18,845 research outputs found

    A Low Cost Two-Tier Architecture Model For High Availability Clusters Application Load Balancing

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    This article proposes a design and implementation of a low cost two-tier architecture model for high availability cluster combined with load-balancing and shared storage technology to achieve desired scale of three-tier architecture for application load balancing e.g. web servers. The research work proposes a design that physically omits Network File System (NFS) server nodes and implements NFS server functionalities within the cluster nodes, through Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) with High Availability (HA) proxy load balancing technologies. In order to achieve a low-cost implementation in terms of investment in hardware and computing solutions, the proposed architecture will be beneficial. This system intends to provide steady service despite any system components fails due to uncertainly such as network system, storage and applications.Comment: Load balancing, high availability cluster, web server cluster

    AWSQ: an approximated web server queuing algorithm for heterogeneous web server cluster

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    With the rising popularity of web-based applications, the primary and consistent resource in the infrastructure of World Wide Web are cluster-based web servers. Overtly in dynamic contents and database driven applications, especially at heavy load circumstances, the performance handling of clusters is a solemn task. Without using efficient mechanisms, an overloaded web server cannot provide great performance. In clusters, this overloaded condition can be avoided using load balancing mechanisms by sharing the load among available web servers. The existing load balancing mechanisms which were intended to handle static contents will grieve from substantial performance deprivation under database-driven and dynamic contents. The most serviceable load balancing approaches are Web Server Queuing (WSQ), Server Content based Queue (QSC) and Remaining Capacity (RC) under specific conditions to provide better results. By Considering this, we have proposed an approximated web server Queuing mechanism for web server clusters and also proposed an analytical model for calculating the load of a web server. The requests are classified based on the service time and keep tracking the number of outstanding requests at each webserver to achieve better performance. The approximated load of each web server is used for load balancing. The investigational results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism by improving the mean response time, throughput and drop rate of the server cluster

    High performance web servers using load balancing technique / Siti Aishah Ab Rahman

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    A World Wide Web (WWW) Server is normally a single machine dedicated to process a HTTP request for a single WWW site. Web server serves web pages to clients across the Internet or an Intranet. The web server hosts the pages, scripts, programs, and multimedia files and serves them using HTTP, a protocol designed to send files to web browsers and other protocols. .In order to achieve web server scalability, more servers need to be added to distribute the load among the group of servers, which is also known as a server cluster. The load distribution among these servers is known as load balancing. Load balancing applies to all types of servers, the application server and database server. However, this project will be devoting this section for load balancing of web servers (HTTP server) only. Load balancing is a technique that distributes processing and communications activity evenly across a computer network so that no single device is overwhelmed. In other words, when multiple web servers are present in a server group, the HTTP traffic needs to be evenly distributed among the servers. The purpose of load balancing was done due to the increases of traffic, complexity of the application software and to satisfy the critical online transaction nowadays. The overall exact nature of this project is a setup of load balancer, a cluster of real servers and clients. The architecture of the cluster is transparent to clients outside the cluster. Client applications interact with the cluster as if it were a single high-performance and high available server. Clients will not be affected by interaction with the cluster and do not need modification. The load balancing method used in this project is Round Robin Scheduling that distributes job or request equally among the web servers. The Round Robin method that will be use in this project is dispatcher-based load balancing cluster where the parallel services of servers can appear as a virtual service on a single IP address. For routing, Network Address Translation is a technique in which the source or destination addresses of IP packets are rewritten as they pass through a router or firewall


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    Perkembangan dunia web telah memberikan dampak yang signifik an terbadap layanan internet, yaitu web server dituntut maksimal untuk melayani pennintaan dan beban kerja yang lebih besar dari sebelumnya. Salah satu solusi adalah menggunakan mesin-mesin server tunggal dengan teknologi Shared memory Multi Processors (SMP), akan tetapi harga dari mesin-mesin tersebut sangat mabal. Agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perkembangan teknologi web yang efisien maka dibutuhkan sebuah solusi, salah satu nya adalah teknik cluster. Pada karya ilmiah ini akan dibahas teknik cluster load balancing menggunakan opensource software dari apache yaitu apache mod proxy balancer agar dapat lebih efisien dan sesuai dengan anggaran perusahaan kecil dan menengab. Dari hasil pengukuran parameter tersebut diperoleh tingkat kestabilan cluster load balancing dari sisi reply rate dan error rate, throughput server, cpu dan memory usage, sehingga sistem cluster ini dapat menjadi sebuah solusi untuk menciptakan performa dan kinerja dari web server yang lebih efektif, efisien dan handal untuk menghadapi perkembangan teknologi web.Kata Kunci: web server, teknik cluster, apache mod proxy balancer, load balancing

    PEMBUATAN SISTEM DATABASE CLUSTER MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI GALERA CLUSTER DI SEKOLAH VOKASI IPB UNIVERSITY: Development of Cluster Database System Using Galera Cluster Application at Vocational School of IPB University

