40 research outputs found

    ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫЙ числовым программным ДЛЯ MIMD-компьютер

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    For most scientific and engineering problems simulated on computers the solving of problems of the computational mathematics with approximately given initial data constitutes an intermediate or a final stage. Basic problems of the computational mathematics include the investigating and solving of linear algebraic systems, evaluating of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, the solving of systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration of initial- value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations.Для більшості наукових та інженерних задач моделювання на ЕОМ рішення задач обчислювальної математики з наближено заданими вихідними даними складає проміжний або остаточний етап. Основні проблеми обчислювальної математики відносяться дослідження і рішення лінійних алгебраїчних систем оцінки власних значень і власних векторів матриць, рішення систем нелінійних рівнянь, чисельного інтегрування початково задач для систем звичайних диференціальних рівнянь.Для большинства научных и инженерных задач моделирования на ЭВМ решение задач вычислительной математики с приближенно заданным исходным данным составляет промежуточный или окончательный этап. Основные проблемы вычислительной математики относятся исследования и решения линейных алгебраических систем оценки собственных значений и собственных векторов матриц, решение систем нелинейных уравнений, численного интегрирования начально задач для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений

    Data Hiding Based on Connectivity Modification of 3D Mesh

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    Day by day, the amount of digital data has been rapidly increasing on the Internet. The size of 3D objects is very large and these objects need fast transmissions. Moreover, 3D data security becomes increasingly important for many applications, e.g., confidential transmission, video surveillance, military and medical applications. In this paper we present two new approaches of 3D object data hiding without changing the position of vertices in the 3D space. The main idea of the two proposed methods is to find and to synchronize particular areas of the 3D objects used to embed the message. The embedding is done by changing the connectivity of edges in the selected areas composed of quadrangles. The first proposed approach of data hiding in 3D objects is based on minimum spanning tree (MST) while the second approach is based on the projection on a secret axis of the quadrangle centers. These methods are lossless in the sense that the positions of the vertices are unchanged. Moreover they are blind and do not depend of the order of the data in the files. These two approaches are very interesting when the 3D objects have been digitalized with high precision.De nos jours, des visualisations ainsi que des transferts d’objets 3D sont couramment effectués pour de nombreuses applications allant du jeu vidéo à l’imagerie médicale en passant par l’industrie manufacturière. Dans cet article nous proposons deux nouvelles méthodes permettant de dissimuler des données dans des objets 3D sans modifier la position des sommets. L’idée principale des deux méthodes présentées est de trouver et de synchroniser des zones particulières dans l’objet 3D pouvant être utilisées pour insérer le message. L’insertion de données s’appuie sur la modification de la connexité des arêtes dans les zones sélectionnées composées de quadrangles. La différence entre les deux méthodes présentées est la manière de sélectionner et de synchroniser ces zones d’insertion. Alors que la première méthode s’appuie sur un arbre couvrant minimum (ACM), la seconde méthode utilise un axe sur lequel sont projetés les centres des zones d’insertion. Ces deux méthodes aveugles, protégées par utilisation de clefs secrètes, résistent à des transformations géométriques tels que les rotations, translations ou changement d’échelle et ne sont pas perturbées par des modifications directes de l’ordre des données dans les fichiers originaux. Ces approches trouvent un intérêt certain pour des objets 3D dont les sommets ont été acquis avec une grande précision et dont la modification n’est pas acceptable

