697 research outputs found

    Most Likely Separation of Intensity and Warping Effects in Image Registration

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    This paper introduces a class of mixed-effects models for joint modeling of spatially correlated intensity variation and warping variation in 2D images. Spatially correlated intensity variation and warp variation are modeled as random effects, resulting in a nonlinear mixed-effects model that enables simultaneous estimation of template and model parameters by optimization of the likelihood function. We propose an algorithm for fitting the model which alternates estimation of variance parameters and image registration. This approach avoids the potential estimation bias in the template estimate that arises when treating registration as a preprocessing step. We apply the model to datasets of facial images and 2D brain magnetic resonance images to illustrate the simultaneous estimation and prediction of intensity and warp effects

    Low Complexity Optical Flow Using Neighbor-Guided Semi-Global Matching

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    abstract: Many real-time vision applications require accurate estimation of optical flow. This problem is quite challenging due to extremely high computation and memory requirements. This thesis focuses on designing low complexity dense optical flow algorithms. First, a new method for optical flow that is based on Semi-Global Matching (SGM), a popular dynamic programming algorithm for stereo vision, is presented. In SGM, the disparity of each pixel is calculated by aggregating local matching costs over the entire image to resolve local ambiguity in texture-less and occluded regions. The proposed method, Neighbor-Guided Semi-Global Matching (NG-fSGM) achieves significantly less complexity compared to SGM, by 1) operating on a subset of the search space that has been aggressively pruned based on neighboring pixels’ information, 2) using a simple cost aggregation function, 3) approximating aggregated cost array and embedding pixel-wise matching cost computation and flow computation in aggregation. Evaluation on the Middlebury benchmark suite showed that, compared to a prior SGM extension for optical flow, the proposed basic NG-fSGM provides robust optical flow with 0.53% accuracy improvement, 40x reduction in number of operations and 6x reduction in memory size. To further reduce the complexity, sparse-to-dense flow estimation method is proposed. The number of operations and memory size are reduced by 68% and 47%, respectively, with only 0.42% accuracy degradation, compared to the basic NG-fSGM. A parallel block-based version of NG-fSGM is also proposed. The image is divided into overlapping blocks and the blocks are processed in parallel to improve throughput, latency and power efficiency. To minimize the amount of overlap among blocks with minimal effect on the accuracy, temporal information is used to estimate a flow map that guides flow vector selections for pixels along block boundaries. The proposed block-based NG-fSGM achieves significant reduction in complexity with only 0.51% accuracy degradation compared to the basic NG-fSGM.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Variational image fusion

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    The main goal of this work is the fusion of multiple images to a single composite that offers more information than the individual input images. We approach those fusion tasks within a variational framework. First, we present iterative schemes that are well-suited for such variational problems and related tasks. They lead to efficient algorithms that are simple to implement and well-parallelisable. Next, we design a general fusion technique that aims for an image with optimal local contrast. This is the key for a versatile method that performs well in many application areas such as multispectral imaging, decolourisation, and exposure fusion. To handle motion within an exposure set, we present the following two-step approach: First, we introduce the complete rank transform to design an optic flow approach that is robust against severe illumination changes. Second, we eliminate remaining misalignments by means of brightness transfer functions that relate the brightness values between frames. Additional knowledge about the exposure set enables us to propose the first fully coupled method that jointly computes an aligned high dynamic range image and dense displacement fields. Finally, we present a technique that infers depth information from differently focused images. In this context, we additionally introduce a novel second order regulariser that adapts to the image structure in an anisotropic way.Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fusion mehrerer Bilder zu einem Einzelbild, das mehr Informationen bietet als die einzelnen Eingangsbilder. Wir verwirklichen diese Fusionsaufgaben in einem variationellen Rahmen. ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentieren wir iterative Schemata, die sich gut fĂŒr solche variationellen Probleme und verwandte Aufgaben eignen. Danach entwerfen wir eine Fusionstechnik, die ein Bild mit optimalem lokalen Kontrast anstrebt. Dies ist der SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr eine vielseitige Methode, die gute Ergebnisse fĂŒr zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche wie Multispektralaufnahmen, BildentfĂ€rbung oder Belichtungsreihenfusion liefert. Um Bewegungen in einer Belichtungsreihe zu handhaben, prĂ€sentieren wir folgenden Zweischrittansatz: Zuerst stellen wir die komplette Rangtransformation vor, um eine optische Flussmethode zu entwerfen, die robust gegenĂŒber starken BeleuchtungsĂ€nderungen ist. Dann eliminieren wir verbleibende Registrierungsfehler mit der Helligkeitstransferfunktion, welche die Helligkeitswerte zwischen Bildern in Beziehung setzt. ZusĂ€tzliches Wissen ĂŒber die Belichtungsreihe ermöglicht uns, die erste vollstĂ€ndig gekoppelte Methode vorzustellen, die gemeinsam ein registriertes Hochkontrastbild sowie dichte Bewegungsfelder berechnet. Final prĂ€sentieren wir eine Technik, die von unterschiedlich fokussierten Bildern Tiefeninformation ableitet. In diesem Kontext stellen wir zusĂ€tzlich einen neuen Regularisierer zweiter Ordnung vor, der sich der Bildstruktur anisotrop anpasst

