21 research outputs found

    Publishing Time Dependent Oceanographic Visualizations using VRML

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    Oceanographic simulations generate time dependent data; thus, visualizations of this data should include and realize the variable `time'. Moreover, the oceanographers are located across the world and they wish to conveniently communicate and exchange these temporal realizations. This publication of material may be achieved using different methods and languages. VRML provides one convenient publication medium that allows the visualizations to be easily viewed and exchanged between users. Using VRML as the implementation language, we describe five categories of operation. The strategies are determined by the level of calculation that is achieved at the generation stage compared to the playing of the animation. We name the methods: 2D movie, 3D spatial, 3D flipbook, key frame deformation and visualization program

    Systems and architectures for visualization

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    ECAWsoft: A Web based Climate and Weather Data Visualization for Big Data Analysis

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    Purpose: In Tanzania, data for climate and weather are normally analyzed by Meteorological Agency and then are published through TV, website and radio. Different stakeholders normally obtain the weather and climate data / information in a generalized way. This calls for a need of a system which allows data to be shared openly to different stakeholders so that they can analyze those data as per their specific needs. The paper presents the overview of the developed system, ECAWsoft. Also, it gives some few interfaces showing different outputs from the system. Findings: The goal of this paper has been attained by developing a working data visualization tool for climate and weather called ECAWsoft. The system is current operational and is providing open data for different stakeholders. It is user friendly and interactive with capability of displaying visualization of data as per fine granularity required by user. Development of open data system for data visualization has lead to a transparency system which is helping farmers, researchers, policy makers (etc.) to make informed decision on weather and climate. Practical implications: The system presented in this paper need to be scaled up so that more data from all weather stations in Tanzania can be populated in real time. Originality/value: The development and adoption of open systems for visualizing weather and climate data remains seriously lacking in many countries including Tanzania. This paper provides an overview of some initiative to fill such a research gap

    Interactive 3D Visualization of a Large University Campus over the Web

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    Nowadays, with the rise and generalized use of web applications and graphical hardware evolution, one of the most interesting problems deals with realistic real-time visualization of virtual environments on web browsers. This paper shows an on-line application to dynamically visualize a large campus on the World Wide Web. The application focuses on a smooth walk through a large 3D environment in real-time as an alternative way to index geographically related information. This way, contents are continuously filtered based on viewpoint¿s position. This can be made thanks to the availability of different models corresponding to different levels of detail (LOD) for each modeled building. A server storage model has been purposed including all models, compound of meshes, textures and information. The technique is based on an algorithm that performs a progressive refining of the models, according to the distance from the viewpoint.Vendrell Vidal, E.; Sanchez Belenguer, C. (2011). Interactive 3D Visualization of a Large University Campus over the Web. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. 3:514-521. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/35020S514521

    A Web based geospatial application for disaster preparedness in Uganda

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.The power of Geospatial technologies in first world countries is increasingly being harnessed to manage disasters; this is not the same case for Uganda a disaster prone country in East Africa. For regions in the blankets of Mt. Rwenzori in the west and Mt. Elgon in the east, every year brings with it new challenges in the field of disaster management. When disasters happen in Uganda, government agencies and different Humanitarian Organizations run to the aid of the affected, relief is provided and rehabilitation activities carried out, but there remains little usable GI of the affected areas (Farthing & Ware, 2010). If disaster preparedness and management is dependent on accurate analysis and mapping of vulnerability and susceptibility of communities to risk (Office of the Prime Minister, 2010) and there exists data gaps and challenges (NEMA/UBOS, n.d.) in the country, how then can disaster managers carry out vulnerability assessment of communities? This thesis examines the possibility of providing disaster managers the means to assess the vulnerability of communities to risk by suggesting a solution for data acquisition and developing a web application based on interoperable modular components to act as a platform where this analysis can be performed

    Dissection of a Visualization On-Demand Server

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    Uma arquitetura baseada em padroes abertos para visualizaçao científica via internet aplicada à medicina

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    Orientadora : Klaus de GeusDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: A visualização científica aplicada à medicina tem sido muito explorada nos últimos anos. O uso da Internet como meio de comunicação impulsionou o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas de visualização de volumes para imagens médicas. A maioria dessas aplicações é baseada em arquiteturas fortemente acopladas, as quais dificultam sua acessibilidade e integração com outras aplicações. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura para desenvolvimento de serviços de renderização de volumes de imagens médicas, utilizando padrões abertos para computação distribuída via Internet. Esta arquitetura permite uma maior acessibilidade e integração entre as organizações provedoras de serviços de renderização volumétrica e seus clientes.Abstract: Scientific visualization applied to medicine has been strongly explored in the last years. The use of the Internet as a means of communicating impelled the development of distributed volume visualization applications for medical images. Most of these applications are based on strongly coupled architectures, which implies in difficulties on issues such as accessibility and integration with other applications. This work presents an architecture for the development of volume rendering services for medical images, using open patterns for distributed computing via Internet. This architecture allows for larger accessibility and integration between the volumetric rendering services providers and their customers

    Visual Analytics im Kontext der Daten- und Analysequalität am Beispiel von Data Mashups

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    Viele Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle der Gegenwart basieren auf der Auswertung von Daten. Durch Fortschritte in der Speichertechnologie und Vernetzung ist die Akquisition von Daten heute sehr einfach und wird umfassend genutzt. Das weltweit vorhandene Datenvolumen steigt exponentiell und sorgt für eine zunehmende Komplexität der Analyse. In den letzten Jahren fällt in diesem Zusammenhang öfter der Begriff Visual Analytics. Dieses Forschungsgebiet kombiniert visuelle und automatische Verfahren zur Datenanalyse. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Verwendung und die Ziele von Visual Analytics evaluiert und eine neue umfassendere Definition entwickelt. Aus dieser wird eine Erweiterung des Knowledge Discovery-Prozesses abgeleitet und verschiedene Ansätze bewertet. Um die Unterschiede zwischen Data Mining, der Visualisierung und Visual Analytics zu verdeutlichen, werden diese Themengebiete gegenübergestellt und in einem Ordnungsrahmen hinsichtlich verschiedener Dimensionen klassifiziert. Zusätzlich wird untersucht, inwiefern dieser neue Ansatz im Hinblick auf Daten- und Analysequalität eingesetzt werden kann. Abschließend wird auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eine prototypische Implementierung auf Basis von FlexMash, einem an der Universität Stuttgart entwickelten Data Mashup-Werkzeug, beschrieben. Data Mashups vereinfachen die Einbindung von Anwendern ohne technischen Hintergrund und harmonieren daher ausgezeichnet mit Visual Analytics