1,597 research outputs found

    All Linear-Time Congruences for Familiar Operators

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    The detailed behaviour of a system is often represented as a labelled transition system (LTS) and the abstract behaviour as a stuttering-insensitive semantic congruence. Numerous congruences have been presented in the literature. On the other hand, there have not been many results proving the absence of more congruences. This publication fully analyses the linear-time (in a well-defined sense) region with respect to action prefix, hiding, relational renaming, and parallel composition. It contains 40 congruences. They are built from the alphabet, two kinds of traces, two kinds of divergence traces, five kinds of failures, and four kinds of infinite traces. In the case of finite LTSs, infinite traces lose their role and the number of congruences drops to 20. The publication concentrates on the hardest and most novel part of the result, that is, proving the absence of more congruences

    HyvÀksy kaikki evÀsteet - KÀyttöliittymÀkomponenttien nÀkyvyyden vaikutus kÀyttÀjÀn suorituskykyyn

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    TÀssÀ pro gradu -työssÀ tutkitaan miten kÀyttöliittymÀkomponenttien nÀkyvyys vaikuttaa kÀyttÀjÀÀn hÀnen valitessa kahden vaihtoehdon vÀlillÀ. Monet palvelut ovat digitalisaatiosta johtuen siirtyneet verkkopalveluiksi ja ne pyytÀvÀt aluksi kÀyttÀjiÀnsÀ hyvÀksymÀÀn palvelun kÀytön edellyttÀmiÀ tai palvelua parantavia evÀsteitÀ. KÀyttÀjiÀ ohjataan toimimaan palvelun tarjoajan kannalta edullisesti tarjoamalla huomiota herÀttÀvÀ vaihtoehto hyvÀksyttÀvÀksi. TyötÀ varten laadittiin ohjelmisto, jossa kÀyttÀjille esitettiin kolmenlaisia dialogeja, joissa kahdessa kÀyttöliittymÀn valittavien vaihtoehtojen vÀlillÀ oli nÀkyvyysero. KÀyttÀjÀn valittavaksi tarjottiin kahta tavallista painiketta, tai tavallista painiketta taustavÀrittömÀn painikkeen tai linkin kanssa. Kokeeseen osallistuneiden 20 kÀyttÀjÀn toimintaa seurattiin silmÀnliikekameralasien avulla ja heidÀn tehtÀvien suoritusnopeus ja -tarkkuus mitattiin napinpainallusten aikaleimojen avulla. TehtÀvÀt olivat niin helppoja, ettÀ melkein kaikki osasivat valita pyydetyn vaihtoehdon, vaikka tehtÀvÀ pyydettiin tekemÀÀn mahdollisimman nopeasti. Painikkeiden ulkoasulla ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevÀÀ merkitystÀ nopeuteen, mutta painikkeen tekstillÀ oli: nopeinta oli valita OK-tekstin sisÀltÀnyt painike. Katseen suunnan alueiden merkitseminen ei ollut kyllin tarkkaa, jotta kokeessa olisi selvinnyt, mihin kÀyttÀjÀ katsoo ensin. Tilastollisesti merkitsevÀsti nopeinta kuitenkin oli suoriutua tehtÀvÀstÀ, jossa nÀkyvin vaihtoehto oli oikea vaihtoehto, riippumatta katsoiko kÀyttÀjÀ vain tÀmÀn vaihtoehdon puolelle vai molemmille puolille dialogia, sekÀ kun valittavana oli positiivinen vaihtoehto dialogin oikealla puolella. YllÀttÀvÀsti, ilman tehtÀvÀn luomaa ekologisesti validia kehystystÀ pelkkÀ komponentin nÀkyvyys ei ollut merkitsevÀ tekijÀ, vaan merkitsevÀÀ oli kÀyttöliittymÀkomponentin teksti.This master's thesis investigates how the saliency of user interface components affect users when they choose between two options. Many services have moved online and they usually ask their users to accept web cookies that are either necessary for the functioning of the service or improve it. Users are enticed to operate to the advantage of the service provider by offering an attention-grabbing salient option for acceptance. For this thesis, software was developed, in which users were presented with three types of dialogues, with a difference in visibility between the two UI components. The user was offered two normal buttons to choose from, a normal button with a background-free button, or a normal button with a link. The experiment had 20 participants who were monitored using eye-tracking camera glasses, and the speed and accuracy of their tasks were measured using timestamps at the clicking of a button. The tasks were so easy that almost all participants were able to choose requested action even though the task was asked to be done as fast as possible. The layout of the buttons had no statistically significant effect on speed, but the text of the button had: the quickest was to select the button that contained the text OK. In the experiment, the marking of the areas of the direction of the gaze was not precise enough to determine where the user first looks. However, statistically significant the fastest was to complete the task where the most salient option was the correct option, regardless of whether the user looked at only this side or both sides of the dialogue, or those cases where the right answer was a positive option on the right side of the dialog. Surprisingly, without the ecologically valid framing created by the task, the mere visibility of the component was not a significant factor, but the text of the UI component was

