177 research outputs found

    Global motion compensated visual attention-based video watermarking

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    Imperceptibility and robustness are two key but complementary requirements of any watermarking algorithm. Low-strength watermarking yields high imperceptibility but exhibits poor robustness. High-strength watermarking schemes achieve good robustness but often suffer from embedding distortions resulting in poor visual quality in host media. This paper proposes a unique video watermarking algorithm that offers a fine balance between imperceptibility and robustness using motion compensated wavelet-based visual attention model (VAM). The proposed VAM includes spatial cues for visual saliency as well as temporal cues. The spatial modeling uses the spatial wavelet coefficients while the temporal modeling accounts for both local and global motion to arrive at the spatiotemporal VAM for video. The model is then used to develop a video watermarking algorithm, where a two-level watermarking weighting parameter map is generated from the VAM saliency maps using the saliency model and data are embedded into the host image according to the visual attentiveness of each region. By avoiding higher strength watermarking in the visually attentive region, the resulting watermarked video achieves high perceived visual quality while preserving high robustness. The proposed VAM outperforms the state-of-the-art video visual attention methods in joint saliency detection and low computational complexity performance. For the same embedding distortion, the proposed visual attention-based watermarking achieves up to 39% (nonblind) and 22% (blind) improvement in robustness against H.264/AVC compression, compared to existing watermarking methodology that does not use the VAM. The proposed visual attention-based video watermarking results in visual quality similar to that of low-strength watermarking and a robustness similar to those of high-strength watermarking

    High capacity data embedding schemes for digital media

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    High capacity image data hiding methods and robust high capacity digital audio watermarking algorithms are studied in this thesis. The main results of this work are the development of novel algorithms with state-of-the-art performance, high capacity and transparency for image data hiding and robustness, high capacity and low distortion for audio watermarking.En esta tesis se estudian y proponen diversos métodos de data hiding de imágenes y watermarking de audio de alta capacidad. Los principales resultados de este trabajo consisten en la publicación de varios algoritmos novedosos con rendimiento a la altura de los mejores métodos del estado del arte, alta capacidad y transparencia, en el caso de data hiding de imágenes, y robustez, alta capacidad y baja distorsión para el watermarking de audio.En aquesta tesi s'estudien i es proposen diversos mètodes de data hiding d'imatges i watermarking d'àudio d'alta capacitat. Els resultats principals d'aquest treball consisteixen en la publicació de diversos algorismes nous amb rendiment a l'alçada dels millors mètodes de l'estat de l'art, alta capacitat i transparència, en el cas de data hiding d'imatges, i robustesa, alta capacitat i baixa distorsió per al watermarking d'àudio.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    The Most Common Characteristics of Fragile Video Watermarking: A Review

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    The progress of network and multimedia technologies has been phenomenal during the previous two decades. Unauthorized users will be able to copy, retransmit, modify reproduction, and upload the contents more easily as a result of this innovation. Malicious attackers are quite concerned about the development and widespread use of digital video. Digital watermarking technology gives solutions to the aforementioned problems. Watermarking methods can alleviate these issues by embedding a secret watermark in the original host data, allowing the genuine user or file owner to identify any manipulation. In this study, lots of papers have been analyzed and studied carefully, in the period 2011–2022. The historical basis of the subject should not be forgotten so studying old research will give a clear idea of the topic. To aid future researchers in this subject, we give a review of fragile watermarking approaches and some related papers presented in recent years. This paper presents a comparison of many relevant works in this field based on some of the outcomes and improvements gained in these studies, which focuses on the common characteristics that increase the effect of watermarking techniques such as invisibility, tamper detection, recovery, and security &nbsp

