640 research outputs found


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    International audienceIntegrated deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis (IDPSA) is conceived as a way to analyze the evolution of accident scenarios in complex dynamic systems, like nuclear, aerospace and process ones, accounting for the mutual interactions between the failure and recovery of system components, the evolving physical processes, the control and operator actions, the software and firmware. In spite of the potential offered by IDPSA, several challenges need to be effectively addressed for its development and practical deployment. In this paper, we give an overview of these and discuss the related implications in terms of research perspectives

    6th International Probabilistic Workshop - 32. Darmstädter Massivbauseminar: 26-27 November 2008 ; Darmstadt, Germany 2008 ; Technische Universität Darmstadt

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    These are the proceedings of the 6th International Probabilistic Workshop, formerly known as Dresden Probabilistic Symposium or International Probabilistic Symposium. The workshop was held twice in Dresden, then it moved to Vienna, Berlin, Ghent and finally to Darmstadt in 2008. All of the conference cities feature some specialities. However, Darmstadt features a very special property: The element number 110 was named Darmstadtium after Darmstadt: There are only very few cities worldwide after which a chemical element is named. The high element number 110 of Darmstadtium indicates, that much research is still required and carried out. This is also true for the issue of probabilistic safety concepts in engineering. Although the history of probabilistic safety concepts can be traced back nearly 90 years, for the practical applications a long way to go still remains. This is not a disadvantage. Just as research chemists strive to discover new element properties, with the application of new probabilistic techniques we may advance the properties of structures substantially. (Auszug aus Vorwort

    Historical review of fire safety at NPP and application of fire PSA to Westinghouse PWR NPP in the frame of risk-informed decision making by

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    The importance of fire as a potential initiator of multiple-system failures took on a new perspective after the cable-tray fire at Browns Ferry in 1975 The review have shown that the first generation Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) fire safety was not factored as high risk area that needed to be effectively assessed and quantified. This resulted in development of peculiar fire safety regulations, standards and expensive backfits. Lack of appropriate regulations and effective methods of fire risk assessment, prescriptive, difficult and expensive retrofit regulations were instituted in USA. The alternative risk-informed performance based regulation was established in USA to resolve the challenges of the prescriptive rules. The review have revealed that both the prescriptive and risk-informed performance based approaches will not represent adequate design basis for new Nuclear Power Plants. The Japanese were pulled in the path of renew fire safety regulations and risk quantification after the Fukushima accident. It has been recognized that effective fire safety assessment, and culture, in concert with countermeasures to prevent, detect, suppress, and mitigate the effect of fires if they occur, will minimized NPP fire risk. Among the numerous recommendation the fire safety at NPP must be planned and engineered before construction begin using the state-of-the-arts technology. Also, the methods of fire risk assessment must integrate the state-of-the-arts deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Two methods are presented which serve to incorporate the fire-related risk into the current practices in nuclear power plants with respect to the assessment of configurations. The first method is a fire protection systems and key safety functions Unavailability Matrix (UM) which is developed to identify structures, systems, and components significant for fire-related risk. The second method is a fire zones and key safety functions (KSFs) fire risk matrix which is useful to identify fire zones which are candidates for risk management actions. The UM is an innovative tool to communicate fire risk. The Monte Carlo method has been used to assess the uncertainty of the UM. The analysis shows that the uncertainty is sufficiently bounded. The significant fire-related risk is localized in six KSF representative components and one fire protection system which should be included in the maintenance rule. The unavailability of fire protection systems does not significantly affect the risk. The fire risk matrix identifies the fire zones that contribute the most to the fire-related risk. These zones belong to the control building and electric penetrations building. The aggregation of Internal Events PSA model and Fire PSA model have shown that the Fire PSA contributes 38.4% to the Risk increase. The feasibility of developing Fire-related Risk Monitor from the FIRE PSA for the Spanish NPP was carried out. One of the main challenges is that RiskSpectrum® fire PSA has 384 fire cases and 384 CDF but in Risk Monitor one CDF is required. However, CAFTA is unable to convert a Sequential Fault Tree structure of the internal Event tree in the Fire PSA. The conversion fails to implement neither all of the sequences leading to core damage nor the Fault Tree selection of the frequency of fire. The proposal is to suppress exchange events and introduce the alignment of the consequences so that a unique result of core damage can be quantified. The detection and fire suppression Event Trees in the reference model were replaced by detection and fire extinction Fault trees. The frequency of each Fire Case of the conversion model and the reference model are quantified and the frequencies compared. The results shows that 90% of the cases are valid, however, the rest have challenges with MCS. A unique CDF of 7.65x10-7 is quantified compared with 9.83×10-6 of the reference. The conversion of the new model in CAFTA was not successful due to software incompatibility.La importància del incendi com un potencial iniciador de sistema múltiples fallides van agafar una nova perspectiva després del incendi al cable-safata de Browns Ferry el 1975. La revisió ha mostrat que la primera generació de seguretat contra incendis de centrals d'Energia Nuclear (NPP) no va ser àrea de alt risc, àrea que necessitava ser efectivament avaluada i quantificada. Això va resultar en el desenvolupament de normes de seguretat de incendi peculiar, estàndards i cares revisions. La manca d'una reglamentació adequada i mètodes eficaços d'avaluació de risc d'incendi, va fer que als USA foren instituïts mètodes d'adaptació de normativa preceptius, difícils i costós. L'alternativa de regulació informada per el risc es va establir als USA per resoldre els reptes de la regulació preceptiva. La revisió ha mostrat que tant als enfocaments de normativa preceptiva i regulació informada per el risc no representen bases de disseny adequades per a noves NPP. Ha estat reconeguda que la efectiva avaluació de seguretat al incendi i la cultura en concert amb mesures per prevenir, detectar, suprimir i mitigar l'efecte d'incendis, si es produeixen, minimitzarà el risc d'incendi en una NPP. Entre les nombroses recomanacions la seguretat contra incendis a una NPP s'hauran previst i dissenyat abans de començar la construcció i utilitzant estat del art de la tecnologia. També, els mètodes d'avaluació del risc d'incendi tindran que integrar el estat del art en els enfocaments de determinista i probabilístics. Dos mètodes són presentats que serveixen per incorporar el risc relacionats amb el foc a les pràctiques actuals en centrals nuclears en respecte a l'avaluació de configuracions. El primer mètode és un sistema de protecció contra incendis i una matriu de indisponiblitats de les funcions clau de seguretat (MU) que es desenvolupa per a identificar estructures, sistemes i components significatius per riscos relacionats amb els incendis. El segon mètode és zones de focs i matriu de risc d'incendi i funcions (KSFs) clau de seguretat que és útil identificar les zones de foc que són candidats per a les accions de gestió de risc. La MU és una eina innovadora per comunicar el risc d'incendi. El risc significatiu relacionats amb el incendi està localitzat en sis components representatius KSF i un sistema de protecció de foc que cal que figuri en la regla de manteniment. La manca de sistemes de protecció contra incendis no afecta significativament al risc. La matriu de risc d'incendi identifica les zones de foc que mes contribueixen al risc relacionats amb el incendi. Aquestes zones pertanyen a l'edifici de control i edifici de penetracions elèctriques. L'agregació del model de PSA de esdeveniments interns i model de incendis PSA han demostrat que el PSA de incendis aporta 38.4% a l'augment de risc. S'ha desenvolupat la viabilitat del Monitor de risc de incendis a partir del PSA de incendis per a una central nuclear espanyola. Un dels reptes principals és que RiskSpectrum® incendis PSA te 384 casos de incendis i te 384 CDF però en risc Monitor és necessària una CDF. Tanmateix, el CAFTA és incapaç de convertir una estructura seqüencial de arbre de fallida de l'arbre esdeveniment interna en el PSA de incendis. La conversió fracassa al posar en pràctica totes les seqüències de danys al nucli i la selecció de l'arbre de fallida de la freqüència de incendi. La descoberta i supressió de arbres de l'esdeveniment de incendi en el model de referència es van substituir per detecció i els arbres de fallades d'extinció d'incendi. La freqüència de cada cas de incendi del model de conversió i el model de referència son quantificades i les freqüències son comparades. Els resultats demostra que el 90% dels casos són vàlid, no obstant això, la resta té reptes amb MCS. Un únic CDF de 7.65x10-7 s'ha quantificat en comparació amb 9.83 × 10-6 de la referència. La conversió del nou model a CAFTA no va tenir èxit a causa de la incompatibilitat del programari

