455 research outputs found

    Signal Processing Techniques and Concept of Operations for Polarimetric Rotating Phased Array Radar

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    The Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) network has been operational for over 30 years and is still the primary observational instrument employed by the National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to support their critical mission of issuing severe weather warnings and forecasts in the United States. Nevertheless, the WSR-88Ds have exceeded their engineering design lifespan and are projected to reach the end of operational lifetime by 2040. Technological limitations may prevent the WSR-88D to meet demanding functional requirements for future observational needs. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has started considering radar systems with advanced capabilities for the eventual replacement of the WSR-88D. Unique and flexible capabilities offered by Phased Array Radar (PAR) technology support the required enhanced weather surveillance strategies that are envisioned to improve the weather radar products, making PAR technology an attractive candidate for the next generation of weather radars. If PAR technology is to replace the operational WSR-88D, important decisions must be made regarding the architecture that will be needed to meet the functional requirements. A four-faced planar PAR (4F-PAR) is expected to achieve the requirements set forth by NOAA and the NWS, but deploying and maintaining an operational network of these radars across the U.S. will likely be unaffordable. A more affordable alternative radar system is based on a single-face Rotating PAR (RPAR) architecture, which is capable of exceeding the functionality provided by the WSR-88D network. This dissertation is focused on exploring advanced RPAR scanning techniques in support of meeting future radar functional requirements. A survey of unique RPAR capabilities is conducted to determine which ones could be exploited under an RPAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS). Three capabilities are selected for further investigation: beam agility, digital beamforming, and dwell flexibility. The RPARs beam agility is exploited to minimize the beam smearing that results from the rotation of the antenna system over the collection of samples in the coherent processing interval. The use of digital beamforming is investigated as a possible way to reduce the scan time and/or the variance of estimates. The RPAR's dwell flexibility capability is explored as a possible way to tailor the scan to meteorological observations with the goal of improving data quality. Three advanced RPAR scanning techniques are developed exploiting these capabilities, and their performance in support of meeting the radar functional requirements is quantified. The proposed techniques are implemented on the Advanced Technology Demonstrator (ATD), a dual-polarization RPAR system at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, OK. Data collection experiments are conducted with the ATD to demonstrate the performance of the proposed techniques for dual-polarization observations. Results are verified by quantitatively comparing fields of radar-variable estimates produced using the proposed RPAR techniques with those produced by a well-known collocated WSR-88D radar simultaneously collecting data following an operational Volume Coverage Pattern (VCP). The techniques introduced are integrated to operate simultaneously, and used to design an RPAR CONOPS that can complete a full volume scan in about one minute, while achieving other demanding functional requirements. It is expected that the findings in this dissertation will provide valuable information that can support the design of the future U.S. weather surveillance radar network

    Microwave remote sensing from space

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    Spaceborne microwave remote sensors provide perspectives of the earth surface and atmosphere which are of unique value in scientific studies of geomorphology, oceanic waves and topography, atmospheric water vapor and temperatures, vegetation classification and stress, ice types and dynamics, and hydrological characteristics. Microwave radars and radiometers offer enhanced sensitivities to the geometrical characteristics of the earth's surface and its cover, to water in all its forms--soil and vegetation moisture, ice, wetlands, oceans, and atmospheric water vapor, and can provide high-resolution imagery of the earth's surface independent of cloud cover or sun angle. A brief review of the historical development and principles of active and passive microwave remote sensing is presented, with emphasis on the unique characteristics of the information obtainable in the microwave spectrum and the value of this information to global geoscientific studies. Various spaceborne microwave remote sensors are described, with applications to geology, planetology, oceanography, glaciology, land biology, meteorology, and hydrology. A discussion of future microwave remote sensor technological developments and challenges is presented, along with a summary of future missions being planned by several countries

    Microwave remote sensing from space for earth resource surveys

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    The concepts of radar remote sensing and microwave radiometry are discussed and their utility in earth resource sensing is examined. The direct relationship between the character of the remotely sensed data and the level of decision making for which the data are appropriate is considered. Applications of active and a passive microwave sensing covered include hydrology, land use, mapping, vegetation classification, environmental monitoring, coastal features and processes, geology, and ice and snow. Approved and proposed microwave sensors are described and the use of space shuttle as a development platform is evaluated


