9 research outputs found

    Model Kepercayaan Konsumen pada Situs E-Commerce

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    The world trading system has now grown to online commerce (electronic commerce) because a lot of people who buy goods through e-commerce. This can be evidenced by a study Consumer Web Watch reported that 86% of Internet users have switched make purchases traditional to online purchases, because that\u27s important to know what factors are forming a model of consumer confidence in e-commerce, then it is necessary a prediction to determine any factors that shape consumer confidence in e-commerce. Methods in meta analysis of studies in the form of meta data with the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) used for identifying, assessing and analyzing primary research to investigate research questions in the search for variables that influence consumer confidence in e-commerce

    Understanding the attributes of digital wallet customers: Segmentation based on perceived risk during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Penelitian ini menekankan pada pentingnya segmentasi pelanggan dompet digital, khususnya segmentasi yang didasarkan pada persepsi risiko pelanggan pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Kontribusi mendasar yang diharapkan dari studi ini adalah penjelasan konsep risiko dalam konteks dompet digital. Studi ini juga akan mengkonfirmasi faktor risiko dalam dompet digital dan pemetaan pengguna berdasarkan faktor persepsi resiko tersebut. Studi ini melibatkan 270 pengguna dompet digital sebagai sampel penelitian, yang di ambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Keseluruhan sampel diambil di Surabaya yang dilakukan saat pandemi Covid-19 masih berlangsung. Dompet digital yang digunakan adalah layanan aplikasi OVO, Gopay dan Dana. Analisis dilakukan  menggunakan analisis faktor, kluster dan uji beda. Temuan penting studi ini adalah faktor risiko pada dompet digital teridentifikasi terdiri dari faktor risiko keamanan, finansial, sosial dan operasional. Terbentuk tiga segmen pengguna berdasarkan risiko, yaitu klaster risiko rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Masing-masing segmen memiliki karakteristik dan implikasi manajeral yang berbeda.This research emphasizes the importance of digital wallet customer segmentation, mainly based on customer risk perceptions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The fundamental contribution of the study was to explain the concept of perceived risk in a digital wallet, also to confirm risk factors in digital wallets, and identify segments based on perceived risk factors. The respondents are 270 digital wallet users of OVO, Gopay, and Dana obtained in Surabaya, Indonesia, during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was taken using the purposive sampling technique. The multiple analysis data were carried out using factor analysis, cluster analysis, and difference test techniques. An essential finding of this study shows that perceived risk factors consist of security, financial, social, and operational risks. There are three segments based on the perceived risk: low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk. Each segment has different characteristics and managerial implications

    Online buying behaviour in the Czech Republic

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    The paper deals with the Internet and its impact on online shopping behaviour of customers in the Czech Republic. A large part of Czech population has already shopped online. Customers view it as a quick and convenient shopping where they can save money. But what are the other factors that influence their shopping behaviour? This paper tries to find the answer to this question. Each customer is an individual therefore models of customer behaviour often cannot be generalized, particularly not on the Internet which offers many shopping options and procedures how to select, try and buy a given product. The online business activities of companies are still expanding. Internet marketing together with mobile marketing is gaining momentum, because the amount of customers who are online has been increasing rapidly. The number of smart mobile phone users that are still online has been growing as well

    Pembangunan Ketahanan Pangan yang Berkelanjutan dalam Masa Pandemi Melalui Aplikasi e-Grocery

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen pada keputusan pembelian konsumen menggunakan aplikasi e-grocery menggunakan model Extended Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) serta hubungannya dengan pembangunan ketahanan pangan Indonesia dalam masa pandemi, dimana hasilnya nanti diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan kepada pemerintah untuk mengembangkan kebijakan khusus untuk semua pihak yang terkait dengan penggunaan aplikasi e-grocery seperti petani, nelayan, pedagang pasar, pedagang sayur keliling dan masyarakat pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan uji statistik Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Manfaat yang dirasakan oleh konsumen dari penggunaan e-grocery ini tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan niat beli konsumen, sedangkan kemudahan penggunaan, kepercayaan serta resiko keuangan menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap niat beli konsumen dalam menggunakan aplikasi e-grocery