    Information Analysis for Steganography and Steganalysis in 3D Polygonal Meshes

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    Information hiding, which embeds a watermark/message over a cover signal, has recently found extensive applications in, for example, copyright protection, content authentication and covert communication. It has been widely considered as an appealing technology to complement conventional cryptographic processes in the field of multimedia security by embedding information into the signal being protected. Generally, information hiding can be classified into two categories: steganography and watermarking. While steganography attempts to embed as much information as possible into a cover signal, watermarking tries to emphasize the robustness of the embedded information at the expense of embedding capacity. In contrast to information hiding, steganalysis aims at detecting whether a given medium has hidden message in it, and, if possible, recover that hidden message. It can be used to measure the security performance of information hiding techniques, meaning a steganalysis resistant steganographic/watermarking method should be imperceptible not only to Human Vision Systems (HVS), but also to intelligent analysis. As yet, 3D information hiding and steganalysis has received relatively less attention compared to image information hiding, despite the proliferation of 3D computer graphics models which are fairly promising information carriers. This thesis focuses on this relatively neglected research area and has the following primary objectives: 1) to investigate the trade-off between embedding capacity and distortion by considering the correlation between spatial and normal/curvature noise in triangle meshes; 2) to design satisfactory 3D steganographic algorithms, taking into account this trade-off; 3) to design robust 3D watermarking algorithms; 4) to propose a steganalysis framework for detecting the existence of the hidden information in 3D models and introduce a universal 3D steganalytic method under this framework. %and demonstrate the performance of the proposed steganalysis by testing it against six well-known 3D steganographic/watermarking methods. The thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 describes in detail the background relating to information hiding and steganalysis, as well as the research problems this thesis will be studying. Chapter 2 conducts a survey on the previous information hiding techniques for digital images, 3D models and other medium and also on image steganalysis algorithms. Motivated by the observation that the knowledge of the spatial accuracy of the mesh vertices does not easily translate into information related to the accuracy of other visually important mesh attributes such as normals, Chapters 3 and 4 investigate the impact of modifying vertex coordinates of 3D triangle models on the mesh normals. Chapter 3 presents the results of an empirical investigation, whereas Chapter 4 presents the results of a theoretical study. Based on these results, a high-capacity 3D steganographic algorithm capable of controlling embedding distortion is also presented in Chapter 4. In addition to normal information, several mesh interrogation, processing and rendering algorithms make direct or indirect use of curvature information. Motivated by this, Chapter 5 studies the relation between Discrete Gaussian Curvature (DGC) degradation and vertex coordinate modifications. Chapter 6 proposes a robust watermarking algorithm for 3D polygonal models, based on modifying the histogram of the distances from the model vertices to a point in 3D space. That point is determined by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the cover model. The use of PCA makes the watermarking method robust against common 3D operations, such as rotation, translation and vertex reordering. In addition, Chapter 6 develops a 3D specific steganalytic algorithm to detect the existence of the hidden messages embedded by one well-known watermarking method. By contrast, the focus of Chapter 7 will be on developing a 3D watermarking algorithm that is resistant to mesh editing or deformation attacks that change the global shape of the mesh. By adopting a framework which has been successfully developed for image steganalysis, Chapter 8 designs a 3D steganalysis method to detect the existence of messages hidden in 3D models with existing steganographic and watermarking algorithms. The efficiency of this steganalytic algorithm has been evaluated on five state-of-the-art 3D watermarking/steganographic methods. Moreover, being a universal steganalytic algorithm can be used as a benchmark for measuring the anti-steganalysis performance of other existing and most importantly future watermarking/steganographic algorithms. Chapter 9 concludes this thesis and also suggests some potential directions for future work

