99 research outputs found

    Collision-free path planning

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    Motion planning is an important challenge in robotics research. Efficient generation of collision-free motion is a fundamental capability necessary for autonomous robots;In this dissertation, a fast and practical algorithm for moving a convex polygonal robot among a set of polygonal obstacles with translations and rotations is presented. The running time is O(c((n + k)N + nlogn)), where c is a parameter controlling the precision of the results, n is the total number of obstacle vertices, k is the number of intersections of configuration space obstacles, and N is the number of obstacles, decomposed into convex objects. This dissertation exploits a simple 3D passage-network to incorporate robot rotations as an alternative to complex cell decomposition techniques or building passage networks on approximated 3D C-space obstacles;A common approach in path planning is to compute the Minkowski difference of a polygonal robot model with the polygonal obstacle environment. However such a configuration space is valid only for a single robot orientation. In this research, multiple configuration spaces are computed between the obstacle environment and the robot at successive angular orientations spanning [pi] . Although the obstacles do not intersect, each configuration space may contain intersecting configuration space obstacles (C-space obstacles). For each configuration space, the algorithm finds the contour of the intersected C-space obstacles and the associated passage network by slabbing the collision-free space. The individual configuration spaces are then related to one another by a heuristic called proper links that exploit spatial coherence. Thus, each level is connected to the adjacent levels by proper links to construct a 3D network. Dijkstra\u27s algorithm is used to search for the shortest path in the 3D network. Finally, the path is projected onto the plane to show the final locus of the path

    Geometric-based Optimization Algorithms for Cable Routing and Branching in Cluttered Environments

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    The need for designing lighter and more compact systems often leaves limited space for planning routes for the connectors that enable interactions among the system’s components. Finding optimal routes for these connectors in a densely populated environment left behind at the detail design stage has been a challenging problem for decades. A variety of deterministic as well as heuristic methods has been developed to address different instances of this problem. While the focus of the deterministic methods is primarily on the optimality of the final solution, the heuristics offer acceptable solutions, especially for such problems, in a reasonable amount of time without guaranteeing to find optimal solutions. This study is an attempt to furthering the efforts in deterministic optimization methods to tackle the routing problem in two and three dimensions by focusing on the optimality of final solutions. The objective of this research is twofold. First, a mathematical framework is proposed for the optimization of the layout of wiring connectors in planar cluttered environments. The problem looks at finding the optimal tree network that spans multiple components to be connected with the aim of minimizing the overall length of the connectors while maximizing their common length (for maintainability and traceability of connectors). The optimization problem is formulated as a bi-objective problem and two solution methods are proposed: (1) to solve for the optimal locations of a known number of breakouts (where the connectors branch out) using mixed-binary optimization and visibility notion and (2) to find the minimum length tree that spans multiple components of the system and generates the optimal layout using the previously-developed convex hull based routing. The computational performance of these methods in solving a variety of problems is further evaluated. Second, the problem of finding the shortest route connecting two given nodes in a 3D cluttered environment is considered and addressed through deterministically generating a graphical representation of the collision-free space and searching for the shortest path on the found graph. The method is tested on sample workspaces with scattered convex polyhedra and its computational performance is evaluated. The work demonstrates the NP-hardness aspect of the problem which becomes quickly intractable as added components or increase in facets are considered

    Practical motion planning for aerial-like virtual agents in Meta!Blast: A full and complex three dimensional virtual environment

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    Motion planning, or enabling agents to navigate around a virtual environment autonomously, is an essential requirement for video games and simulations. A well implemented motion planning technique can create a realistic and immersive user experience. If motion planning is not implemented properly, agents will exhibit unrealistic behavior and cause a distraction for the user. Motion planning is often difficult to implement due to the agents\u27 movement capabilities and the complexity of the virtual environment in which the agents exist. In a traditional three dimensional video game in which the agents are bound by gravity, the agents\u27 motion takes place mostly in the XZ-plane. In other words, the agents\u27 degree of freedom (DOF) is three. In this case, motion planning is translated into a two-dimensional problem, which is relatively easier to compute. However, when the agents can move in any three dimensional direction or to any three dimensional position in space, motion planning is much more complex. Meta!Blast is a three dimensional educational video game. Implementing motion planning in Meta!Blast is challenging for three reasons: The first reason is the agents have at least six degrees of freedom and can be translated or rotated about any axis in the three dimensional virtual environment. The second reason is the agents exist in a dense environment with many irregularly shaped models that need to be considered during planning. Lastly, Meta!Blast will be deployed in the high school classroom where computer hardware resources are limited, eliminating some planning techniques found in the literature. This thesis provides a practical solution for high DOF agents in dense environments using a combination of octree space partitioning, A* path-planning, and steering behaviors

