5,111 research outputs found

    Real virtuality: emerging technology for virtually recreating reality

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    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    3D Simulation of prints for improved soft proofing

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    A display tool has been developed to perform simulation and three-dimensional rendering of prints in the quest towards achieving improved soft proofing capabilities. It was desired through this 3D simulation that the gloss and surface properties of hard-copy prints be represented on a display, which are absent in current 2D soft proofing workflows. The procedure is described along with the relevant historical work. The major components of the workflow are identified as: the gloss prediction model, and the representation of this gloss on a display using computer graphics rendering techniques. Psychophysical experiments were carried out to evaluate the usefulness of this 3D simulation over current 2D soft proofing technique

    How can Extended Reality Help Individuals with Depth Misperception?

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    Despite the recent actual uses of Extended Reality (XR) in treatment of patients, some areas are less explored. One gap in research is how XR can improve depth perception for patients. Accordingly, the depth perception process in XR settings and in human vision are explored and trackers, visual sensors, and displays as assistive tools of XR settings are scrutinized to extract their potentials in influencing users’ depth perception experience. Depth perception enhancement is relying not only on depth perception algorithms, but also on visualization algorithms, display new technologies, computation power enhancements, and vision apparatus neural mechanism knowledge advancements. Finally, it is discussed that XR holds assistive features not only for the improvement of vision impairments but also for the diagnosis part. Although, each specific patient requires a specific set of XR setting due to different neural or cognition reactions in different individuals with same the disease

    FAST: A multi-processed environment for visualization of computational fluid dynamics

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    Three-dimensional, unsteady, multi-zoned fluid dynamics simulations over full scale aircraft are typical of the problems being investigated at NASA Ames' Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) facility on CRAY2 and CRAY-YMP supercomputers. With multiple processor workstations available in the 10-30 Mflop range, we feel that these new developments in scientific computing warrant a new approach to the design and implementation of analysis tools. These larger, more complex problems create a need for new visualization techniques not possible with the existing software or systems available as of this writing. The visualization techniques will change as the supercomputing environment, and hence the scientific methods employed, evolves even further. The Flow Analysis Software Toolkit (FAST), an implementation of a software system for fluid mechanics analysis, is discussed

    Critters in the Classroom: A 3D Computer-Game-Like Tool for Teaching Programming to Computer Animation Students

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    The brewing crisis threatening computer science education is a well documented fact. To counter this and to increase enrolment and retention in computer science related degrees, it has been suggested to make programming "more fun" and to offer "multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary programs" [Carter 2006]. The Computer Visualisation and Animation undergraduate degree at the National Centre for Computer Animation (Bournemouth University) is such a programme. Computer programming forms an integral part of the curriculum of this technical arts degree, and as educators we constantly face the challenge of having to encourage our students to engage with the subject. We intend to address this with our C-Sheep system, a reimagination of the "Karel the Robot" teaching tool [Pattis 1981], using modern 3D computer game graphics that today's students are familiar with. This provides a game-like setting for writing computer programs, using a task-specific set of instructions which allow users to take control of virtual entities acting within a micro world, effectively providing a graphical representation of the algorithms used. Whereas two decades ago, students would be intrigued by a 2D top-down representation of the micro world, the lack of the visual gimmickry found in modern computer games for representing the virtual world now makes it extremely difficult to maintain the interest of students from today's "Plug&Play generation". It is therefore especially important to aim for a 3D game-like representation which is "attractive and highly motivating to today's generation of media-conscious students" [Moskal et al. 2004]. Our system uses a modern, platform independent games engine, capable of presenting a visually rich virtual environment using a state of the art rendering engine of a type usually found in entertainment systems. Our aim is to entice students to spend more time programming, by providing them with an enjoyable experience. This paper provides a discussion of the 3D computer game technology employed in our system and presents examples of how this can be exploited to provide engaging exercises to create a rewarding learning experience for our students

    Spatial audio in small display screen devices

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    Our work addresses the problem of (visual) clutter in mobile device interfaces. The solution we propose involves the translation of technique-from the graphical to the audio domain-for expliting space in information representation. This article presents an illustrative example in the form of a spatialisedaudio progress bar. In usability tests, participants performed background monitoring tasks significantly more accurately using this spatialised audio (a compared with a conventional visual) progress bar. Moreover, their performance in a simultaneously running, visually demanding foreground task was significantly improved in the eye-free monitoring condition. These results have important implications for the design of multi-tasking interfaces for mobile devices

    Aircraft geometry verification with enhanced computer generated displays

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    A method for visual verification of aerodynamic geometries using computer generated, color shaded images is described. The mathematical models representing aircraft geometries are created for use in theoretical aerodynamic analyses and in computer aided manufacturing. The aerodynamic shapes are defined using parametric bi-cubic splined patches. This mathematical representation is then used as input to an algorithm that generates a color shaded image of the geometry. A discussion of the techniques used in the mathematical representation of the geometry and in the rendering of the color shaded display is presented. The results include examples of color shaded displays, which are contrasted with wire frame type displays. The examples also show the use of mapped surface pressures in terms of color shaded images of V/STOL fighter/attack aircraft and advanced turboprop aircraft

    A white paper: NASA virtual environment research, applications, and technology

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    Research support for Virtual Environment technology development has been a part of NASA's human factors research program since 1985. Under the auspices of the Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology (OAST), initial funding was provided to the Aerospace Human Factors Research Division, Ames Research Center, which resulted in the origination of this technology. Since 1985, other Centers have begun using and developing this technology. At each research and space flight center, NASA missions have been major drivers of the technology. This White Paper was the joint effort of all the Centers which have been involved in the development of technology and its applications to their unique missions. Appendix A is the list of those who have worked to prepare the document, directed by Dr. Cynthia H. Null, Ames Research Center, and Dr. James P. Jenkins, NASA Headquarters. This White Paper describes the technology and its applications in NASA Centers (Chapters 1, 2 and 3), the potential roles it can take in NASA (Chapters 4 and 5), and a roadmap of the next 5 years (FY 1994-1998). The audience for this White Paper consists of managers, engineers, scientists and the general public with an interest in Virtual Environment technology. Those who read the paper will determine whether this roadmap, or others, are to be followed