1,282 research outputs found

    A Rectangular Area Filling Display System Architecture

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    A display system architecture which has rectangular area filling as its primitive operation is presented. It is shown that lines can be drawn significantly faster while rendition of filled boxes shows an O(n^2) speed improvement. Furthermore filled polygons can be rendered with an O(n) speed improvement. Implementation of this rectangular area filling architecture is discussed and refined. A custom VLSI integrated circuit is currently being designed to implement this rectangular area filling architecture and at the same time reduce the display memory system video refresh bandwidth requirements

    NanoMagnetic Logic Microprocessor Hierarchical Power Model

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    The interest on emerging nanotechnologies has been recently focused on NanoMagnetic Logic (NML), which has unique appealing features. NML circuits have a very low power consumption and, due to their magnetic nature, they maintain the information safely stored even without power supply. The nature of these circuits is highly different from the CMOS ones. As a consequence, to better understand NML logic, complex circuits and not only simple gates must be designed. This constraint calls for a new design and simulation methodology. It should efficiently encompass manifold properties: 1) being based on commonly used hardware description language (HDL) in order to easily manage complexity and hierarchy; 2) maintaining a clear link with physical characteristics 3) modeling performance aspects like speed and power, together with logic behavior. In this contribution we present a VHDL behavioral model for NML circuits, which allows to evaluate not only logic behavior but also power dissipation. It is based on a technological solution called ``snake-clock''. We demonstrate this model on a case study which offers the right variety of internal substructures to test the method: a four bit microprocessor designed using asynchronous logic. The model enables a hierarchical bottom-up evaluation of the processor logic behavior, area and power dissipation, which we evaluated using as benchmark a division algorithm. Results highlight the flexibility and the efficiency of this model, and the remarkable improvements that it brings to the analysis of NML circuit

    A low-complexity turbo decoder architecture for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks

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    Turbo codes have recently been considered for energy-constrained wireless communication applications, since they facilitate a low transmission energy consumption. However, in order to reduce the overall energy consumption, Look-Up- Table-Log-BCJR (LUT-Log-BCJR) architectures having a low processing energy consumption are required. In this paper, we decompose the LUT-Log-BCJR architecture into its most fundamental Add Compare Select (ACS) operations and perform them using a novel low-complexity ACS unit. We demonstrate that our architecture employs an order of magnitude fewer gates than the most recent LUT-Log-BCJR architectures, facilitating a 71% energy consumption reduction. Compared to state-of- the-art Maximum Logarithmic Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (Max- Log-BCJR) implementations, our approach facilitates a 10% reduction in the overall energy consumption at ranges above 58 m

    Configurable and Scalable Turbo Decoder for 4G Wireless Receivers

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    The increasing requirements of high data rates and quality of service (QoS) in fourth-generation (4G) wireless communication require the implementation of practical capacity approaching codes. In this chapter, the application of Turbo coding schemes that have recently been adopted in the IEEE 802.16e WiMax standard and 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard are reviewed. In order to process several 4G wireless standards with a common hardware module, a reconfigurable and scalable Turbo decoder architecture is presented. A parallel Turbo decoding scheme with scalable parallelism tailored to the target throughput is applied to support high data rates in 4G applications. High-level decoding parallelism is achieved by employing contention-free interleavers. A multi-banked memory structure and routing network among memories and MAP decoders are designed to operate at full speed with parallel interleavers. A new on-line address generation technique is introduced to support multiple Turbo interleaving patterns, which avoids the interleaver address memory that is typically necessary in the traditional designs. Design trade-offs in terms of area and power efficiency are analyzed for different parallelism and clock frequency goals

    Domain specific high performance reconfigurable architecture for a communication platform

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