117 research outputs found

    Evolving Objects in Temporal Information Systems

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    This paper presents a semantic foundation of temporal conceptual models used to design temporal information systems. We consider a modelling language able to express both timestamping and evolution constraints. We conduct a deeper investigation of evolution constraints, eventually devising a model-theoretic semantics for a full-fledged model with both timestamping and evolution constraints. The proposed formalization is meant both to clarify the meaning of the various temporal constructors that appeared in the literature and to give a rigorous definition, in the context of temporal information systems, to notions like satisfiability, subsumption and logical implication. Furthermore, we show how to express temporal constraints using a subset of first-order temporal logic, i.e. DLRUS, the description logic DLR extended with the temporal operators Since and Until. We show how DLRUS is able to capture the various modelling constraints in a succinct way and to perform automated reasoning on temporal conceptual models

    Sensitivity analysis in a scoping review on police accountability : assessing the feasibility of reporting criteria in mixed studies reviews

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    In this paper, we report on the findings of a sensitivity analysis that was carried out within a previously conducted scoping review, hoping to contribute to the ongoing debate about how to assess the quality of research in mixed methods reviews. Previous sensitivity analyses mainly concluded that the exclusion of inadequately reported or lower quality studies did not have a significant effect on the results of the synthesis. In this study, we conducted a sensitivity analysis on the basis of reporting criteria with the aims of analysing its impact on the synthesis results and assessing its feasibility. Contrary to some previous studies, our analysis showed that the exclusion of inadequately reported studies had an impact on the results of the thematic synthesis. Initially, we also sought to propose a refinement of reporting criteria based on the literature and our own experiences. In this way, we aimed to facilitate the assessment of reporting criteria and enhance its consistency. However, based on the results of our sensitivity analysis, we opted not to make such a refinement since many publications included in this analysis did not sufficiently report on the methodology. As such, a refinement would not be useful considering that researchers would be unable to assess these (sub-)criteria

    Annotated text databases in the context of the Kaj Munk corpus:One database model, one query language, and several applications

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    Three Pillars of Historical Wisdom: Atomization, Data Building and Flexibility: On historical databases for research

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    Rapport interne Ă  l'usage des utilisateurs de la base de donnĂ©es FichozA short treatise on how to build an efficient, open and flexible database system for historical research. In other words, how to build an efficient tool for the management of information while wholly preserving the indefinition of basic data and direct availability for a variety of users belonging to a same field, but pursuing different purposes. With a final reference to Fichoz database.Bref traitĂ© sur comment construire un systĂšme de bases de donnĂ©es efficace pour la recherche historique. En d'autres termes, comment construire un outil efficace pour le traitement de l'information, qui prĂ©serve intĂ©gralement Ă  la fois l'indĂ©finition des donnĂ©es de dĂ©part tout en Ă©tant immĂ©diatement disponibles pour une communautĂ© d'utilisateurs qui, bien que relevant du mĂȘme champ, poursuivent chacun des stratĂ©gies et des buts de recherche diffĂ©rents. Avec une rĂ©fĂ©rence finale Ă  la base de donnĂ©es Fichoz

    Administrative Profiles Unit and Multi-Sessions Management Scheme for IPBrick Private Cloud

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    IPBrick solution for the Private Cloud has some limitations which can be challenged in future by its competitors in the market. The administrative access to the web interface of an IPBrick server is restricted to one user who manages everything by using a given set of features and services. The existing solution also does not support Multi-Sessions Management due to which multiple update operations can't be applied on the database simultaneously and if it is attempted then it can have adverse affects on the consistency of data stored in the Database. The aim of this thesis is to develop features like Administrative Profiles and Multi-Sessions Management for the betterment of IPBrick Solution
