10 research outputs found

    On Views, Diagrams, Programs, Animations, and Other Models

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    Humanity has long since used models in different shapes and forms to understand , redesign, communicate about, and shape, the world around us; including many different social, economic, biological, chemical, physical, and digital aspects. This has resulted in a wide range of modeling practices. When the models as used in such modeling practices have a key role to play in the activities in which these modeling practices are 'embedded', the need emerges to consider the effectiveness and efficiency of such processes, and speak about modeling capabilities. In the latter situation, it becomes relevant to develop a thorough understanding of the artifacts involved in the modeling practices/capabilities. One field in which models play (an increasingly) important role is the field of system development (including software engineering, information systems engineering, and enterprise design management). In this context, we come across notions, such as views, diagrams, programs, animations, specifications, etc. The aim of this paper is to take a fundamental look at these notions. In doing so, we will argue that these notions should actually be seen as specific kinds of models, albeit for fundamentally different purposes

    Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval

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    Experimental approaches are widely employed to benchmark the performance of an information retrieval (IR) system. Measurements in terms of recall and precision are computed as performance indicators. Although they are good at assessing the retrieval effectiveness of an IR system, they fail to explore deeper aspects such as its underlying functionality and explain why the system shows such performance. Recently, inductive (i.e., theoretical) evaluation of IR systems has been proposed to circumvent the controversies of the experimental methods. Several studies have adopted the inductive approach, but they mostly focus on theoretical modeling of IR properties by using some metalogic. In this article, we propose to use inductive evaluation for functional benchmarking of IR models as a complement of the traditional experiment-based performance benchmarking. We define a functional benchmark suite in two stages: the evaluation criteria based on the notion of "aboutness," and the formal evaluation methodology using the criteria. The proposed benchmark has been successfully applied to evaluate various well-known classical and logic-based IR models. The functional benchmarking results allow us to compare and analyze the functionality of the different IR models

    Metodologie semiotiche nell’universo terminologico e semantico dell’information discovery

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    L'intervento mette a confronto le attuali metodologie per la ricerca e la scoperta dell'informazione e delle risorse: la ricerca di tipo terminologico e il linguaggio term-based, tipici dell'Information retrieval (IR); la ricerca di tipo semantico, sviluppata soprattutto con il linguaggio dei linked data; la ricerca di tipo semiotico e il linguaggio content-based, sperimentati dal Multimedia information retrieval (MIR). Si approfondisce, quindi, la metodologia semiotica del MIR

    Visualisation and dynamic querying of large multivariate data sets

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    The legitimacy and effectiveness of current methods and theories that guide the construction of visualisations is in question and there is a lack of any scientific support for many of these methods. A review of existing visualisation techniques demonstrates some of the innate strengths and weaknesses within the approaches used. By focusing on the more specific task of developing visualisations for large sets of multivariate data, the lack of any kind of guidance in this development process is acknowledged. A prototype visualisation tool based on the well-documented techniques of Parallel Coordinates and Dynamic Queries has been developed taking into account these findings. Incorporating new and novel ideas addressing identified weaknesses in current visualisations, this prototype also provides the basis for demonstrating, testing and evaluating these concepts

    Limiti dell’information discovery e necessità dell’information literacy

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    The paper proposes some thoughts on the limitations of information discovery, as a way to search and discover information and resources mainly implemented through so-called web-scale discovery services which do not have the accuracy of information retrieval. Given the increasing importance of integrating among research methodologies those calibrated on the Web, a good acceptance of new systems alongside more traditional ones is the task of an appropriate and updated method of disseminating information literacy, developing a system of education to the use and evaluation of all tools and criteria for information retrieval and information discovery. Although through proper implementation and careful use web-scale discovery service are a useful tool to promote and explain in libraries, at the moment they appear to be limited to be basic tools for a first search and discovery of resources. Each library will determine the potentials and usefulness of the new tools related to traditional ones, explaining to users the specific differences that make all the tools remain distinct and organized for different purposes

    Vecchi paradigmi e nuove interfacce: la ricerca di un equilibrato sviluppo degli strumenti di mediazione dell’informazione (Seconda parte)