    When do Online Shoppers Appreciate Security Enhancement Efforts? Effects of Financial Risk and Security Level on Evaluations of Customer Authentication

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    As the popularity of online shopping grows, concerns about identity theft and fraud are increasing. While stronger customer authentication procedures may provide greater protection and thus benefit customers and retailers, security is often traded off against convenience. To provide insight into this security-convenience trade-off in customer authentication, we experimentally investigated how levels of authentication security and financial risk factors affect perception and evaluation of authentication systems in two contexts: security questions (Experiment I) and card security codes (Experiment 2). Experiment I. which examined the effects of security level and product price as a financial risk factor, showed that authentication procedures based on higher-level security tended to be perceived as significantly less convenient and more frustrating. Interestingly, participants rated the higher-level security system (i.e., asking more demanding challenge questions) as less convenient and more frustrating when the amount involved in the transactions was higher. Experiment 2, which introduced consumer liability for fraudulent activities as an additional financial risk factor, showed that participants gave more positive ratings of the higher-level security system under full liability than under zero liability. Taken together, the present research suggests that patterns of security-convenience trade-offs reflecting consumers\u27 perception and appreciation of authentication technologies may vary depending on the characteristics of financial risk factors involved in the transaction process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Understanding internet banking services and customer's adoption in Iraqi public universities

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    There is no doubt that internet banking services adoption represents a good opportunity for developing nations to attain greater economic development and growth, where the creation of added value is driven by information, knowledge and the adoption of information and communications technology. Although a lot of researches provide evidence on the wide adoption of internet banking in developed nations, there are only limited researches in developing nations in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq. There is definitely a need in this country to identify the factors that could encourage and improve the understanding of internet banking services adoption. There is also a paucity of empirical researches on internet banking services adoption from the perspective of customers. Taking these into cognizance, this quantitative research aims to understand internet banking services adoption, by investigating the key factors that encourage customers to adopt internet banking in the Iraqi context, using the decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research framework consists of eighteen latent variables, fourteen exogenous variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, trust, social recommendation, prestigious media, self-efficacy, government support, technology support, internet technology literacy, resistance to technology, perceived risk of technology, anxiety about technology and information on technology); and four endogenous variables (internet banking adoption, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control). In order to test the framework, a quantitative approach using the survey method is employed consisting of eighty two items with a seven-point Likert scale. Based on proportionate stratified random sampling, 535 out of 800 employees submitted completed questionnaires suitable for analysis (a 66.8% response rate). Findings of this study reveal that all the research hypotheses are supported except three, namely subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and information on technology towards internet banking services adoption, implying that the decomposed theory of planned behavior is an applicable underpinning theory for clarifying the important antecedents of internet banking services adoption in the Iraqi context

    Caracterização da compra offline e online dos clientes de uma multinacional de retalho

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    Mestrado em MarketingApesar da expansão do e-commerce por toda a União Europeia ao longo dos últimos 15 anos, em Portugal, a desconfiança é ainda um grande entrave ao desenvolvimento do canal online quando comparado à compra em loja física. O presente estudo é quantitativo tem como foco principal caracterizar as compras offline e online feitas pelos clientes da Empresa X, estudando para isso as suas características sociodemográficas, a relação entre a subscrição ao programa de fidelidade da empresa e a lealdade dos mesmos clientes à marca. São os homens quem mais compra e mais gasta, em ambos os canais. As faixas etárias mais envelhecidas gastam mais do que as mais jovens, mas preferem o canal offline. Conclui-se que a Empresa X está ainda muito marcada pela compra offline, tendo os seus clientes uma tendência notória em comprar em loja em detrimento de comprar na Internet (Cluster Offline). Ao contrário do canal online, os dados relativos às compras offline apresentaram quase sempre valores significativos do ponto de vista estatístico. As compras online são residuais, com valores estatisticamente não significativos, e concentram-se nas Grandes Cidades, o que leva a sugerir uma maior comunicação ao interior do país. Também se sugere criar maior sentimento de segurança entre as faixas etárias mais idosas para que confiem na comodidade de se fazerem compras online. No futuro poder-se-á realizar um estudo com inquérito para aferir as motivações psicográficas para escolha de cada um destes canais, tentando descobrir novas formas de potenciar a compra e crescente confiança no e-commerce.Despite the undeniable expansion of e-commerce throughout the European Union over the last 15 years, in Portugal, distrust is still a major obstacle to the development of the online channel when compared to buying in the physical store. The main focus of the present quantitative study is to describe the online and offline shopping made by Company X's customers by studying their socio-demographic characteristics, the relationship between the subscription to the loyalty program of the company and the customers loyalty to the brand. In both channels, online and offline, men purchase and spend morethan women. The older age groups spend a lot more than the younger ones, but prefer to buy offline. Online purchases are residual, with values not statistically significant, and are concentrated in the big cities, which leads to suggest a increase of communication to the interior of the country. It is also suggested to create a greater sense of security among the oldest customers to promote trust in the convenience of making purchases online. Company X customers still prefer to purchase offline, as the Offline Cluster shows, they spend more money and buy more in physical stores when compared with the online channel. Data regarding Offline purchases showed values statistically significant unlike Online purchases data. In the future its recommended to carry out a study with a survey to find out the psychographic motivations to choose each one of these channels, trying to find new ways to leverage the buying and growing confidence in e-commerce