    Méthodes de tatouage robuste pour la protection de l imagerie numerique 3D

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    La multiplication des contenus stéréoscopique augmente les risques de piratage numérique. La solution technologique par tatouage relève ce défi. En pratique, le défi d une approche de tatouage est d'atteindre l équilibre fonctionnel entre la transparence, la robustesse, la quantité d information insérée et le coût de calcul. Tandis que la capture et l'affichage du contenu 3D ne sont fondées que sur les deux vues gauche/droite, des représentations alternatives, comme les cartes de disparité devrait également être envisagée lors de la transmission/stockage. Une étude spécifique sur le domaine d insertion optimale devient alors nécessaire. Cette thèse aborde les défis mentionnés ci-dessus. Tout d'abord, une nouvelle carte de disparité (3D video-New Three Step Search- 3DV-SNSL) est développée. Les performances des 3DV-NTSS ont été évaluées en termes de qualité visuelle de l'image reconstruite et coût de calcul. En comparaison avec l'état de l'art (NTSS et FS-MPEG) des gains moyens de 2dB en PSNR et 0,1 en SSIM sont obtenus. Le coût de calcul est réduit par un facteur moyen entre 1,3 et 13. Deuxièmement, une étude comparative sur les principales classes héritées des méthodes de tatouage 2D et de leurs domaines d'insertion optimales connexes est effectuée. Quatre méthodes d'insertion appartenant aux familles SS, SI et hybride (Fast-IProtect) sont considérées. Les expériences ont mis en évidence que Fast-IProtect effectué dans la nouvelle carte de disparité (3DV-NTSS) serait suffisamment générique afin de servir une grande variété d'applications. La pertinence statistique des résultats est donnée par les limites de confiance de 95% et leurs erreurs relatives inférieurs er <0.1The explosion in stereoscopic video distribution increases the concerns over its copyright protection. Watermarking can be considered as the most flexible property right protection technology. The watermarking applicative issue is to reach the trade-off between the properties of transparency, robustness, data payload and computational cost. While the capturing and displaying of the 3D content are solely based on the two left/right views, some alternative representations, like the disparity maps should also be considered during transmission/storage. A specific study on the optimal (with respect to the above-mentioned properties) insertion domain is also required. The present thesis tackles the above-mentioned challenges. First, a new disparity map (3D video-New Three Step Search - 3DV-NTSS) is designed. The performances of the 3DV-NTSS were evaluated in terms of visual quality of the reconstructed image and computational cost. When compared with state of the art methods (NTSS and FS-MPEG) average gains of 2dB in PSNR and 0.1 in SSIM are obtained. The computational cost is reduced by average factors between 1.3 and 13. Second, a comparative study on the main classes of 2D inherited watermarking methods and on their related optimal insertion domains is carried out. Four insertion methods are considered; they belong to the SS, SI and hybrid (Fast-IProtect) families. The experiments brought to light that the Fast-IProtect performed in the new disparity map domain (3DV-NTSS) would be generic enough so as to serve a large variety of applications. The statistical relevance of the results is given by the 95% confidence limits and their underlying relative errors lower than er<0.1EVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Robust digital watermarking techniques for multimedia protection

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    The growing problem of the unauthorized reproduction of digital multimedia data such as movies, television broadcasts, and similar digital products has triggered worldwide efforts to identify and protect multimedia contents. Digital watermarking technology provides law enforcement officials with a forensic tool for tracing and catching pirates. Watermarking refers to the process of adding a structure called a watermark to an original data object, which includes digital images, video, audio, maps, text messages, and 3D graphics. Such a watermark can be used for several purposes including copyright protection, fingerprinting, copy protection, broadcast monitoring, data authentication, indexing, and medical safety. The proposed thesis addresses the problem of multimedia protection and consists of three parts. In the first part, we propose new image watermarking algorithms that are robust against a wide range of intentional and geometric attacks, flexible in data embedding, and computationally fast. The core idea behind our proposed watermarking schemes is to use transforms that have different properties which can effectively match various aspects of the signal's frequencies. We embed the watermark many times in all the frequencies to provide better robustness against attacks and increase the difficulty of destroying the watermark. The second part of the thesis is devoted to a joint exploitation of the geometry and topology of 3D objects and its subsequent application to 3D watermarking. The key idea consists of capturing the geometric structure of a 3D mesh in the spectral domain by computing the eigen-decomposition of the mesh Laplacian matrix. We also use the fact that the global shape features of a 3D model may be reconstructed using small low-frequency spectral coefficients. The eigen-analysis of the mesh Laplacian matrix is, however, prohibitively expensive. To lift this limitation, we first partition the 3D mesh into smaller 3D sub-meshes, and then we repeat the watermark embedding process as much as possible in the spectral coefficients of the compressed 3D sub-meshes. The visual error of the watermarked 3D model is evaluated by computing a nonlinear visual error metric between the original 3D model and the watermarked model obtained by our proposed algorithm. The third part of the thesis is devoted to video watermarking. We propose robust, hybrid scene-based MPEG video watermarking techniques based on a high-order tensor singular value decomposition of the video image sequences. The key idea behind our approaches is to use the scene change analysis to embed the watermark repeatedly in a fixed number of the intra-frames. These intra-frames are represented as 3D tensors with two dimensions in space and one dimension in time. We embed the watermark information in the singular values of these high-order tensors, which have good stability and represent the video properties. Illustration of numerical experiments with synthetic and real data are provided to demonstrate the potential and the much improved performance of the proposed algorithms in multimedia watermarking

