47,335 research outputs found

    WSMO-Lite and hRESTS: lightweight semantic annotations for Web services and RESTful APIs

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    Service-oriented computing has brought special attention to service description, especially in connection with semantic technologies. The expected proliferation of publicly accessible services can benefit greatly from tool support and automation, both of which are the focus of Semantic Web Service (SWS) frameworks that especially address service discovery, composition and execution. As the first SWS standard, in 2007 the World Wide Web Consortium produced a lightweight bottom-up specification called SAWSDL for adding semantic annotations to WSDL service descriptions. Building on SAWSDL, this article presents WSMO-Lite, a lightweight ontology of Web service semantics that distinguishes four semantic aspects of services: function, behavior, information model, and nonfunctional properties, which together form a basis for semantic automation. With the WSMO-Lite ontology, SAWSDL descriptions enable semantic automation beyond simple input/output matchmaking that is supported by SAWSDL itself. Further, to broaden the reach of WSMO-Lite and SAWSDL tools to the increasingly common RESTful services, the article adds hRESTS and MicroWSMO, two HTML microformats that mirror WSDL and SAWSDL in the documentation of RESTful services, enabling combining RESTful services with WSDL-based ones in a single semantic framework. To demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of this approach, the article presents common algorithms for Web service discovery and composition adapted to WSMO-Lite

    Cloud service discovery and analysis: a unified framework

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    Over the past few years, cloud computing has been more and more attractive as a new computing paradigm due to high flexibility for provisioning on-demand computing resources that are used as services through the Internet. The issues around cloud service discovery have considered by many researchers in the recent years. However, in cloud computing, with the highly dynamic, distributed, the lack of standardized description languages, diverse services offered at different levels and non-transparent nature of cloud services, this research area has gained a significant attention. Robust cloud service discovery approaches will assist the promotion and growth of cloud service customers and providers, but will also provide a meaningful contribution to the acceptance and development of cloud computing. In this dissertation, we have proposed an automated cloud service discovery approach of cloud services. We have also conducted extensive experiments to validate our proposed approach. The results demonstrate the applicability of our approach and its capability of effectively identifying and categorizing cloud services on the Internet. Firstly, we develop a novel approach to build cloud service ontology. Cloud service ontology initially is built based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cloud computing standard. Then, we add new concepts to ontology by automatically analyzing real cloud services based on cloud service ontology Algorithm. We also propose cloud service categorization that use Term Frequency to weigh cloud service ontology concepts and calculate cosine similarity to measure the similarity between cloud services. The cloud service categorization algorithm is able to categorize cloud services to clusters for effective categorization of cloud services. In addition, we use Machine Learning techniques to identify cloud service in real environment. Our cloud service identifier is built by utilizing cloud service features extracted from the real cloud service providers. We determine several features such as similarity function, semantic ontology, cloud service description and cloud services components, to be used effectively in identifying cloud service on the Web. Also, we build a unified model to expose the cloud service’s features to a cloud service search user to ease the process of searching and comparison among a large amount of cloud services by building cloud service’s profile. Furthermore, we particularly develop a cloud service discovery Engine that has capability to crawl the Web automatically and collect cloud services. The collected datasets include meta-data of nearly 7,500 real-world cloud services providers and nearly 15,000 services (2.45GB). The experimental results show that our approach i) is able to effectively build automatic cloud service ontology, ii) is robust in identifying cloud service in real environment and iii) is more scalable in providing more details about cloud services.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Approaches to Semantic Web Services: An Overview and Comparison

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    Abstract. The next Web generation promises to deliver Semantic Web Services (SWS); services that are self-described and amenable to automated discovery, composition and invocation. A prerequisite to this, however, is the emergence and evolution of the Semantic Web, which provides the infrastructure for the semantic interoperability of Web Services. Web Services will be augmented with rich formal descriptions of their capabilities, such that they can be utilized by applications or other services without human assistance or highly constrained agreements on interfaces or protocols. Thus, Semantic Web Services have the potential to change the way knowledge and business services are consumed and provided on the Web. In this paper, we survey the state of the art of current enabling technologies for Semantic Web Services. In addition, we characterize the infrastructure of Semantic Web Services along three orthogonal dimensions: activities, architecture and service ontology. Further, we examine and contrast three current approaches to SWS according to the proposed dimensions

    A conceptual architecture for semantic web services development and deployment

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    Several extensions of the Web Services Framework (WSF) have been proposed. The combination with Semantic Web technologies introduces a notion of semantics, which can enhance scalability through automation. Service composition to processes is an equally important issue. Ontology technology – the core of the Semantic Web – can be the central building block of an extension endeavour. We present a conceptual architecture for ontology-based Web service development and deployment. The development of service-based software systems within the WSF is gaining increasing importance. We show how ontologies can integrate models, languages, infrastructure, and activities within this architecture to support reuse and composition of semantic Web services

    A framework for deriving semantic web services

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    Web service-based development represents an emerging approach for the development of distributed information systems. Web services have been mainly applied by software practitioners as a means to modularize system functionality that can be offered across a network (e.g., intranet and/or the Internet). Although web services have been predominantly developed as a technical solution for integrating software systems, there is a more business-oriented aspect that developers and enterprises need to deal with in order to benefit from the full potential of web services in an electronic market. This ‘ignored’ aspect is the representation of the semantics underlying the services themselves as well as the ‘things’ that the services manage. Currently languages like the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) provide the syntactic means to describe web services, but lack in providing a semantic underpinning. In order to harvest all the benefits of web services technology, a framework has been developed for deriving business semantics from syntactic descriptions of web services. The benefits of such a framework are two-fold. Firstly, the framework provides a way to gradually construct domain ontologies from previously defined technical services. Secondly, the framework enables the migration of syntactically defined web services toward semantic web services. The study follows a design research approach which (1) identifies the problem area and its relevance from an industrial case study and previous research, (2) develops the framework as a design artifact and (3) evaluates the application of the framework through a relevant scenario

    Semantic web service automation with lightweight annotations

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    Web services, both RESTful and WSDL-based, are an increasingly important part of the Web. With the application of semantic technologies, we can achieve automation of the use of those services. In this paper, we present WSMO-Lite and MicroWSMO, two related lightweight approaches to semantic Web service description, evolved from the WSMO framework. WSMO-Lite uses SAWSDL to annotate WSDL-based services, whereas MicroWSMO uses the hRESTS microformat to annotate RESTful APIs and services. Both frameworks share an ontology for service semantics together with most of automation algorithms

    Organising the knowledge space for software components

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    Software development has become a distributed, collaborative process based on the assembly of off-the-shelf and purpose-built components. The selection of software components from component repositories and the development of components for these repositories requires an accessible information infrastructure that allows the description and comparison of these components. General knowledge relating to software development is equally important in this context as knowledge concerning the application domain of the software. Both form two pillars on which the structural and behavioural properties of software components can be addressed. Form, effect, and intention are the essential aspects of process-based knowledge representation with behaviour as a primary property. We investigate how this information space for software components can be organised in order to facilitate the required taxonomy, thesaurus, conceptual model, and logical framework functions. Focal point is an axiomatised ontology that, in addition to the usual static view on knowledge, also intrinsically addresses the dynamics, i.e. the behaviour of software. Modal logics are central here – providing a bridge between classical (static) knowledge representation approaches and behaviour and process description and classification. We relate our discussion to the Web context, looking at Web services as components and the Semantic Web as the knowledge representation framewor