research outputs found

    Why are Websites co-linked? the case of Canadian universities

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    This study examined why Websites were co-linked using Canadian university Websites as the test set. Pages that co-linked to these university Websites were located using Yahool. A random sample of 859 co-linking pages (the page that initiated the co-link) was retrieved and the contents of the page, as well as the context of the link, were manually examined to record the following variables: language, country, type of Website, and the reasons for co-linking. The study found that in over 94% of cases, the two co-linked universities were related academically; many of these cases (38%) showed a relationship specifically in teaching or research. This confirms results, from previous quantitative studies, that Web co-links can be a measure of the similarity or relatedness of sites being co-linked and that Web co-link analysis can thus be used to study relationships among linked Websites. Copyright © 2007 Akadémiai Kiadó Budapest All rights reserved

    ArticleRank: a PageRank-based alternative to numbers of citations for analysing citation networks

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to suggest an alternative to the widely used Times Cited criterion for analysing citation networks. The approach involves taking account of the natures of the papers that cite a given paper, so as to differentiate between papers that attract the same number of citations. Design/methodology/approach - ArticleRank is an algorithm that has been derived from Google's PageRank algorithm to measure the influence of journal articles. ArticleRank is applied to two datasets - a citation network based on an early paper on webometrics, and a self-citation network based on the 19 most cited papers in the Journal of Documentation - using citation data taken from the Web of Knowledge database. Findings - ArticleRank values provide a different ranking of a set of papers from that provided by the corresponding Times Cited values, and overcomes the inability of the latter to differentiate between papers with the same numbers of citations. The difference in rankings between Times Cited and ArticleRank is greatest for the most heavily cited articles in a dataset. Originality/value - This is a novel application of the PageRank algorithm

    Benchmarking level interactivity of Indonesia government university websites

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    Website interactivity is increasingly essential for higher education institutions in maintaining their relationship with stakeholders. However, limited is known what the level interactivity of a university website is without comparing with other similar educational institutions. Through the use of website content analysis and benchmarking strategy, we evaluate 41 government university website for benchmarking purposes. Base on thirteen interactive criteria, we successfully benchmarked the government university websites and built a-five levels of websites interactivity with different features. Our study highlights that higher level interactivity of website contains more feature that support a two-way communication between university and consumers, while lower level of websites interactivity merely have basic features for communication. The findings suggest the highest level of websites interactivity, the more features they should have. More importantly, the findings suggest web developer to design more interactive features in developing a higher level of website interactivity

    Webometric Analysis of Central Universities in India: A Study

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    Web presence of Indian Universities has been reflected in general and Central Universities in particular. Webometric data have been collected through Yahoo! and Google search engines using special query syntax. An attempt has been made to rank Central Universities in India using appropriate webometric indicators. Results reveled that University of Delhi becomes top rank (with score 4.28 and Sikkim University occupied the last (with score 1.64) among Central Universities in India

    Mapping the backbone of the Humanities through the eyes of Wikipedia

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    The present study aims to establish a valid method by which to apply the theory of co-citations to Wikipedia article references and, subsequently, to map these relationships between scientific papers. This theory, originally applied to scientific literature, will be transferred to the digital environment of collective knowledge generation. To this end, a dataset containing Wikipedia references collected from Altmetric and Scopus’ Journal Metrics journals has been used. The articles have been categorized according to the disciplines and specialties established in the All Science Journal Classification (ASJC). They have also been grouped by journal of publication. A set of articles in the Humanities, comprising 25 555 Wikipedia articles with 41 655 references to 32 245 resources, has been selected. Finally, a descriptive statistical study has been conducted and co-citations have been mapped using networks and indicators of degree and betweenness centralit

    Science through Wikipedia: A novel representation of open knowledge through co-citation networks

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    We thank Altmetric.com for the transfer of the data that has allowed us to conduct this studyThis study provides an overview of science from the Wikipedia perspective. A methodology has been established for the analysis of how Wikipedia editors regard science through their references to scientific papers. The method of co-citation has been adapted to this context in order to generate Pathfinder networks (PFNET) that highlight the most relevant scientific journals and categories, and their interactions in order to find out how scientific literature is consumed through this open encyclopaedia. In addition to this, their obsolescence has been studied through Price index. A total of 1 433 457 references available at Altmetric.com have been initially taken into account. After pre-processing and linking them to the data from Elsevier's CiteScore Metrics the sample was reduced to 847 512 references made by 193 802 Wikipedia articles to 598 746 scientific articles belonging to 14 149 journals indexed in Scopus. As highlighted results we found a significative presence of “Medicine” and “Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology” papers and that the most important journals are multidisciplinary in nature, suggesting also that high-impact factor journals were more likely to be cited. Furthermore, only 13.44% of Wikipedia citations are to Open Access journals

    Are web mentions accurate substitutes for inlinks for Spanish universities?