    A Data Mining Methodology for Vehicle Crashworthiness Design

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    This study develops a systematic design methodology based on data mining theory for decision-making in the development of crashworthy vehicles. The new data mining methodology allows the exploration of a large crash simulation dataset to discover the underlying relationships among vehicle crash responses and design variables at multiple levels and to derive design rules based on the whole-vehicle safety requirements to make decisions about component-level and subcomponent-level design. The method can resolve a major issue with existing design approaches related to vehicle crashworthiness: that is, limited abilities to explore information from large datasets, which may hamper decision-making in the design processes. At the component level, two structural design approaches were implemented for detailed component design with the data mining method: namely, a dimension-based approach and a node-based approach to handle structures with regular and irregular shapes, respectively. These two approaches were used to design a thin-walled vehicular structure, the S-shaped beam, against crash loading. A large number of design alternatives were created, and their responses under loading were evaluated by finite element simulations. The design variables and computed responses formed a large design dataset. This dataset was then mined to build a decision tree. Based on the decision tree, the interrelationships among the design parameters were revealed, and design rules were generated to produce a set of good designs. After the data mining, the critical design parameters were identified and the design space was reduced, which can simplify the design process. To partially replace the expensive finite element simulations, a surrogate model was used to model the relationships between design variables and response. Four machine learning algorithms, which can be used for surrogate model development, were compared. Based on the results, Gaussian process regression was determined to be the most suitable technique in the present scenario, and an optimization process was developed to tune the algorithm’s hyperparameters, which govern the model structure and training process. To account for engineering uncertainty in the data mining method, a new decision tree for uncertain data was proposed based on the joint probability in uncertain spaces, and it was implemented to again design the S-beam structure. The findings show that the new decision tree can produce effective decision-making rules for engineering design under uncertainty. To evaluate the new approaches developed in this work, a comprehensive case study was conducted by designing a vehicle system against the frontal crash. A publicly available vehicle model was simplified and validated. Using the newly developed approaches, new component designs in this vehicle were generated and integrated back into the vehicle model so their crash behavior could be simulated. Based on the simulation results, one can conclude that the designs with the new method can outperform the original design in terms of measures of mass, intrusion and peak acceleration. Therefore, the performance of the new design methodology has been confirmed. The current study demonstrates that the new data mining method can be used in vehicle crashworthiness design, and it has the potential to be applied to other complex engineering systems with a large amount of design data

