3,974 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Improving data management through automatic information extraction model in ontology for road asset management

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    lRoads are a critical component of transportation infrastructure, and their effective maintenance is paramount in ensuring their continued functionality and safety. This research proposes a novel information management approach based on state-of-the-art deep learning models and ontologies. The approach can automatically extract, integrate, complete, and search for project knowledge buried in unstructured text documents. The approach on the one hand facilitates implementation of modern management approaches, i.e., advanced working packaging to delivery success road management projects, on the other hand improves information management practices in the construction industry

    Linked Data Supported Information Retrieval

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    Um Inhalte im World Wide Web ausfindig zu machen, sind Suchmaschienen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Semantic Web und Linked Data Technologien ermöglichen ein detaillierteres und eindeutiges Strukturieren der Inhalte und erlauben vollkommen neue Herangehensweisen an die Lösung von Information Retrieval Problemen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Möglichkeiten, wie Information Retrieval Anwendungen von der Einbeziehung von Linked Data profitieren können. Neue Methoden der computer-gestĂŒtzten semantischen Textanalyse, semantischen Suche, Informationspriorisierung und -visualisierung werden vorgestellt und umfassend evaluiert. Dabei werden Linked Data Ressourcen und ihre Beziehungen in die Verfahren integriert, um eine Steigerung der EffektivitĂ€t der Verfahren bzw. ihrer Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erzielen. ZunĂ€chst wird eine EinfĂŒhrung in die Grundlagen des Information Retrieval und Linked Data gegeben. Anschließend werden neue manuelle und automatisierte Verfahren zum semantischen Annotieren von Dokumenten durch deren VerknĂŒpfung mit Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt (Entity Linking). Eine umfassende Evaluation der Verfahren wird durchgefĂŒhrt und das zu Grunde liegende Evaluationssystem umfangreich verbessert. Aufbauend auf den Annotationsverfahren werden zwei neue Retrievalmodelle zur semantischen Suche vorgestellt und evaluiert. Die Verfahren basieren auf dem generalisierten Vektorraummodell und beziehen die semantische Ähnlichkeit anhand von taxonomie-basierten Beziehungen der Linked Data Ressourcen in Dokumenten und Suchanfragen in die Berechnung der Suchergebnisrangfolge ein. Mit dem Ziel die Berechnung von semantischer Ähnlichkeit weiter zu verfeinern, wird ein Verfahren zur Priorisierung von Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt und evaluiert. Darauf aufbauend werden Visualisierungstechniken aufgezeigt mit dem Ziel, die Explorierbarkeit und Navigierbarkeit innerhalb eines semantisch annotierten Dokumentenkorpus zu verbessern. HierfĂŒr werden zwei Anwendungen prĂ€sentiert. Zum einen eine Linked Data basierte explorative Erweiterung als ErgĂ€nzung zu einer traditionellen schlĂŒsselwort-basierten Suchmaschine, zum anderen ein Linked Data basiertes Empfehlungssystem

    User-centered visual analysis using a hybrid reasoning architecture for intensive care units

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    One problem pertaining to Intensive Care Unit information systems is that, in some cases, a very dense display of data can result. To ensure the overview and readability of the increasing volumes of data, some special features are required (e.g., data prioritization, clustering, and selection mechanisms) with the application of analytical methods (e.g., temporal data abstraction, principal component analysis, and detection of events). This paper addresses the problem of improving the integration of the visual and analytical methods applied to medical monitoring systems. We present a knowledge- and machine learning-based approach to support the knowledge discovery process with appropriate analytical and visual methods. Its potential benefit to the development of user interfaces for intelligent monitors that can assist with the detection and explanation of new, potentially threatening medical events. The proposed hybrid reasoning architecture provides an interactive graphical user interface to adjust the parameters of the analytical methods based on the users' task at hand. The action sequences performed on the graphical user interface by the user are consolidated in a dynamic knowledge base with specific hybrid reasoning that integrates symbolic and connectionist approaches. These sequences of expert knowledge acquisition can be very efficient for making easier knowledge emergence during a similar experience and positively impact the monitoring of critical situations. The provided graphical user interface incorporating a user-centered visual analysis is exploited to facilitate the natural and effective representation of clinical information for patient care