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    Active phased arrays suffer the inherent problem of excitation errors, i.e., incorrect phase and amplitude excitation of the antenna elements. Excitation errors degrade critical performance parameters since they increase sidelobe level and reduce antenna gain and beam pointing accuracy. To ensure the correct operation of the array, it is necessary to quantify and compensate the phase and amplitude errors of each antenna element. The compensation is accomplished by calibrating the phased array radar. Calibration challenges include the quantification and compensation of errors initially, as well as maintenance of the calibration state once the system is fielded. This dissertation presents research on improving the calibration of the active phased array front-end for radar systems. A combination of custom-made instrumentation with initial and in-situ calibration techniques is proposed to calibrate an active array test-bed. The test-bed consists of an 8×\times8 elements C-band array, and was developed in collaboration with NCAR-EOL to provide software and hardware features that enable the proposed calibration schemes. Different calibration techniques were experimentally tested. First, an initial calibration technique for phased array prototypes is proposed. The technique employs a planar NF scanner to sample the excitation of each antenna element, and also to scan the embedded element antenna patterns of the prototype. The novelty of the approach is that it combines the collected excitation data with the scanned embedded elements to allow the prediction of both the co- and cross-polar pattern components of the array. On the other hand, to explore techniques that do not rely on external equipment and use built-in feedback mechanisms instead, mutual coupling-based calibration is reviewed and implemented. Two techniques were tested: an initial type, proposed by Bekers et al., and a proposed in-situ type, conceived specifically for analog architectures, to track errors during fielded operation. It was found that mutual coupling calibration techniques are excellent options for in-situ applications, with a root mean squared error (RMSE) in phase and amplitude of 0.75^\circ and 0.12 dB, respectively. Whereas, for initial type calibration, the tested mutual coupling-based technique yields a RMSE of 2.5^\circ and \geq 1 dB, respectively, which is not accurate enough to replace conventional park and probe for initial calibration of small arrays. Finally, to complement calibration theory, the required calibration instrumentation is reviewed, and more importantly, a novel scanner, designed exclusively for phased array front-end characterization, is introduced

    Applied Radar Meteorology

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    This is a textbook focused on operational and other aspects of applied radar meteorology. Its primary purpose is to serve as a text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students studying meteorology, who wish to work as professional operational meteorologists in the U.S. National Weather Service or the Air Force Weather Agency. In addition to a detailed description of operational weather radar systems operating in the United States, this text also provides a brief historical overview of the subject as well as a basic review of the physics of electromagnetic radiation and other theoretical aspects of weather radar. The last two chapters discuss a sample of other radar systems (such as the Doppler on Wheels and the Canadian and European operational networks), and future directions of weather radar, including its use as an input for high-resolution, rapid refresh computer models


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    A desirable candidate for future weather observation is a polarimetric phased array radar (PPAR), which is capable of both using polarimetry for multi-parameter measurements and the fast-scan proficiency of the PAR. However, it is challenging to collect high-quality polarimetric radar data of weather with a planar PPAR (PPPAR), whose beam and polarization characteristics change with the electronic beam direction, causing geometrically induced cross-polarization coupling, sensitivity losses, and measurement biases when the PPPAR beam is steered away from the broadside. As an alternative to PPPAR, the concept of cylindrical polarimetric phased array radar (CPPAR) was proposed, which has scan-invariant beam characteristics in azimuth and polarization purity in all directions using commutating scan, thus enables high quality polarimetric weather measurements. To validate the CPPAR concept, a small-scale CPPAR demonstrator has been jointly developed by the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) of NOAA. This dissertation presents the results of initial weather measurements, shows the performance of the CPPAR demonstrator, and evaluates the polarimetric data quality that has been achieved. The system specifications and field tests of the CPPAR demonstrator are provided, including system overview, waveform design and verification, pattern optimization and far-field tests. In addition, three methods of system calibration are introduced and compared, including calibration with an external source, calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan, and calibration with ground clutter. It is found that calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan has the best performance and it is applied on the CPPAR demonstrator for the first time, which effectively improved the beam-to-beam consistency and radar data quality in commutating beam electronic scan by minimizing gain and beamwidth variations. Performance of the CPPAR is assessed through system simulation and weather measurements. The CPPAR is evaluated through an end-to-end phased array radar system simulator (PASIM). The simulation framework, weather returns modeling, antenna pattern, channel electronics, and simulation results of CPPAR, as well as comparison with those that would be obtained with a PPPAR, are provided. Also, weather measurements of a few convective precipitation cases and a stratiform precipitation case made with the CPPAR, employing the single beam mechanical scan and commutating beam electronic scan respectively, are presented. First, a qualitative comparison is made between the CPPAR and a nearby operational NEXRAD. Then a quantitative comparison is conducted between the mechanical scan and electronic scan, and error statistics are estimated and discussed. In addition, a theoretical explanation of a feature of the commutating beam electronic scan in clutter detection that is different from mechanical scan is presented and verified by measurements in clear air conditions with the CPPAR. Moreover, clutter detection results based on multi-lag phase structure function, dual-scan cross-correlation coefficient, copolar correlation coefficient, and differential reflectivity obtained from both electronic scan and mechanical scan modes of the CPPAR are compared