    Compression of 3D models with NURBS

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    With recent progress in computing, algorithmics and telecommunications, 3D models are increasingly used in various multimedia applications. Examples include visualization, gaming, entertainment and virtual reality. In the multimedia domain 3D models have been traditionally represented as polygonal meshes. This piecewise planar representation can be thought of as the analogy of bitmap images for 3D surfaces. As bitmap images, they enjoy great flexibility and are particularly well suited to describing information captured from the real world, through, for instance, scanning processes. They suffer, however, from the same shortcomings, namely limited resolution and large storage size. The compression of polygonal meshes has been a very active field of research in the last decade and rather efficient compression algorithms have been proposed in the literature that greatly mitigate the high storage costs. However, such a low level description of a 3D shape has a bounded performance. More efficient compression should be reachable through the use of higher level primitives. This idea has been explored to a great extent in the context of model based coding of visual information. In such an approach, when compressing the visual information a higher level representation (e.g., 3D model of a talking head) is obtained through analysis methods. This can be seen as an inverse projection problem. Once this task is fullled, the resulting parameters of the model are coded instead of the original information. It is believed that if the analysis module is efficient enough, the total cost of coding (in a rate distortion sense) will be greatly reduced. The relatively poor performance and high complexity of currently available analysis methods (except for specific cases where a priori knowledge about the nature of the objects is available), has refrained a large deployment of coding techniques based on such an approach. Progress in computer graphics has however changed this situation. In fact, nowadays, an increasing number of pictures, video and 3D content are generated by synthesis processing rather than coming from a capture device such as a camera or a scanner. This means that the underlying model in the synthesis stage can be used for their efficient coding without the need for a complex analysis module. In other words it would be a mistake to attempt to compress a low level description (e.g., a polygonal mesh) when a higher level one is available from the synthesis process (e.g., a parametric surface). This is, however, what is usually done in the multimedia domain, where higher level 3D model descriptions are converted to polygonal meshes, if anything by the lack of standard coded formats for the former. On a parallel but related path, the way we consume audio-visual information is changing. As opposed to recent past and a large part of today's applications, interactivity is becoming a key element in the way we consume information. In the context of interest in this dissertation, this means that when coding visual information (an image or a video for instance), previously obvious considerations such as decision on sampling parameters are not so obvious anymore. In fact, as in an interactive environment the effective display resolution can be controlled by the user through zooming, there is no clear optimal setting for the sampling period. This means that because of interactivity, the representation used to code the scene should allow the display of objects in a variety of resolutions, and ideally up to infinity. One way to resolve this problem would be by extensive over-sampling. But this approach is unrealistic and too expensive to implement in many situations. The alternative would be to use a resolution independent representation. In the realm of 3D modeling, such representations are usually available when the models are created by an artist on a computer. The scope of this dissertation is precisely the compression of 3D models in higher level forms. The direct coding in such a form should yield improved rate-distortion performance while providing a large degree of resolution independence. There has not been, so far, any major attempt to efficiently compress these representations, such as parametric surfaces. This thesis proposes a solution to overcome this gap. A variety of higher level 3D representations exist, of which parametric surfaces are a popular choice among designers. Within parametric surfaces, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) enjoy great popularity as a wide range of NURBS based modeling tools are readily available. Recently, NURBS has been included in the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and its next generation descendant eXtensible 3D (X3D). The nice properties of NURBS and their widespread use has lead us to choose them as the form we use for the coded representation. The primary goal of this dissertation is the definition of a system for coding 3D NURBS models with guaranteed distortion. The basis of the system is entropy coded differential pulse coded modulation (DPCM). In the case of NURBS, guaranteeing the distortion is not trivial, as some of its parameters (e.g., knots) have a complicated influence on the overall surface distortion. To this end, a detailed distortion analysis is performed. In particular, previously unknown relations between the distortion of knots and the resulting surface distortion are demonstrated. Compression efficiency is pursued at every stage and simple yet efficient entropy coder realizations are defined. The special case of degenerate and closed surfaces with duplicate control points is addressed and an efficient yet simple coding is proposed to compress the duplicate relationships. Encoder aspects are also analyzed. Optimal predictors are found that perform well across a wide class of models. Simplification techniques are also considered for improved compression efficiency at negligible distortion cost. Transmission over error prone channels is also considered and an error resilient extension defined. The data stream is partitioned by independently coding small groups of surfaces and inserting the necessary resynchronization markers. Simple strategies for achieving the desired level of protection are proposed. The same extension also serves the purpose of random access and on-the-fly reordering of the data stream

    CAD-based geometry parametrisation for shape optimisation using Non-uniform Rational B-splines

