14 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kapabilitas Dan Efektivitas Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) Sebagai Sarana Temu Kembali Di Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Di Indonesia

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    Perpustakaan berkewajiban menyediakan akses ke sumber informasi yang dimiliki oleh perpustakaan lewat sarana temu kembali informasi menjadisalah satu tugas penting perpustakaan.OPAC adalah salah satu sarana temu kembali informasi yangberfungsi memberitahu kepada pengguna apa yang dimiliki oleh perpustakaan, apalagi saat ini katalog dikembangkan dalam bentuk online yaitu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kelengkapan fasilitas dan kapabilitas searching dan browsing pada OPAC perpustakaan UIN. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi precision (ketepatan) OPAC sebagai sarana temu kembali informasi dan mengujinapakah fasilitas searching berpengaruh terhadap tingkat precision.Dengan menggunakan data kualitatis yaitu yang berkaitan dengan kelengkapan fasilitas searching dan browsing, maka peneliti mencoba untuk melihat efektivitas OPAC Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) sebagai system temu kembali dengan mengambil lima OPAC UIN sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa fasilitas searching dan browsing yang tidak dimilikioleh OPAC UIN seperti menu bantuan penelusuran,keterbtasan deskripsi bibliografi. Dan OPAC yang memiliki fasilitas yang paling lengkap memiliki ketepatan yang tinggi sedangkan yang memiliki fasilitas paling minim memiliki nilai ketepatan yang rendah

    Evaluating Users’ Satisfaction With Landmark University’s Online Public Access Catalogue

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    This study evaluated users’ satisfaction with online public access catalogue (OPAC) of Landmark University, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The target population were 200 students, which were purposively selected to participate in the study. Questionnaire were distributed to all the purposively selected undergraduates and all the 200 questionnaire were returned and found valid for analysis, thereby, giving a response rate of 100%. The findings revealed that users of online public access catalogue at Landmark University were highly satisfied with the performance and functions of the OPAC. Further, findings revealed that “use of library study skills and information communication technology course” created the necessary awareness on OPAC. In addition, findings revealed that 64.0% did not search OPAC for course materials. Overall, the respondents indicated a high knowledge level of OPAC. This study made recommendations to improve OPAC use

    Culture shock: Librarians\u27 response to web scale search

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    In common with many other academic libraries, search tools such as the library catalogue, link resolver and federated search are utilised at Edith Cowan University Library to enable access to its collections and subscribed resources. It could be argued that these tools reflect methods of organising information from an earlier, pre-Internet era, and as such, they make sense to librarians. However, these tools are not simple to use or navigate, particularly when compared to Google, which, studies show, tends to be the first search tool of choice for many students and academic staff. Recognising that easier methods of accessing and discovering library resources are essential, ECU Library implemented the Serials Solution web scale discovery tool Summon at the beginning of 2010. This paper describes the rollout of Summon and the subsequent impact on ECU Library and its users, with a specific focus on its impact on ECU\u27s librarians and the information literacy programmes provided to library users. As librarians we faced several challenges when taking on Summon. A philosophical shift was required in the way we thought about finding and teaching others to find information. Much of our energy was expended in adapting to this new environment. The biggest risk we faced was negative librarian experiences and views flowing through to our users. A survey was conducted of ECU librarians, to determine their experiences and expectations with the use of Summon. This paper discusses the findings of the survey and examines the issues that librarians faced in developing their understanding and enhancing their use of the tool

    Perceived Impact of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) On effective retrieval of information resources by postgraduate students in Benue State University, Makurdi

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    ABSTRACT The study investigated the perceived impact of OPAC on effective retrieval of information resources by postgraduate students in Benue State University, Makurdi. The study looked at the perceived impact of OPAC on effective retrieval of information resources, purpose of utilizing OPAC by postgraduate students, search strategies used by postgraduate students for effective retrieval of information resources, challenges as well as strategies to enhance the use of OPAC by postgraduate student for effective retrieval of resources. Five (5) objectives with corresponding research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was made up of 38 postgraduate students who are registered with Benue State University Library. However, the census sampling was adopted for the study due to the small nature of the population. The instrument for data collection was self-structured questionnaire titled “Perceived Impact of OPAC on Information Retrieval Questionnaire” (PIOPACIRQ) which was validated by experts and a reliability coefficient of 0.947 was obtained. Data was collected and analyzed using frequent count and means. Findings of the study revealed that, there is a high perceived impact of OPAC on effective retrieval of information resources by postgraduate students in Benue State University, Makurdi. Finding also revealed that, postgraduate students in Benue State University, Makurdi utilize OPAC for various purposes such as to know the available resources in the university library, to locate books by author, title and subject, assists in obtaining books from the university library, among others. Finding also revealed the search strategies used by postgraduate students for effective retrieval of information resources in Benue State University Makurdi to include by author, title, subject and edition. The study further revealed the challenges hindering the use of OPAC for effective retrieval of information resources in Benue State University, Makurdi to include: lack of skilled library professionals to assists students, lack of orientation from library staff, lack of time to retrieve the vast information, slow internet connectivity speed, among others. Findings finally revealed some key strategies to enhance the use of OPAC for effective retrieval of information resources by postgraduate students in Benue State University, Makurdi which include: employment of skilled/competent library staff, need to design user-friendly OPAC template, improvement of internet connectivity speed, and organizing user education program to orientate postgraduate students on the use of OPAC, among others. Recommendations were also made based on the findings of the study

