233,051 research outputs found

    Web application user interface technologies

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    The World Wide Web has expanded from a huge information storage repository into a worldwide application platform. Web applications have several benefits compared to desktop applications. An application can be used anywhere from any system and device, which means that only one version is needed, they do not need to be installed and developers can modify running applications. Despite all the benefits of the Web, web applications are suffering because they are developed using the same technologies as the static documents on the Web. Some of these web technologies are outdated and were not originally designed for the complex use cases of the modern applications to which they are now applied. For instance, HTML forms comprise the main interaction of an application, despite not having been designed to describe complex and interactive UIs. Another example is HTTP communication on the Web, which always requires client initiative and is too restrictive for dynamic web applications. Additionally, new usage contexts have brought with them new requirements for web applications, which are no longer used only via Graphical User Interfaces. Recently, several parties have developed specialized technologies for web application development. These solutions are not only minor additions to the existing technologies, but also new technologies. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the advanced web technologies and propose improvements to the technologies and architecture where applicable. The technologies are evaluated against a large set of requirements. The aim of the evaluation is two-fold. The first part is to select a technology on which to base the further improvements, and the second is to identify the deficiencies of the current solutions. The improvements focus on the developers' point-of-view. Based on the evaluation, this thesis proposes certain improvements related to multimodal interaction, server push, and remote UI updates. It also discusses software that supports the improvements and XML-based web technologies. Finally, the improvements are evaluated against the requirements and compared to other solutions

    PMKS+: Recreating a Legacy Application

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    The goal of this project was to recreate the Planar Mechanism Kinematic Simulator (PMKS), a legacy, open-source web application, on a modern web platform with an enhanced user experience. The conversion included support for multiple browsers and improvements to the graphical user interface. A user interface is effective when it improves the overall experience of the user. This application was developed using the latest technologies in web development, such as HTML5 and Typescript, according to the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium. Through multiple evaluations testing the interface and functions, we were able to create a similar application to PMKS that has an improved user interface experience

    Personalized Handling of Semantic Data with MIG

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    This paper shows a semantically-enabled Web application named MIG used to create user profiles which enhances users accessibility by allowing the creation of an user interface adapted to the user needs, the device used, and its preferences. This approach exploits the Semantic Web technologies and the infrastructure and applications created in previous work

    User Interface For Expert System Nps

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    This paper is about design and implementation of an expert system user interface based on web technologies. Concerned system is a universal rule-based diagnostic expert system called NPS, which has been developed at FEEC BUT. The interface has been created as a bilingual web application based on modern technologies, which might bring the opportunity to reach variety of devices and a broad user audience. It also enhances the system with means of user authorization, history browsing, user management, knowledge management and more. Resulting web application runs on faculty’s infrastructure and is undergoing active testing by both physical users and automated tests

