93 research outputs found

    Using Rhetorical Figures and Shallow Attributes as a Metric of Intent in Text

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    In this thesis we propose a novel metric of document intent evaluation based on the detection and classification of rhetorical figure. In doing so we dispel the notion that rhetoric lacks the structure and consistency necessary to be relevant to computational linguistics. We show how the combination of document attributes available through shallow parsing and rules extracted from the definitions of rhetorical figures produce a metric which can be used to reliably classify the intent of texts. This metric works equally well on entire documents as on portions of a document

    Parallel corpus multi stream question answering with applications to the Qu'ran

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    Question-Answering (QA) is an important research area, which is concerned with developing an automated process that answers questions posed by humans in a natural language. QA is a shared task for the Information Retrieval (IR), Information Extraction (IE), and Natural Language Processing communities (NLP). A technical review of different QA system models and methodologies reveals that a typical QA system consists of different components to accept a natural language question from a user and deliver its answer(s) back to the user. Existing systems have been usually aimed at structured/ unstructured data collected from everyday English text, i.e. text collected from television programmes, news wires, conversations, novels and other similar genres. Despite all up-to-date research in the subject area, a notable fact is that none of the existing QA Systems has been tested on a Parallel Corpus of religious text with the aim of question answering. Religious text has peculiar characteristics and features which make it more challenging for traditional QA methods than other kinds of text. This thesis proposes PARMS (Parallel Corpus Multi Stream) Methodology; a novel method applying existing advanced IR (Information Retrieval) techniques, and combining them with NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods and additional semantic knowledge to implement QA (Question Answering) for a parallel corpus. A parallel Corpus involves use of multiple forms of the same corpus where each form differs from others in a certain aspect, e.g. translations of a scripture from one language to another by different translators. Additional semantic knowledge can be referred as a stream of information related to a corpus. PARMS uses Multiple Streams of semantic knowledge including a general ontology (WordNet) and domain-specific ontologies (QurTerms, QurAna, QurSim). This additional knowledge has been used in embedded form for Query Expansion, Corpus Enrichment and Answer Ranking. The PARMS Methodology has wider applications. This thesis applies it to the Quran – the core text of Islam; as a first case study. The PARMS Method uses parallel corpus comprising ten different English translations of the Quran. An individual Quranic verse is treated as an answer to questions asked in a natural language, English. This thesis also implements PARMS QA Application as a proof of concept for the PARMS methodology. The PARMS Methodology aims to evaluate the range of semantic knowledge streams separately and in combination; and also to evaluate alternative subsets of the DATA source: QA from one stream vs. parallel corpus. Results show that use of Parallel Corpus and Multiple Streams of semantic knowledge have obvious advantages. To the best of my knowledge, this method is developed for the first time and it is expected to be a benchmark for further research area