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    The paper presents a literary review of several pending issues that show the necessity of an innovation in the field of information management and search systems – still, this innovation must be deep, balanced and scientifically aware of LIS principles. In particular, it examines the role of web-scale discovery services and discovery tools, and their possible inclusion among the library mediation tools.First, the article reviews a number of arguments supporting the development of OPAC interfaces according to the principles of Web 2.0 and semantic Web: extreme user-friendliness and usability, interactive and collaborative organization, interoperability, data granularity. Then, it investigates the prospect of discovery tools as the new ‘single’ systems to search for all the resources mediated by a library. However, such an innovation should aim not only to the transformation of the query interfaces of databases, but also to the development of a new way of creating and organizing data according to FRBR, RDF, linked data.These arguments are then compared with other approaches more focused on LIS principles. In any case, it is essential to maintain the resources’ original coherence, and the authority of the data origin. Finally, the paper remarks the limits of ‘information discovery’: at present, new systems do not have the same precision of databases, OPACs and other trustworthy tools.(NB: this is the second part of a more extensive study. The first part has been published in AIB studi 1/2015)Scopo dell’articolo è proporre – con la forma della rassegna critica delle fonti, o literary review – una serie di temi ancora aperti, per indicare come sia effettivamente necessaria un’innovazione dei sistemi di gestione e ricerca dell’informazione, ma che sia profonda, equilibrata e scientificamente consapevole dei principi biblioteconomici. In particolare, è discusso il ruolo dei web-scale discovery service e dei discovery tool, inquadrando criticamente il loro accoglimento tra gli strumenti di mediazione della biblioteca.Sono riassunte, anzitutto, varie considerazioni a favore dello sviluppo delle interfacce OPAC secondo alcuni principi riferibili al Web 2.0 e al semantic Web: estrema amichevolezza e usabilità, organizzazione interattiva e collaborativa, interoperabilità, granularità dei dati. È indagata, poi, la prospettiva dei discovery tool, proposti come nuovi strumenti rappresentanti il sistema ‘unico’ per la ricerca di tutte le risorse mediate da una biblioteca. Tale innovazione deve, però, puntare non solo alla trasformazione delle interfacce di interrogazione delle basi dati, ma anche a un nuovo modo di creare e organizzare i dati nelle basi stesse: secondo FRBR, RDF, linked data.Sono, quindi, confrontate altre posizioni maggiormente orientate al rispetto dei principi biblioteconomici. È sottolineata l’importanza di mantenere la coerenza originaria delle risorse e l’autorevolezza della provenienza dei dati. Infine, sono proposte alcune riflessioni sui limiti dell’‘information discovery’, in quanto i nuovi sistemi non hanno, al momento, il rigore dell’information retrieval cui ci hanno abituato le banche dati, gli OPAC e altri strumenti di eguale affidabilità.(Questo articolo è la seconda parte di un contributo più esteso. La prima parte è stata pubblicata sul numero 1/2015 della rivista

    O conhecimento em desenho e organização do trabalho no âmbito da gestão de produção e operações