    Variational image fusion

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    The main goal of this work is the fusion of multiple images to a single composite that offers more information than the individual input images. We approach those fusion tasks within a variational framework. First, we present iterative schemes that are well-suited for such variational problems and related tasks. They lead to efficient algorithms that are simple to implement and well-parallelisable. Next, we design a general fusion technique that aims for an image with optimal local contrast. This is the key for a versatile method that performs well in many application areas such as multispectral imaging, decolourisation, and exposure fusion. To handle motion within an exposure set, we present the following two-step approach: First, we introduce the complete rank transform to design an optic flow approach that is robust against severe illumination changes. Second, we eliminate remaining misalignments by means of brightness transfer functions that relate the brightness values between frames. Additional knowledge about the exposure set enables us to propose the first fully coupled method that jointly computes an aligned high dynamic range image and dense displacement fields. Finally, we present a technique that infers depth information from differently focused images. In this context, we additionally introduce a novel second order regulariser that adapts to the image structure in an anisotropic way.Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fusion mehrerer Bilder zu einem Einzelbild, das mehr Informationen bietet als die einzelnen Eingangsbilder. Wir verwirklichen diese Fusionsaufgaben in einem variationellen Rahmen. ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentieren wir iterative Schemata, die sich gut fĂŒr solche variationellen Probleme und verwandte Aufgaben eignen. Danach entwerfen wir eine Fusionstechnik, die ein Bild mit optimalem lokalen Kontrast anstrebt. Dies ist der SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr eine vielseitige Methode, die gute Ergebnisse fĂŒr zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche wie Multispektralaufnahmen, BildentfĂ€rbung oder Belichtungsreihenfusion liefert. Um Bewegungen in einer Belichtungsreihe zu handhaben, prĂ€sentieren wir folgenden Zweischrittansatz: Zuerst stellen wir die komplette Rangtransformation vor, um eine optische Flussmethode zu entwerfen, die robust gegenĂŒber starken BeleuchtungsĂ€nderungen ist. Dann eliminieren wir verbleibende Registrierungsfehler mit der Helligkeitstransferfunktion, welche die Helligkeitswerte zwischen Bildern in Beziehung setzt. ZusĂ€tzliches Wissen ĂŒber die Belichtungsreihe ermöglicht uns, die erste vollstĂ€ndig gekoppelte Methode vorzustellen, die gemeinsam ein registriertes Hochkontrastbild sowie dichte Bewegungsfelder berechnet. Final prĂ€sentieren wir eine Technik, die von unterschiedlich fokussierten Bildern Tiefeninformation ableitet. In diesem Kontext stellen wir zusĂ€tzlich einen neuen Regularisierer zweiter Ordnung vor, der sich der Bildstruktur anisotrop anpasst

    Dense Vision in Image-guided Surgery

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    Image-guided surgery needs an efficient and effective camera tracking system in order to perform augmented reality for overlaying preoperative models or label cancerous tissues on the 2D video images of the surgical scene. Tracking in endoscopic/laparoscopic scenes however is an extremely difficult task primarily due to tissue deformation, instrument invasion into the surgical scene and the presence of specular highlights. State of the art feature-based SLAM systems such as PTAM fail in tracking such scenes since the number of good features to track is very limited. When the scene is smoky and when there are instrument motions, it will cause feature-based tracking to fail immediately. The work of this thesis provides a systematic approach to this problem using dense vision. We initially attempted to register a 3D preoperative model with multiple 2D endoscopic/laparoscopic images using a dense method but this approach did not perform well. We subsequently proposed stereo reconstruction to directly obtain the 3D structure of the scene. By using the dense reconstructed model together with robust estimation, we demonstrate that dense stereo tracking can be incredibly robust even within extremely challenging endoscopic/laparoscopic scenes. Several validation experiments have been conducted in this thesis. The proposed stereo reconstruction algorithm has turned out to be the state of the art method for several publicly available ground truth datasets. Furthermore, the proposed robust dense stereo tracking algorithm has been proved highly accurate in synthetic environment (< 0.1 mm RMSE) and qualitatively extremely robust when being applied to real scenes in RALP prostatectomy surgery. This is an important step toward achieving accurate image-guided laparoscopic surgery.Open Acces