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    This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here. Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limitedurpose – Title and URL mentions have recently been proposed as web visibility indicators instead of inlink counts. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of these alternative web mention indicators in the Spanish academic system, taking into account their complexity (multi-domains) and diversity (different official languages). Design/methodology/approach – Inlinks, title and URL mentions from 76 Spanish universities were manually extracted from the main search engines (Google, Google Scholar, Yahoo!, Bing and Exalead). Several statistical methods, such as correlation, difference tests and regression models, were used. Findings – Web mentions, despite some limitations, can be used as substitutes for inlinks in the Spanish academic system, although these indicators are more likely to be influenced by the environment (language, web domain policy, etc.) than inlinks. Research limitations/implications – Title mentions provide unstable results caused by the multiple name variants which an institution can present (such as acronyms and other language versions). URL mentions are more stable, but they may present atypical points due to some shortcomings, the effect of which is that URL mentions do not have the same meaning as inlinks. Practical implications – Web mentions should be used with caution and after a cleaning-up process. Moreover, these counts do not necessarily signify connectivity, so their use in global web analysis should be limited. Originality/value – Web mentions have previously been used in some specific academic systems (US, UK and China), but this study analyses, in depth and for the first time, an entire non-English speaking European country (Spain), with complex academic web behaviour, which helps to better explain previous web mention results.Ortega, JL.; Orduña Malea, E.; Aguillo, IF. (2014). Are web mentions accurate substitutes for inlinks for Spanish universities?. Online Information Review. 38(1):59-77. doi:10.1108/OIR-10-2012-0189S5977381Adecannby, J. (2011), “Web link analysis of interrelationship between top ten African universities and world universities”, Annals of Library and Information Studies, Vol. 58 No. 2, pp. 128-138.Aguillo, I. (2009). Measuring the institution’s footprint in the web. Library Hi Tech, 27(4), 540-556. doi:10.1108/073788309Aguillo, I.F. , Ortega, J.L. and Fernández, M. (2008), “Webometric ranking of world universities: introduction, methodology, and future developments”, Higher Education in Europe, Vol. 33 Nos 2/3, pp. 234-244.Aguillo, I. F., Granadino, B., Ortega, J. L., & Prieto, J. A. (2006). Scientific research activity and communication measured with cybermetrics indicators. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(10), 1296-1302. doi:10.1002/asi.20433Barabási, A.-L., & Albert, R. (1999). Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks. Science, 286(5439), 509-512. doi:10.1126/science.286.5439.509Bar-Ilan, J. (2005). The use of web search engines in information science research. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 38(1), 231-288. doi:10.1002/aris.1440380106Bar-Ilan, J. (2004). A microscopic link analysis of academic institutions within a country - the case of Israel. Scientometrics, 59(3), 391-403. doi:10.1023/b:scie.0000018540.33706.c1Bar-Ilan, J. (2005). What do we know about links and linking? A framework for studying links in academic environments. Information Processing & Management, 41(4), 973-986. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2004.02.005Björneborn, L., & Ingwersen, P. (2004). Toward a basic framework for webometrics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(14), 1216-1227. doi:10.1002/asi.20077Bland, J.M. and Altman, D.G. (1996), “Transforming data”, British Medical Journal, Vol. 312 No. 7033, p.Cronin, B., Snyder, H. W., Rosenbaum, H., Martinson, A., & Callahan, E. (1998). Invoked on the Web. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(14), 1319-1328. doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-4571(1998)49:143.0.co;2-wFriedman, M. (1937). The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32(200), 675-701. doi:10.1080/01621459.1937.10503522Harries, G., Wilkinson, D., Price, L., Fairclough, R., & Thelwall, M. (2004). Hyperlinks as a data source for science mapping. Journal of Information Science, 30(5), 436-447. doi:10.1177/0165551504046736Heimeriks, G. and Van den Besselaar, P. (2006), “Analyzing hyperlink networks: the meaning of hyperlink based indicators of knowledge”, Cybermetrics, Vol. 10, available at: http://cybermetrics.cindoc.csic.es/articles/v10i1p1.pdf (accessed 10 July 2013).Heimeriks, G., Hörlesberger, M., & Van den Besselaar, P. (2003). Scientometrics, 58(2), 391-413. doi:10.1023/a:1026296812830Kousha, K. and Horri, A. (2004), “The