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    PhDWith the continuous growth in computing power, numerical optimisation is increasingly applied in shape optimisation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Since CFD computations are expensive, gradient-based optimisation is preferable when the number of design variables is large. In particular the recent progress with adjoint solvers is important, as these solvers allow to compute the gradients at constant computational cost regardless of the number of design variables, and as a consequence enable the use of automatically derived and rich design spaces. One of the crucial steps in shape optimisation is the parametrisation of the geometry, which directly determines the design space and thus the nal results. This thesis focuses on CAD-based parametrisations with the CAD model continuously updated in the design loop. An existing approach that automatically derives a parametrisation from the control points of a net of B-Spline patches is extended to include NURBS. Continuity constraints for water-tightness, tangency and curvature across patch interfaces are evaluated numerically and a basis for the resulting design space is computed using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). A CAD-based shape optimisation framework is developed, coupling a flow solver, an adjoint solver, the in-house CAD kernel and a gradient-based optimiser. The flow sensitivities provided by the adjoint solver and the geometric sensitivities computed through automatic differentiation (AD) are assembled and provided to the optimiser. An extension to maintain the design space and hence enables use of a quasi-Newton method such as the BFGS algorithm is also presented and the convergence improvements are demonstrated. The framework is applied to three shape optimisation cases to show its effectiveness. The performance is assessed and analysed. The effect of parameters that can be chosen by the user are analysed over a range of cases and best practice choices are identifi ed.China Scholarship Council [No. 201306230097] and Queen Mary University of London

    Application of Machine Learning within Visual Content Production

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    We are living in an era where digital content is being produced at a dazzling pace. The heterogeneity of contents and contexts is so varied that a numerous amount of applications have been created to respond to people and market demands. The visual content production pipeline is the generalisation of the process that allows a content editor to create and evaluate their product, such as a video, an image, a 3D model, etc. Such data is then displayed on one or more devices such as TVs, PC monitors, virtual reality head-mounted displays, tablets, mobiles, or even smartwatches. Content creation can be simple as clicking a button to film a video and then share it into a social network, or complex as managing a dense user interface full of parameters by using keyboard and mouse to generate a realistic 3D model for a VR game. In this second example, such sophistication results in a steep learning curve for beginner-level users. In contrast, expert users regularly need to refine their skills via expensive lessons, time-consuming tutorials, or experience. Thus, user interaction plays an essential role in the diffusion of content creation software, primarily when it is targeted to untrained people. In particular, with the fast spread of virtual reality devices into the consumer market, new opportunities for designing reliable and intuitive interfaces have been created. Such new interactions need to take a step beyond the point and click interaction typical of the 2D desktop environment. The interactions need to be smart, intuitive and reliable, to interpret 3D gestures and therefore, more accurate algorithms are needed to recognise patterns. In recent years, machine learning and in particular deep learning have achieved outstanding results in many branches of computer science, such as computer graphics and human-computer interface, outperforming algorithms that were considered state of the art, however, there are only fleeting efforts to translate this into virtual reality. In this thesis, we seek to apply and take advantage of deep learning models to two different content production pipeline areas embracing the following subjects of interest: advanced methods for user interaction and visual quality assessment. First, we focus on 3D sketching to retrieve models from an extensive database of complex geometries and textures, while the user is immersed in a virtual environment. We explore both 2D and 3D strokes as tools for model retrieval in VR. Therefore, we implement a novel system for improving accuracy in searching for a 3D model. We contribute an efficient method to describe models through 3D sketch via an iterative descriptor generation, focusing both on accuracy and user experience. To evaluate it, we design a user study to compare different interactions for sketch generation. Second, we explore the combination of sketch input and vocal description to correct and fine-tune the search for 3D models in a database containing fine-grained variation. We analyse sketch and speech queries, identifying a way to incorporate both of them into our system's interaction loop. Third, in the context of the visual content production pipeline, we present a detailed study of visual metrics. We propose a novel method for detecting rendering-based artefacts in images. It exploits analogous deep learning algorithms used when extracting features from sketches