87 research outputs found

    Use of multimedia technology for stereochemistry teaching at university level

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    En la enseñanza de la química, el mayor inconveniente es que los átomos y las moléculas son estructuras muy pequeñas a las cuáles no tenemos posibilidad de observar. Por lo tanto, nos valemos de un modelo mental que sea válido para la enseñanza de esta ciencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es la implementación del ChemBio3DUltra v11.0 para generar representaciones tridimensionales y contribuir a elevar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza en relación a la enseñanza tradicional. Una muestra de 200 estudiantes inscriptos en la asignatura Química Orgánica II, del plan de estudios de las carreras de Farmacia y Bioquímica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, participaron en la investigación. El grupo de estudio fue conformado por 100 alumnos y el grupo control por otros 100 estudiantes. Los alumnos fueron indagados sobre la utilidad del programa en el desarrollo del tópico Estereoquímica. Nosotros analizamos su desempeño en la instancia evaluativa. En nuestro caso observamos que el uso del ChemBioUltra v11.0 resultó de utilidad para los alumnos. En la instancia evaluativa, aproximadamente, un 50% más de alumnos obtuvieron la mayor puntuación en comparación con la muestra control.In teaching chemistry, the biggest drawback is that atoms and molecules are very small structures to which we have no possibility to observe. Therefore, we use a mental model that is valid for the teaching of this science. The aim of this work is the implementation of ChemBio3DUltra v11.0 to generate three-dimensional representations and to help improving the quality of the teaching process in relation to traditional teaching. A sample of 200 students enrolled in the Organic Chemistry II course, and the curriculum of Pharmacy and Biochemistry careers, University of Buenos Aires, have participated in the investigation. The study group was composed of 100 students and the control group of another 100. Students were questioned on the usefulness of the topic in the development of stereochemistry.We analyzed their performance in evaluative instance. In our case we observed that the use of ChemBioUltra v11.0 has been useful for students. In the evaluative instance, approximately 50% more students got the highest score compared to the control sample.Fil: Ugliarolo, Esteban Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad "juan Agustin Maza". Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica; ArgentinaFil: Muscia, Gisela Celeste. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; Argentin

    Does Virtual Haptic Dissection Improve Student Learning? A Multi-Year Comparative Study.

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    This study investigated the haptic 'dissection' of a digital model of the hand and wrist in anatomy education at both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) levels. The study ran over five successive years and was split into three discreet phases. Phase one compared the results of PG students across control, non-haptic and haptic groups. Phase two compared the results of UG students between control and haptic groups. Phase three compared the results of UG students across control, non-haptic and haptic groups. Results for all phases indicate that use of the model, both through haptic and non-haptic interfaces produced some significantly improved test results. The non-haptic group performing the strongest overall indicating that the addition of haptic feedback may not be beneficial to student learning

    Using Computer-Aided Design Software and 3D Printers to Improve Spatial Visualization

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    Many articles have been published on the use of 3D printing technology. From prefabricated homes and outdoor structures to human organs, 3D printing technology has found a niche in many fields, but especially education. The education of technology and engineering students has come a long way from traditional instruction using hand drawings. Although drawings may still be a part of a students learning, computer technology has been embraced in this field for several years. With the introduction of AutoCAD technical drawing programs and now 3D printing, learners can use 3D printed models to develop their spatial abilities in technology and engineering curricula. Research suggests that although hand drawings are still a component of the learning process, newer technologies can now enhance a learner\u27s ability to increase spatial ability, particularly spatial visualization. According to Gardner, spatial intelligence is one of the basic human intelligences: the ability to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on those perceptions

    Bluestar : implementació d'una aplicació per a la visualització 3d de funcions reals, com a eina d'aprenentatge

