23 research outputs found

    Visually Grounded Meaning Representations

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    In this paper we address the problem of grounding distributional representations of lexical meaning. We introduce a new model which uses stacked autoencoders to learn higher-level representations from textual and visual input. The visual modality is encoded via vectors of attributes obtained automatically from images. We create a new large-scale taxonomy of 600 visual attributes representing more than 500 concepts and 700K images. We use this dataset to train attribute classifiers and integrate their predictions with text-based distributional models of word meaning. We evaluate our model on its ability to simulate word similarity judgments and concept categorization. On both tasks, our model yields a better fit to behavioral data compared to baselines and related models which either rely on a single modality or do not make use of attribute-based input

    Learning visually grounded meaning representations

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    Humans possess a rich semantic knowledge of words and concepts which captures the perceivable physical properties of their real-world referents and their relations. Encoding this knowledge or some of its aspects is the goal of computational models of semantic representation and has been the subject of considerable research in cognitive science, natural language processing, and related areas. Existing models have placed emphasis on different aspects of meaning, depending ultimately on the task at hand. Typically, such models have been used in tasks addressing the simulation of behavioural phenomena, e.g., lexical priming or categorisation, as well as in natural language applications, such as information retrieval, document classification, or semantic role labelling. A major strand of research popular across disciplines focuses on models which induce semantic representations from text corpora. These models are based on the hypothesis that the meaning of words is established by their distributional relation to other words (Harris, 1954). Despite their widespread use, distributional models of word meaning have been criticised as ‘disembodied’ in that they are not grounded in perception and action (Perfetti, 1998; Barsalou, 1999; Glenberg and Kaschak, 2002). This lack of grounding contrasts with many experimental studies suggesting that meaning is acquired not only from exposure to the linguistic environment but also from our interaction with the physical world (Landau et al., 1998; Bornstein et al., 2004). This criticism has led to the emergence of new models aiming at inducing perceptually grounded semantic representations. Essentially, existing approaches learn meaning representations from multiple views corresponding to different modalities, i.e. linguistic and perceptual input. To approximate the perceptual modality, previous work has relied largely on semantic attributes collected from humans (e.g., is round, is sour), or on automatically extracted image features. Semantic attributes have a long-standing tradition in cognitive science and are thought to represent salient psychological aspects of word meaning including multisensory information. However, their elicitation from human subjects limits the scope of computational models to a small number of concepts for which attributes are available. In this thesis, we present an approach which draws inspiration from the successful application of attribute classifiers in image classification, and represent images and the concepts depicted by them by automatically predicted visual attributes. To this end, we create a dataset comprising nearly 700K images and a taxonomy of 636 visual attributes and use it to train attribute classifiers. We show that their predictions can act as a substitute for human-produced attributes without any critical information loss. In line with the attribute-based approximation of the visual modality, we represent the linguistic modality by textual attributes which we obtain with an off-the-shelf distributional model. Having first established this core contribution of a novel modelling framework for grounded meaning representations based on semantic attributes, we show that these can be integrated into existing approaches to perceptually grounded representations. We then introduce a model which is formulated as a stacked autoencoder (a variant of multilayer neural networks), which learns higher-level meaning representations by mapping words and images, represented by attributes, into a common embedding space. In contrast to most previous approaches to multimodal learning using different variants of deep networks and data sources, our model is defined at a finer level of granularity—it computes representations for individual words and is unique in its use of attributes as a means of representing the textual and visual modalities. We evaluate the effectiveness of the representations learnt by our model by assessing its ability to account for human behaviour on three semantic tasks, namely word similarity, concept categorisation, and typicality of category members. With respect to the word similarity task, we focus on the model’s ability to capture similarity in both the meaning and appearance of the words’ referents. Since existing benchmark datasets on word similarity do not distinguish between these two dimensions and often contain abstract words, we create a new dataset in a large-scale experiment where participants are asked to give two ratings per word pair expressing their semantic and visual similarity, respectively. Experimental results show that our model learns meaningful representations which are more accurate than models based on individual modalities or different modality integration mechanisms. The presented model is furthermore able to predict textual attributes for new concepts given their visual attribute predictions only, which we demonstrate by comparing model output with human generated attributes. Finally, we show the model’s effectiveness in an image-based task on visual category learning, in which images are used as a stand-in for real-world objects