    Process algebra with recursive operations

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    Static analysis of unbounded structures in object-oriented programs

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    In this thesis we investigate different techniques and formalisms to address complexity introduced by unbounded structures in object-oriented programs. We give a representation of a weakest precondition calculus for abstract object creation in dynamic logic. Based on this calculus we define symbolic execution including abstract object creation. We investigate the complex behaviour introduced by multi-threading and give a formalism based on the transformation of multi-threaded reentrant call-graphs to thread automata and the application of context free language reachability to decide deadlock freedom of such programs. We give a formalisation of the observable interface behaviour of a concurrent, object-oriented language with futures and promises. The calculus captures the core of the Creol language and allows for a comparison with the concurrency model of thread-based, object-oriented languages like Java or C#. We give a technique to detect deadlock freedom for an Actor-like subset of the Creol language. LEI Universiteit LeidenThe work in this thesis has been carried out at the Christian-Albrechts--UniversitÀt zu Kiel, the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and the Universiteit Leiden. The research was partially funded by the EU-project IST- 33826 Credo: Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services; the EU-project FP7-231620 HATS: Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods; and the German-Norwegian DAAD-NWO exchange project Avabi (Automated validation for behavioral interfaces of asynchronous active objects).Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog


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    Research on safety climate has focused on supervisor attitudes and their relationship to the attitudes of their direct reports. This study examined the relationship of supervisor behaviors on direct report attitudes that in turn affect group level safety climate among firefighters. This study aggregated perceptions of supervisor trust, leader- member exchange, behavioral integrity, supervisor after action review behavior, and safety climate to the group level to examine the relationship between supervisor behaviors, direct report attitudes and group safety climate. This study found that supervisor trust, behavioral integrity, and supervisor after action review behaviors have a strong positive relationship to safety climate. Further, perceptions of trust partially mediate the relationship between supervisor after action review behaviors and group level safety climate. Future research ideas, theoretical advancements, and practical applications are discussed

    “Tuna – Dolphin Forever?" The Development of the PPM Debate Related to Trade and Environment in the WTO

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    The Tuna-Dolphin disputes between the United States and Mexico have spanned almost three decades. They have shed light on the “PPM debate”, i.e. whether trade restrictions based on differences in process and production methods (PPMs) are justifiable under international trade rules. While a very strict approach against the use of PPM measures prevailed at the end of the GATT era, it has significantly evolved during the first two decades of the WTO. The Dispute Settlement Body eventually upheld a PPM “dolphin-safe” measure at the end of a particularly long judicial saga. The different Tuna-Dolphin reports show how environmental interests have gradually been integrated in WTO law and have influenced the interpretation of some of the core provisions of the GATT and the TBT Agreement (nondiscrimination obligations, general exceptions). These remarkable evolutions may be viewed as reflections of the objective of sustainable development mentioned in the WTO Agreement and as consequences of the judicialization of the multilateral trading system, which has allowed more legally sophisticated analyses based on the rule of law. They also illustrate efforts to foster the external legitimacy of the WTO, through greater sensitivity towards non-trade values. At the same time, the Tuna-Dolphin case law has become particularly complex, focusing on very fine technical details specific to the dispute, which has led to the risk of “never-ending story”. In this context, the search for legal security, coherence and efficient settlement of disputes may be the next challenge for WTO adjudicating bodies. At the same time, the use of PPM measures remains delicate and requires the assessment and balance of a variety of interests, including the specific interests of developing countries