    Adaptive Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Using Nondestructive Testing

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    There has been increasing interest in evaluating the performance of existing reinforced concrete (RC) bridges just after natural disasters or man-made events especially when the defects are invisible, or in quantifying the improvement after rehabilitations. In order to obtain an accurate assessment of the reliability of a RC bridge, it is critical to incorporate information about its current structural properties, which reflects the possible aging and deterioration. This dissertation proposes to develop an adaptive reliability analysis of RC bridges incorporating the damage detection information obtained from nondestructive testing (NDT). In this study, seismic fragility is used to describe the reliability of a structure withstanding future seismic demand. It is defined as the conditional probability that a seismic demand quantity attains or exceeds a specified capacity level for given values of earthquake intensity. The dissertation first develops a probabilistic capacity model for RC columns and the capacity model can be used when the flexural stiffness decays nonuniformly over a column height. Then, a general methodology to construct probabilistic seismic demand models for RC highway bridges with one single-column bent is presented. Next, a combination of global and local NDT methods is proposed to identify in-place structural properties. The global NDT uses the dynamic responses of a structure to assess its global/equivalent structural properties and detect potential damage locations. The local NDT uses local measurements to identify the local characteristics of the structure. Measurement and modeling errors are considered in the application of the NDT methods and the analysis of the NDT data. Then, the information obtained from NDT is used in the probabilistic capacity and demand models to estimate the seismic fragility of the bridge. As an illustration, the proposed probabilistic framework is applied to a reinforced concrete bridge with a one-column bent. The result of the illustration shows that the proposed framework can successfully provide the up-to-date structural properties and accurate fragility estimates