    Learning grounded word meaning representations on similarity graphs

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to learn visually grounded meaning representations of words as low-dimensional node embeddings on an underlying graph hierarchy. The lower level of the hierarchy models modality-specific word representations through dedicated but communicating graphs, while the higher level puts these representations together on a single graph to learn a representation jointly from both modalities. The topology of each graph models similarity relations among words, and is estimated jointly with the graph embedding.The assumption underlying this model is that words sharing similar meaning correspond to communities in an underlying similarity graph in a low-dimensional space. We named this model Hierarchical Multi-Modal Similarity Graph Embedding (HM-SGE). Experimental results validate the ability of HM-SGE to simulate human similarity judgements and concept categorization, outperforming the state of the art.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Limitations of Cross-Lingual Learning from Image Search

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    Cross-lingual representation learning is an important step in making NLP scale to all the world's languages. Recent work on bilingual lexicon induction suggests that it is possible to learn cross-lingual representations of words based on similarities between images associated with these words. However, that work focused on the translation of selected nouns only. In our work, we investigate whether the meaning of other parts-of-speech, in particular adjectives and verbs, can be learned in the same way. We also experiment with combining the representations learned from visual data with embeddings learned from textual data. Our experiments across five language pairs indicate that previous work does not scale to the problem of learning cross-lingual representations beyond simple nouns

    A Neurobiologically Motivated Analysis of Distributional Semantic Models

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    The pervasive use of distributional semantic models or word embeddings in a variety of research fields is due to their remarkable ability to represent the meanings of words for both practical application and cognitive modeling. However, little has been known about what kind of information is encoded in text-based word vectors. This lack of understanding is particularly problematic when word vectors are regarded as a model of semantic representation for abstract concepts. This paper attempts to reveal the internal information of distributional word vectors by the analysis using Binder et al.'s (2016) brain-based vectors, explicitly structured conceptual representations based on neurobiologically motivated attributes. In the analysis, the mapping from text-based vectors to brain-based vectors is trained and prediction performance is evaluated by comparing the estimated and original brain-based vectors. The analysis demonstrates that social and cognitive information is better encoded in text-based word vectors, but emotional information is not. This result is discussed in terms of embodied theories for abstract concepts.Comment: submitted to CogSci 201

    Learning Multimodal Word Representation via Dynamic Fusion Methods

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    Multimodal models have been proven to outperform text-based models on learning semantic word representations. Almost all previous multimodal models typically treat the representations from different modalities equally. However, it is obvious that information from different modalities contributes differently to the meaning of words. This motivates us to build a multimodal model that can dynamically fuse the semantic representations from different modalities according to different types of words. To that end, we propose three novel dynamic fusion methods to assign importance weights to each modality, in which weights are learned under the weak supervision of word association pairs. The extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed methods outperform strong unimodal baselines and state-of-the-art multimodal models.Comment: To be appear in AAAI-1

    Using Sparse Semantic Embeddings Learned from Multimodal Text and Image Data to Model Human Conceptual Knowledge

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    Distributional models provide a convenient way to model semantics using dense embedding spaces derived from unsupervised learning algorithms. However, the dimensions of dense embedding spaces are not designed to resemble human semantic knowledge. Moreover, embeddings are often built from a single source of information (typically text data), even though neurocognitive research suggests that semantics is deeply linked to both language and perception. In this paper, we combine multimodal information from both text and image-based representations derived from state-of-the-art distributional models to produce sparse, interpretable vectors using Joint Non-Negative Sparse Embedding. Through in-depth analyses comparing these sparse models to human-derived behavioural and neuroimaging data, we demonstrate their ability to predict interpretable linguistic descriptions of human ground-truth semantic knowledge.Comment: Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2018), pages 260-270. Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 1, 2018. Association for Computational Linguistic

    Don't Blame Distributional Semantics if it can't do Entailment

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    Distributional semantics has had enormous empirical success in Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Science in modeling various semantic phenomena, such as semantic similarity, and distributional models are widely used in state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing systems. However, the theoretical status of distributional semantics within a broader theory of language and cognition is still unclear: What does distributional semantics model? Can it be, on its own, a fully adequate model of the meanings of linguistic expressions? The standard answer is that distributional semantics is not fully adequate in this regard, because it falls short on some of the central aspects of formal semantic approaches: truth conditions, entailment, reference, and certain aspects of compositionality. We argue that this standard answer rests on a misconception: These aspects do not belong in a theory of expression meaning, they are instead aspects of speaker meaning, i.e., communicative intentions in a particular context. In a slogan: words do not refer, speakers do. Clearing this up enables us to argue that distributional semantics on its own is an adequate model of expression meaning. Our proposal sheds light on the role of distributional semantics in a broader theory of language and cognition, its relationship to formal semantics, and its place in computational models.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2019), Gothenburg, Swede