    Gerando redes de conhecimento a partir de descriçÔes de fenótipos

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    Orientadores: AndrĂ© SantanchĂš, JĂșlio CĂ©sar dos ReisDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Diversos sistemas computacionais usam informaçÔes sobre seres vivos, tais como chaves de identificação Âż artefatos criados por biĂłlogos para identificar espĂ©cimes de seres vivos seguindo uma cadeia de questĂ”es acerca das suas caracterĂ­sticas observĂĄveis (fenĂłtipos). Tais questĂ”es estĂŁo em formato de texto livre, por exemplo, "Possui olhos grandes e pre- tos". Contudo, texto livre dificulta a interpretação de informação por mĂĄquinas, limitando sua capacidade de realização de tarefas de busca, integração e comparação de termos. Esta dissertação propĂ”e um mĂ©todo para extrair informação a respeito de fenĂłtipos a partir de textos escritos em linguagem natural, colocando-os no formato de Entidade-Qualidade Âż um formato de dados biolĂłgicos para representar estruturas anatĂŽmicas (Entidade) e o seu modificador (Qualidade). A proposta permite que Entidades e Qualidades, reconhecidas automaticamente a partir de informação do nĂ­vel textual, sejam relacionadas com con- ceitos presentes em ontologias de domĂ­nio. Ela adota ferramentas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural existentes, bem como contribui com novas tĂ©cnicas que exploram as caracterĂ­sticas de escrita e estruturação implĂ­citas em textos presentes nas chaves de iden- tificação. A abordagem foi validada utilizando os dados da base FishBase, sobre a qual foram conduzidos experimentos explorando um conjunto de testes anotado manualmente para avaliar a precisĂŁo e aplicabilidade do mĂ©todo de extração proposto. Os resultados obtidos mostram os benefĂ­cios da tĂ©cnica e possibilidades de estudos cientĂ­ficos utilizando a rede de conhecimento extraĂ­daAbstract: Several computing systems rely on information about living beings, such as identification keys Âż artifacts created by biologists to identify specimens following a flow of questions about their observable characters (phenotype). These questions are described in a free- text format, e.g., "big and black eye". Free-texts hamper the automatic information interpretation by machines, limiting their ability to perform search and comparison of terms, as well as integration tasks. This thesis proposes a method to extract phenotypic information from natural language texts from biology legacy information systems, trans- forming them in an Entity-Quality formalism Âż a format to represent each phenotype character (Entity) and its state (Quality). Our approach aligns automatically recognized Entities and Qualities with domain concepts described in ontologies. It adopts existing Natural Language Processing techniques, adding an extra original step, which exploits intrinsic characteristics of phenotypic descriptions and of the organizational structure of identification keys. The approach was validated over the FishBase data. We conducted extensive experiments based on a manually annotated Gold Standard set to assess the precision and applicability of the proposed extraction method. The obtained results re- veal the feasibility of our technique, its benefits and possibilities of scientific studies using the extracted knowledge networkMestradoCiĂȘncia da ComputaçãoMestre em CiĂȘncia da Computação1406900CAPE

    Exploring Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction for ontology and medical records integration

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    The available natural language data in electronic health records is of noteworthy interest to health research and development. Nevertheless, their manual analysis is not feasible and poses a challenge to accessing valuable information in these records. This paper presents an approach to automatically extract information from these unstructured medical records using Domain Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction, structuring the results through a domain ontology. We developed our work in the oncology domain, an attention-demanding field. The main contribution of this work lies in integrating multiple resources in a complete methodology to accomplish this task. We developed a new entity and relation annotated dataset of medical evolutions in Brazilian Portuguese, containing 1622 documents, 146,769 entities, and 111,716 relations. We attained 78.24 % accuracy for entity and relation extraction in the exams domain. Healthcare specialists evaluated the approach regarding entity recognition and relation extraction positively and considered the methodology valuable to health professionals