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    ABSTRAKServer yang terdapat di Sekolah Vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor (SV-IPB) diinstal Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) yang merupakan aplikasi e-learning berbasis web. MOODLE membutuhkan database yang berfungsi sebagai sebuah sistem penyimpanan data dari berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan. Database server yang tersedia di SV-IPB berupa single database server. SV-IPB memiliki 17 program studi, jumlah mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi untuk tiga angkatan sekitar 6 300 mahasiswa, hal tersebut bisa menyebabkan pengaksesan layanan MOODLE dan  beban yang ditanggung server menjadi tinggi. Mengatasi masalah tersebut salah satu solusinya diimplementasikan  teknologi database cluster pada server SV-IPB serta membuat sebuah server load balancing. Pembuatan database cluster menggunakan aplikasi Galera Cluster, serta digunakan HAProxy sebagai load balancer yang berperan sebagai pembagi beban antar database server dalam database cluster. Ketika database server down maka ada database server lain yang dapat menggantikan tugas dari database server yang down tersebut.Kata Kunci : Database Cluster, Galera Cluster, HAProxy, Multi-master, MySQL ABSTRACTThe server in the Vocational School, Bogor Agricultural University (SV-IPB) is installed with Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) which is a web-based e-learning application. MOODLE requires a database that functions as a data storage system for various activities carried out. The database server available at SV-IPB is a single database server. SV-IPB has 17 study programs, the number of Vocational School students for three batches is around 6 300 students, this can cause access to MOODLE services and the burden on the server to be high. One of the solutions to overcome this problem is to implement database cluster technology on the SV-IPB server and create a load balancing server. Creating a cluster database using the Galera Cluster application, and using HAProxy as a load balancer that acts as a load divider between database servers in the database cluster. When the database server is down, there is another database server that can replace the task of the down database server.Keyword: Database Cluster, Galera Cluster, HAProxy, Multi-master, MySQ

    Adaptive Load Balancing Policy for Web Server Custer

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    The paper highlights the significance of open source software for distributed computing environment and proposes an adaptive load balancing model using open source software for distributed computing environment. The load balancing strategies used by the model are based on load of the system. The proposed algorithm uses current load, response ratio and processor utilization of the nodes of the web server cluster to evaluate the performance

    Динамическая система балансировки нагрузки веб-серверов

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    В статті розглянута задача розподілення навантаження у кластері серверів. Запропонована система динамічного балансування, що базується на роботі диспетчера і забезпечує балансування вхідного навантаження на веб-сервер.Usage of Internet and frequent accesses of large amount of multimedia data increase the network traffic. Performance evaluation and high availability of server are important factors for resolving this problem using cluster based systems. There are several low-cost servers using the load sharing cluster system which are connected to high speed network, and apply load balancing technique between servers. It offers high computing power and high availability. The overall increase in traffic on the World Wide Web is augmenting user perceived response times from popular Web sites, especially in conjunction with special events. A distributed website server can provide scalability and flexibility to manage with growing client demands. To improve the response time of the web server, the evident approach is to have multiple servers. Efficiency of a replicated web server system will depend on the way of distributed incoming requests among these replicas. A distributed Web-server architectures schedule client requests among the multiple server nodes in a user transparent way that affects the scalability and availability. The aim of this paper is the development of a load balancing techniques on distributed Web-server systems.Рассмотрена задача распределения нагрузки в кластере серверов. Предложена система динамической балансировки, что базируется на работе диспетчера и обеспечивает балансировку входной нагрузки на веб-сервер


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    Saat ini Web menjadi media berorientasi bisnis dan antarmuka yang lebih disukai untuk sistem informasi terbaru . Semakin banyak yang mengakses melalui suatu situs web akan menyebabkan beban kerja suatu penyedia layanan yaitu web server menjadi lebih berat dan kurang optimal. Jika kondisi tersebut terus berlanjut, besar kemungkinan akan terjadi overload dan server menjadi down sehingga request tidak dapat lagi dilayani. Server Clustering merupakan salah satu solusi yang bisa diterapkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, yaitu suatu teknologi yang menggabungkan beberapa server yang bekerja bersama-sama yang seolah-olah merupakan satu sistem tunggal. Terdapat beberapa metode pada sistem clustering, yaitu load balancing dan failover. Dengan load balancing, sistem akan dapat melayani beban pengaksesan yang besar dan meminimalisir kegagalan dalam melayani request dari user karena load balancing bekerja dengan mendistribusikan secara merata beban trafik ke beberapa server lain yang terkluster. Failover berfungsi untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan yang tinggi. Jika terjadi kegagalan sistem pada server utama, server cadangan akan langsung menggantikan server utama untuk tetap memberikan layanan. Pada tugas akhir ini telah diimplementasikan load balancing dan failover pada virtual server cluster. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa kinerja server dengan menggunakan load balancing jauh lebih baik dibandingkan single server, dengan jumlah request per-detik maksimal yaitu sebesar 2352.937 request dan throughput sebesar 3.53 MB/s pada Haproxy penjadwalan least connection. Adanya pembagian beban ke tiga buah server memberikan penurunan terhadap nilai CPU utilization sebesar 21%. Untuk ketersediaan server pada skenario failover didapatkan nilai downtime rata-rata sebesar 1992.8 ms. Pada penelitian ini juga diketahui bahwa load balancing dengan menggunakan Haproxy memiliki performansi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Nginx. Keyword: Cluster, Load Balancing, Failover, Virtual, Haproxy, Ngin