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    En aquest article es presenta un programa d'ajut a l'aprenentatge per a estudiants de matemàtiques de primers cursos de carrera, que permet visualitzar en 3D i de forma dinàmica funcions reals de 2 variables reals. Interessa que es puguin examinar, de forma interactiva amb el mouse, les superfícies que representen les funcions des de diferents angles i perspectives, de manera que se'n puguin apreciar les característiques (com és la funció al voltant d'un punt, on no és contínua o no és diferenciable, o on té un punt de sella, etc.). Amb aquesta eina es pretén aconseguir una millor comprensió de l'estudiant en aquestes funcions i dels models de més d'una variable, que presenten trets sorprenentment més diversos que en les funcions d'una variable, i que les projeccions en 2D de les superfícies generalment no permeten apreciar. Basat en un entorn gràfic utilitzat en l'assignatura de Gràfics per Computador 2 de la titulació d'Enginyeria Informàtica s'ha implementat aquesta aplicació que consta de dos mòduls principals: un intèrpret d'equacions que admet els principals operadors aritmètics, així com funcions exponencials i trigonomètriques i un mòdul de visualització i càlcul de seccions. Per visualitzar una funció cal introduir la seva expressió equacional, definir el domini de valors on volem representar-la i opcionalment una paleta de colors per representar els valors més baixos i els més alts. Un cop generada la funció tridimensional es pot visualitzar des de diferents punt de vista de forma interactiva amb el mouse. Es poden emmagatzemar fins a 9 funcions, podent combinar la visualització de totes elles. L'aplicació es troba en fase de proves per part dels professors de matemàtiques, i es preveu utilitzar-la com a eina docent el proper curs 2007-08 dins de dues asignatures de la Diplomatura en Empresarials

    Developing experimental learning in a graphical course using Thurstone's Law of comparative judgment

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    In this paper, one innovative educational experiment to help student obtain a better way to learn spatial vision in graphical course was carried out. After implementation of the improvements into a graphical engineering course, an evaluation study, through surveys, was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this visual experiment. This empirical study provided one hundred and sixty four andalusian freshmen three types of visualization (2D static depictions, 3D computer depictions and an augmented reality environment that allows multiple participants to interact with 2D and 3D data) required to improve their skills related to spatial vision. According to results, most students showed positive attitudes toward this practice. In addition, students perceived positive impacts of this effort on their learning experience. The responses to surveys illustrated that students prefer 3D traditional learning, however they think augmented reality learning is no useful for better visual understanding of different objects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR

    The role and mechanism of cytochrome P450 1B1 on the development of atherosclerosis; producing the animation for visual communication and education.

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    A large number of people are suffering from cardiovascular disease and losing their lives because of it. Atherosclerosis, a classic example of cardiovascular disease, is related to cytochrome p450 1B1 and other molecules in the development of the disease. Educational materials for patients and students on this topic are expected. Advantage, role and effectiveness of three-dimensional (3D) animation as a communication tool in biomedical science research and education have been proved. Therefore, 3D animation is a suitable medium to create visual material for atherosclerosis and related subject. Autodesk Maya 3D computer graphics software used for animation from modeling to animating and rendering in the production of the animation. Especially for various forms and details of the molecules in the animation, plugin, Molecular maya, was used in this project. About 3 minutes length of the animation contains basic background knowledge and information of atherosclerosis and molecular interactions in the development of mechanism of the disease

    Application of Visual Cues on 3D Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology Students and Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Several theorists believe that different types of visual cues influence cognition and behavior through learned associations; however, research provides inconsistent results. Considering this, a quasi-experimental study was done to determine if there are significant positive effects of visual cues (color blue) and to identify if a positive increase in spatial visualization ability for students in engineering technology courses is observed. According to the results of this study it is suggested that the use of the specific visual cue (color blue) provides no statistically significant higher scores versus the treatment that did not utilize any visual cues

    Position Paper On Use Of Stereoscopy To Support Science Learning: Ten Years Of Research

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    Stereoscopys potential as a tool for science education has been largely eclipsed by its popularity as an entertainment platform and marketing gimmick. Dozens of empirical papers have been published in the last decade about the impact of stereoscopy on learning. As a result, a corpus of research now points to a coherent message about how, when, and where stereoscopy can be most effective in supporting science education. This position paper synthesizes that research with examples from three studies recently completed and published by the authors of this paper. Results of the synthesis point towards generally limited successful uses of stereoscopic media in science education with a pocket of potentially beneficial applications. Our position is that stereoscopy should be used only where its unique properties can accommodate specific requirements of understanding topics and tasks namely visualizations where the spatial sense of depth is germane to conveying core ideas and cognitive load is high. Stereoscopys impact on learning is also related to the spatial ability of the viewer. More research is needed on the effect of novelty, long-term learning and possible learning differences between the various methods of implementing stereoscopy