    A Semantic Offsite Construction Digital Twin- Offsite Manufacturing Production Workflow (OPW) Ontology

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    Offsite Manufacturing (OSM) is a modern and innovative method of construction with the potential to adopt advanced factory production system through a more structured workflow, standardised products, and the use of robotics for automation. However, there have been challenges in quantifying improvements from the conventional method, which leads to the low uptake. The concept of a digital twin (DT) is useful for OSM, which enables production to be represented virtually and visually including all activities associated with it, resources, and workflow involved. Thus, essential information in the product development process such as cost, time, waste, and environmental impacts can be assessed. However, the data required to have accurate results and better-informed decision-making come from heterogeneous data formats (i.e. spreadsheets and BIM models) and across different domains. The inclusion of semantic web technologies such as Linked Data (LD) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) models has proven to better address these challenges especially in terms of interoperability and unambiguous knowledge systematisation. Through an extensive systematic literature review followed up by a case study, an ontology knowledge structure representing the production workflow for OSM is developed. A real-life use case of a semi-automated production line of wall panel production is used to test and demonstrate the benefits of the semantic digital twin in obtaining cost and time data of the manufacturing for assessment. Results demonstrated the potential capability and power of capturing knowledge for an ontology to assess production workflow in terms of cost, time, carbon footprint thereby enabling more informed decision making for continuous improvements

    CDAO-Store: Ontology-driven Data Integration for Phylogenetic Analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO) </it>is an ontology developed, as part of the EvoInfo and EvoIO groups supported by the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, to provide semantic descriptions of data and transformations commonly found in the domain of phylogenetic analysis. The core concepts of the ontology enable the description of phylogenetic trees and associated character data matrices.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using CDAO as the semantic back-end, we developed a triple-store, named <it>CDAO</it>-<it>Store</it>. CDAO-Store is a RDF-based store of phylogenetic data, including a complete import of TreeBASE. CDAO-Store provides a programmatic interface, in the form of web services, and a web-based front-end, to perform both user-defined as well as domain-specific queries; domain-specific queries include search for nearest common ancestors, minimum spanning clades, filter multiple trees in the store by size, author, taxa, tree identifier, algorithm or method. In addition, CDAO-Store provides a visualization front-end, called <it>CDAO</it>-<it>Explorer</it>, which can be used to view both character data matrices and trees extracted from the CDAO-Store. CDAO-Store provides import capabilities, enabling the addition of new data to the triple-store; files in PHYLIP, MEGA, <monospace>nexml</monospace>, and NEXUS formats can be imported and their CDAO representations added to the triple-store.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CDAO-Store is made up of a versatile and integrated set of tools to support phylogenetic analysis. To the best of our knowledge, CDAO-Store is the first semantically-aware repository of phylogenetic data with domain-specific querying capabilities. The portal to CDAO-Store is available at <url>http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~cdaostore</url>.</p

    Advanced Knowledge Technologies at the Midterm: Tools and Methods for the Semantic Web

