209 research outputs found

    Robust Filters for Intensive Care Monitoring: Beyond the Running Median

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    Current alarm systems on intensive care units create a very high rate of false positive alarms because most of them simply compare the physiological measurements to fixed thresholds. An improvement can be expected when the actual measurements are replaced by smoothed estimates of the underlying signal. However, classical filtering procedures are not appropriate for signal extraction as standard assumptions, like stationarity, do no hold here: the measured time series often show long periods without change, but also upward or downward trends, sudden shifts and numerous large measurement artefacts. Alternative approaches are needed to extract the relevant information from the data, i.e. the underlying signal of the monitored variables and the relevant patterns of change, like abrupt shifts and trends. This article reviews recent research on filter based online signal extraction methods which are designed for application in intensive care. --

    Robust detail-preserving signal extraction

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    We discuss robust filtering procedures for signal extraction from noisy time series. Particular attention is paid to the preservation of relevant signal details like abrupt shifts. moving averages and running medians are widely used but have shortcomings when large spikes (outliers) or trends occur. Modifications like modified trimmed means and linear median hybrid filters combine advantages of both approaches, but they do not completely overcome the difficulties. Better solutions can be based on robust regression techniques, which even work in real time because of increased computational power and faster algorithms. Reviewing previous work we present filters for robust signal extraction and discuss their merits for preserving trends, abrupt shifts and local extremes as well as for the removal of outliers. --

    Robust detail-preserving signal extraction

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    We discuss robust filtering procedures for signal extraction from noisy time series. Particular attention is paid to the preservation of relevant signal details like abrupt shifts. moving averages and running medians are widely used but have shortcomings when large spikes (outliers) or trends occur. Modifications like modified trimmed means and linear median hybrid filters combine advantages of both approaches, but they do not completely overcome the difficulties. Better solutions can be based on robust regression techniques, which even work in real time because of increased computational power and faster algorithms. Reviewing previous work we present filters for robust signal extraction and discuss their merits for preserving trends, abrupt shifts and local extremes as well as for the removal of outliers

    Repeated median and hybrid filters

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    Standard median filters preserve abrupt shifts (edges) and remove impulsive noise (outliers) from a constant signal but they deteriorate in trend periods. FIR median hybrid (FMH) filters are more flexible and also preserve shifts, but they are much more vulnerable to outliers. Application of robust regression methods, in particular of the repeated median, has been suggested for removing subsequent outliers from a signal with trends. A fast algorithm for updating the repeated median in linear time using quadratic space is given in Bernholt and Fried (2003). We construct repeated median hybrid filters to combine the robustness properties of the repeated median with the edge preservation ability of FMH filters. An algorithm for updating the repeated median is presented which needs only linear space. We also investigate analytical properties of these filters and compare their performance via simulations. --Signal extraction,Drifts,Jumps,Outliers,Update algorithm

    Robust filters for intensive care monitoring – beyond the running median

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    Current alarm systems on intensive care units create a very high rate of false positive alarms because most of them simply compare the physiological measurements to fixed thresholds. An improvement can be expected when the actual measurements are replaced by smoothed estimates of the underlying signal. However, classical filtering procedures are not appropriate for signal extraction as standard assumptions, like stationarity, do no hold here: the measured time series often show long periods without change, but also upward or downward trends, sudden shifts and numerous large measurement artefacts. Alternative approaches are needed to extract the relevant information from the data, i.e. the underlying signal of the monitored variables and the relevant patterns of change, like abrupt shifts and trends. This article reviews recent research on filter based online signal extraction methods which are designed for application in intensive care

    Accelerated Spectral Clustering Using Graph Filtering Of Random Signals

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    We build upon recent advances in graph signal processing to propose a faster spectral clustering algorithm. Indeed, classical spectral clustering is based on the computation of the first k eigenvectors of the similarity matrix' Laplacian, whose computation cost, even for sparse matrices, becomes prohibitive for large datasets. We show that we can estimate the spectral clustering distance matrix without computing these eigenvectors: by graph filtering random signals. Also, we take advantage of the stochasticity of these random vectors to estimate the number of clusters k. We compare our method to classical spectral clustering on synthetic data, and show that it reaches equal performance while being faster by a factor at least two for large datasets

    Envelope filter sequence to delete blinks and overshoots

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    Background: Eye movements have been used in control interfaces and as indicators of somnolence, workload and concentration. Different techniques can be used to detect them: we focus on the electrooculogram (EOG) in which two kinds of interference occur: blinks and overshoots. While they both draw bell-shaped waveforms, blinks are caused by the eyelid, whereas overshoots occur due to target localization error and are placed on saccade. They need to be extracted from the EOG to increase processing effectiveness. Methods: This paper describes off- and online processing implementations based on lower envelope for removing bell-shaped noise; they are compared with a 300-msmedian filter. Techniques were analyzed using two kinds of EOG data: those modeled from our own design, and real signals. Using a model signal allowed to compare filtered outputs with ideal data, so that it was possible to quantify processing precision to remove noise caused by blinks, overshoots, and general interferences. We analyzed the ability to delete blinks and overshoots, and waveform preservation. Results: Our technique had a high capacity for reducing interference amplitudes (>97%), even exceeding median filter (MF) results. However, the MF obtained better waveform preservation, with a smaller dependence on fixation width. Conclusions: The proposed technique is better at deleting blinks and overshoots than the MF in model and real EOG signals

    Repeated Median and Hybrid Filters

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    Standard median filters preserve abrupt shifts (edges) and remove impulsive noise (outliers) from a constant signal but they deteriorate in trend periods. FIR median hybrid (FMH) filters are more flexible and also preserve shifts, but they are much more vulnerable to outliers. Application of robust regression methods, in particular of the repeated median, has been suggested for removing subsequent outliers from a signal with trends. A fast algorithm for updating the repeated median in linear time using quadratic space is given in Bernholt and Fried (2003). We construct repeated median hybrid filters to combine the robustness properties of the repeated median with the edge preservation ability of FMH filters. An algorithm for updating the repeated median is presented which needs only linear space. We also investigate analytical properties of these filters and compare their performance vi

    Online Multiscale Extraction of Signals by Using Wavelet Thresholding and Moving Window

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    By using the online multiscale extraction of signals and wavelet thresholding into a moving window of dyadic length, we can remove unpleasant or noise mistakes from the data. Genuine images are frequently corrupted by noise from various sources. It has been confirmed to have a better edge-preserving quality than linear filters in certain applications. Data extraction by univariate extraction is a well-known technique for processing in a correct simulation. Generally, linear filters are mainly smart in favor of on-line extraction of signals; however, those are single-scale in support of restoring information holding qualities in addition to noise with the reason of related choice in time and occurrence. Comparatively, nonlinear extraction methods, such as median-hybrid filters and wavelet segmentation are multiscale; however they may not be applied online, so in this paper, we have presented a new approach for online nonlinear extraction of signals by using moving window based on wavelet segmentation. Demonstrated figures show the results of online multiscale extraction of signals