10 research outputs found

    Az alföld nagy vízi-munkálatai : a vízi-térképezés kezdetei = Great water-works of the Alföld : the beginning of water-cartography

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    The history of the Hungarian Cartography has great traditions in the exploitation and utilization of the nature values and environmental capabilities that also creates European examples. I chose an example from the history of the Alföld water-cartography. In the decades after the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a map-making process started in connection with the plans and preparation of water-regulation and drainage works, draining waterlogged areas almost as big as a the Netherlands. The countrywide significance of the Hungarian water-engineers’ cartographic activity started also at the beginning of the nineteenth century together with the beginning of flood-defense works. Nevertheless, already in the middle of the eighteenth century, with the advanced possibilities of the produce salesmanship, drainage works started. River shipping quickened this time, which also urged for regulations of rivers

    Thirty Years of Satellite Derived Bathymetry: The Charting Tool that Hydrographers can no Longer Ignore

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    Thirty years after being introduced into national chart series, Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) charts are still struggling to be recognised as valid navigation documents, capable of meeting the level of confidence required by the S-44 IHO standards for hydrographic surveys. The advent of new generation satellite constellations, such as Sentinel-23, provide improved geolocation and, thanks to higher revisit frequency, an almost unlimited capacity to detect natural dangers visible from space within the limits of the sensing instruments. Thus, this negative vision of SDB must change. Written by Hydrographers, this article aims to provide a scientific background adapted to practical Hydrography; introduce the notion of “Perfect Image”, first mentioned at the International Hydrographic Remote Sensing workshop (Ottawa, September 2018); and rehabilitate older concepts such as Depth of Penetration (DOP), which make SDB an incomparable instrument to chart the World’s shallow waters (Figure 1). Here, “incomparable” does not mean “perfect”, as there are limits to SDB capacity to detect and quantify bottom structures that will be detailed later.Treinta años después de haber sido introducidas en las series de cartas nacionales, las cartas de Batimetría satelital (SDB) siguen luchando por ser reconocidas como documentos de navegación válidos, capaces de cumplir con el nivel de confianza requerido por la norma S-44 de la OHI para levantamientos hidrográficos. La llegada de las constelaciones de satélites de nueva generación, como Sentinel -23, proporcionan una mejor geolocalización y, gracias a una mayor frecuencia de revisiones, una capacidad casi ilimitada de detección de peligros naturales visibles desde el espacio dentro en los límites de los instrumentos de detección. Por lo tanto, esta visión negativa del SDB debe cambiar. Escrito por Hidrógrafos, este artículo tiene por objeto proporcionar antecedentes científicos adaptados a la Hidrografía práctica; introducir la noción de «Imagen Perfecta», mencionada por primera vez en el Taller Internacional de Teledetección Hidrográfica (Ottawa, septiembre del 2018); y rehabilitar conceptos más antiguos como la Profundidad de Penetración (DOP), que hacen de la SDB un instrumento incomparable para cartografiar las aguas poco profundas del mundo (Figura 1). Aquí, «incomparable» no significa «perfecto», ya que hay límites a la capacidad de la SDB para detectar y cuantificar las estructuras del fondo que se detallarán más adelante.Trente ans après leur introduction dans les portefeuilles nationaux, les cartes issues de la bathymétrie par satellite (SDB) rencontrent toujours des difficultés à s’imposer en tant que documents satisfaisant aux exigences de sécurité de la navigation, requises notamment par la publication S-44 (Normes de l’OHI pour les levés hydrographiques). Or, l’avènement d’une nouvelle génération de constellations satellitaires telles que Sentinel -2 3, offre une géolocalisation améliorée et, grâce à leur haute fréquence de répétitivité, une capacité presque illimitée de détection des dangers naturels visibles depuis l’espace dans les limites des performances des capteurs embarqués. Aussi, cette vision négative de la SDB doit-elle changer. Écrit par des hydrographes, cet article vise à fournir un contexte scientifique adapté à la pratique de l’hydrographie, à introduire la notion de «Perfect Image», mentionnée pour la première fois lors de l’atelier télédétection hydrographique, Canada 2018, et à réhabiliter des concepts plus anciens comme la profondeur de pénétration (DOP), qui fait de la SDB un instrument incomparable pour cartographier les eaux peu profondes du monde (cf. illustration 1). Ici, «incomparable» ne signifie pas «parfait», puisqu’il y a des limites à la capacité de la SDB à détecter et à quantifier les détails du fond. Ces limites sont argumentées dans l’article

    Água dá, água leva

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    This article reveals the opportunity to include methods of visual characterization in analysis of urban metabolism, particularly for metropolitan areas. The article exhibits the application of a model of visual characterization as implemented in the territory that corresponds to the present Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML). The analysis has focused its study cases on the most important settlements of this territory, in 1900. This paper identifies the relationships between water supply, sanitation and hygiene and the territory morphology, through the confrontation of historical surveys and cartography. An analysis of water use (from the surveys) and of the settlements morphology (from the cartography) was developed. This study evidences the existence of a complex mosaic of different landscapes that do testify distinct practices of water management, as used in 1900. The results confirm the feasibility of articulating different documentary sources for the benefit of the visual characterization method, in terms of indicators needed for the visualization of the urban metabolism, and therefore contribute to the contextualization of its future accounting

    Special Libraries, November 1965

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    Volume 56, Issue 9https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1965/1008/thumbnail.jp

    International program for Earth observations

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    During the 1990 summer session of the International Space University, graduate students of many different countries and with various academic backgrounds carried out a design project that focused on how to meet the most pressing environmental information requirements of the 1990's. The International Program for Earth Observations (IPEO) is the result of the students labor. The IPEO report examines the legal and institutional, scientific, engineering and systems, financial and economic, and market development approaches needed to improve international earth observations and information systems to deal with environmental issues of global importance. The IPEO scenario is based on the production of a group of lightweight satellites to be used in global remote sensing programs. The design and function of the satellite is described in detail

    Choix d\u27une classification et ses enjeux (classification de la bibliothèque du Congrès) (Le)

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    In this message we want to investigate the first part of a methodology concerning an utilitarian approach to the maintenance of the riversides and, meanwhile, a naturalistic approach to the so called hydraulic-works that may be comprised in «sustainable projects». The method, denominated B.G.G.S.V. (acronym deduced from the name of the authors) have been described in first approximation, in a recent message produced at the congress Ticino Hydraulic Aplomb, (TICINO SICUREZZA IDRAULICA) of March 2004, in Cameri, the seat of Ticino Park. This method derive (result) from geographic studies developed in the first Eighty years, inside a Convention between University of Turin and Piedmont Region about historic cartography from a text by Dino Barrera, entitled Historical Cartography and History of places (Cartografia storica e storia dei luoghi) presented in 1984 in Cagliari (Sardinia), from some research concerning the rivers Orco and Ticino, particulary focused on hydraulic works, water régime, and agricultural and industrial use of waters. Such studies generated the founder commencements of ICA. (Institute of Water Cartography – istituto di cartografia delle Acque) of Turin. We can associate to such studies about cartographic representation of the river places we can associate the techniques of orthophotographic representation and deduce from this association a method for selecting informations for a modern water cartography In this seat we want to pick out a methodology of codification to prepare a protocol for analyzing historic cartography and archive materials referable to itself like big scale restitutions, the relief maps connected to the quarrels, the projects and the hydrulics works and water régimes