30 research outputs found

    Beta-Skeletons have Unbounded Dilation

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    A fractal construction shows that, for any beta>0, the beta-skeleton of a point set can have arbitrarily large dilation. In particular this applies to the Gabriel graph.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Lower bounds on the dilation of plane spanners

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    (I) We exhibit a set of 23 points in the plane that has dilation at least 1.43081.4308, improving the previously best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 for the worst-case dilation of plane spanners. (II) For every integer n≥13n\geq13, there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 3 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,3) equals 1+3=2.7321…\delta_0(S,3) \text{ equals } 1+\sqrt{3}=2.7321\ldots in the domain of plane geometric spanners. In the same domain, we show that for every integer n≥6n\geq6, there exists a an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 4 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,4) equals 1+(5−5)/2=2.1755…\delta_0(S,4) \text{ equals } 1 + \sqrt{(5-\sqrt{5})/2}=2.1755\ldots The previous best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 holds for any degree. (III) For every integer n≥6n\geq6 , there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the stretch factor of the greedy triangulation of SS is at least 2.02682.0268.Comment: Revised definitions in the introduction; 23 pages, 15 figures; 2 table

    Fault-tolerant additive weighted geometric spanners

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    Let S be a set of n points and let w be a function that assigns non-negative weights to points in S. The additive weighted distance d_w(p, q) between two points p,q belonging to S is defined as w(p) + d(p, q) + w(q) if p \ne q and it is zero if p = q. Here, d(p, q) denotes the (geodesic) Euclidean distance between p and q. A graph G(S, E) is called a t-spanner for the additive weighted set S of points if for any two points p and q in S the distance between p and q in graph G is at most t.d_w(p, q) for a real number t > 1. Here, d_w(p,q) is the additive weighted distance between p and q. For some integer k \geq 1, a t-spanner G for the set S is a (k, t)-vertex fault-tolerant additive weighted spanner, denoted with (k, t)-VFTAWS, if for any set S' \subset S with cardinality at most k, the graph G \ S' is a t-spanner for the points in S \ S'. For any given real number \epsilon > 0, we obtain the following results: - When the points in S belong to Euclidean space R^d, an algorithm to compute a (k,(2 + \epsilon))-VFTAWS with O(kn) edges for the metric space (S, d_w). Here, for any two points p, q \in S, d(p, q) is the Euclidean distance between p and q in R^d. - When the points in S belong to a simple polygon P, for the metric space (S, d_w), one algorithm to compute a geodesic (k, (2 + \epsilon))-VFTAWS with O(\frac{k n}{\epsilon^{2}}\lg{n}) edges and another algorithm to compute a geodesic (k, (\sqrt{10} + \epsilon))-VFTAWS with O(kn(\lg{n})^2) edges. Here, for any two points p, q \in S, d(p, q) is the geodesic Euclidean distance along the shortest path between p and q in P. - When the points in SS lie on a terrain T, an algorithm to compute a geodesic (k, (2 + \epsilon))-VFTAWS with O(\frac{k n}{\epsilon^{2}}\lg{n}) edges.Comment: a few update

    Solving Large-Scale Minimum-Weight Triangulation Instances to Provable Optimality

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    We consider practical methods for the problem of finding a minimum-weight triangulation (MWT) of a planar point set, a classic problem of computational geometry with many applications. While Mulzer and Rote proved in 2006 that computing an MWT is NP-hard, Beirouti and Snoeyink showed in 1998 that computing provably optimal solutions for MWT instances of up to 80,000 uniformly distributed points is possible, making use of clever heuristics that are based on geometric insights. We show that these techniques can be refined and extended to instances of much bigger size and different type, based on an array of modifications and parallelizations in combination with more efficient geometric encodings and data structures. As a result, we are able to solve MWT instances with up to 30,000,000 uniformly distributed points in less than 4 minutes to provable optimality. Moreover, we can compute optimal solutions for a vast array of other benchmark instances that are not uniformly distributed, including normally distributed instances (up to 30,000,000 points), all point sets in the TSPLIB (up to 85,900 points), and VLSI instances with up to 744,710 points. This demonstrates that from a practical point of view, MWT instances can be handled quite well, despite their theoretical difficulty

