6,501 research outputs found

    Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action

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    Outlines a community education movement to implement Knight's 2009 recommendation to enhance digital and media literacy. Suggests local, regional, state, and national initiatives such as teacher education and parent outreach and discusses challenges

    Education for Sustainable Development: Research overview

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    This discussion paper outlines some of the main characteristics of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), particularly in the context of ‘development’ and ‘globalization’. It addresses the various interpretations and meanings of ESD, shows how these relate to environmental education and emerging educations that overlap with SD-issues and introduces sustainability competence as a key outcome of ESD. The paper also outlines some regional trends that affect the way ESD manifests itself in the various countries and regions around the world. Some key developments affecting ESD are introduced, including globalization, the rise of the information and knowledge society, the utilization of diversity and the need for the inclusion of marginalized groups and perspectives

    Experiences of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Italian Schools in Recent Years: Research Lines. In: INVALSI–CIDREE. Building Democracy in Europe Through Citizenship: EducationEuropean Year of Citizenship Through Education: General Assembly 2005 CIDREE, Frascati 17th November 2005

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    The research assumes the definition of Education for Citizenship proposed by the Council of Europe: “is a set of practices and principles that aim to make young people and adults better equipped to participate actively in democratic life by assuming and exercising their rights and responsibilities in society” . The main questions of the research are borrowed from the area ‘Curriculum Teaching and Learning’ of the ‘Tool for quality assurance of EDC in schools’ : - Is there evidence of an adequate place for EDC in the school’s goals, policies and curriculum plans? - Is there evidence of students and teachers acquiring understanding of EDC and applying EDC principles to their everyday practice in schools and classrooms? - Are the design and practice of assessment within the school consonant with EDC? The information/data-base is –mainly- the on-line documentation of schools (good) practices, collected by National Institute for the Documentation of Innovation and Research in Education and by other organizations. Evidences. In italian schools, according to the examinated documents, EDC seems to be - an educational principle firmly sustained - a teaching content relevant in specific educational activities - carried on already from nursery schools; developed by the whole school within compulsory education; mainly an initiative of one or few teachers in secondary school, added to social studies classes - developed thanks to the “meeting and melting” of different interests: - from inside (specific problems or care) - from external institutions (ministerial or international, mainly european) - from external organizations and groups (local authorities, non-profit organizations, lobbies) - focused on the development of an active, participate, overnational citizenship that leads to a social and political status more than a legal one - crosscurricolar and interdisciplinary activity in nursery and primary schools; while in secondary schools it often moves from one specific subject to the others (pluridisciplinary approach) - carried on by active teachers working together and with experts and militants from outside the school too. - Developed through active teaching/learning strategies including discussions, teamworks, workshops, researchs and scientific, literary and artistic productions (monographs, exhibitions, shows, multimedia), simulations and fieldworks - aimed to the dissemination, implementation and sharing of values and awareness, information and knowledge of citizenship; the practice of skills and competences is focused on specific activities or on daily life - evaluated more by qualitative appreciations on the experience, its contents and values, than using structured and formal instruments - concluding, it’s more a teaching/learning topic than a daily school practice Suggestions. The report suggests that EDC is a complex, multilevel and integrated action strategy within the school and in interaction with society. So, starting from daily school practice and rules, EDC should be developed throught crosscurricolar activity and as social and civics studies subject and with specific projects, together. Concluding, the author proposes a plan of action-researches aimed to develop EDC practice in italian schools, using the strategy and methodology suggested by the Council of Europe in the quoted ‘Tool for quality assurance of EDC in schools’. That is a bottom-up approach and not only a top-down one

    Diversity in leadership: Australian women, past and present

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    This book provides a new understanding of the historical and contemporary aspects of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women’s leadership in a range of local, national and international contexts. Overview While leadership is an over-used term today, how it is defined for women and the contexts in which it emerges remains elusive. Moreover, women are exhorted to exercise leadership, but occupying leadership positions has its challenges. Issues of access, acceptable behaviour and the development of skills to be successful leaders are just some of them. Diversity in Leadership: Australian women, past and present provides a new understanding of the historical and contemporary aspects of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women’s leadership in a range of local, national and international contexts. It brings interdisciplinary expertise to the topic from leading scholars in a range of fields and diverse backgrounds. The aims of the essays in the collection document the extent and diverse nature of women’s social and political leadership across various pursuits and endeavours within democratic political structures

    Problematising home education: challenging ‘parental rights’ and 'socialisation'

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    In the UK, Home Education, or home-schooling, is an issue that has attracted very little public, governmental or academic attention. Yet the number of children home educated is steadily increasing and has been referred to as a 'quiet revolution'. This article neither celebrates nor denigrates home educators, its aim, rather, is to identify and critically examine the two dominant discourses that define the way in which the issue is currently understood. First, the legal discourse of parental rights, which forms the basis of the legal framework, and secondly a psychoanalytical/common-sense 'socialisation' discourse within which school attendance is perceived as necessary for healthy child development. Drawing on historical, doctrinal human rights and psychoanalytical sources and post-structural and feminist perspectives, this article suggests that both discourses function as alternative methods of governance and that the conflicting ‘rights claims’ of parents and children obscure public interests and fundamental questions about the purpose of education

    E-Government Applications And Methodologies: Turkey on the E-Government Way

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    The recent changes in the technology, especially the use of Internet and the World Wide Web resulted in a new way of doing business for the governments. Governments worldwide face with the challenge of transformation and the need to reinvent government systems, which are based to deliver more efficient and cost effective services for the citizens. The developments and the studies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resulted in E-Government projects and applications. This paper tries to analyze E-Government projects by analyzing their methodologies and strategies; and it is mainly based on the underlying key points in success stories. Also within this paper the reader will get information on E-Government projects in Turkey, successes and failures, IT vision of the administrations and the future plans.

    International education for peace in higher education : promoting cultures of peace in Japan

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    The kernel of international education is to create peace-loving citizens capable of participating in building a peaceful and sustainable society. Integrated and systematic education for peace can achieve a shared culture of peace. In the new millennium, as the world has become increasingly interdependent and interactive, peace education seeks to harness the power and intellect of future generations in the hope of building a sustainable culture of peace together. International education for peace is largely responsible for saving subsequent generations from the scourge of war. Influenced by the consequences of positive and negative globalization, peace education for university students is highly significant. It allows them to commit themselves to building a sustainable and peaceful community. It is clear that their experiential and received knowledge they have acquired through peace education will sow the seeds of a culture of peace for future generations. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance of peace education for university students as part of international education. Firstly, it will ask a question of "Japan, a nation at risk, as a peace-loving global partner". Then, it will redefine peace and violence by explaining the history of and the prospects for peace education. Next, it will present the framework for international education for peace, followed by the knowledge, necessary skills and attitudes to promote cultures of peace. Finally, it will discuss the necessity of global literacy as can be gained from peace education. International education for peace is an invitation to be challenged and enlightened and all students and teachers aspiring for peace are invited

    Democratic Imperatives: Innovations in Rights, Participation, and Economic Citizenship

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    This report seizes the present moment of social, economic, and political crisis to question and challenge some of the dominant narratives that shape current thinking about politics. Specifically, it focuses on promising democratic innovations in three arenas: human rights-based approaches to democratization, welfare, and development; participatory governance; and economic citizenship. We focus on developments in these fields to stress their shared objectives