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Gestão na especialidade de Gestão de Projectos apresentada à Universidade AbertaO objectivo geral da investigação é a caracterização do paradigma do Desenho e da Organização do Trabalho, existente no âmbito do corpo de conhecimentos da especialização em Produção e Operações da área científica da Gestão. Esta caracterização articulou-se em três vertentes: Cartografia do conhecimento actual; Evolução temporal do conhecimento; e Presença dos legados históricos. Cada uma destas vertentes foi avaliada através de um estudo empírico específico. A cartografia do conhecimento actual foi estabelecida a partir da análise dos artigos publicados em três revistas especializadas em gestão de operações: o Journal of Operations Management, o International Journal of Operations e Production Management e o Production and Operations Management. Este estudo permitiu a seguinte conclusão geral: O tema Desenho e Organização do Trabalho tem uma incidência muito diminuta na actual investigação em Gestão da Produção e Operações. A investigação actual em Gestão da Produção e Operações pode ser agrupada taxionomicamente nas seguintes três categorias: i) Técnicas Clássicas, ii) Interface Recursos Humanos/Gestão de Produção e Operações, e iii) Organização da Produção e do Trabalho. Estudos com outra amostra de artigos demonstraram a potencialidade deste esquema taxionómico. A investigação sobre o tema centra-se fundamentalmente na actividade industrial, em especial no sector automóvel, discutindo temas como: a Lean Production e a abordagem sociotécnica. Observa-se também um cisma que divide a investigação de base europeia da investigação de base europeia da investigação realizada nos E.U.A. Na análise da segunda vertente – evolução temporal do conhecimento – o estudo incidiu sobre os artigos de uma única publicação o International Journal of Production Research. Foram analisados todos os artigos publicados desde 1961. Essa avaliação permitiu constatar que: Existe uma redução da incidência da investigação em Desenho e Organização do Trabalho, no âmbito da Gestão da Produção e Operações, de cerca de 10% dos artigos publicados nas décadas de 60 e 70, para cerca de 2% na actualidade. Essa diminuição de incidência da investigação referida é um fenómeno que afecta em particular a gestão de operações, não sendo um fenómeno generalizado a outras áreas do conhecimento. A investigação demonstrou ainda uma alteração significativa em relação ao enfoque da pesquisa publicada. Assim, na década de 60 predominam as pesquisas no âmbito das Técnicas Clássicas. Após esse primeiro período nenhuma das três categorias domina a investigação. A terceira vertente do estudo incidiu sobre a presença dos legados históricos. A investigação centrou-se nos manuais de gestão de operações. A pesquisa realizada permitiu sustentar que: A Gestão Científica tem uma presença muito relevante no conhecimento actual acerca do Desenho e da Organização do Trabalho, no âmbito da Gestão da produção e Operações. Essa presença manifesta-se principalmente ao nível das técnicas e dos métodos de intervenção nas empresas, onde domina, largamente, o Estudo do Trabalho. No tocante aos conceitos e aos modelos globais de organização do trabalho, o domínio referido anteriormente não é tão evidente. Assim, confirma-se que a influência da Gestão Científica no conhecimento actual da Gestão da Produção e Operações se faz, essencialmente, através do contributo de R. Barnes, e tendo por base o modelo de intervenção por ele estruturado (Estudo dos Tempos e dos Movimentos). Os resultados da presente dissertação devem ser avaliados tendo em conta os desenvolvimentos recentes, relativos aos aspectos de ordem comportamental no âmbito da gestão de operações. Neste enquadramento pode afirmar-se que o interesse pelas questões de ordem comportamental em geral, e pelas questões do trabalho em particular, só se manterá no seio da gestão de operações, e só será útil numa perspectiva conjunta operações/área comportamental, se estiver assente nas especificidades e particularidade da gestão de operações. Conclui-se, em termos gerais, pela urgência de que a gestão de operações recorra aos seus clássicos, criando em definitivo as suas raízes, criando a sua agenda e a sua visão particular da problemática do trabalho.The general objective of this research is to characterize the Job Design and Work Organization paradigm in the scope of the specialization in the Production and Operations body of knowledge, which is part of the scientific area of Management. This characterization has been performed through three approaches: Current knowledge cartography; Evolution of knowledge in time; and Historic legacy presence. Each of these approaches has been evaluated through a specific empiric study. The current knowledge cartography has been studied through the analysis of the articles published in three magazines specialized in operations management: Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations e Production Management and Production and Operations Management. This study led to the following general conclusion: The Job Design and Work Organization subject has a very small presence in the current research in Production Management. The current research in Production and Operation Management can be grouped, in terms of taxonomy, in the following three categories: i) Classic Techniques, ii) Human Resources/Production and Operations Management Interface, and iii) Production and Work Organization. Studies with another article sample demonstrated the potential of this taxonomy. The research on the subject is centered mainly on the industrial activity, especially in the automotive sector, discussing subjects like: Lean Production and the socio-technical approach. A clear separation can be observed between European and US based research. In the analysis through the second approach – evolution of knowledge in time – the study looked at articles from a single publication: The International Journal of Production Research. All articles published since 1961 were analyzed, leading to the following findings: There is a decrease in the research on Job Design and Work Organization, in the scope of Production and Operations Management, from around 10% of published articles in the 60s and 70s to around 2% nowadays. This decrease is a phenomenon that affects mostly operations management and is not common to other areas of knowledge. The research demonstrated also a significant change in terms of the published research focus. In the 60s the Classic Techniques research predominated. After that first period, none of the three categories dominates research. The third approach of the study looked at the presence of historic legacy. The research was focused in the operations management manuals. The research supported that: Scientific Management has a very relevant presence in current knowledge about Job Design and Work Organization, in the scope of Production and Operations Management. This presence shows itself mainly in the techniques and methods used in companies, where the Work Study largely dominates. As for the concepts and global models of the work organization, this dominance is not so clear. Thus, it is confirmed that the influence of Scientific Management in current knowledge of Production and Operations Management comes mainly from the contribution of R. Barnes, having the model structured by him as the base (Motion and Time Study). The results of this thesis shall be evaluated taking into account the recent developments in the behavioural aspects related to operations management. In this scope, it can be said that the interest in behavioural issues, in general, and in the work issues in particular, will only remain in operations management and will only be useful in a joint operations/behavioural area perspective, if it is based on the specificities and particularities of operations management. The general conclusion is that it is urgent for operations management to resort to its classics creating its roots, creating its agenda and its own vision of the work stud

    What is information discovery about?

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    What is information discovery about?

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    What Is Information Discovery About?

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    ... The aim of this article is to provide a logic-based framework for information discovery, and relate this to the traditional field of information retrieval. Furthermore, the often ignored user receives special emphasis. In information discovery, a good understanding of a user's (sometimes hidden) needs and beliefs is essential. We will develop a logic-based approach to express the mechanics of information discovery, while the pragmatics are based on an analysis of the underlying informational semantics of information carriers and information needs of users