    On the Stretch Factor of Polygonal Chains

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    Let P=(p_1, p_2, ..., p_n) be a polygonal chain. The stretch factor of P is the ratio between the total length of P and the distance of its endpoints, sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} |p_i p_{i+1}|/|p_1 p_n|. For a parameter c >= 1, we call P a c-chain if |p_ip_j|+|p_jp_k| <= c|p_ip_k|, for every triple (i,j,k), 1 <= i<j<k <= n. The stretch factor is a global property: it measures how close P is to a straight line, and it involves all the vertices of P; being a c-chain, on the other hand, is a fingerprint-property: it only depends on subsets of O(1) vertices of the chain. We investigate how the c-chain property influences the stretch factor in the plane: (i) we show that for every epsilon > 0, there is a noncrossing c-chain that has stretch factor Omega(n^{1/2-epsilon}), for sufficiently large constant c=c(epsilon); (ii) on the other hand, the stretch factor of a c-chain P is O(n^{1/2}), for every constant c >= 1, regardless of whether P is crossing or noncrossing; and (iii) we give a randomized algorithm that can determine, for a polygonal chain P in R^2 with n vertices, the minimum c >= 1 for which P is a c-chain in O(n^{2.5} polylog n) expected time and O(n log n) space

    Competitive online routing in geometric graphs

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    AbstractWe consider online routing algorithms for finding paths between the vertices of plane graphs. Although it has been shown in Bose et al. (Internat. J. Comput. Geom. 12(4) (2002) 283) that there exists no competitive routing scheme that works on all triangulations, we show that there exists a simple online O(1)-memory c-competitive routing strategy that approximates the shortest path in triangulations possessing the diamond property, i.e., the total distance travelled by the algorithm to route a message between two vertices is at most a constant c times the shortest path. Our results imply a competitive routing strategy for certain classical triangulations such as the Delaunay, greedy, or minimum-weight triangulation, since they all possess the diamond property. We then generalize our results to show that the O(1)-memory c-competitive routing strategy works for all plane graphs possessing both the diamond property and the good convex polygon property

    Oriented Spanners

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    Given a point set P in the Euclidean plane and a parameter t, we define an oriented t-spanner as an oriented subgraph of the complete bi-directed graph such that for every pair of points, the shortest cycle in G through those points is at most a factor t longer than the shortest oriented cycle in the complete bi-directed graph. We investigate the problem of computing sparse graphs with small oriented dilation. As we can show that minimising oriented dilation for a given number of edges is NP-hard in the plane, we first consider one-dimensional point sets. While obtaining a 1-spanner in this setting is straightforward, already for five points such a spanner has no plane embedding with the leftmost and rightmost point on the outer face. This leads to restricting to oriented graphs with a one-page book embedding on the one-dimensional point set. For this case we present a dynamic program to compute the graph of minimum oriented dilation that runs in ?(n?) time for n points, and a greedy algorithm that computes a 5-spanner in ?(nlog n) time. Expanding these results finally gives us a result for two-dimensional point sets: we prove that for convex point sets the greedy triangulation results in an oriented ?(1)-spanner

    On a Linear Program for Minimum-Weight Triangulation

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    Minimum-weight triangulation (MWT) is NP-hard. It has a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithm, and a variety of effective polynomial- time heuristics that, for many instances, can find the exact MWT. Linear programs (LPs) for MWT are well-studied, but previously no connection was known between any LP and any approximation algorithm or heuristic for MWT. Here we show the first such connections: for an LP formulation due to Dantzig et al. (1985): (i) the integrality gap is bounded by a constant; (ii) given any instance, if the aforementioned heuristics find the MWT, then so does the LP.Comment: To appear in SICOMP. Extended abstract appeared in SODA 201