23 research outputs found

    Phishing Detection With Identity Keywords and Target Domain Name

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    This thesis describes the research work carried out to address the problem of phishing detection and the weaknesses in existing anti-phishing methods. Phishing works by luring users to counterfeit websites, where highly confidential credentials are requested. To safeguard Internet users against phishing attacks, a hybrid anti-phishing method consisting of text-based, search engine-based and identity-based methods are proposed, where the differences between the target and actual identities of a webpage are exploited for classification. The proposed method can be divided into three phases. The first phase extracts identity keywords from the textual contents of the website, where a novel weighted URL tokens system based on the N-gram model is proposed. The second phase finds the target domain name by using a search engine, and the target domain name is selected based on identity-relevant features. In the final phase, a 3-tier identity matching system exploits indirect identity relationships to conclude the legitimacy of the query webpage. Experiments were conducted over 10,000 datasets, where true positive rate of 99.68% and true negative rate of 92.52% were achieved. Benchmarking results also suggest that the proposed method achieves comparable overall accuracy with three selected conventional methods. In summary, the proposed method has the key advantage of identifying phishing webpages accurately. This key advantage is highly desirable in anti-phishing applications

    Web-based Secure Application Control

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    The world wide web today serves as a distributed application platform. Its origins, however, go back to a simple delivery network for static hypertexts. The legacy from these days can still be observed in the communication protocol used by increasingly sophisticated clients and applications. This thesis identifies the actual security requirements of modern web applications and shows that HTTP does not fit them: user and application authentication, message integrity and confidentiality, control-flow integrity, and application-to-application authorization. We explore the other protocols in the web stack and work out why they can not fill the gap. Our analysis shows that the underlying problem is the connectionless property of HTTP. However, history shows that a fresh start with web communication is far from realistic. As a consequence, we come up with approaches that contribute to meet the identified requirements. We first present impersonation attack vectors that begin before the actual user authentication, i.e. when secure web interaction and authentication seem to be unnecessary. Session fixation attacks exploit a responsibility mismatch between the web developer and the used web application framework. We describe and compare three countermeasures on different implementation levels: on the source code level, on the framework level, and on the network level as a reverse proxy. Then, we explain how the authentication credentials that are transmitted for the user login, i.e. the password, and for session tracking, i.e. the session cookie, can be complemented by browser-stored and user-based secrets respectively. This way, an attacker can not hijack user accounts only by phishing the user's password because an additional browser-based secret is required for login. Also, the class of well-known session hijacking attacks is mitigated because a secret only known by the user must be provided in order to perform critical actions. In the next step, we explore alternative approaches to static authentication credentials. Our approach implements a trusted UI and a mutually authenticated session using signatures as a means to authenticate requests. This way, it establishes a trusted path between the user and the web application without exchanging reusable authentication credentials. As a downside, this approach requires support on the client side and on the server side in order to provide maximum protection. Another approach avoids client-side support but can not implement a trusted UI and is thus susceptible to phishing and clickjacking attacks. Our approaches described so far increase the security level of all web communication at all time. This is why we investigate adaptive security policies that fit the actual risk