507 research outputs found

    Weaving true-concurrent aspects using constraint solvers

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    Large system models usually consist of several simpler models that can be understood more easily. Making changes to the behaviour of a component will likely affect several models and could introduce accidental errors. Aspects address this by modelling new functionality required in several places as an advice, which can be integrated with the original base models by specifying a pointcut. Before checking that the overall outcome is correct, we need to weave the cross-cutting advice into the base models, and obtain new augmented models. Although considerable research has been done to weave models, many such approaches are not fully automated. This paper looks at aspect weaving of scenario-based models, where aspects are given a true-concurrent semantics based on event structures. Our contribution is a novel formal automated technique for weaving aspects using the Z3-SMT solver. We compare the performance of Alloy and Z3 to justify our choice.Postprin

    SPEEDY: An Eclipse-based IDE for invariant inference

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    SPEEDY is an Eclipse-based IDE for exploring techniques that assist users in generating correct specifications, particularly including invariant inference algorithms and tools. It integrates with several back-end tools that propose invariants and will incorporate published algorithms for inferring object and loop invariants. Though the architecture is language-neutral, current SPEEDY targets C programs. Building and using SPEEDY has confirmed earlier experience demonstrating the importance of showing and editing specifications in the IDEs that developers customarily use, automating as much of the production and checking of specifications as possible, and showing counterexample information directly in the source code editing environment. As in previous work, automation of specification checking is provided by back-end SMT solvers. However, reducing the effort demanded of software developers using formal methods also requires a GUI design that guides users in writing, reviewing, and correcting specifications and automates specification inference.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    Correct composition of dephased behavioural models

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    This research is supported by EPSRC grant EP/M014290/1.Scenarios of execution are commonly used to specify partial behaviour and interactions between different objects and components in a system. To avoid overall inconsistency in specifications, various automated methods have emerged in the literature to compose (behavioural) models. In recent work, we have shown how the theorem prover Isabelle can be combined with the constraint solver Z3 to efficiently detect inconsistencies in two or more behavioural models and, in their absence, generate the composition. Here, we extend our approach further and show how to generate the correct composition (as a set of valid traces) of dephased models. This work has been inspired by a problem from a medical domain where different care pathways (for chronic conditions) may be applied to the same patient with different starting points.Postprin

    Mind the gap : addressing behavioural inconsistencies with formal methods

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    In complex system design, it is important to construct several design models focusing on different aspects of a system to gain a better understanding of individual component structure and behaviour. Scenarios of execution are commonly used to specify partial behaviour and interactions between a group of system objects or components. However, partial specifications may hide inconsistencies or an otherwise unintentionally incomplete or underspecified behavioural model. This paper proposes a new powerful technique combining constraint solvers and theorem provers to complete partial specifications and determine overall model inconsistencies. We use a true-concurrent model, namely labelled event structures, which can be used as the underlying semantics of widely used work flow or scenario-based languages. We show how an interplay between the theorem prover Isabelle and constraint solver Z3 can be used for detecting and solving partial specifications and inconsistencies over event structures.Postprin

    A logical approach for behavioural composition of scenario-based models

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    As modern systems become more complex, design approaches model different aspects of the system separately. When considering (intra and inter) system interactions, it is usual to model individual scenarios using UML’s sequence diagrams. Given a set of scenarios we then need to check whether these are consistent and can be combined for a better understanding of the overall behaviour. This paper addresses this by presenting a novel formal technique for composing behavioural models at the metamodel level through exact metamodel restriction (EMR). In our approach a sequence diagram can be completely described by a set of logical constraints at the metamodel level. When composing sequence diagrams we take the union of the sets of logical constraints for each diagram and additional behavioural constraints that describe the matching composition glue. A formal semantics for composition in accordance with the glue guides our model transformation to Alloy. Alloy’s fully automated constraint solver gives us the solution. Our technique has been implemented as an Eclipse plugin SD2Alloy.Postprin

    A flexible approach for finding optimal paths with minimal conflicts

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    This research is supported by EPSRC grant EP/M014290/1.Complex systems are usually modelled through a combination of structural and behavioural models, where separate behavioural models make it easier to design and understand partial behaviour. When partial models are combined, we need to guarantee that they are consistent, and several automated techniques have been developed to check this. We argue that in some cases it is impossible to guarantee total consistency, and instead we want to find execution paths across such models with minimal conflicts with respect to a certain metric of interest. We present an efficient and scalable solution to find optimal paths through a combination of the theorem prover Isabelle with the constraint solver Z3. Our approach has been inspired by a healthcare problem, namely how to detect conflicts between medications taken by patients with multiple chronic conditions, and how to find preferable alternatives automatically.Postprin

    Automated composition of sequence diagrams

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    Software design is a significant stage in software development life cycle as it creates a blueprint for the implementation of the software. Design-errors lead to costly and insufficient implementation. Hence, it is crucial to provide solutions to discover the design error in early stage of the system development and solve them. Inspired by various engineering disciplines, the software community proposed the concept of modelling in order to reduce these costly errors. Modelling provides a platform to create an abstract representation of the software systems concluding to the birth of various modelling languages such as Unified Modelling Language (UML), Automata, and Petri Net. Due to the modelling raises the level of abstraction throughout the analysis and design process, it enables the system discovers to efficiently identify errors. Since modern systems become more complex, models are often produced part-by-part to help reduce the complexity of the design. This often results in partial specifications captured in models focusing on a subset of the system. To produce an overall model of the system, such partial models must be composed together. Model composition is the process of combining partial models to create a single coherent model. Due to manual model composition is error prone, time-consuming and tedious, it must be replaced by automated model compositions. This thesis presents a novel approach for an automatic composition technique for creating behaviour models, such as a sequence diagram, from partial specifications captured in multiple sequence diagrams with the help of constraint solvers

    Automated conflict resolution between multiple clinical pathways:A technology report

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    Background The number of people in the UK with three or more long-term conditions continues to grow and the management of patients with co-morbidities is complex. In treating patients with multimorbidities, a fundamental problem is understanding and detecting points of conflict between different guidelines which to date has relied on individual clinicians collating disparate information. Objective We will develop a framework for modelling a diverse set of care pathways, and investigate how conflicts can be detected and resolved automatically. We will use this knowledge to develop a software tool for use by clinicians that can map guidelines, highlight root causes of conflict between these guidelines and suggest ways they might be resolved. Method Our work consists of three phases. First, we will accurately model clinical pathways for six of the most common chronic diseases; second, we will automatically identify and detect sources of conflict across the pathways and how they might be resolved. Third, we will present a case study to prove the validity of our approach using a team of clinicians to detect and resolve the conflicts in the treatment of a fictional patient with multiple common morbidities and compare their findings and recommendations with those derived automatically using our novel software. Discussion This paper describes the development of an important software-based method for identifying a conflict between clinical guidelines. Our findings will support clinicians treating patients with multimorbidity in both primary and secondary care settings

    Formal verification of CNL health recommendations

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    This research is partially supported by EPSRC grant EP/M014290/1.Clinical texts, such as therapy algorithms, are often described in natural language and may include hidden inconsistencies, gaps and potential deadlocks. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify such problems with formal verification. From each sentence in the therapy algorithm we automatically generate a parse tree and derive case frames. From the case frames we construct a state-based representation (in our case a timed automaton) and use a model checker (here UPPAAL) to verify the model. Throughout the paper we use an example of the algorithm for blood glucose lowering therapy in adults with type 2 diabetes to illustrate our approach.Postprin
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