    24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    In the last three decades information modelling and knowledge bases have become essentially important subjects not only in academic communities related to information systems and computer science but also in the business area where information technology is applied. The series of European – Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC) originally started as a co-operation initiative between Japan and Finland in 1982. The practical operations were then organised by professor Ohsuga in Japan and professors Hannu Kangassalo and Hannu Jaakkola in Finland (Nordic countries). Geographical scope has expanded to cover Europe and also other countries. Workshop characteristic - discussion, enough time for presentations and limited number of participants (50) / papers (30) - is typical for the conference. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Conceptual modelling: Modelling and specification languages; Domain-specific conceptual modelling; Concepts, concept theories and ontologies; Conceptual modelling of large and heterogeneous systems; Conceptual modelling of spatial, temporal and biological data; Methods for developing, validating and communicating conceptual models. 2. Knowledge and information modelling and discovery: Knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and knowledge management; Advanced data mining and analysis methods; Conceptions of knowledge and information; Modelling information requirements; Intelligent information systems; Information recognition and information modelling. 3. Linguistic modelling: Models of HCI; Information delivery to users; Intelligent informal querying; Linguistic foundation of information and knowledge; Fuzzy linguistic models; Philosophical and linguistic foundations of conceptual models. 4. Cross-cultural communication and social computing: Cross-cultural support systems; Integration, evolution and migration of systems; Collaborative societies; Multicultural web-based software systems; Intercultural collaboration and support systems; Social computing, behavioral modeling and prediction. 5. Environmental modelling and engineering: Environmental information systems (architecture); Spatial, temporal and observational information systems; Large-scale environmental systems; Collaborative knowledge base systems; Agent concepts and conceptualisation; Hazard prediction, prevention and steering systems. 6. Multimedia data modelling and systems: Modelling multimedia information and knowledge; Contentbased multimedia data management; Content-based multimedia retrieval; Privacy and context enhancing technologies; Semantics and pragmatics of multimedia data; Metadata for multimedia information systems. Overall we received 56 submissions. After careful evaluation, 16 papers have been selected as long paper, 17 papers as short papers, 5 papers as position papers, and 3 papers for presentation of perspective challenges. We thank all colleagues for their support of this issue of the EJC conference, especially the program committee, the organising committee, and the programme coordination team. The long and the short papers presented in the conference are revised after the conference and published in the Series of “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence” by IOS Press (Amsterdam). The books “Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases” are edited by the Editing Committee of the conference. We believe that the conference will be productive and fruitful in the advance of research and application of information modelling and knowledge bases. Bernhard Thalheim Hannu Jaakkola Yasushi Kiyok

    A framework for the analysis and evaluation of enterprise models

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    Bibliography: leaves 264-288.The purpose of this study is the development and validation of a comprehensive framework for the analysis and evaluation of enterprise models. The study starts with an extensive literature review of modelling concepts and an overview of the various reference disciplines concerned with enterprise modelling. This overview is more extensive than usual in order to accommodate readers from different backgrounds. The proposed framework is based on the distinction between the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic model aspects and populated with evaluation criteria drawn from an extensive literature survey. In order to operationalize and empirically validate the framework, an exhaustive survey of enterprise models was conducted. From this survey, an XML database of more than twenty relatively large, publicly available enterprise models was constructed. A strong emphasis was placed on the interdisciplinary nature of this database and models were drawn from ontology research, linguistics, analysis patterns as well as the traditional fields of data modelling, data warehousing and enterprise systems. The resultant database forms the test bed for the detailed framework-based analysis and its public availability should constitute a useful contribution to the modelling research community. The bulk of the research is dedicated to implementing and validating specific analysis techniques to quantify the various model evaluation criteria of the framework. The aim for each of the analysis techniques is that it can, where possible, be automated and generalised to other modelling domains. The syntactic measures and analysis techniques originate largely from the disciplines of systems engineering, graph theory and computer science. Various metrics to measure model hierarchy, architecture and complexity are tested and discussed. It is found that many are not particularly useful or valid for enterprise models. Hence some new measures are proposed to assist with model visualization and an original "model signature" consisting of three key metrics is proposed.Perhaps the most significant contribution ofthe research lies in the development and validation of a significant number of semantic analysis techniques, drawing heavily on current developments in lexicography, linguistics and ontology research. Some novel and interesting techniques are proposed to measure, inter alia, domain coverage, model genericity, quality of documentation, perspicuity and model similarity. Especially model similarity is explored in depth by means of various similarity and clustering algorithms as well as ways to visualize the similarity between models. Finally, a number of pragmatic analyses techniques are applied to the models. These include face validity, degree of use, authority of model author, availability, cost, flexibility, adaptability, model currency, maturity and degree of support. This analysis relies mostly on the searching for and ranking of certain specific information details, often involving a degree of subjective interpretation, although more specific quantitative procedures are suggested for some of the criteria. To aid future researchers, a separate chapter lists some promising analysis techniques that were investigated but found to be problematic from methodological perspective. More interestingly, this chapter also presents a very strong conceptual case on how the proposed framework and the analysis techniques associated vrith its various criteria can be applied to many other information systems research areas. The case is presented on the grounds of the underlying isomorphism between the various research areas and illustrated by suggesting the application of the framework to evaluate web sites, algorithms, software applications, programming languages, system development methodologies and user interfaces