instead of permanently restricting all kinds of communication including non-critical requests. We develop a smart browser extension that detects when the user is authenticated on a website meaning that she can be impersonated because all requests carry her identity proof. Uncritical communication, however, is released from restrictions to enable all intended web features. Finally, we focus on attacks targeting a web application's control-flow integrity. We explain them thoroughly, check whether current web application frameworks provide means for protection, and implement two approaches to protect web applications: The first approach is an extension for a web application framework and provides protection based on its configuration by checking all requests for policy conformity. The second approach generates its own policies ad hoc based on the observed web traffic and assuming that regular users only click on links and buttons and fill forms but do not craft requests to protected resources.Das heutige World Wide Web ist eine verteilte Plattform fĂŒr Anwendungen aller Art: von einfachen Webseiten ĂŒber Online Banking, E-Mail, multimediale Unterhaltung bis hin zu intelligenten vernetzten HĂ€usern und StĂ€dten. Seine UrsprĂŒnge liegen allerdings in einem einfachen Netzwerk zur Übermittlung statischer Inhalte auf der Basis von Hypertexten. Diese UrsprĂŒnge lassen sich noch immer im verwendeten Kommunikationsprotokoll HTTP identifizieren. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Sicherheitsanforderungen moderner Web-Anwendungen und zeigen, dass HTTP diese Anforderungen nicht erfĂŒllen kann. Zu diesen Anforderungen gehören die Authentifikation von Benutzern und Anwendungen, die IntegritĂ€t und Vertraulichkeit von Nachrichten, KontrollflussintegritĂ€t und die gegenseitige Autorisierung von Anwendungen. Wir untersuchen die Web-Protokolle auf den unteren Netzwerk-Schichten und zeigen, dass auch sie nicht die Sicherheitsanforderungen erfĂŒllen können. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass das grundlegende Problem in der Verbindungslosigkeit von HTTP zu finden ist. Allerdings hat die Geschichte gezeigt, dass ein Neustart mit einem verbesserten Protokoll keine Option fĂŒr ein gewachsenes System wie das World Wide Web ist. Aus diesem Grund beschĂ€ftigt sich diese Arbeit mit unseren BeitrĂ€gen zu sicherer Web-Kommunikation auf der Basis des existierenden verbindungslosen HTTP. Wir beginnen mit der Beschreibung von Session Fixation-Angriffen, die bereits vor der eigentlichen Anmeldung des Benutzers an der Web-Anwendung beginnen und im Erfolgsfall die temporĂ€re Übernahme des Benutzerkontos erlauben. Wir prĂ€sentieren drei Gegenmaßnahmen, die je nach Eingriffsmöglichkeiten in die Web-Anwendung umgesetzt werden können. Als nĂ€chstes gehen wir auf das Problem ein, dass Zugangsdaten im WWW sowohl zwischen den Teilnehmern zu Authentifikationszwecken kommuniziert werden als auch fĂŒr jeden, der Kenntnis dieser Daten erlangt, wiederverwendbar sind. Unsere AnsĂ€tze binden das Benutzerpasswort an ein im Browser gespeichertes Authentifikationsmerkmal und das sog. Session-Cookie an ein Geheimnis, das nur dem Benutzer und der Web-Anwendung bekannt ist. Auf diese Weise kann ein Angreifer weder ein gestohlenes Passwort noch ein Session-Cookie allein zum Zugriff auf das Benutzerkonto verwenden. Darauffolgend beschreiben wir ein Authentifikationsprotokoll, das vollstĂ€ndig auf die Übermittlung geheimer Zugangsdaten verzichtet. Unser Ansatz implementiert eine vertrauenswĂŒrdige BenutzeroberflĂ€che und wirkt so gegen die Manipulation derselben in herkömmlichen Browsern. WĂ€hrend die bisherigen AnsĂ€tze die Sicherheit jeglicher Web-Kommunikation erhöhen, widmen wir uns der Frage, inwiefern ein intelligenter Browser den Benutzer - wenn nötig - vor Angriffen bewahren kann und - wenn möglich - eine ungehinderte Kommunikation ermöglichen kann. Damit trĂ€gt unser Ansatz zur Akzeptanz von Sicherheitslösungen bei, die ansonsten regelmĂ€ĂŸig als lĂ€stige EinschrĂ€nkungen empfunden werden. Schließlich legen wir den Fokus auf die KontrollflussintegritĂ€t von Web-Anwendungen. Bösartige Benutzer können den Zustand von Anwendungen durch speziell prĂ€parierte Folgen von Anfragen in ihrem Sinne manipulieren. Unsere AnsĂ€tze filtern Benutzeranfragen, die von der Anwendung nicht erwartet wurden, und lassen nur solche Anfragen passieren, die von der Anwendung ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ verarbeitet werden können


