Static analysis of unbounded structures in object-oriented programs


In this thesis we investigate different techniques and formalisms to address complexity introduced by unbounded structures in object-oriented programs. We give a representation of a weakest precondition calculus for abstract object creation in dynamic logic. Based on this calculus we define symbolic execution including abstract object creation. We investigate the complex behaviour introduced by multi-threading and give a formalism based on the transformation of multi-threaded reentrant call-graphs to thread automata and the application of context free language reachability to decide deadlock freedom of such programs. We give a formalisation of the observable interface behaviour of a concurrent, object-oriented language with futures and promises. The calculus captures the core of the Creol language and allows for a comparison with the concurrency model of thread-based, object-oriented languages like Java or C#. We give a technique to detect deadlock freedom for an Actor-like subset of the Creol language. LEI Universiteit LeidenThe work in this thesis has been carried out at the Christian-Albrechts--Universität zu Kiel, the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and the Universiteit Leiden. The research was partially funded by the EU-project IST- 33826 Credo: Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services; the EU-project FP7-231620 HATS: Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Methods; and the German-Norwegian DAAD-NWO exchange project Avabi (Automated validation for behavioral interfaces of asynchronous active objects).Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

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