    Line-constrained camera location estimation in multi-image stereomatching

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    Stereomatching is an effective way of acquiring dense depth information from a scene when active measurements are not possible. So-called lightfield methods take a snapshot from many camera locations along a defined trajectory (usually uniformly linear or on a regular grid—we will assume a linear trajectory) and use this information to compute accurate depth estimates. However, they require the locations for each of the snapshots to be known: the disparity of an object between images is related to both the distance of the camera to the object and the distance between the camera positions for both images. Existing solutions use sparse feature matching for camera location estimation. In this paper, we propose a novel method that uses dense correspondences to do the same, leveraging an existing depth estimation framework to also yield the camera locations along the line. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique for camera location estimation both visually for the rectification of epipolar plane images and quantitatively with its effect on the resulting depth estimation. Our proposed approach yields a valid alternative for sparse techniques, while still being executed in a reasonable time on a graphics card due to its highly parallelizable nature

    Advances in Stereo Vision

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    Stereopsis is a vision process whose geometrical foundation has been known for a long time, ever since the experiments by Wheatstone, in the 19th century. Nevertheless, its inner workings in biological organisms, as well as its emulation by computer systems, have proven elusive, and stereo vision remains a very active and challenging area of research nowadays. In this volume we have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints

    Unsupervised Training of Deep Neural Networks for Motion Estimation

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    PhDThis thesis addresses the problem of motion estimation, that is, the estimation of a eld that describes how pixels move from a reference frame to a target frame, using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). In contrast to classic methods, we don't solve an optimization problem at test time. We train DNNs once and apply it in one pass during the test which reduces the computational complexity. The major contribution is that in contrast to a supervised method, we train our DNNs in an unsupervised way. By unsupervised, we mean without the need for ground truth motion elds which are expensive to obtain for real scenes. More speci cally, we have trained our networks by designing cost functions inspired by classical optical ow estimation schemes and generative methods in Computer Vision. We rst propose a straightforward CNN method that is trained to optimize the brightness constancy constraint and we embed it in a classical multiscale scheme in order to predict motions that are large in magnitude (GradNet). We show that GradNet generalizes well to an unknown dataset and performed comparably with state-of-the-art unsupervised methods at that time. Second, we propose a convolutional Siamese architecture wherein is embedded a new soft warping scheme applied in a multiscale framework and is trained to optimize a higher-level feature constancy constraint (LikeNet). The architecture of LikeNet allows a trade-o between the computational load and memory and is 98% smaller than other SOA methods in terms of learned parameters. We show that LikeNet performs on par with SOA approaches and the best among uni-directional methods, methods that calculate motion eld in one pass. Third, we propose a novel approach to distill slower LikeNet in a much faster regression neural network without losing much of the accuracy (QLikeNet). The results show that using DNNs is a promising direction for motion estimation, although further improvements are required as classical methods yet perform the best

    Analysis of motion in scale space

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    This work includes some new aspects of motion estimation by the optic flow method in scale spaces. The usual techniques for motion estimation are limited to the application of coarse to fine strategies. The coarse to fine strategies can be successful only if there is enough information in every scale. In this work we investigate the motion estimation in the scale space more basically. The wavelet choice for scale space decomposition of image sequences is discussed in the first part of this work. We make use of the continuous wavelet transform with rotationally symmetric wavelets. Bandpass decomposed sequences allow the replacement of the structure tensor by the phase invariant energy operator. The structure tensor is computationally more expensive because of its spatial or spatio-temporal averaging. The energy operator needs in general no further averaging. The numerical accuracy of the motion estimation with the energy operator is compared to the results of usual techniques, based on the structure tensor. The comparison tests are performed on synthetic and real life sequences. Another practical contribution is the accuracy measurement for motion estimation by adaptive smoothed tensor fields. The adaptive smoothing relies on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion with discontinuity and curvature preservation. We reached an accuracy gain under properly chosen parameters for the diffusion filter. A theoretical contribution from mathematical point of view is a new discontinuity and curvature preserving regularization for motion estimation. The convergence of solutions for the isotropic case of the nonlocal partial differential equation is shown. For large displacements between two consecutive frames the optic flow method is systematically corrupted because of the violence of the sampling theorem. We developed a new method for motion analysis by scale decomposition, which allows to circumvent the systematic corruption without using the coarse to fine strategy. The underlying assumption is, that in a certain neighborhood the grey value undergoes the same displacement. If this is fulfilled, then the same optic flow should be measured in all scales. If there arise inconsistencies in a pixel across the scale space, so they can be detected and the scales containing this inconsistencies are not taken into account

    Object tracking using variational optic flow methods

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    We propose an algorithm for tracking of objects in video sequences by computing a spatiotemporal optical flow field, based on the method of Brox et al., and the application of a spatiotemporal watershed segmentation algorithm with region merging on the previously obtained vector field.Es wird ein Algorithmus zum Verfolgen von Objekten in Videosequenzen durch die Berechnung eines zeitlich-räumlichen optischen Flussfeldes prĂ€sentiert, basierend auf der Methode von Brox et al., und der darauffolgenden Anwendung eines zeitlich-räumlichen Wasserscheiden-Segmentierungsalgorithmus mit Region Merging auf dem durch den opti- schen Fluss erhaltenen Vektorfeld