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    The latest report by Kaspersky on Spam and Phishing, listed Qatar as one of the top 10 countries by percentage of email phishing and targeted phishing attacks. Since the Qatari economy has grown exponentially and become increasingly global in nature, email phishing and targeted phishing attacks have the capacity to be devastating to the Qatari economy, yet there are no adequate measures put in place such as awareness training programmes to minimise these threats to the state of Qatar. Therefore, this research aims to explore targeted attacks in specific organisations in the state of Qatar by presenting a new technique to prevent targeted attacks. This novel enterprise-wide email phishing detection system has been used by organisations and individuals not only in the state of Qatar but also in organisations in the UK. This detection system is based on domain names by which attackers carefully register domain names which victims trust. The results show that this detection system has proven its ability to reduce email phishing attacks. Moreover, it aims to develop email phishing awareness training techniques specifically designed for the state of Qatar to complement the presented technique in order to increase email phishing awareness, focused on targeted attacks and the content, and reduce the impact of phishing email attacks. This research was carried out by developing an interactive email phishing awareness training website that has been tested by organisations in the state of Qatar. The results of this training programme proved to get effective results by training users on how to spot email phishing and targeted attacks

    Mobile user authentication system (MUAS) for e-commerce applications.

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    The rapid growth of e-commerce has many associated security concerns. Thus, several studies to develop secure online authentication systems have emerged. Most studies begin with the premise that the intermediate network is the primary point of compromise. In this thesis, we assume that the point of compromise lies within the end-host or browser; this security threat is called the man-in-the-browser (MITB) attack. MITB attacks can bypass security measures of public key infrastructures (PKI), as well as encryption mechanisms for secure socket layers and transport layer security (SSL/TLS) protocol. This thesis focuses on developing a system that can circumvent MITB attacks using a two-phase secure-user authentication system, with phases that include challenge and response generation. The proposed system represents the first step in conducting an online business transaction.The proposed authentication system design contributes to protect the confidentiality of the initiating client by requesting minimal and non-confidential information to bypass the MITB attack and transition the authentication mechanism from the infected browser to a mobile-based system via a challenge/response mechanism. The challenge and response generation process depends on validating the submitted information and ensuring the mobile phone legitimacy. Both phases within the MUAS context mitigate the denial-of-service (DOS) attack via registration information, which includes the client’s mobile number and the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the client’s mobile phone.This novel authentication scheme circumvents the MITB attack by utilising the legitimate client’s personal mobile phone as a detached platform to generate the challenge response and conduct business transactions. Although the MITB attacker may have taken over the challenge generation phase by failing to satisfy the required security properties, the response generation phase generates a secure response from the registered legitimate mobile phone by employing security attributes from both phases. Thus, the detached challenge- and response generation phases are logically linked

    The Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape during the Coronavirus Crisis

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    In light of the societal changes wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, this report examines the impact this crisis has had on the general cybersecurity threat landscape during the first two quarters of 2020. This report highlights that the coronavirus pandemic has generated a set of remarkable and psycho-societal, technical, and logistical-economic circumstances upon which malicious actors have capitalized. The analysis of the COVID-19-related cyber threats conducted for this report shows an overarching degree of continuity in terms of the types of attacks, threats actors, and the volume of attacks. Adversarial behavior has, however, changed and evolved in terms of scale, sophistication, targets, and motivation. Based on these findings, this report has developed a range of recommendations for addressing key cybersecurity implications of the pandemic.Vor dem Hintergrund der durch die Corona-Pandemie hervorgerufenen gesellschaftlichen VerĂ€nderungen untersucht dieser Bericht die Auswirkungen dieser Krise auf die allgemeine Bedrohungslage im Bereich der Cybersicherheit in den ersten beiden Quartalen des Jahres 2020. Der Bericht hebt hervor, dass die Corona-Pandemie eine Reihe von bemerkenswerten psycho-sozialen, technischen und logistisch-wirtschaftlichen UmstĂ€nden geschaffen hat, aus denen bösartige Akteure Kapital geschlagen haben. Die fĂŒr diesen Bericht durchgefĂŒhrte Analyse der COVID-19-bedingten Cyberbedrohungen zeigt ein grosses Mass an KontinuitĂ€t im Bezug auf die Arten von Angriffen, die bedrohenden Akteure und das Ausmass der Angriffe. Das Verhalten der Angreifer hat sich jedoch in Bezug auf Umfang, Raffinesse, Ziele und Motivation verĂ€ndert und weiterentwickelt. Basierende auf diesen Erkenntnissen hat dieser Bericht eine Reihe von Empfehlungen entwickelt, um die wichtigsten Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Cybersicherheit anzugehen