    Video Steganography Techniques: A Survey

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    In digital world, information security is the major issue in digital communication on a network from the third party hackers. Steganography techniques play an important role in information security. These are the secure techniques, used for concealing existence of secret information in any digital cover object viz. image, audio, video files. In last several decades, significant researches have been done on video and image steganography techniques because data embedding and data extraction is very simple. However, many researchers also take the audio file as a cover object where robustness and undetectability of information is very difficult task. The main objective of steganography is hiding the existence of the embedded data in any digital cover object. Steganography technique must be robust against the various image-processing attacks. Nowadays, video files are more accepted because of large size and memory requirements. This paper intends to provide a survey on video techniques and provide the fundamental concept of the steganography and their uses

    Wavelet İle Dayanıklı Mpeg Video Damgalama

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    DergiPark: 245960trakyafbdYarı kör resim damgalama metodu PRN sayılarını DWT HH bant katsayılarından T1 basamağından büyük olanlarına damgalar. Saldırıya uğramış resim katsayıları başlangıç resim ile korelasyon yapılır. Damgayı bulmak için, basamak T2’den (T2 gt; T1 ) büyük olan katsayılar başlangıç resmi ile korelasyon edilir. Bu fikir LL ve HH bantlarına damgalama olarak geliştirilmiştir. Bu makalede ise bu daha önce geliştirdiğimiz bu fikri MPEG videoları için kullandık. Deney sonuçlarımız gösteriyorki bazı saldırılar için LL bantında damgalama, diğer bir grup saldırıda ise HH bantında damgalama daha iyi sonuç vermektedir.A semi-blind image watermarking scheme embeds a pseudo random sequence in all the high pass DWT coefficients above a given threshold T1. The attacked DWT coefficients are then correlated with the original watermark. For watermark detection, all the coefficients higher than another threshold T2 ( gt;T1) are chosen for correlation with the original watermark. This idea was extended to embed the same watermark in two bands (LL and HH). In this paper, we embed a pseudo random sequence in MPEG-1 using two bands (LL and HH). Our experiments show that for one group of attacks (i.e., JPEG compression, Gaussian noise, resizing, low pass filtering, rotation, and frame dropping), the correlation with the real watermark is higher than the threshold in the LL band, and for another group of attacks (i.e., cropping, histogram equalization, contrast adjustment, and gamma correction), the correlation with the real watermark is higher than the threshold in the HH band

    Recent Advances in Watermarking for Scalable Video Coding

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    Digital rights management techniques for H.264 video

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    This work aims to present a number of low-complexity digital rights management (DRM) methodologies for the H.264 standard. Initially, requirements to enforce DRM are analyzed and understood. Based on these requirements, a framework is constructed which puts forth different possibilities that can be explored to satisfy the objective. To implement computationally efficient DRM methods, watermarking and content based copy detection are then chosen as the preferred methodologies. The first approach is based on robust watermarking which modifies the DC residuals of 4×4 macroblocks within I-frames. Robust watermarks are appropriate for content protection and proving ownership. Experimental results show that the technique exhibits encouraging rate-distortion (R-D) characteristics while at the same time being computationally efficient. The problem of content authentication is addressed with the help of two methodologies: irreversible and reversible watermarks. The first approach utilizes the highest frequency coefficient within 4×4 blocks of the I-frames after CAVLC en- tropy encoding to embed a watermark. The technique was found to be very effect- ive in detecting tampering. The second approach applies the difference expansion (DE) method on IPCM macroblocks within P-frames to embed a high-capacity reversible watermark. Experiments prove the technique to be not only fragile and reversible but also exhibiting minimal variation in its R-D characteristics. The final methodology adopted to enforce DRM for H.264 video is based on the concept of signature generation and matching. Specific types of macroblocks within each predefined region of an I-, B- and P-frame are counted at regular intervals in a video clip and an ordinal matrix is constructed based on their count. The matrix is considered to be the signature of that video clip and is matched with longer video sequences to detect copies within them. Simulation results show that the matching methodology is capable of not only detecting copies but also its location within a longer video sequence. Performance analysis depict acceptable false positive and false negative rates and encouraging receiver operating charac- teristics. Finally, the time taken to match and locate copies is significantly low which makes it ideal for use in broadcast and streaming applications