    Web-sovelluksen kirjautumisen määrittely ja toteutus

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli määritellä, suunnitella sekä toteuttaa web-sovellukselle sovellukseen kirjautumisen mahdollistava komponentti. Komponentti pitää sisällään kirjautumiseen vaadittavan käyttöliittymän joka toimii samalla uuden kehitteillä olevan sovelluksen etusivuna. Komponentti sisältää lisäksi tekniset toiminnallisuudet käyttäjien autentikointia ja salasanojen käsittelyä varten. Työssä perehdytään lisäksi automaattisen rajapintadokumentaation luontiin Adoben ColdFusion web-teknologiaan perustuvissa järjestelmissä. Toimeksiantaja toimi Suomen harjoitusyritystoiminnan keskus - Finnish Practice Enterprises Centre (FINPEC). Työssä kuvataan kirjautumisen ja käyttäjäautentikaation suunnittelu ja toteutus Adobe Coldfusion web-teknologialla toteutettaviin sovelluksiin. Annettua kehitystehtävää tarkastellaan teknisestä näkökulmasta, selvittäen Adobe ColdFusion web-sovelluspalvelimen toimintaa sekä samalla tutkien vaadittavia teknisiä ratkaisuja käyttäjäautentikaation rakentamiseen. Työssä huomioidaan nykyaikaiselle web-sovellukselle vaadittavat tietoturvaominaisuudet ja -käytänteet. Lisäksi työssä kuvataan automaattisen rajapintadokumentaation luomiseen vaadittavia käytänteitä ja toimintaa. Opinnäytetyön tietosisällössä keskitytään tarkastelemaan toteutettavan komponentin vaatimuksille asetettuihin tärkeisiin elementteihin liittyviä asiakokonaisuuksia alkaen web-sovellusten rakenteesta siirtyen käyttäjien autentikaatiossa tarvittaviin teknisiin ratkaisuihin. Tietosisällössä tarkastellaan lisäksi käytettyjä web-teknologioita asiakaspuolen sekä palvelin-puolen osalta. Työn toiminnallisen vaiheen tuloksena syntyi kehitteillä olevalle sovellukselle kirjautumissivu web-sovellukseen, kirjautumisen ja käyttäjien autentikoinnin mahdollistava ohjelmistokomponentti sovellukselle. Työssä toteutetun web-sovelluksen sovelluslogiikka toteutettiin Adobe ColdFusion web-ohjelmointitekniikkaa käyttäen. Sovelluksen käyttöliittymä toteutettiin web-ohjelmoinnissa perinteisesti käytettävillä HTML (HyperText Markup Language) -, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - ja JavaScript-tekniikoilla. Web-sovelluksen tietokantaratkaisuna toimii MySQL-tietokanta. Automaattinen rajapintadokumentaatio luotiin ColdFusion Component Doc -rajapintaa apuna käyttäen.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to define, design and implement a web application login component. The component includes the required login form and view of the user interface that serves as an application home page. The component also includes the technical functionalities of user authentication and password processing. The automatic documentation created by Adobe ColdFusion web-technology-based systems was also studied. The commissioner of the thesis was Finnish Practice Enterprises Centre (FINPEC). The thesis describes the login and user authentication design and implementation using Adobe ColdFusion web technologies. The technical aspects of the development task have been studied from the operational side by using Adobe ColdFusion web application server. The Thesis also focused on the technical solutions required for the construction of user authentication. The work takes into account the required security features and practices of a modern web application. In addition, the study describes required practices and performances in the automatic creation of the documentation. The content of the thesis focuses on the implementation of component requirements: the web application structure and the technical solutions for user authentication. Both client-side and server-side web technologies are taken in to account in this study. The result of this thesis was the login page of the web application, login and user authentication component for the application. The work was implemented using Adobe ColdFusion web programming technique. The user interface of application was carried out using HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript technologies. Web application uses MySQL database. The documentation was created with the help of the ColdFusion Component Doc

    Online Banking Application with Angular JS, RESTful Web Services and Cassandra Database

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    The purpose of this project is to show how new technologies help the banking and financial industries to process and retrieve data for users. The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the new technologies Angular JS, RESTful Web Services, and the Cassandra database which are faster than the other conventional software frameworks. This has been achieved by creating two software applications; one is an online banking application with the latest technologies and the other with traditional frameworks. After examining the time taken by the techniques to render the web page to the user, and the availability and scalability of the software, we will understand the need for the new technologies in the banking and financial sectors. The application that is developed should help the users, guide them and should perform user requested transactions with zero fault tolerance; it should give precise data without losing or showing error data. It should also provide security to the transaction. Unauthorized transactions should be prohibited from entering the server either from UI (User Interface) or from a mid-tier connection. The proposed application uses the Cassandra database which has high scalability and availability. It also uses Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for better service and performance of the application. In the UI we use Angular JS which is fast and can handle the REST (Representational State Transfer) Application Programming Interface CRUD(Create, Read, Update & Delete) operations