479 research outputs found

    Dynamic deployment of context-aware access control policies for constrained security devices

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    Securing the access to a server, guaranteeing a certain level of protection over an encrypted communication channel, executing particular counter measures when attacks are detected are examples of security requirements. Such requirements are identi ed based on organizational purposes and expectations in terms of resource access and availability and also on system vulnerabilities and threats. All these requirements belong to the so-called security policy. Deploying the policy means enforcing, i.e., con guring, those security components and mechanisms so that the system behavior be nally the one speci ed by the policy. The deployment issue becomes more di cult as the growing organizational requirements and expectations generally leave behind the integration of new security functionalities in the information system: the information system will not always embed the necessary security functionalities for the proper deployment of contextual security requirements. To overcome this issue, our solution is based on a central entity approach which takes in charge unmanaged contextual requirements and dynamically redeploys the policy when context changes are detected by this central entity. We also present an improvement over the OrBAC (Organization-Based Access Control) model. Up to now, a controller based on a contextual OrBAC policy is passive, in the sense that it assumes policy evaluation triggered by access requests. Therefore, it does not allow reasoning about policy state evolution when actions occur. The modi cations introduced by our work overcome this limitation and provide a proactive version of the model by integrating concepts from action speci cation languages

    A system dynamics approach to evaluate advanced persistent threat vectors.

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    Cyber-attacks targeting high-profile entities are focused, persistent, and employ common vectors with varying levels of sophistication to exploit social-technical vulnerabilities. Advanced persistent threats (APTs) deploy zero-day malware against such targets to gain entry through multiple security layers, exploiting the dynamic interplay of vulnerabilities in the target network. System dynamics (SD) offers an alternative approach to analyze non-linear, complex, and dynamic social-technical systems. This research applied SD to three high-profile APT attacks - Equifax, Carphone, and Zomato - to identify and simulate socio-technical variables leading to breaches. By modeling APTs using SD, managers can evaluate threats, predict attacks, and reduce damage by mitigating specific socio-technical cues. This study provides valuable insights into the dynamics of cyber threats, making it the first to apply SD to APTs

    Towards an efficient vulnerability analysis methodology for better security risk management

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    2010 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Risk management is a process that allows IT managers to balance between cost of the protective measures and gains in mission capability. A system administrator has to make a decision and choose an appropriate security plan that maximizes the resource utilization. However, making the decision is not a trivial task. Most organizations have tight budgets for IT security; therefore, the chosen plan must be reviewed as thoroughly as other management decisions. Unfortunately, even the best-practice security risk management frameworks do not provide adequate information for effective risk management. Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing that form the core of traditional risk management, identify only the set of system vulnerabilities. Given the complexity of today's network infrastructure, it is not enough to consider the presence or absence of vulnerabilities in isolation. Materializing a threat strongly requires the combination of multiple attacks using different vulnerabilities. Such a requirement is far beyond the capabilities of current day vulnerability scanners. Consequently, assessing the cost of an attack or cost of implementing appropriate security controls is possible only in a piecemeal manner. In this work, we develop and formalize new network vulnerability analysis model. The model encodes in a concise manner, the contributions of different security conditions that lead to system compromise. We extend the model with a systematic risk assessment methodology to support reasoning under uncertainty in an attempt to evaluate the vulnerability exploitation probability. We develop a cost model to quantify the potential loss and gain that can occur in a system if certain conditions are met (or protected). We also quantify the security control cost incurred to implement a set of security hardening measures. We propose solutions for the system administrator's decision problems covering the area of the risk analysis and risk mitigation analysis. Finally, we extend the vulnerability assessment model to the areas of intrusion detection and forensic investigation

    Modelling escalation of attacks in federated identity management

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    PhD ThesisFederated Identity Management (FIM) is an increasingly prevalent method for authenticating users online. FIM offloads the authentication burden from a Service Provider (SP) to an Identity Provider (IdP) that the SP trusts. The different entities involved in the FIM process are referred to as stakeholders. The benefits of FIM to stakeholders are clear, such as the ability for users to use Single Sign-On. However, the security of FIM also has to be evaluated. Attacks on one point in a FIM system can lead to other attacks being possible, and detecting those attacks can be hard just from modelling the functionality of the FIM system. Attacks in which the effect of one attack can become the cause for another attack are referred to in this thesis as escalating attacks. The overall research question this thesis revolves around: how can we model escalating attacks to detect attacks which are possible through an adversary first launching another attack, and present causality of attacks to the FIM stakeholders involved? This thesis performs a survey of existing attacks in FIM. We categorise attacks on FIM using a taxonomy of our own design. This survey is the first attempt at categorising attacks that target FIM using a taxonomy. Some attacks can have an effect that causes another attack to be possible in ways that are difficult to predict. We consider a case study involving OAuth 2.0 (provided by existing literature), as a basis for modelling attack escalation. We then seek to present a language for modelling FIM systems and attacker manipulations on those systems. We find that FIM systems can be generalised for the purpose of a programmatic logical analysis. In addition, attacker manipulations on a system can be broken down using an existing conceptual framework called Malicious and Accidental Fault Tolerance (MAFTIA). Using a generalised FIM system model and MAFTIA, we can express a complex interlinking of attacks informed by case studies in FIM security analysis. This is the first attempt to model FIM systems generally and apply logical analysis to that model. Finally, we show how causality of attacks can be analysed using attack trees. We find that any solutions to an escalating attack can be expressed using a tree model which conforms to existing research on attack trees. Our approach is the first attempt of modelling attacks on FIM systems through the use of attack trees. We consider stakeholder attribution and cost analysis as concrete methods for analysing attack trees