relationship between scholarly publishing and the counts of academic inlinks to Iranian university web sites: exploring academic link creation motivations”, Journal of Information Management and Scientometrics, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 13-22.Kousha, K., & Thelwall, M. (2009). Google book search: Citation analysis for social science and the humanities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(8), 1537-1549. doi:10.1002/asi.21085Kretschmer, H., & Aguillo, I. F. (2004). Visibility of collaboration on the Web. Scientometrics, 61(3), 405-426. doi:10.1023/b:scie.0000045118.68430.fdOrduña-Malea, E. (2012), “Fuentes de enlaces web para análisis cibermétricos (2012)”, Anuario Thinkepi, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 276-280.Orduña-Malea, E. (2013), “Espacio universitario español en la Web (2010): estudio descriptivo de instituciones y productos académicos a través del análisis de subdominios y subdirectorios”, Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 36 No. 3.Orduña-Malea, E., & Ontalba-Ruipérez, J.-A. (2012). Proposal for a multilevel university cybermetric analysis model. Scientometrics, 95(3), 863-884. doi:10.1007/s11192-012-0868-5Orduña-Malea, E., Serrano-Cobos, J., Ontalba-Ruipérez, J. A., & Lloret-Romero, N. (2010). Presencia y visibilidad web de las universidades públicas españolas. Revista española de Documentación Científica, 33(2), 246-278. doi:10.3989/redc.2010.2.740Ortega, J. L., & Aguillo, I. F. (2008). Visualization of the Nordic academic web: Link analysis using social network tools. Information Processing & Management, 44(4), 1624-1633. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2007.09.010Ortega, J. L., & Aguillo, I. F. (2009). Análisis estructural de la web académica iberoamericana. Revista española de Documentación Científica, 32(3), 51-65. doi:10.3989/redc.2009.3.689Ortega, J. L., Aguillo, I., Cothey, V., & Scharnhorst, A. (2007). Maps of the academic web in the European Higher Education Area — an exploration of visual web indicators. Scientometrics, 74(2), 295-308. doi:10.1007/s11192-008-0218-9Qiu, J., Chen, J., & Wang, Z. (2004). An analysis of backlink counts and Web Impact Factorsfor Chinese university websites. Scientometrics, 60(3), 463-473. doi:10.1023/b:scie.0000034387.76981.83Seeber, M., Lepori, B., Lomi, A., Aguillo, I., & Barberio, V. (2012). Factors affecting web links between European higher education institutions. Journal of Informetrics, 6(3), 435-447. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2012.03.001Seidman, E. (2007), “We are flattered, but …”, Bing Community, available at: www.bing.com/community/site_blogs/b/search/archive/2007/03/28/we-are-flattered-but.aspx (accessed 20 October 2012).Smith, A.G. (1999), “A tale of two web spaces: comparing sites using web impact factors”, Journal of Documentation, Vol. 55 No. 5, pp. 577-592.Smith, A., & Thelwall, M. (2002). Scientometrics, 54(3), 363-380. doi:10.1023/a:1016030415822Stuart, D., & Thelwall, M. (2006). Investigating triple helix relationships using URL citations: a case study of the UK West Midlands automobile industry. Research Evaluation, 15(2), 97-106. doi:10.3152/147154406781775968Thelwall, M. (2001). Extracting macroscopic information from Web links. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(13), 1157-1168. doi:10.1002/asi.1182Thelwall, M. (2002). 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A university-centred European Union link analysis. Scientometrics, 75(3), 407-420. doi:10.1007/s11192-007-1831-8Thelwall, M., Tang, R., & Price, L. (2003). Scientometrics, 56(3), 417-432. doi:10.1023/a:1022387105904Thelwall, M., Binns, R., Harries, G., Page-Kennedy, T., Price, L., & Wilkinson, D. (2002). Scientometrics, 53(1), 95-111. doi:10.1023/a:1014836021080Vaughan, L. (2012). An Alternative Data Source for Web Hyperlink Analysis: «Sites Linking In» at Alexa Internet. Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 6(1), 31-42. doi:10.1080/09737766.2012.10700922Vaughan, L., & Romero-Frías, E. (2012). Exploring Web keyword analysis as an alternative to link analysis: a multi-industry case. Scientometrics, 93(1), 217-232. doi:10.1007/s11192-012-0640-xVaughan, L., & Shaw, D. (2003). Bibliographic and Web citations: What is the difference? 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    Аналіз моделей процесу утворення транспортних заторів

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    В даній роботі проведено аналіз існуючих на сього днішній день спроб пояснення процесу виникнення транспортних заторів та їх відповідних моделей. Аналіз показав, що стан цієї проблеми повно та остаточно не розкрито, більшість теоретичних моделей мають недоліки, які пов’язані чи то з вузькою областю застосування, чи то з великим спрощенням характеристик потоку, що призво дить до великих розходжень з практичними розрахунками. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1327