    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volum

    Efficient Decision Support Systems

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    This series is directed to diverse managerial professionals who are leading the transformation of individual domains by using expert information and domain knowledge to drive decision support systems (DSSs). The series offers a broad range of subjects addressed in specific areas such as health care, business management, banking, agriculture, environmental improvement, natural resource and spatial management, aviation administration, and hybrid applications of information technology aimed to interdisciplinary issues. This book series is composed of three volumes: Volume 1 consists of general concepts and methodology of DSSs; Volume 2 consists of applications of DSSs in the biomedical domain; Volume 3 consists of hybrid applications of DSSs in multidisciplinary domains. The book is shaped upon decision support strategies in the new infrastructure that assists the readers in full use of the creative technology to manipulate input data and to transform information into useful decisions for decision makers

    Detecting New, Informative Propositions in Social Media

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    The ever growing quantity of online text produced makes it increasingly challenging to find new important or useful information. This is especially so when topics of potential interest are not known a-priori, such as in “breaking news stories”. This thesis examines techniques for detecting the emergence of new, interesting information in Social Media. It sets the investigation in the context of a hypothetical knowledge discovery and acquisition system, and addresses two objectives. The first objective addressed is the detection of new topics. The second is filtering of non-informative text from Social Media. A rolling time-slicing approach is proposed for discovery, in which daily frequencies of nouns, named entities, and multiword expressions are compared to their expected daily frequencies, as estimated from previous days using a Poisson model. Trending features, those showing a significant surge in use, in Social Media are potentially interesting. Features that have not shown a similar recent surge in News are selected as indicative of new information. It is demonstrated that surges in nouns and news entities can be detected that predict corresponding surges in mainstream news. Co-occurring trending features are used to create clusters of potentially topic-related documents. Those formed from co-occurrences of named entities are shown to be the most topically coherent. Machine learning based filtering models are proposed for finding informative text in Social Media. News/Non-News and Dialogue Act models are explored using the News annotated Redites corpus of Twitter messages. A simple 5-act Dialogue scheme, used to annotate a small sample thereof, is presented. For both News/Non-News and Informative/Non-Informative classification tasks, using non-lexical message features produces more discriminative and robust classification models than using message terms alone. The combination of all investigated features yield the most accurate models

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Sustainability of systems interoperability in dynamic business networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresCollaborative networked environments emerged with the spread of the internet, contributing to overcome past communication barriers, and identifying interoperability as an essential property to support businesses development. When achieved seamlessly, efficiency is increased in the entire product life cycle support. However, due to the different sources of knowledge, models and semantics, enterprise organisations are experiencing difficulties exchanging critical information, even when they operate in the same business environments. To solve this issue, most of them try to attain interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or use neutral data and product standards as the core for information sharing, in optimized networks. In current industrial practice, the model mappings that regulate enterprise communications are only defined once, and most of them are hardcoded in the information systems. This solution has been effective and sufficient for static environments, where enterprise and product models are valid for decades. However, more and more enterprise systems are becoming dynamic, adapting and looking forward to meet further requirements; a trend that is causing new interoperability disturbances and efficiency reduction on existing partnerships. Enterprise Interoperability (EI) is a well established area of applied research, studying these problems, and proposing novel approaches and solutions. This PhD work contributes to that research considering enterprises as complex and adaptive systems, swayed to factors that are making interoperability difficult to sustain over time. The analysis of complexity as a neighbouring scientific domain, in which features of interoperability can be identified and evaluated as a benchmark for developing a new foundation of EI, is here proposed. This approach envisages at drawing concepts from complexity science to analyse dynamic enterprise networks and proposes a framework for sustaining systems interoperability, enabling different organisations to evolve at their own pace, answering the upcoming requirements but minimizing the negative impact these changes can have on their business environment