    Evaluating Resilience of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems

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    Nowadays, protecting the network is not the only security concern. Still, in cyber security, websites and servers are becoming more popular as targets due to the ease with which they can be accessed when compared to communication networks. Another threat in cyber physical social systems with human interactions is that they can be attacked and manipulated not only by technical hacking through networks, but also by manipulating people and stealing users’ credentials. Therefore, systems should be evaluated beyond cy- ber security, which means measuring their resilience as a piece of evidence that a system works properly under cyber-attacks or incidents. In that way, cyber resilience is increas- ingly discussed and described as the capacity of a system to maintain state awareness for detecting cyber-attacks. All the tasks for making a system resilient should proactively maintain a safe level of operational normalcy through rapid system reconfiguration to detect attacks that would impact system performance. In this work, we broadly studied a new paradigm of cyber physical social systems and defined a uniform definition of it. To overcome the complexity of evaluating cyber resilience, especially in these inhomo- geneous systems, we proposed a framework including applying Attack Tree refinements and Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets to model intruder and defender behaviors and evaluate the impact of each action on the behavior and performance of the system.Hoje em dia, proteger a rede não é a única preocupação de segurança. Ainda assim, na segurança cibernética, sites e servidores estão se tornando mais populares como alvos devido à facilidade com que podem ser acessados quando comparados às redes de comu- nicação. Outra ameaça em sistemas sociais ciberfisicos com interações humanas é que eles podem ser atacados e manipulados não apenas por hackers técnicos através de redes, mas também pela manipulação de pessoas e roubo de credenciais de utilizadores. Portanto, os sistemas devem ser avaliados para além da segurança cibernética, o que significa medir sua resiliência como uma evidência de que um sistema funciona adequadamente sob ataques ou incidentes cibernéticos. Dessa forma, a resiliência cibernética é cada vez mais discutida e descrita como a capacidade de um sistema manter a consciência do estado para detectar ataques cibernéticos. Todas as tarefas para tornar um sistema resiliente devem manter proativamente um nível seguro de normalidade operacional por meio da reconfi- guração rápida do sistema para detectar ataques que afetariam o desempenho do sistema. Neste trabalho, um novo paradigma de sistemas sociais ciberfisicos é amplamente estu- dado e uma definição uniforme é proposta. Para superar a complexidade de avaliar a resiliência cibernética, especialmente nesses sistemas não homogéneos, é proposta uma estrutura que inclui a aplicação de refinamentos de Árvores de Ataque e Redes de Petri Coloridas Temporizadas Hierárquicas para modelar comportamentos de invasores e de- fensores e avaliar o impacto de cada ação no comportamento e desempenho do sistema

    A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection

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    The detection and elimination of threats to cyber security is essential for system functionality, protection of valuable information, and preventing costly destruction of assets. This thesis presents a Mobile Multi-Agent Flow-Based IDS called MFIREv3 that provides network anomaly detection of intrusions and automated defense. This version of the MFIRE system includes the development and testing of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) for feature selection that provides agents with the optimal set of features for classifying the state of the network. Feature selection provides separable data points for the selected attacks: Worm, Distributed Denial of Service, Man-in-the-Middle, Scan, and Trojan. This investigation develops three techniques of self-organization for multiple distributed agents in an intrusion detection system: Reputation, Stochastic, and Maximum Cover. These three movement models are tested for effectiveness in locating good agent vantage points within the network to classify the state of the network. MFIREv3 also introduces the design of defensive measures to limit the effects of network attacks. Defensive measures included in this research are rate-limiting and elimination of infected nodes. The results of this research provide an optimistic outlook for flow-based multi-agent systems for cyber security. The impact of this research illustrates how feature selection in cooperation with movement models for multi agent systems provides excellent attack detection and classification

    Advances in Information Security and Privacy

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    With the recent pandemic emergency, many people are spending their days in smart working and have increased their use of digital resources for both work and entertainment. The result is that the amount of digital information handled online is dramatically increased, and we can observe a significant increase in the number of attacks, breaches, and hacks. This Special Issue aims to establish the state of the art in protecting information by mitigating information risks. This objective is reached by presenting both surveys on specific topics and original approaches and solutions to specific problems. In total, 16 papers have been published in this Special Issue