654 research outputs found

    Web-based Social Collaborative Authoring Technology

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    This paper describes collaborative social authoring technology using web-based distributed user interface (DUI). In view of collaboration, web is one of the most common user environments on various systems of desktop and mobile devices. This paper addresses the DUI issues for the support of multiple kind of devices, such as PC, smartphone, tablet and so on. In our system, we define CAM (Collaborative Authoring Metadata). CAM is used for the exchange of authoring intention of each user during the collaborative authoring. We define elements of CAM that is useful for exchanging information among distributed users. Our system also provides the recommendation function for referring and adding the related media from the participants’ social media service account during the authoring process

    Collecting and Grouping of Distributed and Heterogeneous SNS Contents for Collaborative Storytelling

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    In this paper we describe how to collect and group the contents ofdistributed and heterogeneous SNSs for storytelling. In particular, we have addressedtwo issues for storytelling, i.e. collecting and grouping. At first, when users input theirqueries, our proposed system collects proper contents from distributed andheterogeneous SNSs using content-based filtering, followed by its grouping, based onsimilarity between content text information and user query. Our implementationresults show that a more informative and detailed online story can be made by usingSNS contents from Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, these contents can be groupedautomatically rather than manually

    Collaborative Privacy Policy Authoring in a Social Networking Context.

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    Recent years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of social networking services. These online services enable users to construct groups of contacts, referred to as friends, with which they can share digital content and communicate. This sharing is actively encouraged by the social networking services, with users privacy often seen as a secondary concern. In this paper we first propose a privacy-aware social networking service and then introduce a collaborative approach to authoring privacy policies for the service. In addressing user privacy, our approach takes into account the needs of all parties affected by the disclosure of information and digital content. © 2010 Crown

    GenAssist: Making Image Generation Accessible

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    Blind and low vision (BLV) creators use images to communicate with sighted audiences. However, creating or retrieving images is challenging for BLV creators as it is difficult to use authoring tools or assess image search results. Thus, creators limit the types of images they create or recruit sighted collaborators. While text-to-image generation models let creators generate high-fidelity images based on a text description (i.e. prompt), it is difficult to assess the content and quality of generated images. We present GenAssist, a system to make text-to-image generation accessible. Using our interface, creators can verify whether generated image candidates followed the prompt, access additional details in the image not specified in the prompt, and skim a summary of similarities and differences between image candidates. To power the interface, GenAssist uses a large language model to generate visual questions, vision-language models to extract answers, and a large language model to summarize the results. Our study with 12 BLV creators demonstrated that GenAssist enables and simplifies the process of image selection and generation, making visual authoring more accessible to all.Comment: For accessibility tagged pdf, please refer to the ancillary fil

    Supporting the consumption and co-authoring of locative media experiences for a rural village community: design and field trial evaluation of the SHARC2.0 framework

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    Locative Media Experiences (LMEs) have significant potential in enabling visitors to engage with the places that they visit through an appreciation of local history. For example, a visitor to Berlin that is exploring remnants of the Berlin Wall may be encouraged to appreciate (or in part experience) the falling of the Berlin wall by consuming multimedia directly related to her current location such as listening to audio recordings of the assembled crowds on 10th November 1989. However, despite the growing popularity of enabling technologies (such as GPS-equipped smart phones and tablets), the availability of tools that support the authoring of LMEs is limited. In addition, mobile apps that support the consumption of LMEs typically adopt an approach that precludes users from being able to respond with their own multimedia contributions. In this article we describe the design and evaluation of the SHARC2.0 framework that has been developed as part of our long-term and participatory engagement with the rural village of Wray in the north of England. Wray has very limited cellular data coverage which has placed a requirement on the framework and associated tools to operate without reliance on network connectivity. A field study is presented which featured a LME relating to Wray’s local history and which contained multimedia content contributed by members of the community including historic photos (taken from an existing ‘Digital Noticeboard’ system), audio-clips (from a local historian and village residents) and video (contributed during a design workshop). The novelty of our approach relates to the ability of multiple authors to contribute to a LME in-situ, and the utilisation of personal cloud storage for storing the contents associated with a multi-authored LME

    Photo Wallet : interface design for simple mobile photo albums

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    Tese de mestrado. Multimédia (Perfil Tecnologias). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Horizon Report 2009

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    El informe anual Horizon investiga, identifica y clasifica las tecnologías emergentes que los expertos que lo elaboran prevén tendrán un impacto en la enseñanza aprendizaje, la investigación y la producción creativa en el contexto educativo de la enseñanza superior. También estudia las tendencias clave que permiten prever el uso que se hará de las mismas y los retos que ellos suponen para las aulas. Cada edición identifica seis tecnologías o prácticas. Dos cuyo uso se prevé emergerá en un futuro inmediato (un año o menos) dos que emergerán a medio plazo (en dos o tres años) y dos previstas a más largo plazo (5 años)

    Open challenges in relationship-based privacy mechanisms for social network services

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    [EN] Social networking services (SNSs) such as Facebook or Twitter have experienced an explosive growth during the few past years. Millions of users have created their profiles on these services because they experience great benefits in terms of friendship. SNSs can help people to maintain their friendships, organize their social lives, start new friendships, or meet others that share their hobbies and interests. However, all these benefits can be eclipsed by the privacy hazards that affect people in SNSs. People expose intimate information of their lives on SNSs, and this information affects the way others think about them. It is crucial that users be able to control how their information is distributed through the SNSs and decide who can access it. This paper presents a list of privacy threats that can affect SNS users, and what requirements privacy mechanisms should fulfill to prevent this threats. Then, we review current approaches and analyze to what extent they cover the requirementsThis article has been developed as a result of a mobility stay funded by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Comission under the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering-TEE Project.López Fogués, R.; Such Aparicio, JM.; Espinosa Minguet, AR.; García-Fornes, A. (2015). Open challenges in relationship-based privacy mechanisms for social network services. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 31(5):350-370. doi:10.1080/10447318.2014.1001300S35037031

    Group blogs: Documenting collaborative drama processes

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