    Nuclear Power

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    The world of the twenty first century is an energy consuming society. Due to increasing population and living standards, each year the world requires more energy and new efficient systems for delivering it. Furthermore, the new systems must be inherently safe and environmentally benign. These realities of today's world are among the reasons that lead to serious interest in deploying nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. Today's nuclear reactors are safe and highly efficient energy systems that offer electricity and a multitude of co-generation energy products ranging from potable water to heat for industrial applications. The goal of the book is to show the current state-of-the-art in the covered technical areas as well as to demonstrate how general engineering principles and methods can be applied to nuclear power systems

    Critical Infrastructures: Enhancing Preparedness & Resilience for the Security of Citizens and Services Supply Continuity: Proceedings of the 52nd ESReDA Seminar Hosted by the Lithuanian Energy Institute & Vytautas Magnus University

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    Critical Infrastructures Preparedness and Resilience is a major societal security issue in modern society. Critical Infrastructures (CIs) provide vital services to modern societies. Some CIs’ disruptions may endanger the security of the citizen, the safety of the strategic assets and even the governance continuity. The European Safety, Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) as one of the most active EU networks in the field has initiated a project group on the “Critical Infrastructure/Modelling, Simulation and Analysis – Data”. The main focus of the project group is to report on the state of progress in MS&A of the CIs preparedness & resilience with a specific focus on the corresponding data availability and relevance. In order to report on the most recent developments in the field of the CIs preparedness & resilience MS&A and the availability of the relevant data, ESReDA held its 52nd Seminar on the following thematic: “Critical Infrastructures: Enhancing Preparedness & Resilience for the security of citizens and services supply continuity”. The 52nd ESReDA Seminar was a very successful event, which attracted about 50 participants from industry, authorities, operators, research centres, academia and consultancy companies.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet

    Risk-Based Approach for Life-Cycle Assessment and Management of Bridges and Ship Structures

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    Existing civil and marine structures and infrastructures have to maintain their serviceability and safety under the effects induced by normal events and to withstand the effects of extreme events . Although the quantification of the performance of a structural system is usually conducted considering only structural aspects, in this study consequences arising from the occurrence of potential disruption of service due to failure/malfunction of structural components are also considered, leading to risk assessment.Uncertainties are unavoidable in planning, design, and maintenance of structural systems. Advanced probabilistic methods, such as Monte Carlo simulations based on Latin Hypercube sampling, finite element and response surfaces analyses are used in this study in order to account for uncertainties and their propagation over time.The main focus of this study is to develop a risk-based approach for the life-cycle assessment and management of civil and marine structures with emphasis on single highway bridges, groups of bridges, and ship structures. Risk is assessed for highway bridges under the effects of multiple hazards, including traffic, environmental attacks, scour, and earthquakes, whereas the effects of traffic and earthquake are accounted for groups of bridges. Other performance indicators, including reliability, redundancy, and resilience to disasters, are also investigated. For ship structures, a novel approach is developed for the evaluation of time-variant reliability, redundancy, and risk accounting for different limit states of the ship hull, potential effects induced by corrosion, and considering different ship operational conditions over time.Risk is assessed based on reliability analysis by accounting several limit states and quantifying the associated potential monetary losses for a spectrum of consequences, including operating costs and accident costs.A novel approach for near real-time multi-criteria optimal ship routing, integrating risk and structural health monitoring data is developed considering different damage scenarios and generic operational conditions.The developed approaches are applied to several structures, including a highway bridge crossing the Wisconsin River in Wausau, WI, a highway bridge carrying a segment of the northbound I-15 crossing the Temescal Wash located close to the city of Corona, CA, a group of existing bridges located north of the San Diego metropolitan area, and a NAVY\u27s Joint High-Speed Sealift


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    Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a systematic process of examining how engineered systems work to ensure safety. With the growth of the size of the dynamic systems and the complexity of the interactions between hardware, software, and humans, it is extremely difficult to enumerate the risky scenarios by the traditional PRA methods. Over the past 15 years, a host of DPRA methods have been proposed to serve as supplemental tools to traditional PRA to deal with complex dynamic systems. A new dynamic probabilistic risk assessment framework is proposed in this dissertation. In this framework a new exploration strategy is employed. The engineering knowledge of the system is explicitly used to guide the simulation to achieve higher efficiency and accuracy. The engineering knowledge is reflected in the "Planner" which is responsible for generating plans as a high level map to guide the simulation. A scheduler is responsible for guiding the simulation by controlling the timing and occurrence of the random events. During the simulation the possible random events are proposed to the scheduler at branch points. The scheduler decides which events are to be simulated. Scheduler would favor the events with higher values. The value of a proposed event depends on the information gain from exploring that scenario, and the importance factor of the scenario. The information gain is measured by the information entropy, and the importance factor is based on the engineering judgment. The simulation results are recorded and grouped for later studies. The planner may "learn" from the simulation results, and update the plan to guide further simulation. SIMPRA is the software package which implements the new methodology. It provides the users with a friendly interface and a rich DPRA library to aid in the construction of the simulation model. The engineering knowledge can be input into the Planner, which would generate a plan automatically. The scheduler would guide the simulation according to the plan. The simulation generates many accident event sequences and estimates of the end state probabilities