    The interplay of trustworthiness and perceived risk and their influence on consumer’s acceptance of self-service technology innovations: the case of Digipost by Posten Norge AS

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    This paper looks at factors influencing consumer’s attitude formation in the light of adopting a new self-service technology (SST). Previous research has shed light on the importance of trustworthiness and risk, however, the literature does not account for the multidimensionality of these constructs or lacks understanding of how they operate on different levels. Similarly, self-efficacy was previously found to be an important antecedent for attitude formation towards SST, but is rarely included in the analysis. To bridge this gap, we examine data on a sample of Norwegian consumers and their attitude towards Digipost, the digital mailbox service of Posten Norge. We test direct effects of different dimensions of trustworthiness, perceived risk and self-efficacy on attitude towards the SST innovation. The results suggest that all factors contribute to attitude formation towards SST in some way, with time risk exhibiting the strongest influence. Managers are therefore recommended to place particular emphasis on controlling for the differences the antecedents that cause resistance in adapting SST innovations.nhhma

    Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Nutzervertrauen : Die Erfassung von Vertrauen in Websites vor dem Hintergrund von Nutzererleben und Sicherheitsaspekten

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    Users’ trust in online situations is influenced by various characteristics of human-computer interaction. Looking at the increasing scope of services online, it remains an up-to-date issue, expanding its meaning for both informational and transactional websites. In this work, the Scale for Online Users’ Trust (SCOUT) was developed to assess the trustworthiness of both types of websites. Based on the scale, the effects of user experience on users’ trust were examined in several studies. For informational websites, hedonic qualities appeared to be significant predictors of trustworthiness in addition to usability. The effects could be confirmed for transactional websites. Furthermore, perceptions of security aspects were investigated in a set of studies. The effects of customer ratings, fictitious graphical elements, web assurance seals and interactive security-related feedback on users’ trust were analyzed. Findings from all together 11 studies of this work allow for inferences for website design that could support academics and practitioners in designing for trustworthy web environments.Nutzervertrauen in Websites ist sowohl auf informationalen als auch auf transaktionalen Websites nach wie vor ein entscheidender Faktor für erfolgreiche Online-Situationen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des Fragebogens SCOUT (Scale for Online Users’ Trust) beschrieben, mit dem die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Websites beider Kategorien gleichermaßen erfasst werden kann. Darauf aufbauend wurde die Wirkung des Nutzererlebens auf Vertrauen in mehreren Studien untersucht. Für informationale Websites ergaben sich hedonische Merkmale und Usability als signifikante Prädiktoren von Vertrauenswürdigkeit. Diese Effekte konnten für transaktionale Websites bestätigt werden. Zusätzliche wurde geprüft, wie Kundenbewertungen, fiktive grafische Elemente, Gütesiegel und interaktive sicherheitsrelevante Rückmeldungen auf Nutzervertrauen wirken. Aus insgesamt elf Studien lassen sich Empfehlungen für eine vertrauensförderliche Website-Gestaltung ableiten