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    The University of Edinburgh and research sponsors are authorised to reproduce and distribute reprints and on-line copies for their purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation hereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are the author’s and shouldn’t be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of other parties.In a celebrated essay on the new electronic media, Marshall McLuhan wrote in 1962:Our private senses are not closed systems but are endlessly translated into each other in that experience which we call consciousness. Our extended senses, tools, technologies, through the ages, have been closed systems incapable of interplay or collective awareness. Now, in the electric age, the very instantaneous nature of co-existence among our technological instruments has created a crisis quite new in human history. Our extended faculties and senses now constitute a single field of experience which demands that they become collectively conscious. Our technologies, like our private senses, now demand an interplay and ratio that makes rational co-existence possible. As long as our technologies were as slow as the wheel or the alphabet or money, the fact that they were separate, closed systems was socially and psychically supportable. This is not true now when sight and sound and movement are simultaneous and global in extent. (McLuhan 1962, p.5, emphasis in original)Over forty years later, the seamless interplay that McLuhan demanded between our technologies is still barely visible. McLuhan’s predictions of the spread, and increased importance, of electronic media have of course been borne out, and the worlds of business, science and knowledge storage and transfer have been revolutionised. Yet the integration of electronic systems as open systems remains in its infancy.Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) aims to address this problem, to create a view of knowledge and its management across its lifecycle, to research and create the services and technologies that such unification will require. Half way through its sixyear span, the results are beginning to come through, and this paper will explore some of the services, technologies and methodologies that have been developed. We hope to give a sense in this paper of the potential for the next three years, to discuss the insights and lessons learnt in the first phase of the project, to articulate the challenges and issues that remain.The WWW provided the original context that made the AKT approach to knowledge management (KM) possible. AKT was initially proposed in 1999, it brought together an interdisciplinary consortium with the technological breadth and complementarity to create the conditions for a unified approach to knowledge across its lifecycle. The combination of this expertise, and the time and space afforded the consortium by the IRC structure, suggested the opportunity for a concerted effort to develop an approach to advanced knowledge technologies, based on the WWW as a basic infrastructure.The technological context of AKT altered for the better in the short period between the development of the proposal and the beginning of the project itself with the development of the semantic web (SW), which foresaw much more intelligent manipulation and querying of knowledge. The opportunities that the SW provided for e.g., more intelligent retrieval, put AKT in the centre of information technology innovation and knowledge management services; the AKT skill set would clearly be central for the exploitation of those opportunities.The SW, as an extension of the WWW, provides an interesting set of constraints to the knowledge management services AKT tries to provide. As a medium for the semantically-informed coordination of information, it has suggested a number of ways in which the objectives of AKT can be achieved, most obviously through the provision of knowledge management services delivered over the web as opposed to the creation and provision of technologies to manage knowledge.AKT is working on the assumption that many web services will be developed and provided for users. The KM problem in the near future will be one of deciding which services are needed and of coordinating them. Many of these services will be largely or entirely legacies of the WWW, and so the capabilities of the services will vary. As well as providing useful KM services in their own right, AKT will be aiming to exploit this opportunity, by reasoning over services, brokering between them, and providing essential meta-services for SW knowledge service management.Ontologies will be a crucial tool for the SW. The AKT consortium brings a lot of expertise on ontologies together, and ontologies were always going to be a key part of the strategy. All kinds of knowledge sharing and transfer activities will be mediated by ontologies, and ontology management will be an important enabling task. Different applications will need to cope with inconsistent ontologies, or with the problems that will follow the automatic creation of ontologies (e.g. merging of pre-existing ontologies to create a third). Ontology mapping, and the elimination of conflicts of reference, will be important tasks. All of these issues are discussed along with our proposed technologies.Similarly, specifications of tasks will be used for the deployment of knowledge services over the SW, but in general it cannot be expected that in the medium term there will be standards for task (or service) specifications. The brokering metaservices that are envisaged will have to deal with this heterogeneity.The emerging picture of the SW is one of great opportunity but it will not be a wellordered, certain or consistent environment. It will comprise many repositories of legacy data, outdated and inconsistent stores, and requirements for common understandings across divergent formalisms. There is clearly a role for standards to play to bring much of this context together; AKT is playing a significant role in these efforts. But standards take time to emerge, they take political power to enforce, and they have been known to stifle innovation (in the short term). AKT is keen to understand the balance between principled inference and statistical processing of web content. Logical inference on the Web is tough. Complex queries using traditional AI inference methods bring most distributed computer systems to their knees. Do we set up semantically well-behaved areas of the Web? Is any part of the Web in which semantic hygiene prevails interesting enough to reason in? These and many other questions need to be addressed if we are to provide effective knowledge technologies for our content on the web
