66 research outputs found

    Deformable Registration through Learning of Context-Specific Metric Aggregation

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    We propose a novel weakly supervised discriminative algorithm for learning context specific registration metrics as a linear combination of conventional similarity measures. Conventional metrics have been extensively used over the past two decades and therefore both their strengths and limitations are known. The challenge is to find the optimal relative weighting (or parameters) of different metrics forming the similarity measure of the registration algorithm. Hand-tuning these parameters would result in sub optimal solutions and quickly become infeasible as the number of metrics increases. Furthermore, such hand-crafted combination can only happen at global scale (entire volume) and therefore will not be able to account for the different tissue properties. We propose a learning algorithm for estimating these parameters locally, conditioned to the data semantic classes. The objective function of our formulation is a special case of non-convex function, difference of convex function, which we optimize using the concave convex procedure. As a proof of concept, we show the impact of our approach on three challenging datasets for different anatomical structures and modalities.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2017), in conjunction with MICCAI 201

    Unsupervised Echocardiography Registration through Patch-based MLPs and Transformers

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    Image registration is an essential but challenging task in medical image computing, especially for echocardiography, where the anatomical structures are relatively noisy compared to other imaging modalities. Traditional (non-learning) registration approaches rely on the iterative optimization of a similarity metric which is usually costly in time complexity. In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN) based image registration methods have shown good effectiveness. In the meantime, recent studies show that the attention-based model (e.g., Transformer) can bring superior performance in pattern recognition tasks. In contrast, whether the superior performance of the Transformer comes from the long-winded architecture or is attributed to the use of patches for dividing the inputs is unclear yet. This work introduces three patch-based frameworks for image registration using MLPs and transformers. We provide experiments on 2D-echocardiography registration to answer the former question partially and provide a benchmark solution. Our results on a large public 2D echocardiography dataset show that the patch-based MLP/Transformer model can be effectively used for unsupervised echocardiography registration. They demonstrate comparable and even better registration performance than a popular CNN registration model. In particular, patch-based models better preserve volume changes in terms of Jacobian determinants, thus generating robust registration fields with less unrealistic deformation. Our results demonstrate that patch-based learning methods, whether with attention or not, can perform high-performance unsupervised registration tasks with adequate time and space complexity. Our codes are available https://gitlab.inria.fr/epione/mlp\_transformer\_registratio

    Unsupervised Echocardiography Registration through Patch-based MLPs and Transformers

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    International audienceImage registration is an essential but challenging task in medical image computing, especially for echocardiography, where the anatomical structures are relatively noisy compared to other imaging modalities. Traditional (non-learning) registration approaches rely on the iterative optimization of a similarity metric which is usually costly in time complexity. In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN) based image registration methods have shown good effectiveness. In the meantime, recent studies show that the attention-based model (e.g., Transformer) can bring superior performance in pattern recognition tasks. In contrast, whether the superior performance of the Transformer comes from the long-winded architecture or is attributed to the use of patches for dividing the inputs is unclear yet. This work introduces three patch-based frameworks for image registration using MLPs and transformers. We provide experiments on 2D-echocardiography registration to answer the former question partially and provide a benchmark solution. Our results on a large public 2D-echocardiography dataset show that the patch-based MLP/Transformer model can be effectively used for unsupervised echocardiography registration. They demonstrate comparable and even better registration performance than a popular CNN registration model. In particular, patch-based models better preserve volume changes in terms of Jacobian determinants, thus generating robust registration fields with less unrealistic deformation. Our results demonstrate that patch-based learning methods, whether with attention or not, can perform high-performance unsupervised registration tasks with adequate time and space complexity

    High-Order Inference, Ranking, and Regularization Path for Structured SVM

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    This thesis develops novel methods to enable the use of structured prediction in computer vision and medical imaging. Specifically, our contributions are four fold. First, we propose a new family of high-order potentials that encourage parsimony in the labeling, and enable its use by designing an accurate graph cuts based algorithm to minimize the corresponding energy function. Second, we show how the average precision SVM formulation can be extended to incorporate high-order information for ranking. Third, we propose a novel regularization path algorithm for structured SVM. Fourth, we show how the weakly supervised framework of latent SVM can be employed to learn the parameters for the challenging deformable registration problem.In more detail, the first part of the thesis investigates the high-order inference problem. Specifically, we present a novel family of discrete energy minimization problems, which we call parsimonious labeling. It is a natural generalization of the well known metric labeling problems for high-order potentials. In addition to this, we propose a generalization of the Pn-Potts model, which we call Hierarchical Pn-Potts model. In the end, we propose parallelizable move making algorithms with very strong multiplicative bounds for the optimization of the hierarchical Pn-Potts model and the parsimonious labeling.Second part of the thesis investigates the ranking problem while using high-order information. Specifically, we introduce two alternate frameworks to incorporate high-order information for the ranking tasks. The first framework, which we call high-order binary SVM (HOB-SVM), optimizes a convex upperbound on weighted 0-1 loss while incorporating high-order information using joint feature map. The rank list for the HOB-SVM is obtained by sorting samples using max-marginals based scores. The second framework, which we call high-order AP-SVM (HOAP-SVM), takes its inspiration from AP-SVM and HOB-SVM (our first framework). Similar to AP-SVM, it optimizes upper bound on average precision. However, unlike AP-SVM and similar to HOB-SVM, it can also encode high-order information. The main disadvantage of HOAP-SVM is that estimating its parameters requires solving a difference-of-convex program. We show how a local optimum of the HOAP-SVM learning problem can be computed efficiently by the concave-convex procedure. Using standard datasets, we empirically demonstrate that HOAP-SVM outperforms the baselines by effectively utilizing high-order information while optimizing the correct loss function.In the third part of the thesis, we propose a new algorithm SSVM-RP to obtain epsilon-optimal regularization path of structured SVM. We also propose intuitive variants of the Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe algorithm (BCFW) for the faster optimization of the SSVM-RP algorithm. In addition to this, we propose a principled approach to optimize the SSVM with additional box constraints using BCFW and its variants. In the end, we propose regularization path algorithm for SSVM with additional positivity/negativity constraints.In the fourth and the last part of the thesis (Appendix), we propose a novel weakly supervised discriminative algorithm for learning context specific registration metrics as a linear combination of conventional metrics. Conventional metrics can cope partially - depending on the clinical context - with tissue anatomical properties. In this work we seek to determine anatomy/tissue specific metrics as a context-specific aggregation/linear combination of known metrics. We propose a weakly supervised learning algorithm for estimating these parameters conditionally to the data semantic classes, using a weak training dataset. We show the efficacy of our approach on three highly challenging datasets in the field of medical imaging, which vary in terms of anatomical structures and image modalities.Cette thèse présente de nouvelles méthodes pour l'application de la prédiction structurée en vision numérique et en imagerie médicale.Nos nouvelles contributions suivent quatre axes majeurs.La première partie de cette thèse étudie le problème d'inférence d'ordre supérieur.Nous présentons une nouvelle famille de problèmes de minimisation d'énergie discrète, l'étiquetage parcimonieux, encourageant la parcimonie des étiquettes.C'est une extension naturelle des problèmes connus d'étiquetage de métriques aux potentiels d'ordre élevé.Nous proposons par ailleurs une généralisation du modèle Pn-Potts, le modèle Pn-Potts hiérarchique.Enfin, nous proposons un algorithme parallélisable à proposition de mouvements avec de fortes bornes multiplicatives pour l'optimisation du modèle Pn-Potts hiérarchique et l'étiquetage parcimonieux.La seconde partie de cette thèse explore le problème de classement en utilisant de l'information d'ordre élevé.Nous introduisons deux cadres différents pour l'incorporation d'information d'ordre élevé dans le problème de classement.Le premier modèle, que nous nommons SVM binaire d'ordre supérieur (HOB-SVM), optimise une borne supérieure convexe sur l'erreur 0-1 pondérée tout en incorporant de l'information d'ordre supérieur en utilisant un vecteur de charactéristiques jointes.Le classement renvoyé par HOB-SVM est obtenu en ordonnant les exemples selon la différence entre la max-marginales de l'affectation d'un exemple à la classe associée et la max-marginale de son affectation à la classe complémentaire.Le second modèle, appelé AP-SVM d'ordre supérieur (HOAP-SVM), s'inspire d'AP-SVM et de notre premier modèle, HOB-SVM.Le modèle correspond à une optimisation d'une borne supérieure sur la précision moyenne, à l'instar d'AP-SVM, qu'il généralise en permettant également l'incorporation d'information d'ordre supérieur.Nous montrons comment un optimum local du problème d'apprentissage de HOAP-SVM peut être déterminé efficacement grâce à la procédure concave-convexe.En utilisant des jeux de données standards, nous montrons empiriquement que HOAP-SVM surpasse les modèles de référence en utilisant efficacement l'information d'ordre supérieur tout en optimisant directement la fonction d'erreur appropriée.Dans la troisième partie, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme, SSVM-RP, pour obtenir un chemin de régularisation epsilon-optimal pour les SVM structurés.Nous présentons également des variantes intuitives de l'algorithme Frank-Wolfe pour l'optimisation accélérée de SSVM-RP.De surcroît, nous proposons une approche systématique d'optimisation des SSVM avec des contraintes additionnelles de boîte en utilisant BCFW et ses variantes.Enfin, nous proposons un algorithme de chemin de régularisation pour SSVM avec des contraintes additionnelles de positivité/negativité.Dans la quatrième et dernière partie de la thèse, en appendice, nous montrons comment le cadre de l'apprentissage semi-supervisé des SVM à variables latentes peut être employé pour apprendre les paramètres d'un problème complexe de recalage déformable.Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme discriminatif semi-supervisé pour apprendre des métriques de recalage spécifiques au contexte comme une combinaison linéaire des métriques conventionnelles.Selon l'application, les métriques traditionnelles sont seulement partiellement sensibles aux propriétés anatomiques des tissus.Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à déterminer des métriques spécifiques à l'anatomie et aux tissus, par agrégation linéaire de métriques connues.Nous proposons un algorithme d'apprentissage semi-supervisé pour estimer ces paramètres conditionnellement aux classes sémantiques des données, en utilisant un jeu de données faiblement annoté.Nous démontrons l'efficacité de notre approche sur trois jeux de données particulièrement difficiles dans le domaine de l'imagerie médicale, variables en terme de structures anatomiques et de modalités d'imagerie

    Multi-center anatomical segmentation with heterogeneous labels via landmark-based models

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    Learning anatomical segmentation from heterogeneous labels in multi-center datasets is a common situation encountered in clinical scenarios, where certain anatomical structures are only annotated in images coming from particular medical centers, but not in the full database. Here we first show how state-of-the-art pixel-level segmentation models fail in naively learning this task due to domain memorization issues and conflicting labels. We then propose to adopt HybridGNet, a landmark-based segmentation model which learns the available anatomical structures using graph-based representations. By analyzing the latent space learned by both models, we show that HybridGNet naturally learns more domain-invariant feature representations, and provide empirical evidence in the context of chest X-ray multiclass segmentation. We hope these insights will shed light on the training of deep learning models with heterogeneous labels from public and multi-center datasets

    Recalage déformable à base de graphes : mise en correspondance coupe-vers-volume et méthodes contextuelles

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    Image registration methods, which aim at aligning two or more images into one coordinate system, are among the oldest and most widely used algorithms in computer vision. Registration methods serve to establish correspondence relationships among images (captured at different times, from different sensors or from different viewpoints) which are not obvious for the human eye. A particular type of registration algorithm, known as graph-based deformable registration methods, has become popular during the last decade given its robustness, scalability, efficiency and theoretical simplicity. The range of problems to which it can be adapted is particularly broad. In this thesis, we propose several extensions to the graph-based deformable registration theory, by exploring new application scenarios and developing novel methodological contributions.Our first contribution is an extension of the graph-based deformable registration framework, dealing with the challenging slice-to-volume registration problem. Slice-to-volume registration aims at registering a 2D image within a 3D volume, i.e. we seek a mapping function which optimally maps a tomographic slice to the 3D coordinate space of a given volume. We introduce a scalable, modular and flexible formulation accommodating low-rank and high order terms, which simultaneously selects the plane and estimates the in-plane deformation through a single shot optimization approach. The proposed framework is instantiated into different variants based on different graph topology, label space definition and energy construction. Simulated and real-data in the context of ultrasound and magnetic resonance registration (where both framework instantiations as well as different optimization strategies are considered) demonstrate the potentials of our method.The other two contributions included in this thesis are related to how semantic information can be encompassed within the registration process (independently of the dimensionality of the images). Currently, most of the methods rely on a single metric function explaining the similarity between the source and target images. We argue that incorporating semantic information to guide the registration process will further improve the accuracy of the results, particularly in the presence of semantic labels making the registration a domain specific problem.We consider a first scenario where we are given a classifier inferring probability maps for different anatomical structures in the input images. Our method seeks to simultaneously register and segment a set of input images, incorporating this information within the energy formulation. The main idea is to use these estimated maps of semantic labels (provided by an arbitrary classifier) as a surrogate for unlabeled data, and combine them with population deformable registration to improve both alignment and segmentation.Our last contribution also aims at incorporating semantic information to the registration process, but in a different scenario. In this case, instead of supposing that we have pre-trained arbitrary classifiers at our disposal, we are given a set of accurate ground truth annotations for a variety of anatomical structures. We present a methodological contribution that aims at learning context specific matching criteria as an aggregation of standard similarity measures from the aforementioned annotated data, using an adapted version of the latent structured support vector machine (LSSVM) framework.Les méthodes de recalage d’images, qui ont pour but l’alignement de deux ou plusieurs images dans un même système de coordonnées, sont parmi les algorithmes les plus anciens et les plus utilisés en vision par ordinateur. Les méthodes de recalage servent à établir des correspondances entre des images (prises à des moments différents, par différents senseurs ou avec différentes perspectives), lesquelles ne sont pas évidentes pour l’œil humain. Un type particulier d’algorithme de recalage, connu comme « les méthodes de recalage déformables à l’aide de modèles graphiques » est devenu de plus en plus populaire ces dernières années, grâce à sa robustesse, sa scalabilité, son efficacité et sa simplicité théorique. La gamme des problèmes auxquels ce type d’algorithme peut être adapté est particulièrement vaste. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons plusieurs extensions à la théorie de recalage déformable à l’aide de modèles graphiques, en explorant de nouvelles applications et en développant des contributions méthodologiques originales.Notre première contribution est une extension du cadre du recalage à l’aide de graphes, en abordant le problème très complexe du recalage d’une tranche avec un volume. Le recalage d’une tranche avec un volume est le recalage 2D dans un volume 3D, comme par exemple le mapping d’une tranche tomographique dans un système de coordonnées 3D d’un volume en particulier. Nos avons proposé une formulation scalable, modulaire et flexible pour accommoder des termes d'ordre élevé et de rang bas, qui peut sélectionner le plan et estimer la déformation dans le plan de manière simultanée par une seule approche d'optimisation. Le cadre proposé est instancié en différentes variantes, basés sur différentes topologies du graph, définitions de l'espace des étiquettes et constructions de l'énergie. Le potentiel de notre méthode a été démontré sur des données réelles ainsi que des données simulées dans le cadre d’une résonance magnétique d’ultrason (où le cadre d’installation et les stratégies d’optimisation ont été considérés).Les deux autres contributions inclues dans ce travail de thèse, sont liées au problème de l’intégration de l’information sémantique dans la procédure de recalage (indépendamment de la dimensionnalité des images). Actuellement, la plupart des méthodes comprennent une seule fonction métrique pour expliquer la similarité entre l’image source et l’image cible. Nous soutenons que l'intégration des informations sémantiques pour guider la procédure de recalage pourra encore améliorer la précision des résultats, en particulier en présence d'étiquettes sémantiques faisant du recalage un problème spécifique adapté à chaque domaine.Nous considérons un premier scénario en proposant un classificateur pour inférer des cartes de probabilité pour les différentes structures anatomiques dans les images d'entrée. Notre méthode vise à recaler et segmenter un ensemble d'images d'entrée simultanément, en intégrant cette information dans la formulation de l'énergie. L'idée principale est d'utiliser ces cartes estimées des étiquettes sémantiques (fournie par un classificateur arbitraire) comme un substitut pour les données non-étiquettées, et les combiner avec le recalage déformable pour améliorer l'alignement ainsi que la segmentation.Notre dernière contribution vise également à intégrer l'information sémantique pour la procédure de recalage, mais dans un scénario différent. Dans ce cas, au lieu de supposer que nous avons des classificateurs arbitraires pré-entraînés à notre disposition, nous considérons un ensemble d’annotations précis (vérité terrain) pour une variété de structures anatomiques. Nous présentons une contribution méthodologique qui vise à l'apprentissage des critères correspondants au contexte spécifique comme une agrégation des mesures de similarité standard à partir des données annotées, en utilisant une adaptation de l’algorithme « Latent Structured Support Vector Machine »