    Library discovery systems and their users: a case study from Curtin University Library

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    Discovery systems are now increasingly the dominant technology through which clients discover and access the information resources held by academic and research libraries. However, as yet, little work has been done to explore the use and impact of discovery systems on user behaviour. This article examines transactional logs from the Ex Libris Primo installation of Curtin University Library sampled between 2013 and 2015, together with the results of a user survey conducted in 2014, to investigate actual patterns of use and perceptions of value in the available discovery system functionality. The evidence collected supports the original contention of discovery system designers that the single-search box approach adopted by Google and other internet search engines is an appropriate form for library catalogue design. On the other hand, discovery system users clearly value functionality corresponding to traditional library tasks over attempts to locate the catalogue in the conceptual framework of social media

    Istraživanje o uporabljivosti online kataloga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu te Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta U Zagrebu

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    Rad prikazuje istraživanje o uporabljivosti online kataloga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice i Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu na uzorku od 20 ispitanika. Ispitanici su studenti treće godine Kroatistike (10 studenata) i studenti treće godine Informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti (10 studenata). U uvodu se navodi kratka povijest razvoja online kataloga kao i glavne značajke svih triju generacija razvoja OPAC-a. Istraživanje se provodilo s pretpostavkom kako se studenti Informacijskih znanosti (budućeg smjera Bibliotekarstva na diplomskoj razini) bolje snalaze u traženju podataka putem online kataloga od studenata Kroatistike. U radu su opisani ciljevi i metode te doneseni i analizirani rezultati istraživanja.The article presents the research of usability of online catalogue of Nacional and university Library and Library of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb based on the sample of 20 users. Users are students of the third year of Croatian language and literature (10 users) and students of the third year of Information and comunication sciences (10 users). The introduction offers a short overview of the history and the development of the online catalogue and main characterstics of the three generation of OPACs development. The research was conducted with hypothesis that students of Information sciences (future librarians on Graduate Study) are better in searching information on online catalogue than students of Croatian language and literature. The article shows the goals and methodology and shows analyzed results of the research

    Pemanfaatan OPAC sebagai Media Temu Kembali Informasi di Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemustaka dalam memanfaatkan OPAC sebagai media temu kembali di Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, yaitu meningkatkan produktivitas dan efektivitas penelusuran koleksi, serta memudahkan aktivitas temu kembali bahan pustaka yang dibutuhkan oleh pemustaka tanpa perlu mencari satu persatu pada rak-rak koleksi. Kedua, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam memanfaatkan OPAC sebagai media temu kembali informasi di Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, yaitu sering kali terjadi gangguan pada jaringan ketika pemustaka menggunakan OPAC, kurangnya kemampuan pemustaka dalam melakukan penelusuran melalui OPAC, dan ketidaksesuaian informasi antara tampilan di OPAC dengan keberadaan di rak-rak koleksi

    Audiovisual and Chill: An Evaluation of Video Digital Libraries and Catalogues

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    Research Problem: This research investigates how well video digital libraries and catalogues used in academic libraries meet user expectations. This is in the context of increasing use and demand for online audiovisual content by the wider community, as well as growing use of audiovisual materials for teaching, learning, and research at academic institutions. It also aims to give an understanding of how well libraries are meeting the challenges of delivering audiovisual materials to users in an on-demand world. Methodology: Twelve platforms—developed between 1996 and 2015—are evaluated against 23 user-centred criteria, divided into four core areas: retrieval functionality, user interface, collection qualities, and user support. Results: The study found that not one of the platforms evaluated met all the evaluation criteria, and identified three key areas in the usability of the video digital libraries and catalogues: search and retrieval, technology, and structure, scope, and strategy. Implications: From this we gain an understanding of performance and usability of video digital libraries and catalogues currently in use by academic libraries. We also learn about the difficulties those working with audiovisual materials are facing, and also of the solutions that are being proposed. Findings of this study could help influence decision making, development of future platforms, and influence policies for delivering audiovisual materials to users