2,892 research outputs found

    Numerical and analytical bounds on threshold error rates for hypergraph-product codes

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    We study analytically and numerically decoding properties of finite rate hypergraph-product quantum LDPC codes obtained from random (3,4)-regular Gallager codes, with a simple model of independent X and Z errors. Several non-trival lower and upper bounds for the decodable region are constructed analytically by analyzing the properties of the homological difference, equal minus the logarithm of the maximum-likelihood decoding probability for a given syndrome. Numerical results include an upper bound for the decodable region from specific heat calculations in associated Ising models, and a minimum weight decoding threshold of approximately 7%.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Coding for Parallel Channels: Gallager Bounds for Binary Linear Codes with Applications to Repeat-Accumulate Codes and Variations

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    This paper is focused on the performance analysis of binary linear block codes (or ensembles) whose transmission takes place over independent and memoryless parallel channels. New upper bounds on the maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding error probability are derived. These bounds are applied to various ensembles of turbo-like codes, focusing especially on repeat-accumulate codes and their recent variations which possess low encoding and decoding complexity and exhibit remarkable performance under iterative decoding. The framework of the second version of the Duman and Salehi (DS2) bounds is generalized to the case of parallel channels, along with the derivation of their optimized tilting measures. The connection between the generalized DS2 and the 1961 Gallager bounds, addressed by Divsalar and by Sason and Shamai for a single channel, is explored in the case of an arbitrary number of independent parallel channels. The generalization of the DS2 bound for parallel channels enables to re-derive specific bounds which were originally derived by Liu et al. as special cases of the Gallager bound. In the asymptotic case where we let the block length tend to infinity, the new bounds are used to obtain improved inner bounds on the attainable channel regions under ML decoding. The tightness of the new bounds for independent parallel channels is exemplified for structured ensembles of turbo-like codes. The improved bounds with their optimized tilting measures show, irrespectively of the block length of the codes, an improvement over the union bound and other previously reported bounds for independent parallel channels; this improvement is especially pronounced for moderate to large block lengths.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, June 2006 (57 pages, 9 figures

    Application of Computer Algebra in List Decoding

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    The amount of data that we use in everyday life (social media, stock analysis, satellite communication etc.) are increasing day by day. As a result, the amount of data needs to be traverse through electronic media as well as to store are rapidly growing and there exist several environmental effects that can damage these important data during travelling or while in storage devices. To recover correct information from noisy data, we do use error correcting codes. The most challenging work in this area is to have a decoding algorithm that can decode the code quite fast, in addition with the existence of the code that can tolerate highest amount of noise, so that we can have it in practice. List decoding is an active research area for last two decades. This research popularise in coding theory after the breakthrough work by Madhu Sudan where he used list decoding technique to correct errors that exceeds half the minimum distance of Reed Solomon codes. Towards the direction of code development that can reach theoretical limit of error correction, Guruswami-Rudra introduced folded Reed Solomon codes that reached at 1Rϵ.1 - R - \epsilon. To decode this codes, one has to first interpolate a multivariate polynomial first and then have to factor out all possible roots. The difficulties that lies here are efficient interpolation, dealing with multiplicities smartly and efficient factoring. This thesis deals with all these cases in order to have folded Reed Solomon codes in practice

    Asymptotic Analysis of SU-MIMO Channels With Transmitter Noise and Mismatched Joint Decoding

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    Hardware impairments in radio-frequency components of a wireless system cause unavoidable distortions to transmission that are not captured by the conventional linear channel model. In this paper, a 'binoisy' single-user multiple-input multiple-output (SU-MIMO) relation is considered where the additional distortions are modeled via an additive noise term at the transmit side. Through this extended SU-MIMO channel model, the effects of transceiver hardware impairments on the achievable rate of multi-antenna point-to-point systems are studied. Channel input distributions encompassing practical discrete modulation schemes, such as, QAM and PSK, as well as Gaussian signaling are covered. In addition, the impact of mismatched detection and decoding when the receiver has insufficient information about the non-idealities is investigated. The numerical results show that for realistic system parameters, the effects of transmit-side noise and mismatched decoding become significant only at high modulation orders.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure