157 research outputs found

    Verification conditions for source-level imperative programs

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    This paper is a systematic study of verification conditions and their use in the context of program verification. We take Hoare logic as a starting point and study in detail how a verification conditions generator can be obtained from it. The notion of program annotation is essential in this process. Weakest preconditions and the use of updates are also studied as alternative approaches to verification conditions. Our study is carried on in the context of a While language. Important extensions to this language are considered toward the end of the paper. We also briefly survey modern program verification tools and their approaches to the generation of verification conditions.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Specifying and verifying heap space allocation with JML and ESC/Java2

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    We examine JML’s support for specifying the heap space allocation of Java programs. In this report we restrict ourselves to specifying and verifying only allocation but not de-allocation. We identify some problems with with JML’s support and suggest alternatives. Also, we describe an implementation of heap space allocation verification in ESC/Java2. This implementation has been tested on small examples

    Combining over- and under-approximating program analyses for automatic software testing

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    This dissertation attacks the well-known problem of path-imprecision in static program analysis. Our starting point is an existing static program analysis that over-approximates the execution paths of the analyzed program. We then make this over-approximating program analysis more precise for automatic testing in an object-oriented programming language. We achieve this by combining the over-approximating program analysis with usage-observing and under-approximating analyses. More specifically, we make the following contributions. We present a technique to eliminate language-level unsound bug warnings produced by an execution-path-over-approximating analysis for object-oriented programs that is based on the weakest precondition calculus. Our technique post-processes the results of the over-approximating analysis by solving the produced constraint systems and generating and executing concrete test-cases that satisfy the given constraint systems. Only test-cases that confirm the results of the over-approximating static analysis are presented to the user. This technique has the important side-benefit of making the results of a weakest-precondition based static analysis easier to understand for human consumers. We show examples from our experiments that visually demonstrate the difference between hundreds of complicated constraints and a simple corresponding JUnit test-case. Besides eliminating language-level unsound bug warnings, we present an additional technique that also addresses user-level unsound bug warnings. This technique pre-processes the testee with a dynamic analysis that takes advantage of actual user data. It annotates the testee with the knowledge obtained from this pre-processing step and thereby provides guidance for the over-approximating analysis. We also present an improvement to dynamic invariant detection for object-oriented programming languages. Previous approaches do not take behavioral subtyping into account and therefore may produce inconsistent results, which can throw off automated analyses such as the ones we are performing for bug-finding. Finally, we address the problem of unwanted dependencies between test-cases caused by global state. We present two techniques for efficiently re-initializing global state between test-case executions and discuss their trade-offs. We have implemented the above techniques in the JCrasher, Check 'n' Crash, and DSD-Crasher tools and present initial experience in using them for automated bug finding in real-world Java programs.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Smaragdakis, Yannis; Committee Member: Dwyer, Matthew; Committee Member: Orso, Alessandro; Committee Member: Pande, Santosh; Committee Member: Rugaber, Spence

    Graph Based Reduction of Program Verification Conditions

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    Increasing the automaticity of proofs in deductive verification of C programs is a challenging task. When applied to industrial C programs known heuristics to generate simpler verification conditions are not efficient enough. This is mainly due to their size and a high number of irrelevant hypotheses. This work presents a strategy to reduce program verification conditions by selecting their relevant hypotheses. The relevance of a hypothesis is determined by the combination of a syntactic analysis and two graph traversals. The first graph is labeled by constants and the second one by the predicates in the axioms. The approach is applied on a benchmark arising in industrial program verification


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    In software development, it is often desirable to reuse existing software components. This has been recognized since 1968, when Douglas Mcllroy of Bell Laboratories proposed basing the software industry on reuse. Despite the failures in practice, many efforts have been made to make this idea successful. In this context, we address the problem of reusing annotated components as a rigorous way of assuring the quality of the application under construction. We in- troduce the concept of caller-based slicing as a way to certify that the integration of an annotated component with a contract into a legacy system will preserve the behavior of the former. To complement the efforts done and the benefits of the slicing techniques, there is also a need to find an efficient way to visualize the annotated components and their slices. To take full profit of visualization, it is crucial to combine the visualization of the control/data flow with the textual representation of source code. To attain this objective, we extend the notion of System Dependence Graph and slicing criterion.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Dynamic Dispatch for Method Contracts Through Abstract Predicates

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    Chapter Dynamic Dispatch for Method Contracts Through Abstract Predicates

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    Dynamic method dispatch is a core feature of object-oriented programming by which the executed implementation for a polymorphic method is only chosen at runtime. In this paper, we present a specification and verification methodology which extends the concept of dynamic dispatch to design-by-contract specifications. The formal specification language JML has only rudimentary means for polymorphic abstraction in expressions. We promote these to fully flexible specification-only query methods called model methods that can, like ordinary methods, be overridden to give specifications a new semantics in subclasses in a transparent and modular fashion. Moreover, we allow them to refer to more than one program state which give us the possibility to fully abstract and encapsulate two-state specification contexts, i.e., history constraints and method postconditions. Finally, we provide an elegant and flexible mechanism to specify restrictions on specifications in subtypes. Thus behavioural subtyping can be enforced, yet it still allows for other specification paradigms. We provide the semantics for model methods by giving a translation into a first order logic and according proof obligations. We fully implemented this framework in the KeY program verifier and successfully verified relevant examples. We have also implemented an extension to KeY to support permission-based verification of concurrent Java programs. In this context model methods provide a modular specification method to treat code synchronisation through API methods

    Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs

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    This paper motivates and presents a program logic for reasoning about multithreaded Java-like programs with concurrency primitives such as dynamic thread creation, thread joining and reentrant object monitors. The logic is based on concurrent separation logic. It is the first detailed adaptation of concurrent separation logic to a multithreaded Java-like language. The program logic associates a unique static access permission with each heap location, ensuring exclusive write accesses and ruling out data races. Concurrent reads are supported through fractional permissions. Permissions can be transferred between threads upon thread starting, thread joining, initial monitor entrancies and final monitor exits.\ud This paper presents the basic principles to reason about thread creation and thread joining. It finishes with an outlook how this logic will evolve into a full-fledged verification technique for Java (and possibly other multithreaded languages)

    A programming logic for Java bytecode programs

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    One significant disadvantage of interpreted bytecode languages, such as Java, is their low execution speed in comparison to compiled languages like C. The mobile nature of bytecode adds to the problem, as many checks are necessary to ensure that downloaded code from untrusted sources is rendered as safe as possible. But there do exist ways of speeding up such systems. One approach is to carry out static type checking at load time, as in the case of the Java Bytecode Verifier. This reduces the number of runtime checks that must be done and also allows certain instructions to be replaced by faster versions. Another approach is the use of a Just In Time (JIT) Compiler, which takes the bytecode and produces corresponding native code at runtime. Some JIT compilers also carry out some code optimization. There are, however, limits to the amount of optimization that can safely be done by the Verifier and JITs; some operations simply cannot be carried out safely without a certain amount of runtime checking. But what if it were possible to prove that the conditions the runtime checks guard against would never arise in a particular piece of code? In this case it might well be possible to dispense with these checks altogether, allowing optimizations not feasible at present. In addition to this, because of time constraints, current JIT compilers tend to produce acceptable code as quickly as possible, rather than producing the best code possible. By removing the burden of analysis from them it may be possible to change this. We demonstrate that it is possible to define a programming logic for bytecode programs that allows the proof of bytecode programs containing loops. The instructions available to use in the programs are currently limited, but the basis is in place to extend these. The development of this logic is non-trivial and addresses several difficult problems engendered by the unstructured nature of bytecode programs