    ViTs are Everywhere: A Comprehensive Study Showcasing Vision Transformers in Different Domain

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    Transformer design is the de facto standard for natural language processing tasks. The success of the transformer design in natural language processing has lately piqued the interest of researchers in the domain of computer vision. When compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Vision Transformers (ViTs) are becoming more popular and dominant solutions for many vision problems. Transformer-based models outperform other types of networks, such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks, in a range of visual benchmarks. We evaluate various vision transformer models in this work by dividing them into distinct jobs and examining their benefits and drawbacks. ViTs can overcome several possible difficulties with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The goal of this survey is to show the first use of ViTs in CV. In the first phase, we categorize various CV applications where ViTs are appropriate. Image classification, object identification, image segmentation, video transformer, image denoising, and NAS are all CV applications. Our next step will be to analyze the state-of-the-art in each area and identify the models that are currently available. In addition, we outline numerous open research difficulties as well as prospective research possibilities.Comment: ICCD-2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.04309 by other author

    X-ray2Shape: Reconstruction of Organ Shape from a Single X-ray Image using Graph Convolutional Network

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    CT や MRI により生体の高分解能の 3 次元画像が計測可能となったが, 手術時や放射線治療中には内視鏡画像や X-ray 画像などの低次元かつ局所的な単視点画像しか得られないことが多い. また, 呼吸によって臓器は変形しつつ移動するため, 治療時における臓器形状の再構成は難しい課題である. 本研究では, グラフ畳み込みネットワーク (GCN) を用いて 単一X-ray 画像から臓器形状を再構成する X-ray2Shape の枠組みを提案する. 臓器形状メッシュの再構成に有効な損失関数を新たに導入し, 患者個人の 3D-CT データから生成可能な最大吸気時の臓器形状を初期テンプレートとして, 呼気時相の X-ray 画像特徴量と臓器形状間の関係を学習する. 35 症例 10 時相からなる 4D-CT データを用いて, 腹部領域の疑似 X 線画像から肝臓の 3 次元形状を再構成する実験を行い, 提案法の性能を確認したので報告する.High resolution 3D images can be measured by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. However, during surgery or radiotherapy, only low-dimensional and local single-viewpoint 2D images may be obtained, and organs move while deforming due to breathing. Therefore, shape reconstruction from a single-viewpoint 2D image such as an endoscopic image or an X-ray image remains a challenge. In this study, we proposed an X-ray2Shape framework which can reconstruct the 3D organ shape from a single-viewpoint X-ray image using a graph convolution network. The proposed method learns the mesh deformation from organ shape during inspiration and deep features computed from the individual X-ray images. Experiments with organ meshes and digitally reconstructed radiograph images of abdominal regions were performed to confirm the estimation performance of our proposed method