    A study of mobile robot motion planning

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    This thesis studies motion planning for mobile robots in various environments. The basic tools for the research are the configuration space and the visibility graph. A new approach is developed which generates a smoothed minimum time path. The difference between this and the Minimum Time Path at Visibility Node (MTPVN) is that there is more clearance between the robot and the obstacles, and so it is safer. The accessibility graph plays an important role in motion planning for a massless mobile robot in dynamic environments. It can generate a minimum time motion in 0(n2»log(n)) computation time, where n is the number of vertices of all the polygonal obstacles. If the robot is not considered to be massless (that is, it requires time to accelerate), the space time approach becomes a 3D problem which requires exponential time and memory. A new approach is presented here based on the improved accessibility polygon and improved accessibility graph, which generates a minimum time motion for a mobile robot with mass in O((n+k)2»log(n+k)) time, where n is the number of vertices of the obstacles and k is the number of obstacles. Since k is much less than n, so the computation time for this approach is almost the same as the accessibility graph approach. The accessibility graph approach is extended to solve motion planning for robots in three dimensional environments. The three dimensional accessibility graph is constructed based on the concept of the accessibility polyhedron. Based on the properties of minimum time motion, an approach is proposed to search the three dimensional accessibility graph to generate the minimum time motion. Motion planning in binary image representation environment is also studied. Fuzzy logic based digital image processing has been studied. The concept of Fuzzy Principal Index Of Area Coverage (PIOAC) is proposed to recognise and match objects in consecutive images. Experiments show that PIOAC is useful in recognising objects. The visibility graph of a binary image representation environment is very inefficient, so the approach usually used to plan the motion for such an environment is the quadtree approach. In this research, polygonizing an obstacle is proposed. The approaches developed for various environments can be used to solve the motion planning problem without any modification. A simulation system is designed to simulate the approaches

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum


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    Providing an understanding of space in game and simulation environments is one of the major challenges associated with moving artificially intelligent characters through these environments. The usage of some form of navigation mesh has become the standard method to provide a representation of the walkable space in game environments to characters moving around in that environment. There is currently no standardized best method of producing a navigation mesh. In fact, producing an optimal navigation mesh has been shown to be an NP-Hard problem. Current approaches are a patchwork of divergent methods all of which have issues either in the time to create the navigation meshes (e.g., the best looking navigation meshes have traditionally been produced by hand which is time consuming), generate substandard quality navigation meshes (e.g., many of the automatic mesh production algorithms result in highly triangulated meshes that pose problems for character navigation), or yield meshes that contain gaps of areas that should be included in the mesh and are not (e.g., existing growth-based methods are unable to adapt to non-axis-aligned geometry and as such tend to provide a poor representation of the walkable space in complex environments). We introduce the Planar Adaptive Space Filling Volumes (PASFV) algorithm, Volumetric Adaptive Space Filling Volumes (VASFV) algorithm, and the Iterative Wavefront Edge Expansion Cell Decomposition (Wavefront) algorithm. These algorithms provide growth-based spatial decompositions for navigation mesh generation in either 2D (PASFV) or 3D (VASFV). These algorithms generate quick (on demand) decompositions (Wavefront), use quad/cube base spatial structures to provide more regular regions in the navigation mesh instead of triangles, and offer full coverage decompositions to avoid gaps in the navigation mesh by adapting to non-axis-aligned geometry. We have shown experimentally that the decompositions offered by PASFV and VASFV are superior both in character navigation ability, number of regions, and coverage in comparison to the existing and commonly used techniques of Space Filling Volumes, Hertel-Melhorn decomposition, Delaunay Triangulation, and Automatic Path Node Generation. Finally, we show that our Wavefront algorithm retains the superior performance of the PASFV and VASFV algorithms while providing faster decompositions that contain fewer degenerate and near degenerate regions. Unlike traditional navigation mesh generation techniques, the PASFV and VASFV algorithms have a real time extension (Dynamic Adaptive Space Filling Volumes, DASFV) which allows the navigation mesh to adapt to changes in the geometry of the environment at runtime. In addition, it is possible to use a navigation mesh for applications above and beyond character path planning and navigation. These multiple uses help to increase the return on the investment in creating a navigation mesh for a game or simulation environment. In particular, we will show how to use a navigation mesh for the acceleration of collision detection